Ecstasy Claimed (The Guardians Of The Realms Series)

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Ecstasy Claimed (The Guardians Of The Realms Series) Page 20

by Jay, Setta

  “On other news, Erik and Sam were mated last evening.”

  The room erupted with conversation until Sirena explained what happened. That Sam had sickened from using Erik’s power, and they’d needed to complete the ceremony quickly.

  “Back!” Uri shouted, and he acted on instinct, getting his mate back and behind him. Everyone ported from the table to the back of the room at Uri’s warning. The Guardians knew all too well what Alex’s shield could do and what it meant.

  “Shit,” Vane said, running his fingers through his long hair. Both Alex and Uri were on the floor, a translucent shield covering their bodies. Chairs had launched away from them and toppled to the floor, leaving them in an empty space.

  No one else spoke as he brought Alyssa into his side. What’s going on? she asked.

  Remember when I told you about Alex’s ability to hop into others’ minds.

  She nodded.

  That’s likely what’s happening.

  How long will they be there?

  I’ve never seen it happen. We’re all just waiting.

  Uri had once said that there was little warning when the power ignited. Their abilities were definitely melding, it would likely take a year for the powers to set in, and it had been less than a couple of weeks since it all started.

  After long minutes where everyone seemed at a loss of what to do, the shield finally dissipated. “Fuck!” was all Uri said as he lifted his mate into his arms. Her delicate face looked pale and furious. To be forced to suffer with the victims and be unable to do anything would be an infuriating experience that Gregoire wouldn’t wish on anyone.

  “Suffice it to say, Cyril has a new serum he has injected into one of the females. We didn’t get much but the pain of her fighting whatever the fuck was in it. I was able to get a little into her mind and saw that the Aletheia have already raped her. So far that was the only part she was conscious for, other than the injection he fucking gave her that is like fire in her veins. We weren’t able to figure out where she is; she wasn’t conscious when he brought her there. It’s a cave system. That much she can see from the cell. Shit, that was so fucked up. Alex and I are going to need energy if we’re going to have any success trying to get back to her.”

  Gregoire could see his brother Guardian was exhausted and tense. Uri’s jaw was tight, and he held Alex in his arms. They were at least able to delve some into the female’s mind, which was an improvement. Alex used to only see what was happening as it occurred or if it was spoken in the victim’s forethoughts.

  “Go.” Drake’s jaw was clenched tight, and smoke was billowing around him now. His dragon was not pleased; smoke filtered out of his lips, causing Conn to telekinetically kick up the exhaust fan. It happened enough there was a routine set in place. Gregoire rubbed a thumb along Alyssa’s waist as Uri and Alex exited the room.

  “Everyone, get going. Do spot patrols, and make sure to get some fucking rest and energy. We will hopefully have a fix for the cities’ shields soon and who the fuck knows what will come of Alex’s contact with the female.”

  “I wish I knew who she went to. I’m really hoping it’s not Delia, but no one deserves what he’s putting the poor female through.” Alyssa’s eyes shone with concern.

  “I need to talk to Drake and patrol. I won’t be gone long if you want to stay and spend some time with Rain.” He didn’t fucking want to leave her but, shit. He had a really bad feeling things were going to get worse.

  Chapter 33

  Guardian Compound, Tetartos Realm

  Sam stretched her arms over her head. She felt incredible. She hadn’t realized how drained she had been getting. It seemed like it had gotten ugly so fast, but looking back, she had been getting more and more tired well before hitting bottom. She assumed it was just the crazy amounts of sex. She knew she was overdoing using the powers, but she was dying to feel stronger.

  She felt Erik’s weight next to hers and opened her eyes. She inhaled deeply. He smelled incredible, and she wanted to lick his skin. They were back in their suite at the manor. He was on his side, one hand propping up his dark head so that he could stare at her with those enthralling icy-blue eyes.

  “Morning,” she said with a grin.

  “How are you feeling?” His eyes were full of concern. He’d been so worried about her during the consummation. He’d gently loved her in every way possible, but he’d been incredibly careful.

  “Really good.” She smiled up into his gorgeous face. The memories of all of the things they had done made her head spin.

  The blood bonding had been painful, yet cleansing somehow for her. She had seen so much in his memories and come back to herself secure in his strong tensed arms. Rage had poured through their link. Sharing the memories of what happened to her was horrible for him. They’d held each other and talked for a long time. That was when he had shared exactly what they would need to do physically to complete the bond. Her pussy had wept for him, and she worked hard to alleviate his upset in the most enjoyable of ways. With her mouth on his flesh. His thick muscled body had been so tight with pent-up need. For her. It was wanton and freeing, even while he’d attempted to restrain himself. They’d spent the night replacing bad memories with nothing but pure undiluted pleasure and beauty. She loved him so deeply it didn’t seem possible.

  “We should get fueled so that you know what it’s like for an Immortal.” His voice was so low and sexy. His lips met hers, and she melted into his taste. It was intense, just like his scent, so much more potent and alluring. Her core pulsed, and her skin tingled like it was tracking his touch. He was hers for eternity. She felt strong, like she could accomplish anything. She flipped him over and straddled him, grinning wide.

  “I feel wild inside. I can’t explain it,” she said, and his eyes searched hers, assessing.

  “Let me in, so I can see what you’re feeling.”

  She sighed and let him inside her mind; the sensation of him inside her head was beyond incredible.

  There was wildness in her, though, that needed out. She wanted to play. She wanted to make love and roll around with him.

  “It’s your cat.” His voice was a mix of satisfaction and concern. The thought of transforming was intoxicating and scary as shit. What if she couldn’t do? Or she did and got stuck; had that ever happened?

  “Shh, I’m here. I’ll get you through it, and you’ll be fine.” His voice soothed as he sat up. “No one has gotten stuck, Sirena assured me. You won’t be alone, focus on me.” He was still in her mind, relaxing her with his presence. She’d known this would happen and had been looking forward to it, but now that it was real, she felt panic eat at her.

  “You’ll still be you. You’ll know everything that’s going on. I’m going to help you through it. Feel me, and I’ll show you what to do,” he said, and she took a deep breath. His hands were on her face, and he stared into her eyes, grounding her as his mind walked her through. He loved her.

  “I do love you, and I’ll never let anything bad happen again.” He growled, his icy gaze growing fierce. “It’s okay, don’t fight it. I can feel your instincts working for you, telling you what to do. Let go, and fall into me.”

  She struggled to do what he said. It was like she was split in two. One half wanting freedom, the other fighting for control. She took a deep breath and relaxed, feeling only Erik, knowing he’d never let her lose herself. Her body needed it, needed the release she felt coming. It was like everything vibrated around her, and she was whirling, almost like teleporting, a million pieces and then one again, but so different.

  “Gods, Sam, you’re beautiful.” He looked at her with soft icy eyes, and then his fingers ran over her head, but she felt so much more. He smelled intoxicating, and she wanted it all over her. She tilted her big head, pushing her face into his hand. He ran his palms over her neck and down her back until her body shivered in delight. The sensation was intense and needy. She rubbed her face against his, wanting to have him all over her. It was so good, sc
ary good. She pushed at him, and he grinned at her. He hadn’t budged, and the knowledge of his strength was setting her off in a disturbing way. She saw pride and humor shining in his eyes, and she took a big huffing breath.

  You’ll need to mind speak when you’re in cat form, beautiful. Your fur is incredibly silky. I hadn’t realized how it felt like this.

  Her heart rate was accelerating again. She tried to fight past it.

  It feels right somehow to be on all fours. That didn’t come out right, and I see your lips twitching, she responded to his chuckling inside her mind.

  She tried for deep breaths to calm herself. It was scary and amazing, but fear was winning. I’m still panicking. Can you help me get back so I know I can do it? It helps having you with me, but I think I just need to know I can get back, she said, trying hard to calm down. She was excited to have the abilities, knowing that she finally had the strength to protect herself, but it was all so new, and what little bravery she had was faltering.

  He continued rubbing her body, and his eyes held such love that she settled. “Follow my lead,” he said, and she found the spot inside where it all stemmed from and pushed herself back through; the same feelings assailed her as the first transformation. As soon as she was back, he caught her up in his arms and held her as her body shook from the adrenaline spike. “I’ve got you. You did really great. Just breathe now and let me hold you.” His chest was warm and comforting against her cheek. She held on tight, her hands running over his muscles, wanting to rub herself all over him.

  She finally evened out a little, but the wildness was still there. “I still feel that crazed caffeine high. The need to go back. Will I always feel like that?” she asked into his chest.

  “Usually it happens after several days or a week of keeping it locked up. You’ll feel better once you let it run for a bit.”

  Shit, she was going to go insane before she got used to it.

  “I think you need to let her out. It’s only going to get worse until you do. I’ll take you running in the forest.” He held her as she relaxed a little, but she felt that same need. She just needed to let it free, he felt that instinct, but damn, the knee-jerk reaction was to stay in the form she knew, the one she understood and was real to her.

  “It’ll all be real; it’s a big adjustment. I can’t even imagine. Your courage and strength shocks me at every turn, beautiful.” He kissed her forehead and kept her tucked into his body.

  He spoke again. “I’ve never been without my other form, so it’s natural for me. I can’t imagine what it’s like without it. Someday you’ll feel the same.” He kissed her forehead. “Do you want to try again? This time I’ll change with you. Your lioness has needs.” Her face reddened as he chuckled.

  “She’s gorgeous, just as you are. Regal.” He put his hand on her chin and tilted her face up; he searched her eyes. “I know it’s a completely new world for you. Let your instincts guide you, they will not let you down, and don’t be embarrassed. I know she wants me all over her. She knows I’m hers, and he wants me to show her I’m worthy. It’s animal instinct. I don’t want you to be scared of anything you feel or need in either form. Let’s start with a run through the forest. I want to stay in your mind. My beast is dying to get out now and scent her.”

  God, it was all so much. He was right. Her pussy clenched, and she wanted him, but her lioness was beating to be let loose again. Shit, she was an animal, one that wanted to be claimed and dominated by her mate. Her breath caught. The need was only getting worse; she needed to finish it. She took a bracing breath and nodded at him. His eyes heated, and the roiling sensation started; she knew she was going to do it.

  Chapter 34

  Cyril’s Hidden Lab, Tetartos Realm

  His formula worked so well the effects were making his cock twitch. The pheromones his Mageia was putting off were highly potent. It had been a full evening of waiting for the mating to complete. He hadn’t liked that. Cyril gazed into the cell to see Delia curled naked into the sleeping body of one of his Lykos. His big body cradled the small titian-haired female. Her skin was a pale pink, and the eyes that were closed to him now had been as unique as her power. A brilliant copper that had gone wide in shocked pain when he injected her. They’d grown even wider when he’d sent the wolf in hours later.

  The spelled pheromones he used in the formula were meant to deceive an Immortal’s system into thinking they’d found their mate. He inhaled deeply. The scent was doing exactly that. His cock stiffened further. He would enjoy fucking her, claiming her as his own. She would never be permitted to be around anyone else, forever hidden and chained for his use. He did not want to take the chance that others would attempt to claim her, take what powers melded with their joining. From this day forth she would be his and only his.

  The scent was intoxicating. Looking back, he should have known the other formulas were useless by scent alone. There had only ever been a mild draw, not this potent craving he was feeling now.

  He looked at the Lykos. Phelan had always been one of his weaker warriors, a fact that made him the perfect test subject. He would never have made this attempt on one of his stronger males. Partially because he would never give a strong warrior the potential to exceed his power, but he also didn’t believe in wasting good resources. Phalen would be put down with no major loss to his ranks. Cyril cocked his head as he watched them. She was curled into the male’s body as if she trusted him. He narrowed his eyes. Phelan was nowhere near strong enough to protect her. She would learn that soon enough.

  He wanted to see how she responded once he claimed her. She had already gone through the process of becoming an Immortal, cemented when she mated the wolf. With the Lykos’ claim, she would not only have her ability but his as well. Telekinetic abilities were strong with the race, so it would be interesting to see how that manifested. She should be able to change form. He did not yet know if, after mating her, he would be able to take the wolf form. The Immortal races did not blend. His father had learned that early on in his experiments on the original Immortals. They were only able to mate and reproduce with one of their own species or a mortal Mageia of any ability. It looked like his formula voided that since he felt a definite mating frenzy boiling under his skin. It didn’t matter that she may get the Lykos form.

  The potentials were innumerable, but he wouldn’t think about other testing, his cock would not allow it. He needed to claim her. First, he needed to dispose of the wolf. He did not like the way his female was curled into the bastard.

  He would put down this warrior. Claiming her wasn’t an option. His senses and cock were beating at him to do it. He hadn’t truly anticipated the need he was feeling. She was his.

  He couldn’t wait to add Subject Nine to his collection. The Guardians would eventually release her into the capable hands of the Covens. Then he would find a way to get her. If he had power over metal, the potential could be monumental. He would never again concern himself with being cuffed. Metal would no longer dampen his abilities, and he could potentially go anywhere. There would be no holding him back. Teleporting through metal was a tantalizing possibility. A shiver ran through his body. Things were definitely looking up.

  The two stirred as he clicked open the cell door. The wolf gained his feet instantly, looking at Cyril with the golden gaze of his animal. His instinct no doubt informing him he was in danger. Phalen quickly put the shaking female behind him, and he stood to his full height. His animal side needed to protect its mate. Cyril got close enough that he stopped the male’s heart.

  An ear-piercing scream rent the cell. It was coming from the female. Phalen was on the floor now, the redhead practically on top of him. She looked up with a positively feral glint in her eyes as she launched herself, claws extended. She got in a bit of a slice to Cyril’s stomach before he backhanded her into the cell wall. She was fortunate he did not do more damage, but he was in a good mood. He would enjoy playing rough with her. He began securing her flushed body with cuffs he’
d brought with him. Clicked one on her small wrist, then pulled the connection through the metal bar of the cell. He wanted her to see this. See that he was her master. She fought, even burned him with her flames before he got the second delicate wrist secured. Phalen writhed on the ground while his body worked to even out his heartbeat.

  The wolf finally gained his feet just as Cyril clicked the other cuff shut. Cyril used his power to shut down the male’s heart again. Once the Lykos was back down, he was forced to listen to the damn female scream as she fought the cuffs. His cock twitched in response to her spirit, but the noise was grating on his nerves.

  “I would not irritate me further. It could make for a highly unpleasant mating.” The menace he infused into his words was enough to make her cry out in pain. He rarely used the ability he had with his voice. It was not one of his more efficient abilities. It tended to burn energies too rapidly for his liking, but it was always a good to show his full range of power. It generally made them wary from the start. He sighed and shook his head when he still heard the clicking of the cuffs as she fought them.

  He grabbed his blade from outside of the cell and brought it inside. He lifted it, and as she screamed, he took the wolf’s head. Messy business, but necessary, he felt a grin lift his lips. If the damn female kept crying, he would have to gag her for the part of the mating that did not require the use of her mouth. His cock perked up as he pulled her titian locks close enough to smell. Yes, exquisitely his. The tides had turned drastically to his favor. He nipped at her lips, and her eyes widened. Yes, it would be pleasurable breaking her.


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