Bud (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 10)

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Bud (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 10) Page 18

by Candace Blevins

  Nickie was tired when they finally made it to Rainbow Falls, but Nathan had been right about the hike being worth it.

  “Aaron said the enemy put GPS on the Jeep last night,” Nathan told them when they were standing right by the falls. “No one’s close enough to hear us if we keep it low and talk right here. If you have anything to say, now’s the time.”

  “Will they think you’ll be okay with just a blow job? If we’re going to pretend I give you a blowjob, why not just pretend we’re doing a DP?”

  “You need to have done a DP before you can pull off pretending to,” said Bud.

  “Who said I’ve never done one?”

  “I’m going to walk downstream and pretend to look for crawfish or salamanders or something while ya’ll work this out. I’m good with whatever you’re comfortable with as long as it’ll be in context with the rest of our weekend,” said Nathan.

  “I knew you were kinky, I guess it just didn’t occur to me that you’d…” Bud stopped abruptly and looked at the falls.

  “Been a whore? A slut?” Nickie filled in.

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You were thinking something close enough to it. Bikers are known for being man-whores, and I’m willing to bet you’ve had more than one woman in your bed, and that you’ve shared plenty of women with your brothers. Double standards don’t work for me. Yeah, I’ve enjoyed a fun and healthy sex life and I won’t apologize for any of it. You say you don’t share, and I’m good with that because you manage to hit all my spots without help. If you were okay with it then I’d love to be sandwiched between you and Nathan for real, but you don’t seem to be so… whatever. I don’t cheat, so I’ll only do what you’re okay with. I just think we might be more convincing with a DP than with one of you getting pussy and the other getting oral.”

  Bud pulled her to him for several long moments, and Nickie stayed silent while he worked through whatever was going on in his head. At last, he said, “Okay. We both stay wrapped. He’s on the bottom, you sit on him, I fuck your ass.”

  The way he said it sounded like he was on board with them actually doing it, but Nickie needed to be sure. “For real, or pretend?”

  “For real. If it’s something you’ll eventually want, this is the ideal time to try it out.”

  “It’ll be more intimate between me and Nathan if we have eye contact.”

  “Your point?”

  Damn, he looked pissed.

  “You can’t set it up that way and then get pissed at me when you realize how you set it up. You also can’t say it’s fine and then be pissed about it. If you can’t deal with it then we’ll sit me on Nathan without him being inside me, and you can take my ass. He said he’d be fine with however we need to do it.”

  He sighed. “Tell me how it usually works for you.”

  He seemed to have lost the attitude, so Nickie answered as honestly as she could. “Most of the time when I’m with two guys, one’s submissive to me and the other’s a Dom. Rarely, I’ve played with two Doms in a club, but it’s been so long I don’t even remember for sure which was the last time.” She looked away a second before lifting her chin to meet his gaze with icy blue eyes. “My slaves do as they’re told. Always. They’re obviously usually on the bottom, me in the middle, the Dom on top. Sometimes I’m on my back with the slave’s cock up my ass, sometimes I’m facing the slave. If I’m closer to one than the other, I nearly always face the one I want to be intimate with. When they’re both just random play partners, who I’m facing doesn’t really matter.”

  “You’ll be happy with me alone? If you never have another slave?”

  “Forever?” She shook her head. “I like you and I’m willing to see where things go, but forever’s a long time. I haven’t thought that far ahead. If I someday decide you’re my forever? Yeah, if you’re it for me and you don’t share, that’ll have to be it.”


  She shrugged. “Truth? I don’t know. It’s too new. I can’t make any promises either way.” She sighed and leaned into him. “Let me sit on Nathan like he’s inside me, but he won’t be. Blindfold me so we don’t have the intimacy of eye contact. It’ll be okay.”

  “No. I know Nathan and I know he won’t poach. I trust him, so this gives us the opportunity to see how I do with it. I’ll blindfold you, but you’ll sit on him and take both our cocks.”

  Her insides ignited at the prospect of both men taking her at the same time, but the only thing she managed to say was, “Thanks. Not just for giving this to me, but for stepping outside your comfort zone.”

  “We need to plan strategy, too. Kiss me and we’ll signal him to come back.”

  “You really think they’re watching us now?”

  “Not going to risk it. These guys do their research and don’t leave shit to chance.” He pressed her against a tree, his hand on either side of her, trapping her, and leaned in to kiss her neck, just below her ear. She easily surrendered to him, no longer surprised by his ferocity and aggression — or the fact she fucking melted when he took control of her, every damned time. Her knees went weak, her insides heated, and she reached to pull him closer. He never let her pull him to her, but he rarely minded her hands on him.

  “That’s it. Mine. All mine. If I say someone else fucks you, it’s only happening because I say it does.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  She said it so the Sir was more of a joke than a term of respect, and Bud chuckled. “Brat.”

  Nathan leaned in and kissed her cheek as he neared, and Nickie grinned at him. “You sure you’re up for anything?”

  Nathan looked to Bud in question, and Bud shrugged. “You got a problem with her sitting on your cock while I fuck her ass?”

  “Not as long as I can lift her up enough to fuck her brains out from below.”

  Bud grinned at Nickie. “Sounds like we have a plan.”

  “We’ll do movie night in bed once we finish.” Nathan moved a strand of hair out of Nickie’s face. “I held and comforted you while he belted you last night. We’ll stick with that — me as support while he doles out the pain.”

  “No,” said Bud. “If we’re going to do it, we should do it right. You can belt her ass while I torture her nipples. We’ll put her at the door to the bedroom and make her hold the doorframe. Me in the living room, you in the bedroom. She lets go, she gets it worse.”

  “If it were me,” Nickie said, ignoring the throbbing between her legs, “I’d attack just as we’re about to orgasm, or while we’re engrossed enough they think they can catch us by surprise.”

  “Which is why we’ll do it before the sun goes down and be snuggled in for movie night by the time they might be ready to attack.”

  “We’re in the woods, what’s to stop them from attacking before the sun goes down?” asked Nickie.

  “You’ve watched them, became familiar with them. Do they ever do much of anything in the daytime?” Nathan asked.

  Nickie thought back to all the times she’d followed them or staked out their location. The leaders always moved at night. Some of their people ran errands in daylight, and their acquisitionists kidnapped children during the day, but the leaders were never out in the daytime.

  “Not the main people. Their guards and other people sometimes move during the day. Can’t they just send them to attack?”

  “I believe the leaders want to talk to you before they decide what to do with you. They won’t move until after dark.”

  The threesome had a fun day despite the fact Nickie had to keep stopping herself from looking around. She wanted to see if someone was watching, but spotting them would be bad.

  When they finished racing go-karts and were walking back to the Jeep, Bud leaned in to tell Nickie, “You need to wear a skirt and no underwear to dinner.”

  “I didn’t bring one.”

  “All that luggage, and you don’t have a skirt?”

  “No! I have hiking pants and riding clothes and bathing suits and dressy pants, but no sk

  “Then we’ll stop and buy you one.”

  Nathan chuckled and bumped her from the other side. “I like the way he’s thinking. Gonna have you so ready for us by the time we get back to the cabin after dinner, you’ll jump straight into bed.”

  “Since when have either of you had problems getting me into bed?”

  “She has a point,” said Bud.

  “But no skirt,” Nathan said with a laugh. “Someone look for a place to shop and tell me how to get there from here.”

  Nickie directed him to a little dress shop she found online, and then wished she had time to shop for real. She bought two dresses along with the tiny little skirt the men picked out, and the sales lady was fine with her changing into it to wear out of the store once they paid for it.

  Bud still wasn’t sure about sharing Nickie, but he’d flashed back to a conversation he’d had with Angelica when he’d found out Bash was sharing her with Dawg. He hated the idea of her in bed with both men, but from what everyone said, it was a fantasy rooted in stuff she’d seen as a teen, and Bud had understood he couldn’t be as unselfish as Bash in the same situation. Bash was the better man for giving his ol’lady what she wanted.

  The whole conversation had come back to him at the falls, and he’d realized he might eventually lose Nickie if he didn’t make sure she was satisfied. Taking control and making decisions meant making the best decision for everyone’s needs, not just his own. The Amakhosi couldn’t have a relationship with a human even if he wanted, so Bud’s wolf could settle a little knowing this was just sex and there was no risk of the Lion King claiming her for his own.

  So now, with Nathan’s hands all over his Nickie and sexual tension flying all over, Bud kept sending images of strategy to his wolf. The animal inside wasn’t happy, but he understood it was tactical, and an important part of the plan to keep her safe. The wolf understood Nickie would be safer with the Lion King watching over them — Bud’s inner beast didn’t like the vampires at all. Eventually, his wolf settled, and he sensed Nathan knew the instant it happened.

  Nickie asked for a booth, and the hostess gave them an odd look when they all crammed into the same side, but she didn’t say anything.

  “Small town,” Nathan said as she walked away. “Maybe I should move to the other side.”

  “Wait till they bring food.” Bud slid his hand up Nickie’s leg and felt panties. “Our girl’s been naughty. Feel.”

  Nickie squirmed beside him as Nathan felt.

  “Take ’em off,” Nathan spoke softly but there was no doubt it was a command.

  “Make me.”

  Bud had no idea why his cock loved it when she bratted, but it pulsed in his jeans at her words and attitude.

  “Do we need to stop and buy ginger on the way home?” Nathan asked.

  Nickie’s scent went off the charts with anticipation and lust, and Bud made a mental note to get some to play around with later.

  Despite her arousal from the threat, Nickie lifted her butt and slid the panties down her legs as discreetly as possible.

  “Give them to Bud to put in his pocket.”

  Nathan slid out of the booth and moved across from them. “Bud, if you go to the bathroom and come back, you’ll be on the outside. Easier to play with her without being seen.”

  Nathan slid a note to him while they talked, but Bud waited until he was in the bathroom and alone to read it.

  They’ve left the cabin alone all day. Everything’s still a go.

  Nickie didn’t expect Nathan to put his feet inside hers and spread her legs wider, and her eyes met his as he did. She could almost see the cat in him. Arrogant and cocky, but it worked for him.

  “Someone needs to keep you open for him to play when he gets back.”

  Nickie could only nod agreement. What had she gotten herself into? Two alpha-male Doms?

  Bud spread her napkin across her lap before he got serious about fingering her, and seemed to take great joy in getting her close to an orgasm, stopping long enough for her to cool off, and then bringing her close again. She was a mess by the time they left dinner, and was surprised when Bud offered to drive so Nathan could play with her.

  “I’ll drive,” said Nathan. “Love hearing you work her up and deny her. Bad girls who wear panties under their skirts don’t get orgasms until the skirt comes off.”

  “No. Oh fuck, guys. Please don’t torture me all the way back to the cabin!”

  The twenty-minute drive seemed to take forever, and Nickie wondered when the men had a chance to plan the evening out, because they seemed to know what they wanted without needing to discuss anything.

  Bud ordered her to take everything off except her skirt the moment she walked in the door, and she dealt with being ill at ease by giving them a fun strip tease as she sang the words to New York, New York. Nathan stood so he blocked the living room camera’s view of her, and she made sure it wouldn’t get her face as she turned and danced and gave them a show. She’d hoped she could strip everything off while she was at it, but the second her hands went to the waistband of her skirt, Bud grabbed her wrist and walked her to the doorframe.

  “Please let me take it off! I’ll be good!”

  “Of course you’ll be good,” Nathan said with a chuckle. “Even when you’re naughty, you excel at it.”

  It was still daylight and everyone was sure they wouldn’t be attacked until dark, but Nickie tried to stay present enough so she’d be ready if the enemy showed up. Her libido was in full swing though, so it was hard to stay focused on anything except the knowledge she’d soon have two cocks inside her. Two Doms, two voices, four hands. Damn, she might combust and be nothing but a pile of ashes if they didn’t let her come soon.

  Bud walked her to the door frame and placed her hands where he wanted them, but had her facing into the bedroom instead of the living room so the camera wouldn’t get her face.

  “Matt’s gonna get started on your backside while I go steal the potato chip clips off the bags.”

  Nathan pulled her skirt up her waist and rolled the band until it was more of a belt than a skirt, and nothing covered her bottom.

  “Please! Please take it off!”

  “We might leave you in it all night. Can you be good enough to convince us to let you take it off?”

  She dropped into her sexy, submissive kitten voice, “Oh, I can be very, very good if you’ll let me turn loose of the door frame and go to my knees.”

  “Nice try, Brat,” Bud said as he returned with two small chip clips.

  Nathan wasn’t too harsh with his belt, but between the leather popping her ass and Bud pulling and twisting the clips on her nipples, she ached with need.

  She didn’t let go of the door frame though. She needed to be good enough to get the damned skirt off so they’d finally let her come.

  The men didn’t let her drop all the way into subspace, which wasn’t surprising considering their circumstances, but was yet another frustration. Thankfully, they only played with her perhaps fifteen minutes before Bud decided it was time to go to bed. Anticipation swirled in Nickie’s belly when Bud unzipped the skirt, but she growled at him in disappointment when he lifted it to her head and used one of her ponytail holders to fasten it snug around her face as a blindfold.

  Nickie had to trust everyone wore a condom, but she had no reason to believe either man would go without. She walked blindly to the bed following Bud’s instructions, and yelped when hands lifted her and settled her on top of… Nathan?

  She felt the abs of the man she was sitting on and traced a deep, deep Adonis belt. Much deeper than Bud’s.

  A gasp escaped her throat as Buds agile, strong fingers grasped her sides and lifted her while Nathan’s hands directed her onto his cock.

  Fuck, his cockhead was huge and she suddenly wasn’t sure this was a good idea. If she complained about it being too big, how would that sound on the audio? Damn, she needed to be able to lose herself in this, and she couldn’t. Nickie flex
ed her leg muscles to hold herself up — she needed to get used to him before she took in more.

  “Take him.” Shit, but her body wanted to obey Bud’s gravely, growly command — even when her smart mouth wanted to tell him to fuck off.

  “Workin’ on it. Don’t be an asshole.”

  “Gonna be in your asshole in about ten seconds. Sit yourself down on him so I can bury myself in you.”

  “You’re as patient as a two-year-old. Hold your horses.”

  “Sssshhhh. You’re okay, babe,” Nathan said from below. “Relax and let gravity do the work. God, you feel good.”

  Ten seconds later her weight landed on Nathan’s torso, and hands that weren’t Bud’s pulled her down.

  Without her sight, she welcomed the stabilizing effect of Nathan holding her, his arms around her, his hands soothing her, and she relaxed on his muscled chest with her pussy full of his dick, but then tensed as Bud’s cock pressed against her asshole.

  “Hold her for me. I’m gonna turn her into a livewire for us.”

  Bud had learned her body well enough he knew just how quickly he could invade her ass the first time — but he went a tiny bit faster than she could handle and she fought to lift up in Nathan’s arms.

  “Too much! No! Fuck! Shit! Can’t!”

  “I’m in, Brat. What’s this can’t shit?

  “One morning, you’re going to wake up with a baseball bat stuffed up your ass. See how you like it!”

  Nathan chuckled below her. “His ass is probably so tight, if you managed it you’d get diamonds.”

  Bud slapped the side of Nicole’s bottom from behind. “You’re one to talk. You ready?”

  Nathan grabbed Nickie’s hips, lifted her, and both men started moving at once. Pleasure seared her consciousness, and every muscle and nerve in her body stopped working. All she could do was breathe, scream, and accept the pounding from below and above. Her spine bowed to try to give them both better access, her lungs burned with the need for more oxygen, and her senses were inundated with too much sensual input. She was used to a Dom driving the bus while her slave accepted whatever happened, but she had two dominant men fucking her for all they were worth and she thought she’d drown in the sensations. Her entire body vibrated as her hips were batted back and forth and both cocks slammed into her without mercy.


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