Ecstasy Claimed (The Guardians Of The Realms Series)

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Ecstasy Claimed (The Guardians Of The Realms Series) Page 14

by Jay, Setta

  He looked done at her with furrowed brows. They were getting each other’s emotions, more and more. He opened the door and led her inside, tucking her tight into his side when they were in a big room with couches and a wall size TV. His heat settled her. Bastian and Sacha, the darkly beautiful Kairos, came to greet her first with Brianne, a vibrant redheaded Geraki. Brianne had on a brown leather halter top that left her back free. From what she knew of the race, Geraki did not like their backs covered, even when their wings were retracted. They were not common in Lofodes, but she’d met a few in the Emfanisis she’d attended, and of course, there were Kerr and Morgan in Paradeisos.

  Gregoire had just introduced her as his mate. His deep rumble against her side did things to her body, and she felt tingles running along her skin at the sheer headiness of being introduced as his. They all smiled warmly, and Brianne made an excited noise and moved to hug her, but Gregoire would not let her loose from his side.

  Brianne raised an eyebrow, and then burst out laughing. Her laughter filled the room, and Alyssa couldn’t help but grin as well. Gregoire was being ridiculous, but something inside thrilled that he’d taken possessiveness to a whole new level. He scowled at them all, and she felt his arm tense around her. She looked up at him and put her hand against his tense abdomen. He looked down at her fiercely. She wondered if her emotions were messing with his instincts. She smiled up at him, and he eased his hold but didn’t let go. Instead, he lifted her up into his arms so that she was level with his mouth. He took her lips in a soft seduction that made everything around them fall away. She reveled in his strength and touch. Her arms came around his neck, and she held on as their tongues tangled.

  “Again?” Rain’s voice penetrated her aroused daze, and Gregoire’s irritated grunt indicated he’d heard her as well. She started chuckling against his lips, and he peered into her eyes. His forest eyes held something beautiful and intense, maybe with a touch of arrogance. She was getting used to his slight facial indications, tuning to him, or maybe she was feeling some of his emotion. It was too hard to tell.

  He set her on her feet, and she heard the others talking around her again. She met Conn, the amber-eyed half wolf next. She liked him instantly. There was a warmth and playfulness about him. He was the type of male used to setting people at ease, maybe before pouncing on them. She stifled a grin. Gregoire’s little show had somehow relaxed her. Conn was gorgeous like Bastian and the two females. Of course they were… Immortals were attractive as a rule, but Guardians were nearly Gods, and their powers filled the room around them.

  She had a moment of panicked insecurity at being in a room of such powerful beings.

  She looked over at Rain and saw her friend’s brow furrow, indicating Alyssa’s face was showing her thoughts. Gregoire squeezed her side, and she started to calm.

  “I’ll find you after the meeting. Go with your friend.”

  She’d obviously missed a good portion of what they’d said. Before she could respond, she was lifted up and kissed as if he were leaving for days not hours. He left no recess unexplored, and she was wet and wanting by the time he set her down. She felt dazed and heated.

  I love the fucking scent of you wet and hungry for my cock. I won’t be long. His words rumbled through the link, setting off even more heat in her. Then he was out the door. The room was empty except for Rain, who was laughing and shaking her head. She felt cheated, bastard. Alyssa hadn’t heard anything; she’d been completely taken over by him. She had to shake off the arousal before her friend grilled her for details on what had been going on.

  Chapter 22

  Guardian Compound, Tetartos Realm

  Gregoire gritted his teeth hard. He hadn’t wanted to release Alyssa from his side. The mingling of their life forces was distracting and making him possessive as hell. When Brianne had come forward to hug her, he couldn’t make himself let her go. The thought of anyone touching her set him off, it didn’t matter that Brianne was female or that she was his sister Guardian. He shook his head.

  He’d loved making her wet, knowing they’d smell just how much she wanted him. The fucking scent was incredible, and letting them get a hint of that fucking ambrosia had nearly gotten him off. The thought of baring her and fucking her in that room was almost too much temptation to resist. Now, he was stuck waiting for a damn meeting instead of being deep inside her cunt.

  She’d worn a low-cut peach tank top that set off her golden skin and tiny tan shorts that he’d wanted to rip from her body. Her small stature had made it so he could look down and see the gorgeous swells and deep crevice of her cleavage, making him want to bury his face and cock there. He hated that every blushing mark he made on her soft skin had faded with her Immortal healing. Fuck, all he imagined doing was marking her skin and slamming her hard on his cock on display for their entire world to see.

  He sprawled into a chair in the war room, hard as steel. He, Bastian, Sacha and Conn were the first to arrive. Dorian came in and pulled up the chair next to his. Alex, Uri’s mate, and her brother Vane had walked in a few minutes later. Slowly all of the other Guardians had taken their seats while Drake started. Gregoire barely heard his leader’s words. He’d been reporting the same thing for centuries. The Gods were still sleeping. Drake personally monitored them to ensure that never changed.

  Dorian shifted in the seat next to him. The Nereid kept looking around the room. Gregoire wasn’t sure what was agitating him.

  Drake’s voice was a low boom as he spoke to Uri, bringing Gregoire’s attention back to the meeting. “Tell the others what you’ve learned about the containment spell from Tetartos.”

  “Havoc is still able to get to Earth with a passenger. If it ever got out that he can do that, it would be a fuckfest here.” The others nodded. Uri’s hellhound was proving to be an asset.

  “We still don’t know exactly why he can travel to so many Realms when other hell beasts seem only able to get to the nearest Realms. Sirena said it didn’t have anything to do with my blood, but it could be a mix of things, including that,” Uri added.

  Sirena spoke up. “I’m still trying to figure it out. I don’t dare test on a hellhound that was sent over by the Tria, since the beasts are all blood-bonded to the demons. The bastards might figure out what I was doing. It’s also interesting that Havoc can get out of the confinement spell with a passenger, but again, I don’t have any way to see if it’s unique to him.” She sat back in her chair, her fifties look was complete with horn-rimmed glasses that she didn’t need. She paused before adding, “I don’t even know how to figure out why Havoc is able to take a passenger. If Alex hadn’t experienced that knowing, we might never have realized it was possible.”

  “Alex, have you gotten through the confinement spell again?” Sirena asked Alex. She was sitting next to Uri, her dark hair in a ponytail, sapphire eyes shining. Gregoire felt their mingling powers even across the table.

  “So far I can’t get back through to Earth on my own. It feels like I might be close. I just need more practice.” She had a determined set to her eyes as she spoke the words.

  Uri looked less than thrilled. “Even if she does get through, she might not be able to take out demon possessed like she used to. If she gets my Guardian abilities, who’s to say she won’t be bound by the curse?” his brother said through clenched teeth.

  “I’m sure I’ll figure it out pretty quick,” she said, cocking her brow at her mate.

  Uri shook his head in irritation. Alex was a warrior at heart, and her reckless streak drove Uri crazy.

  Gregoire repressed a grin at his brother’s irritation. He noticed Vane smirking across the table, no doubt enjoying that his sister was tormenting her mate.

  He pondered his own mating. They needed to complete it soon, but he wasn’t looking forward to the blood bonding. He sat there grinding his teeth. There was no way around her seeing his past, and that grated on his nerves. She was too damn innocent for some of the horrors he’d seen.

  “Vane or Si
rena, any news on Erik?” Drake asked.

  “Sam’s still with him at Conn’s villa. I’m still surprised the little mortal was able to teleport herself there. Things seem okay for now,” Vane said before leaning back in his chair.

  Gregoire caught a heated glance the male sent in Brianne’s direction a moment later. He raised a brow at the catch in Brianne’s breathing. If he hadn’t liked Vane so much, he would not have handled that look to his sister well at all. He may owe Vane for getting him out of Mageia hands the week before, but he wasn’t sure just how far the debt went. Gregoire noticed Dorian stiffen next to him. A glance at the Nereid confirmed Dorian had also seen the interaction. His muscles were tense as he glared in Vane’s direction. They all liked Vane, but Brianne was their sister, and even though they were all very aware that she was capable of taking care of herself, that didn’t mean the Guardian males were any less protective. In the early years, that protectiveness had gotten every one of them bloodied by Sirena, Sacha and Brianne. It was for that reason he would not be having a chat with Vane, yet.

  “This is good, but they still need to finish what Cyril started for her mortality. It’s that or they start the process all over again.” He could see that Sirena’s announcement killed a little of Alex and Vane’s joy. Being filled with Aletheia semen was one step in the process for a mate to gain Immortality, and that had been done before Sam’s rescue. Uri pulled Alex’s chair even closer to his and tucked her further under his arm. Alex was close to her brothers; it had been the three of them together avoiding exile to Tetartos for centuries. He did not envy Uri.

  Drake’s voice rocked through the quiet that had descended. “What have we found on the breach in Lofodes?”

  Uri’s jaw tensed. “It was some sort of deteriorating spell on the shielding for the city. Adras went through the hidden video surveillance on the wall and rounded up anyone that passed the area in the last few days. It seems that we, in fact, have a problem. It was caused by a Mageia that Cyril gave the spell to. Alan McDowell, Earth Elemental Mageia around sixty years old, brought over when he was twenty. No family. His memories confirmed that he was to blame. He’s bitter, felt coerced into coming to this Realm. He was angered when he did not find a mate and Immortality, though it wasn’t like he knew that was an option he chose to relocate here. Sirena never tells Earth Mageias about the potential of Immortality. He’s just an old fucking idiot. Cyril’s people had him convinced that he could make the male more powerful and give him youth after he completed the task. He didn’t count on the city’s lockdown, and he didn’t know that there were hidden cameras throughout Lofodes.” Uri shook his head in annoyance.

  “We also checked the bitch that went after Gregoire’s mate in Paradeisos. Cyril was behind that, too.”

  A rumbling from his brothers started. They were nearly as outraged as he was that Cyril had tracked his mate so quickly after word leaked from one of the females Tynan had taken to his bed.

  Once the others finally settled down, Uri gave them the information they sought. “We checked her mind and confirmed that she heard Gregoire telling Tynan to watch over Alyssa while he went to the breach in Lofodes. Elizabeth planted the seed in her mind, months ago, that Cyril was close to ending the Mating Curse and that any information provided would gain loyalty with him. The bitch believed her. The female was born in the labs, but just barely into her majority when they fell. She’s a spoiled bitch that lives in the city of Efcharistisi. She just arrived at the island and was enjoying the amenities. Tynan said to inform you that he intends to start doing mental scans on all of the guests before permitting them entrance into the resort. He expressed his apologies and offered to help in any way possible. He was not happy that something like that happened at his resort.”

  More talk filled the air, and Gregoire tuned out most of it. He was getting restless, wondering what Alyssa was doing. He wanted to spread her wide and eat that sweet little pussy again. Her scent was still in his nose, and he wanted it all over his lips and cock.


  “Out with it. When you left with him, the media room was so hot I almost jumped Tynan. So?” Rain had taken Alyssa to the big bedroom that was given to her. It was beautiful with dark wood and eggplant walls. A fireplace and seating arrangement were to the side. That was where they were curled up while chatting. Alyssa grinned at her friend and told her some of the details.

  “I’m really happy for you. That mountain of a Guardian looks at you in the way you deserve,” Rain said with genuine warmth in her aqua eyes. “You’ve been hiding from the world long enough. I’m glad you’ve come out and started living. You needed something to shake up your solitary existence, and he definitely fits the bill.”

  “Thanks. How is it here?”

  “Everything’s been fine. I’m still trying to get settled. Conn took me to check on my parents and the shop, so I picked up some things. Mrs. Lewis decided to keep the store open. I told her it would be fine if she wanted to spend time with her family, but she said it gave her something to keep her mind off the scare. The attack shook everyone up, but they seem to be okay otherwise. I can’t believe it happened,” she said, shaking her head. “My mom said the city’s alarms started going off when the hell beasts hit the hill. It was the few inhabitants that didn’t heed the sound that got injured or killed. So sad. The Guardians and your parents’ warriors took out the threat pretty quickly, from what mom and dad said.” Rain’s features were tight, remnants of worry for her family. Rain’s parents were sweet and scholarly. Her friend liked to shake them up a bit with her humor, but they all loved each other. There were many layers to Rain that her friend never let the outside world see.

  Gregoire had told her about the breach, so they’d spoken a little about it on the way to Rain’s room.

  Rain rolled her neck before talking again. “Drake laid down the law and said I would live here. First, he said he didn’t feel it was safe for me to continue living in the city, and then we had a little discussion about the running of my shop.”

  Alyssa could see from the stubborn glint to her friend’s eyes that she’d missed an entertaining conversation. She laughed imagining the huge leader of the Guardians going up against her tiny Mageia friend. Rain was stubborn as hell. Yes, she enjoyed her life and greeted new experiences with open arms, but she loved that shop. That particular thought took away some of Alyssa’s amusement.

  “What’d you say to him?” Alyssa cocked a brow in inquiry.

  “I might have gotten a little heated when he suggested I close my own damn business… Did you know that smoke comes out of his mouth when he’s annoyed? I would have peed myself if Conn hadn’t started laughing,” her friend said, shaking her head. “Don’t worry, it’s all fine now. He explained that I could be in danger with my connection to you and the Guardians.”

  Alyssa’s face fell.

  “Don’t get that look. This is not a big deal. I guess I could dump your ass like a sour batch of cabbage, but damn, after all the clothes you’ve made me over the years I probably owe you at least a little suffering.” She sighed dramatically and chuckled a little, but Alyssa still felt crappy that her friend’s life was being screwed with because of her.

  “I’ve already figured it out. I have a temporary plan. Contrary to what that big bad-assed dragon thinks, I’m not stupid. It truly amazes me that these big males think that just because I’m mortal and a little on the petite side that I have no brain.” She shook her head in annoyance as Alyssa laughed.

  “What’d you figure out?” she ventured, trying to come up with some solutions of her own to help out with the situation. Unlike Rain, who had a shop, Alyssa was able to run her business from anywhere.

  “Well, they’re right, no matter how bad it tastes to say those words. The Guardians are careful in their dealings on Tetartos for a reason. There are those who believe the Guardians can get them out of the Realm. It really is shitty. After all they do to help the inhabitants here.” Rain shook her head, looking thorough
ly disgusted. “I know Astrid gets my stock for the shop through them. She hasn’t told me exactly how it works, and I really don’t care other than I can get what my customers and I want and am able to turn a profit. That being said, I wouldn’t want some idiot trying to use me to get to you. I crunched the numbers, and I can afford to hire someone to work the store for a bit. I know Mrs. Lewis likes the part-time work, but I really need to find someone that needs a place to live too. That way I could trade room and board for work at a smaller wage. I think I can get by with that, and I have a couple of people in mind. It won’t really leave me much, but since I need to find another occupation, that particular problem should solve itself.”

  Rain chewed on her bottom lip as she looked off, thinking. Alyssa had a lot of respect for her friend’s ability to go with things. “If the big-ass dragon demands I live here, fine. I would have offered rent, but since he annoyed me with his assumptions about my mental capacity, no rent for him.” That would likely change. Rain would eventually find another way to make the Guardian leader suffer since he probably didn’t need the money. Alyssa chuckled.

  “Well, you’re welcome to be my assistant. I still need to talk to Gregoire about where to set up my stuff once I get it from my parents’ house, but there is plenty of work, my lingerie designs have been selling really well,” she offered.

  Rain cringed. “Sorry, Lis, I don’t think there is enough booze or money for that. I honestly don’t think I’d be capable of sewing a straight stitch. You’d hate me in days.”

  “There are plenty of things to do besides that.”


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