Hungry Like the Wolf

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Hungry Like the Wolf Page 6

by Vivi Anna

  When she was finally allowed access to the main part of the house, she stormed through the foyer and toward the back of the house where she knew Fisher was working out. He was religious about his workouts. He liked to keep his body lean and streamlined. Olivia admitted that he had a fabulous physique. It was the rest of him that she was starting to despise.

  She reached the solid oak door of his gym and pushed it open with all her strength. It bounced against the wall with a loud, reverberating bang. Fisher glanced up briefly from the stair climber he was on as she marched into the room.

  “Good morning, darling.”

  “Cram it, asshole,” she said through clenched teeth while she stood in front of his machine.

  Fisher sighed heavily, wiped his forehead with his towel, and powered down his stepper. He grabbed the bottle of water sitting on top of the machine and chugged down half of it before he faced her.

  “In a bad mood today?”

  “Why did you have me followed?” She put up her hand to stop him before he could speak. “And don’t bother denying it. I nearly took a chunk out of your errand boy.”

  Chuckling, he said, “Yes, I heard.” He moved past her and toward the adjacent bathroom.

  Olivia followed him into the room, anger swirling dangerously around her. “Why?”

  Fisher set the bottle of water on the counter and stripped off his sodden tank top. Tossing it into the laundry basket, he looked at her. The smell of his male sweat and blossoming desire was interfering with her righteous anger.

  “I thought you might be in danger.”


  He blinked in shock. “You don’t think you could be?”


  “I noticed Garrick was quite taken with you the other night at the club. You don’t think he’d come after you?”

  She hesitated. He was baiting her. He knew of their past relationship and was obviously unsure if they had taken it up again. He was testing her loyalties.

  “No. He’d have nothing to gain coming after me. I’m nobody to him.”

  Stepping closer, Fisher touched her shoulder with his fingertips. The wound from Garrick’s bite had all but healed, but the scars remained. They ached every so often to remind her of their presence.

  “Are you sure?”

  Olivia met his gaze and kept it as she stepped into his touch. “Yes, I’m sure.”

  For a moment as Fisher ran his fingertips up to her cheek and over her lips, she forgot what kind of man he was. She could only feel the gentleness of his touch and see the honest, raw emotion on his face. Lifting her chin, she parted her lips in invitation.

  He smiled, and the moment was lost. Arrogance and selfishness swiftly came back into his eyes before he bent down to kiss her.

  At the last moment, she turned her head, and his lips brushed her cheek.

  “Good. The last thing I need is my lead bitch sniffing in that prick’s direction.” He straightened and took another swig from the bottle of water. “I mean, how would that look to the rest of the pack?”

  Olivia smirked. “Yeah, right.”

  “Don’t worry, Olivia, I wasn’t that concerned. Since I heard that he was fucking someone else, I’ve lessened my suspicions.”

  With his last words, her head snapped up, and she glared at him. She tried to rein in her feelings, but she knew by the smug look on his face that she had reacted exactly like he’d hoped she would. Clamping down on her emotions, Olivia straightened her shoulders and tried to salvage the situation. She still needed the security of his pack, if not his collaboration in her plans.

  “Of course he’s fucking around. He’s put the word out that he’s looking for a mate. I imagine women all over the city are taking a number.” She smiled. She hoped the last little barb dented his ego somewhat. Fisher had to know that Garrick was every bitch’s wet dream.

  As if she had a psychic ability to choose the perfect time to enter, Malina strolled into the bathroom. She smiled coyly at Olivia, then jumped up onto the counter as if she owned the place. Fisher patted her on the leg, like a child, or a pet.

  “Malina was telling me all about her time with Garrick.”

  Olivia swallowed down the words that threatened to explode out of her mouth. Of all the bitches in the city, why Malina? She hated the conniving, manipulative woman. Since the moment Olivia had integrated into Fisher’s pack, Malina had been sniffing around her. She supposed that her quick ascension up the ranks had put Malina’s back up. She had been next in line to be Fisher’s mate. But Olivia’s determination and physical strength had pushed her aside. Olivia could still remember the fight they’d had a few months back. Malina had conceded to her, but not before she had broken two of Olivia’s ribs and almost tore off her hand. Her wrist still throbbed when she exerted herself. Olivia rubbed a hand over the wrist that even now tingled just from thinking about it.

  Malina grinned when she noticed Olivia’s actions.

  Olivia dropped her hand to her side and glanced at Fisher. He was watching her, a smug smile on his face. “Did she tell you how good he was, Fisher?”

  His smile vanished in the blink of an eye.

  “Because why would hearing that one of your pack bitches fucked another alpha pack leader make you seem so smug?” She smiled. “If I were you, I’d be rightly pissed. I mean, how would that look to the other pack members?”

  Malina jumped down from the counter and clenched her hands into fists. Fisher glared at Olivia. She could smell the anger and embarrassment coming off him like smoke.

  “If the others heard that Malina fucked Garrick and liked it, I’d think they’d wonder what you were going to do about it.”

  “I didn’t say I liked it,” Malina wailed.

  Olivia smirked. “Yeah, right.” She looked Fisher up and down as if scrutinizing his every body part. “With a man like Garrick, how could you not?”

  Fury flashed in his eyes as he raised his hand. The slap took her by surprise, and she stumbled back from the blow. The fresh tang of blood tickled her tongue as it seeped from her lips into her mouth. Peeking out her tongue, she licked the crimson spots with slow, deliberate flicks.

  “I seem to have hit a nerve.”

  She watched him as he struggled to gain control. His animal flashed in his eyes, but as quickly as it had come, it was gone and replaced by arrogant calm.

  “I apologize. I shouldn’t have hit you.”

  “You’re right; you shouldn’t have.”

  Fisher stepped closer to her, and his eyes narrowed to slits while his jaw clenched in anger. “I don’t trust you, Olivia. The other night when you came home stinking of Garrick, I knew you had been together.”

  “We were together. We fucked. That was it. It was an instinctive reflex for us both. An itch we both needed to scratch.” She stepped closer to him, hoping he couldn’t see the lie in her eyes. “If I wanted to be with him, Fisher, I’d be with him. Nothing could stop me.” She purposely leered at Malina. “But I’m not with him, am I? I’m standing in your bathroom in front of you.”

  She watched his resolve soften. He smiled and gently caressed her lips where he had split them open. “You’re right. I apologize for that, too. It seems I’m not doing too well today with you.”

  She smiled in return. “We’ll see. The day’s not over yet.”

  He chuckled. “You will still accompany me to the charity masque?”

  “Of course.”

  Cupping her cheek, he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. She could feel the wet tip of his tongue lap at the blood on her flesh. She wanted to throw up. Her gorge was rising, and she pulled back from him, but tried to keep her revulsion off of her face. She gave him a brief nod, then turned to leave.

  As she moved out of the bathroom, she put a shaky hand to her stomach. She wasn’t sure how long she could keep this charade going. Fisher was a good-looking man, with charm and some generosity, but it was his animal inside that revolted her. It was mean, and malicious. She kne
w without a doubt that, given a chance, he would rip out her throat and eat her insides without a second thought. Olivia hoped she was strong enough to get out of the way before he had the chance.

  After Olivia left, Malina put her hand on Fisher’s shoulder and turned him to face her. “She’s lying, Fisher.”

  “Most likely.”

  “You’re just going to let her go?”

  “Yes. She’s more useful to me on a long leash. This way I can see where she leads me.”

  “And if she leads you to Garrick?”

  Fisher grinned. “All the better. Then I can kill two birds with one stone.”

  Chapter Ten

  Garrick straightened his tie again and wondered why he’d ever agreed to come to this thing. He hated big social events, and this charity masque for the World Wildlife Fund was one of the biggest held every year. If he wasn’t such a sucker for wildlife -- hell, he was the wildlife -- he’d never have paid two hundred dollars for the tickets. At least he didn’t have to suffer alone.

  Vanessa adjusted her fox mask and smiled up at him as they approached the main entrance to the haughty art gallery.

  “What are you smiling about?” he asked.

  “You look so cute in your wolfie mask.”

  Garrick lifted a hand and smoothed it over the tufts of the synthetic black fur on his mask. He hadn’t been able to resist it when he’d spied it in the costume store. The hair color was almost an exact match to his own.

  He grinned. “It was like this mask was made for me.”

  “At least it wasn’t made out of you. Could you imagine the demand for werewolf pelts if people found out about us?”

  The thought made him shiver. “You’re morbid, you know?”

  “I know.”

  “Thanks for coming with me.”

  “Hey, I’m the only one that volunteered, remember?”

  “Yes, and I appreciate it.” He gave his tickets to the costumed doorman and led Vanessa through. “It will be good for business. The WWF are looking for new web designers.” He held up the laptop he was carrying. “I just need five minutes with the chairman.”

  “Okay, but I’m at least going to visit the buffet. All-you-can-eat sounds good to me. I’m famished.”

  “You go ahead; I’ll catch up with you over there.”

  She hesitated and squeezed his arm she was lightly holding. “Thanks for bringing me, Garrick.”

  He understood the touch and the feelings behind her eyes. Vanessa had always been there in the background. Always hovering, always patiently waiting her turn. Ever since he’d agreed to search for a mate, she had stepped out of the shadows and made her aspirations clear. He hoped he wouldn’t break her heart when he declined her invitation. She was a good girl, loyal, patient, kind, and compassionate, but she wasn’t the girl for him.

  “No problem. Go have some fun.”

  She nodded, then walked away as she glanced over her shoulder at him, smiling.

  He watched her until she reached the banquet table, then turned and wandered off in search of the WWF chairman. He hoped it wouldn’t take long, as Garrick didn’t like crowds. Too many smells, too many energy waves coming at him all at once. Sometimes he suffered sensory overload and had to be alone for a few days. He would spend hours in his wolf form, running through the trees on his land.

  The spicy aroma of a woman tickled his nose. He turned around just in time to see Olivia and Fisher cross the room. They wore masks, but he knew instinctively who they were. There was no mistaking that spiced scent of Olivia’s skin and the bitter odor of Fisher’s arrogance. Both odors grew stronger as they approached him.

  “Garrick, how ... interesting to see you here.”

  Garrick avoided his gaze and looked pointedly down at Olivia. “How are you, Liv?”

  “I’m fine.” She met his gaze. He could see the fire in the green depths of her eyes behind the elaborate black mask. He hoped it was his presence that ignited those flames.

  “I’m surprised to see you here. You’re usually not one for fancy, crowded parties.” Fisher sniffed derisively and nodded at Garrick’s laptop under his arm. “Peddling your wares, I see.”

  “Not everyone makes their money from criminal activities, Fisher,” he said rather loudly. A few heads turned toward them.

  Fisher smiled. “Well, we’ll let you get back to your groveling for work.”

  Before they could move, Garrick reached out and grabbed Olivia’s arm. “Why don’t you stay, Liv? I’ll buy you a drink.”

  “The lady is with me. Get your own.”

  “Why don’t we let her decide?” He never took his eyes off of her face, and he could see the longing there.

  “You’re a greedy man, Blackthorn. Wasn’t Malina enough for you the other night? She told me you fucked all night.”

  Defeated, Garrick watched as Olivia’s jaw clenched in anger, and she pulled away from his grip. She wrapped her hand around Fisher’s arm and stepped closer to him.

  “We’ve all made our choices here.”

  Garrick couldn’t look away from her. Her eyes still flashed, and the heat around her flared, but it was in anger. As he searched her face, he wondered if it really was anger at him.

  Fisher chuckled. “You see, Garrick, nice guys always finish last.”

  Garrick took a step toward him, raising his chin in defiance. “I’m not a nice guy, Fisher. You would do well to learn that fact.”

  “Are you threatening me?”


  Fisher smiled. “Good. I was beginning to think you were becoming soft. The game’s no fun when you’re playing against a wimp.” He turned and pulled Olivia with him. She dropped her gaze as they moved on.

  He continued to watch as they walked away, Fisher nodding and speaking to various patrons. Garrick didn’t realize he was grinding his teeth, until he felt Vanessa step up next to him. She put her hand on his arm.

  “Was that Fisher?”

  Garrick nodded.

  “And Fisher’s bitch from the other night?”

  He glanced down at her and saw the distaste and anger on her face as she watched them. He didn’t want to admit it, but maybe Vanessa was right. Olivia was Fisher’s bitch now. He had made his intentions evident, and she had pushed him away. He had lost his chance with her a long time ago, but didn’t want to admit it.

  “Let’s get a drink,” he said.

  She smiled and let him lead her away to find the bar.

  Three drinks later, Garrick found himself outside with Vanessa, holding her hair back as she puked. The girl had pounded back three straight scotches, then gorged on pâté and caviar. She had turned positively green when Garrick told her what they were both made out of.

  He felt sorry for the girl. She’d had a hard time of it since being turned. Corbin had savaged her and left her to die. Garrick had found her soon after he killed Corbin and had nursed her back to health, then advised Laura to teach the girl all she would need to know to survive as a werewolf. Laura had done a good job, but Vanessa still carried a wound so deep no one could heal it.

  As her retching quieted, she wiped her mouth and sat back on the cold cement of the steps. She kept her head down and wouldn’t look at Garrick.

  “Are you feeling better?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I’m really embarrassed.”

  “Don’t be, honey.”

  She looked up at him, a small smile on her face. She moved her hand and placed it on his thigh. “I like it when you call me honey.”

  “Vanessa ...”

  She gave him a lopsided grin, but he saw the anguish in her eyes. “Would you kiss me if I didn’t have vomit taste in my mouth?”

  He shook his head. “I care about you Vanessa ... like a little sister.”

  She snarled. “I don’t want to be your fucking sister.”

  Garrick brushed his hand over her hair, but she pulled back and glared at him.

  “It’s because of that mutt Olivia, isn’t it?”

  He sighed and rubbed a hand through his hair. “It’s more than just her, Ness. You’re not ... strong enough.”

  She jumped up, her hands fisted at her sides. “It’s because I’m damaged goods.”


  “It is. I can see it in your eyes when you look at me. ‘Oh, poor Vanessa. Corbin sure fucked her up.’”

  He tried to touch her, but she batted his hand away.

  “I’m strong, Garrick. Stronger than you know. I may not have fought to get into this pack, but I will fight to keep it the way it is.”

  Before he could respond, she ran back into the gallery. Garrick sighed and shook his head. He had made a mess of things. He shouldn’t have brought her, knowing full well she had feelings for him. It was stupid and callous to lead her on, especially since they had run into Olivia. Any fool could see how he truly felt about her ...

  Garrick’s head snapped up, and he stared into the gallery. Damn, he knew exactly where Vanessa was going.

  Chapter Eleven

  Olivia took off her mask and set it on the bathroom counter. She desperately wanted to go home. Being led around by Fisher was bad enough, but to have run into Garrick was torture.

  She hated that his being with Malina mattered. That the thought of them together made her stomach roil and her blood simmer. She had no right to him, no claim, but her heart ached anyway. The night they had made love on the rug in his living room, he had marked her for the first time. Since that first mark, he had belonged to her. Nothing she could do, or say, was going to change that. Wolves mated for life.

  She turned on the cold tap and splashed water on her face. Makeup be damned. She needed the cold reality of the water.

  As Olivia dabbed at her face with a paper cloth, the bathroom door opened with a bang, and the young female from Garrick’s pack stormed in. She watched in the mirror as the girl approached. Olivia could see the fury in her face.


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