Avelyn and the Alien Daddy (Intergalactic Brides 3)

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Avelyn and the Alien Daddy (Intergalactic Brides 3) Page 4

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  “I’m sure we’ll be fine.” Victoria smiled. “Wave bye-bye, Lily.”

  The baby babbled and reached for Avelyn again. It wrenched her heart and she took the baby’s hands in hers, leaned down and kissed the back of each fist, then took a step back. Avelyn watched as Lily’s lower lip trembled and tears filled her eyes; a moment later, that sweet angel let loose with a wail so pitiful it almost made her snatch the baby out of Victoria’s arms. The other woman gave her a reassuring smile, hitched the diaper bag over her shoulder, and left with the squalling baby.

  As the door clicked shut behind them, Avelyn blew out a breath and looked around the suite. What the hell was she going to do now? She could only watch so much television, and she really didn’t care to explore that much on her own. Thrace was busy at work, so she doubted he’d appreciate her popping in again. With no friends, and barely a penny left to her name, it wasn’t like she could go to the movies with someone or go out shopping. She really needed to talk to Thrace about those forms so she could start earning a salary.

  Avelyn flopped onto the sofa and began surfing channels. After a moment, she clicked the TV off and went to her room, where she tidied the already neat space, made the bed, and then fell onto the pristine surface, arms and legs spread like a starfish. Staring at the ceiling didn’t give her any answers. She closed her eyes and tried to relax, ordering her muscles to go lax, focusing on one at a time. Her mind began to drift and as she floated, she conjured Thrace in her mind.

  The long, hard lines of his body. The broad expanse of his chest. The rippling muscles in his arms that she loved to watch flex as he lifted and carried things. It was almost enough to make her find heavy things for him to move, just so she could stare and drool a little. His ebony hair hung long and straight, the mass so thick she wondered how he managed to brush it every morning.

  His hands were large and strong, with just a hint of calluses on his fingertips. She’d felt those hands on her skin, even though the touches were brief. It was enough to make her want more, to make her wonder what it would feel like if he were to stroke her to climax. Avelyn doubted it would take much to get her there. Her nipples hardened and tingled in anticipation of feeling Thrace’s hands and lips on them. She felt heat pool low in her belly and her panties dampen as she pondered what he was hiding behind those leather pants.

  His clothing left little to the imagination, but if he’d ever had a hard-on around her, he’d hid it well. Pity. If she’d thought for one moment that he desired her as much as she desired him, she’d have offered to share her bed with him. It had been a while since she’d been touched intimately, and with her ex it had rarely been a pleasant experience, but she’d be willing to bet that Thrace had a gentle touch. She’d seen the way he cradled his daughter, and knew that if he ever took a mate, he’d treat her the same way. While Avelyn couldn’t be his mate, she could warm his bed for however long he’d have her. Although, as Lily got older, that might be confusing for the little girl. Maybe it was best to leave things as they were.

  Her hands roamed her body, skimming over her sensitive nipples and down her soft stomach… she slid a hand beneath the waistband of her yoga pants and inside her panties. Her curls were damp from her desire and she parted the lips of her pussy, seeking her clit. It throbbed in time with her heartbeat and just the slightest touch was enough to make her gasp. She lightly stroked the little nub, her flesh slippery and silky soft beneath her fingertips. Circling the sensitive bud, she spread her legs wider, pretending it was Thrace’s hips that pushed them out as he stood between her legs, ready to pleasure her.

  Avelyn tossed her head back and closed her eyes, imagining Thrace standing between her legs. His body was rock hard and she pictured his cock standing at attention, long and thick, and more than ready to pleasure her. She bit her lip and wondered what it would feel like to have his cock stretch her, fill her… would it be a tight fit? Would she feel him swell just before he came, or would he even do that? What would sex with the big, purple alien be like?

  Faster. Harder. Her free hand reached for a breast and pinched her nipple, giving it a slight twist. Pleasure shot straight to her core, bringing her hips up off the bed. Her harsh breaths came out in pants as she slid her eyes shut once more, imagining the hand working her over wasn’t hers but Thrace’s. Her hips bucked, seeking the hard cock she still pictured was merely inches away, hard and ready for her.

  Would he stroke in and out of her gently? Slowly? Or would he power in and out of her, pinning her to the bed with his frantic thrusts? Would Thrace be the kind of lover good girls dreamed about or would he be wild and savage, a beast who couldn’t be tamed?

  With a keening cry, she came, her pussy flooding her fingers as she called out Thrace’s name. It was the best orgasm she’d ever had, and it made her wonder just how wonderful it would have been if Thrace had really been standing between her legs, ready to fuck her until she couldn’t see straight. She hoped one day she’d get to find out.

  Chapter Four

  Thrace stood inside the doorway, his jaw slack, as he stared at Avelyn’s bedroom door. He’d come home early, thinking he might surprise her since he knew she was alone and possibly bored, but he was the one getting the surprise of a lifetime. As she cried out his name, his hands clenched and unclenched at his sides. He wanted nothing more than to burst through her door, strip his clothes off, and really give her a reason to cry out his name. He’d fantasized about pinning her to the bed and fucking her long and deep ever since the first time they’d met.

  He knew he should make his presence known, let her know she wasn’t alone any longer, but something held him in place. Maybe he wondered if she’d do it again, or perhaps it was more that he was afraid if he moved, he’d go to her. Would she throw him out if he were to go into her room right now and offer to make her fantasy a reality? He knew having sex with her would be a bad idea, if he wanted to keep her as his nanny, but truthfully, he’d much rather have her as his mate.

  Thrace found himself crossing the room and pausing with his hand on her doorknob. One little twist and he’d be inside. Was she naked? Was she sprawled across her bed, just waiting for him to take her? His cock throbbed in his pants, begging to be set free. He ached with how much he wanted her, and yet he held himself back. It was obvious that she desired him, but why hadn’t she made that known to him? Was she worried he would reject her? Did she fear for her job if she made a pass at him?

  He removed his hand and stood staring at the door for several long minutes. Heaving a deep sigh, he took a step back.

  “Avelyn, I’m home.”

  He heard a squeak and the sound of someone getting out of bed.

  “I’ll… I’ll be out in a minute.”

  He waited and heard the sound of running water and imagined she was washing her hands. Pity. He’d love to know her scent intimately. He already knew she smelled like sunshine, but arousal? That was a scent he’d love to experience, if only she’d give him a chance.

  “Avelyn, I think we need to talk.”

  She opened the door, her hair mussed and cheeks flushed. “About what?”

  He looked from her down to his hard cock, which he couldn’t have hidden if he’d wanted to, then looked her in the eye again. He watched as she took in his aroused state, watched her cheeks flush an even brighter pink and her eyes sparkle with undisguised lust.

  “You heard me?” she asked softly. “I thought I was alone.”

  “I gathered that. How long have you wanted me?”

  She paused.

  “Be truthful, Avelyn. How long have you wanted me?”

  “Since the day we met. I noticed how attractive you were when I took Lily from you, and after spending time with you on the flight here, I got to know more about you and realized what a terrific guy you are. It just made me want you even more.”

  “I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you. I’ve never reacted to a female that way before.”

  “What are we going to do? We
can’t sleep together. It would jeopardize our working relationship, and I love Lily too much to walk away. I want this job, Thrace. I need it, and not just for the money.”

  “The chemistry between us isn’t going to go away, Avelyn. If anything, it’s going to reach a point where we either sleep together or you have to walk away, and I really don’t want you to walk away. How many nights do you think you can pleasure yourself before you realize that maybe part of fate’s plan was for us to be together intimately? Maybe you weren’t sent into my life to be my nanny. Maybe you were sent here to be my bride.”

  He watched as his words sank in. There was a brief moment when a light entered her eyes and he thought he’d won her over to his way of thinking, but all too soon that light dimmed and hopelessness entered the blue depths instead. She shook her head and took a step back, folding her arms around her.

  “I can’t be your bride, Thrace. You know that as well as I do.”

  “Why not?” he demanded. “Do you love Lily?”

  “You know I do.”

  “And you desire me?”

  “Yes, but… “

  He raised a hand to silence her. “But nothing. What more do you want, Avelyn? You care for my daughter as if she was your own, and I heard myself how much you want me. Is that not enough to start a relationship together?”

  “I can’t have children! Did you forget that part? Your council would never approve a match between us. The entire reason you’re here is to find a mate and have children, and I can’t give you that.” Silent tears trickled down her cheeks. “Don’t you think I want to give you that? I want it so badly I ache, to hold a child in my arms that came from my own body, to share that experience with you, but it’s never going to happen.”

  “You said getting pregnant would be difficult, not impossible. And while your doctors may have said it wouldn’t be advisable, they don’t have our technology. There’s no reason for you to assume you wouldn’t carry to term while under a Terran doctor’s care.”

  “Are you really going to take a chance, Thrace? Throw away your opportunity to have a family? Because I see how you are with Lily. You’re wonderful with her, and you would make a fantastic father to many more children. But you won’t have those children with me.”

  He frowned. “We could adopt. There are many kids placed with the intergalactic adoption agency, infants and older children needing a home. There’s no reason we can’t adopt more babies, as long as you don’t care what race they are.”

  She wiped at the tears on her cheeks. “You know their race doesn’t matter to me, but your government is never going to approve a match between us.”

  “You don’t know that. Not for certain.”

  “If I apply and they deny me, will you let the matter go? Will you finally realize that we can’t be together like that?”

  He thought about it a moment. He couldn’t say with any honesty that he would give up, even if the council decided they couldn’t be mated. Did he want children of his own? Of course! But even if Avelyn couldn’t carry a baby to term, he would still want her. The joy she would bring into his life far outweighed the loss of not having children of his own.

  “Come to the station tomorrow and meet with Xonos. Let him do an exam, something he’d have to do anyway if you applied to be a bride. If the results come back that you can’t, or shouldn’t, have children, then we’ll talk some more. But if he says there is no reason you can’t bear children, will you stop arguing with me and let me put in the paperwork to make you my bride?”

  “You truly want me?”

  Thrace stepped closer, placing his hands on her hips. “I truly want you, Avelyn, and not just because you’re so wonderful with Lily. She would be lucky to have you as a mother, and I honestly think she already believes you are her mother. But most importantly, I would be lucky to have a woman like you in my life, someone to share my days and nights, someone… someone I could come to love.”

  She placed her palms against his chest; her fingers were cool against his heated skin. He felt a tremor rake her and wondered if it was from longing or something else. If she denied she wanted him, he’d call her a liar. His arms enfolded her, bringing her closer. How many times had he wondered what it would be like to hold her just like this? The warmth of her body pressed against him; her skin was like silk to the touch. As he breathed in deeply, her scent wrapped around him, drawing him further under her spell.

  “Promise me you’ll see Xonos tomorrow,” he said. “Promise that you’ll give us a chance. I know it may not work out, that he may say you’ll never have children, but at least give us a fighting chance to see where this thing between us could lead.”

  “All right,” she said softly. “I’ll see Xonos tomorrow. If I come to the station during lunch, could you watch Lily while I meet with him?”

  “I’ll sign Lily up for daycare tomorrow. I want you at the station by eight o’clock. That’s when Xonos opens his clinic and you should be the first one in the door.”

  Avelyn frowned. “You said that Lily didn’t like daycare, that they told you to never bring her back there again.”

  “It’s an emergency. I’ll make them understand.”

  “Very well. I can see this is important to you, so I’ll go see Xonos in the morning, but I’ve already told you what he’ll find. If he says the same thing my regular doctor told me, will you let it go? Will you give up on the idea of my becoming your bride?”

  He smiled. “No. But I look forward to having many discussions with you about it.”

  She gave him a disgruntled look and it just made him want to kiss her even more.

  “Now,” he said. “Why don’t you go put on something dressy and I’ll take you out for a nice meal?”

  Her gaze dropped to his chest. “I don’t have anything nice to wear. I was wearing the nicest thing I own when we met, and I haven’t had a chance to wash it yet. I was going to send our clothes down to be washed tomorrow.”

  “Then we’ll have to rectify that. What size do you wear?”

  “A ten.”

  He pulled away, but only long enough to place a call to the boutique downstairs, asking them to send up a size ten in a dress that would be appropriate for the restaurant he had in mind. Then, after getting her shoe size too, he asked that they send up a pair of shoes to match. Avelyn tried to snatch the phone away from him several times, telling him it was an unnecessary expense, but in his mind, it was a very necessary expense. He wanted to show his potential bride that he could take care of her, that he would take care of her.

  “It’s going to cost a fortune,” she said.

  “Do you doubt that I can afford a dress and shoes for you?”

  “You didn’t just order a dress and shoes. You ordered them from a boutique store in a hotel. Do you know how much that’s going to cost? Hundreds, if not thousands. This place has to be insanely expensive.”

  He sighed and pulled the communicator from his pocket. A few taps and he turned it to show her his current balance. On one line was his Terran funds and the other was the amount he’d had transferred into American dollars. He watched as her jaw dropped and her wide eyes rose to meet his.

  “I didn’t realize being a guard paid so well.”

  “I believe your people would call it hazard pay. I’m part of my planet’s military and being stationed here comes with certain perks. I’m paid handsomely at home, but here I make almost twice as much. Not only do I face potential danger every day, but they are compensating me for having to make my home off-world.”

  She looked at the screen again then back at him. “I won’t complain about the dress anymore, but you can’t buy costly things like that all the time or you’ll run out of money.”

  He frowned at the screen. “Do I have enough to purchase a home?”

  She made an odd sound like she was being strangled, then coughed. “You can purchase a palace with that amount of money. Maybe two of them. What are those odd numbers above it?”

��s how much I still have in my account on my world. I only transferred part of my money here. On the off chance I went back home, I wanted to still have enough funds to get by on Terran. I already have a home there, although it’s been sitting vacant for nearly a year. If I’m here much longer, I may sell my home there. Two of my friends have made their permanent home here on Earth, and I don’t see why I can’t do the same, unless the council denies my request. Would that make me a better potential mate? If I were to make my permanent home here?”

  “Oh, Thrace.” She sighed and placed her hand on his cheek. “You’re a wonderful potential mate, regardless of where you call home. Any woman would be lucky to have you, whether she lived with you here on Earth or back on Terran.”

  He nodded and studied her a moment. “Then your only problem with a mating between us is the fact you believe you can’t have children. And when I prove that’s an incorrect assumption?”

  “Then we can discuss the mating again. But not until then.”

  Thrace smiled. “Then we’ll be discussing it tomorrow. I have faith that everything will work out.”

  “You know, you can’t always have what you want just because you want it. Life doesn’t work that way.”

  “Maybe not, but you have to believe that your dreams can come true, or they never will.”

  Her gaze softened. “It’s your dream to be mated to me?”

  “Ever since the day we met.”

  She stepped closer to him again, wrapped her arms around his waist, and hugged him tight. He’d been hugged by females before, but never one he wanted to claim as his mate. His body responded to her soft curves being pressed against him and he wondered if he’d be out of line to steal a kiss or three. He’d dreamed of her lips and wondered what they would taste like.

  Tomorrow. She said they would discuss it tomorrow and that would be soon enough for him to find out. He wanted their first kiss to be perfect, something they would remember for a lifetime. Thrace didn’t have much experience with kissing, having only been with the whores at the floating brothel near Terran, and they typically didn’t include kissing with their services. He hoped he wouldn’t disappoint her.


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