The Reluctant Alpha

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The Reluctant Alpha Page 7

by A. K. Michaels

  Cam’s larger, ebony, Wolf kept watch, his senses on overdrive as he ensured there were no threats in the vicinity. However, the magic that he could see was old and it looked as if the ones responsible for his cousin’s attack hadn’t been back. Cam was determined to find out who and where they came from and make them pay.

  As his impatience grew he yipped towards Mac, hurrying the grey Wolf to finish so they could get going. As soon as Mac’s beast lifted its head from the stream Cam took off. Following the purple trail of the attackers.

  The farther they ran he realized they must be over the border and into Canada and that meant they were near the Wild Ranch Pack and most definitely were on their land. As the trail was leading him Cam didn’t give a fuck whose land he was on and if anyone got in his way he knew he would attack immediately.

  More scents, normal scents, of other Wolves were now all around them and he heard both Rory and Jinx’s Wolves growl as they knew they were in enemy territory. Cam’s strides slowed, his body lowering as he moved with more caution. He felt the others fanning out behind him as his senses saw the trail leading right up to and in a camp before them.

  It was all the evidence he needed.

  Turning around, his beast moved with ease back the way they’d come. His mind in turmoil as it worked to formulate a plan of action. Obviously the Alpha, this Philippe Dupont, was behind everything and Cam was going to destroy him—utterly and completely.

  Moving away from the Wild Ranch camp their Wolves ran faster, not bothering to hide their path through the forest. Cam using both is Wolf and Witch abilities to check ahead for danger. His hearing picked up movement, his Wolf stopping quickly and dropping down amongst the leaves littering the ground. He heard his Wolves doing the same behind him and Cam slithered forward on his belly, listening intently.

  Cam could hear what he thought was two Wolves running ahead of them. He caught a glimpse of a pure white She-Wolf as it darted through the trees, a very large brown Wolf chasing it. If it wasn’t for the fear and loathing he could feel rolling from the white Wolf he would’ve thought it was a couple out for a run together.

  However, the white Wolf’s terror was cloying in the air and her scent invaded Cam completely. His Wolf almost howling as Cam tried to rein it in. He took a second to think before morphing quickly, “Carry on, get back to Clan land and wait for me.”

  Jinx’s Wolf moved forward, shaking its great head. Cam snarled down at it, “Do as I say. Now!”

  Cam morphed back and was pleased to see his Wolves carrying on their way. Jinx was in the rear and his head kept turning to look back at him. Cam ignored him and turning to his left took off after the White Wolf.

  Although they’d been running for hours, his Wolf picked up speed until he was fairly flying through the forest and gaining on the two Wolves in front. The large male Wolf was so intent on catching the White one that it didn’t even hear him gaining on them. “Idiot!” Cam thought as they broke free of the trees into a small round clearing.

  The She-Wolf was almost at the other side when the male launched itself at her, his large front paw raking across her hindquarters to knock her to the ground. Cam’s beast bellowed as he leaped high into the air, sailing forwards to land on the back of the brown male.

  Cam’s claws dug deep, bringing the Wolf down as they rolled on the ground, teeth bared and blood flying all around. The brown male was strong but not nearly as powerful as Cam. The male was all brawn and no finesse, Cam’s beast easily gaining the upper hand.

  It was while fighting when he was young that Cam knew he was different to other Wolves; mostly by being able to sense their moves beforehand. His mother told him at a young age to keep that to himself, and he had. He wasn’t a fool and used his ability whenever the need arose.

  Cam needed it now as the massive strength of the brown Wolf was pitted against him. His ability keeping his adversary from landing any death blows. In fact, the brown Wolf hardly landed any blows at all as Cam’s beast twisted and turned, bit and clawed his way around the other Wolf.

  The brown Wolf growled then roared in frustration. Cam knew he had him just where he wanted until the male turned as if ready to run to safety. He couldn’t allow him to get away or the entire Wild Ranch Pack would be on his tail in no time.

  Cam’s Wolf moved with lightning speed, his razor sharp claws digging deep into the hind leg and bringing the other crashing to the ground. Not wasting a second, his Wolf landed atop the other, pinning it beneath him as his powerful jaws opened. His great maw lowered, his deadly fangs ripping the throat clean out of the male below him.

  Cam’s beast spat out the skin, bones, muscles, and fur that were between its teeth before letting out a roar of victory. Stepping away from the limp body he looked at the grisly sight as it lay dead amongst the wildflowers. His head turning to look for the female he’d just killed for.

  The white female stood to the side, watching fearfully as Cam transformed. Using his magic to dress himself in a pair of jeans before snapping his fingers and producing a blanket. Walking forwards he held the blanket out to the female. “Change, so we can talk.”

  He’d kept his voice soft and low so as not to spook her but he saw in her eyes the thought of just turning and running. “Don’t. Don’t even think about it. I said change and I mean now.”

  This time he used a more powerful tone and saw the difference in the female immediately. Her Wolf taking heed of the Alpha tone and she started to morph. It took her far longer than it did for Cam, but after a few moments she stood naked before him, her arm snaking out to grab the blanket.

  “How did you do that?” was the first thing out of her mouth.

  Cam stared wide eyed at the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on…and that took in a hell of a lot of women. Long blonde hair cascaded down her back, her skin porcelain white with the most gorgeous eyes he’d ever looked into. His heart sped up as his beast howled in his head.

  It took him a moment to reply, so intense was his reaction to her. “Do what?”

  Her eyes were wary, her voice barely a whisper. A whisper that ran across his senses as she spoke again, “You transformed with jeans on and then a blanket just appeared in your hand. How did you do that?”

  Cam smiled, taking a step closer and noticed she didn’t retreat. “I’m part Witch, on my mother’s side. Who are you and why was that Wolf hunting you?”

  Her eyes darted to the fallen Wolf and fear started to roll off her again, her body shaking as she started to whimper. “Oh shit! No, no, no! This can’t be happening. He’ll know I was involved and god knows what he’ll do to me!”

  Cam couldn’t help himself, he stepped forward and held her in his arms. “Shh, it’s okay, you didn’t do anything. It was me, so whoever it is you’re talking about will come after me, not you.”

  Her eyes filled with tears as she looked up at him. “He’ll know. My scent is on him so he’ll know I was here.”

  Cam could feel her entire body shaking, her dread almost choking him. “First, tell me who you are and why he was after you.”

  “My name’s Chastity, and he’s … was … Silas, the Beta of my Pack,” she stopped, taking in a deep breath. “He’s been after me for a couple of years but I’ve always managed to avoid him, but today he found me when I was out running. He wanted to…he wanted to...”

  Her breathing hitched as she fought for control, Cam tightening his hold on her. “Oh, I think I know what he wanted to do.”

  “Well, my brother said he’s Beta so he can do what he wants.” Her body shook again, in revulsion this time. “My own brother!”

  Cam’s tone was sharp as he spat out, “A Beta can’t just go around taking whoever he wants. Not in any Pack I know anyway, and brothers should fight to the death to protect their sister. Just who is your brother ‘cause I think he needs a good talking to about how to protect a family.”

  A small laugh erupted from her throat but Cam couldn’t see what the hell was funny about any of this.
Her next words chilled his blood. “My brother is the Alpha of the Pack, his name’s Philippe but trust me he doesn’t care about me or anyone else and when he finds Silas dead he’s going to punish me. You just don’t understand what goes on in that Pack. Women are second class citizens, available to be used by Philippe and his guards. It doesn’t matter if they agree or not, they are taken by force when necessary. Sometimes, it’s just for fun, a game to those bastards, to see how much a woman can take. They are the worst kind of animals.”

  Cam noticed for the first time Chastity’s accent, French Canadian if he wasn’t mistaken and her words were like music to his ears. “Strange,” he thought as he loosened his grip, stepping back and staring down at her.

  Cam felt his anger growing as she spoke, wanting to get his hands on these so called men. “What? That’s outrageous, no Pack should be like that and no woman should be treated like that.”

  “Oui, but that’s the way it’s been for a long time now and Philippe will hunt me down if I don’t return but if he finds out I had anything to do with this,” she pointed to the remains on the ground, “then I’m as good as dead.”

  “I can get rid of the body, if you think that would help?”

  Chastity’s eyes widened so much they were like saucers in her face and he saw her mind going to work. Barely a moment passed before she nodded once. “Oui, if he doesn’t find him then he can’t know I was involved and he really can’t know.”

  “Okay,” Cam pushed a lock of hair that had fallen over her cheek, his finger tingling at the brief touch. “I’ll do what I can to make sure he doesn’t know you were involved.”

  “Merci!” Chastity breathed out, as if she’d been holding her breath for an eternity.

  “You’re welcome.” Cam smiled, “Chastity, if your brother is as bad as I’ve just heard then maybe you should leave?”

  She shook her head. “Non. I cannot! He would hunt me down and he would not just punish me. He would rip me apart. I cannot leave, not ever.”

  Chastity pulled away from Cam, her head shaking so forcefully her hair swirled around her head. “I have to go. He will miss me soon and send out guards to find me.”

  “Wait.” Cam held out a hand, trying to grasp her but she ducked away from him. “You don’t need to go back. I’ll protect you from him, I promise.”

  “You are kind, and strong, but you don’t know him like I do. He is cruel and depraved and so very strong, I fear nobody can stand up to him.” Chastity pulled the blanket from around her, holding it out to Cam. “Merci, Monsieur, but I have to go now.”

  Cam looked at the cover in her hands, hesitating before he took the blanket, his stomach clenching at the thought of this gorgeous female going back into the hands of someone like her brother. “My name’s Cameron, if you ever need my help try and find me, Cameron Sinclair of Sinclair Enterprises. Your brother shouldn’t be able to scent me on you, we were masked.”

  He saw her nod her head before she transformed before him, the loss of the sight of her nakedness causing him to snarl abruptly. Cam watched until she went Wolf, taking in her beast’s beauty, its eyes meeting his for a brief moment before it turned and disappeared back into the forest.

  His Wolf howling in his head in protest at her leaving, “What the hell’s wrong with you?” he asked as he took the blanket over to the dead Wolf lying on the grass and wrapping it around the blood soaked fur. “Shit! This is gonna hurt,” he thought as he bent to pick the large body up, knowing he would need to take it far before he could dispose of it.

  Struggling under the weight of the Wolf, Cam staggered forwards, only to stop short when he saw a set of Wolf eyes staring at him from between the brush in front of him.

  ~Chapter 7 ~

  Cam halted his steps, dropping the deadweight of the body he held in his arms, straightened up and snarled. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  The Wolf pushed forward, leaves sticking to its thick fur, coming towards Cam confidently to stop in front of the dead Wolf on the ground. A growl rumbled in its throat for a second before the change started. In less than a minute, Jinx stood defiantly before Cam.

  “I said, what the hell are you doing here?” Cam spat the words out, “I told you to go on, didn’t I?”

  Jinx cocked his head to the side. “What? You really thought, for even a moment, that I’d just carry on and leave you alone in enemy territory?” Jinx’s tone was incredulous as he shook his head. “How long have we been together, Sin? Just the two of us? So long that I can’t remember but you sure as hell shoulda known I would never have left you alone.”

  The look of anger and hurt on his best friend’s face halted Cam’s retort, instead he took a deep breath to calm himself before speaking. “You should still have gone with the others. What if something happened to you out here?”

  “Sin, what’s going on?” Jinx looked pointedly at the dead body lying between them.

  “I’m not sure, I felt her fear and my beast kinda took over but then when I saw him bring her down like that…” Cam ran a hand through his hair, “I just lost it.”

  “First things first, get me some jeans or something will ya?” Jinx smirked up at him, “I’m not hauling that lump through the forest naked!”

  Cameron produced a pair of jeans and handed them over. “Sorry, you know I’m useless at getting boot sizes right so I guess we’re gonna have sore feet by the end of the day.”

  “Ya don’t say!” Jinx pulled the denim up over his nakedness. “At least it’s not cold or raining, ‘cause if it was I’d be wanting a lot more than a pair of jeans.”

  “She was something though, wasn’t she?” Cam all but whispered as his mind went again and again to the memory of the beautiful White Wolf.

  “Yeah, she was.” Jinx fastened the button then looked up at him, “Not so sure she’s worth killing for though, my friend. The shit is really going to hit the fan if we don’t get a move on and get rid of this body.”

  “She was,” Cameron murmured as he bent down to heft the body of the Wolf up.

  “You take the back end and I’ll take the front, and we need to get moving, Cam.” Jinx held on tight to his end of the dead weight. “We definitely don’t want to be caught here lugging around the dead body of one of their Wolves.”

  They set off at a brisk pace but it wasn’t too long before Jinx started to moan. “For fuck sake! Could ye no pick a smaller Wolf to kill? This blinking eejit weighs a ton!”

  A rumble of laughter erupted from Cam, the Scottish twang heavy in his friend’s words. “I know! He’s a big git and I think we should pick up the pace and get him off Wild Ranch land ASAP.”

  Cam’s long legs strode faster, Jinx only just managing to keep up with him. Although out of breath, his friend didn’t shut up, “So, who is she? I was too busy looking at the dead Wolf to concentrate on what you two were talking about.”

  “You won’t believe me, but, she’s the Alpha’s sister, Chastity, and she’s absolutely terrified of him.” Cam had to stop, his anger rising once again at the thought of a brother allowing his Beta to rape his sister.

  “You okay?” Jinx asked, worry in his voice as he stared at Cam.

  “No, not really.” Cam stated. “He told her that this fuck was Beta and could do whatever the hell he wanted with her. She was running from him to stop getting raped. Fuck! What kind of brother would say such a thing? She told me about a lot of abuse against the women in the Pack. It’s bad, Jinx, real bad.”

  “Philippe Dupont’s her brother? Shit, Cam, you certainly know how to pick ‘em!”

  Cam growled, “I didn’t pick her! I saw a Wolf in trouble and helped, that’s all.”

  Jinx laughed, “Yeah, right! I saw the way you held her and you killed a Wolf for her, Cam. That’s not something you do every day so I’m betting there’s more to this than you’re letting on, my friend.”

  Another low rumble escaped from Cam as they trudged on, the dead Wolf heavy in their arms. Silence all around apart from the
animals and birds, all of which scarpered out of the way of the two Wolves walking through their home. Finally Cam answered his friend.

  “There’s nothing going on but we need to get rid of this body and I have no idea where. What do you think we should do with him?”

  Jinx snorted, “You keep telling yourself that but I know there’s more to it and I have no clue what to do with this lump. If we just dump him somewhere he’s gonna be found and that’s definitely not a good idea. We need to really get rid of him.”

  “True,” Cam pondered for a moment, “guess I could burn him, use a little magic but I don’t like the others seeing that. They have no clue about my magical abilities.”

  Jinx stopped, causing Cam to almost stumble, “What?” Cam grumbled as he fought to keep hold of the body.

  “They deserve to know. It’s not something to be ashamed of, Cam.”

  Cameron cocked an eyebrow, his steely blue eyes locking with Jinx’s. “Really? You’re really gonna say that when you know they all hate magic and Witches?”

  Jinx nodded. “Yeah, I’m saying it. You’re a Wolf who just happens to do some magic and those three are our friends. You should trust them, Cam.”

  “Come on,” Cam said and started to walk again, “it’s not as simple as that and you know it. Only you and my mother know how powerful I am in that regard and that’s the way I’d like it to stay.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Cam! You’re gonna have to tell Fearghas you used a spell to find out about the other Wolves being on his land and being the ones to attack his son. There’s no getting ‘round that.”

  Walking on for a few steps before stopping, Cam sighed heavily. “I know. That’s not going to go down well with my uncle. He hates magic.”

  “Well tough, ‘cause it was your magic that got us the information we needed. We now know who was behind Fergie’s attack and the fact that they’ve been invading Clan land for some time.”


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