The Reluctant Alpha

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The Reluctant Alpha Page 11

by A. K. Michaels

  Rory frowned. “What’re you talking about? This is a large Pack and there’s a lot of Wolves. They can’t all be young boys.”

  Charlie only stared at him, seconds turned into a minute before she reached a finger up and ran the tip along his lips. “Nobody for me here. I’ve been looking for a long time, Rory from Scotland, and nobody has ever got under my skin.”

  Rory opened his mouth, letting her finger slip along his lips as his heart rate rocketed. “I do?”

  Charlie nodded, going on her tiptoes as her hand moved to the back of his neck, pulling him down towards her. “Good,” he said as he grabbed her to him, his lips finally meeting hers in a scorching kiss.

  His breathing irregular as he grasped her closer and closer, moving them backwards until she hit the wall. One of his hands curled tight in her long dark hair as the other seized her ass and pulled her up. As soon as he did, her legs wrapped around his waist and she sank her tongue deep inside his mouth to dance with his.

  “Bedroom,” he mumbled as his hardness grew, his senses on overload while her scent invaded his entire being. His Wolf howled loudly when she removed her legs from his waist to stand before him.

  Charlie’s pupils were so dilated her eyes looked almost black as she smiled up at him. “This way, Highland boy.”

  Rory felt a growl rumble in his chest as he followed her. “I’ve told you, I’m no boy.”

  Charlie laughed as she ran the last few feet towards the door to her bedroom, tugging him in behind her. Rory didn’t even take time to look around, as soon as he saw her bed he picked her up and carried her towards it. “Let me show you I’m no boy,” he growled when her lips found his once again.

  “Show me,” she breathed into his mouth as they made it to the bed.

  Rory placed her on the bed, his hands moving lightning fast to remove her clothes and boots. As his fingers touched her soft skin he growled again, his eyes raking over her body. The sight of her in only her bra and panties causing his cock to twitch almost painfully within the confines of his jeans.

  “Your turn,” she purred as she moved to get more comfortable, her head on a pillow, she stared at him as if he was her next meal.

  He cocked his head to the side, watching her as he pulled his own clothes off. When his shirt left his body he heard her gasp and he clearly heard her heart rate picking up. “Now, Charlie, do I look like a boy to you?”

  Shaking her head, she bit her bottom lip again, “Nope,” was all she said as her eyes moved to his fingers, now undoing his jeans.

  Rory kicked off his boots, leaning down to remove his socks before standing up straight. Charlie’s eyes glued to the waistband of his pants as he slowly lowered them. A chuckle escaped him as she let out a long breath when his full nakedness came into view.

  “Wow!” she exclaimed, as her eyes widened at his arousal.

  Rory lay down next to her, taking her in his arms, as they kissed with abandon. His hands running up and down her body before landing on her breast. As he slid her nipple between two fingers she melted back into the bed, his own body moving to cover hers.

  One of Charlie’s hands held the back of his neck, her fingers in his hair as her other hand ran her nails down his back. She wasn’t being gentle and he could feel small drips of blood pool where her nails raked his skin. Rory moved a knee to open her legs as he moved to cover her completely, his hardness nearing her entrance.

  Their passion reaching heights he had never encountered before as his mind was consumed by her; body, scent and soul. A fleeting thought of protection ran through his desire addled brain before her hand landed on his ass, urging him towards her. With one last movement he slid inside, a low roar erupting from his throat as they moved in unison toward that great precipice.

  Charlie’s screams of passion bringing him nearer and nearer his release. His name torn from her lips as her head fell back, her orgasm hitting hard as she clamped tightly around him. It was at that point he knew he could last no longer, his seed erupting deep inside her, his head thrown back as he howled loudly.

  Rory only just managed to stop himself from sinking his teeth deep into her, marking her as his. “What the fucking hell?” he thought as he retracted his fangs that were now filling his mouth. “That’s never happened before!” His mind in turmoil at the feelings coursing through him.

  As his mind cleared he looked down into Charlie’s beautiful face. A face that shone with passion and contentment. “You okay?” he asked quietly, hoping he hadn’t hurt her.

  “I’m more than okay, my Highland Wolf.” She beamed up at him and he noted she didn’t use “boy.”

  “Fuck! Shit!” he cursed as he realized they’d not used a condom. “I’m sorry,” he apologized and she raised an eyebrow in question. “Protection, we didn’t use any,” he clarified and saw the comprehension hit.

  Charlie placed her hands on his chest, pushing him off her, before jumping up and running to the bathroom attached to her room. He could clearly hear her curse and swear as she turned on a shower. Rory sat up, placing his head in his hands as he took several deep breaths.

  “How could you be so stupid?” he thought, over and over as he heard something that almost broke his heart.

  Rory got up quickly, striding to the bathroom and finding Charlie sitting on the toilet seat, tears running down her face. He knelt in front of her, placing his finger under her chin to lift her head. Her red-rimmed eyes met his and she hiccupped as he kissed her lips gently.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered, “it’s my fault, I should’ve stopped and gotten a condom.”

  Charlie shook her head. “No, it’s not just your fault. I should’ve told you to wear one but, fuck, Rory, I’ve never felt like that before.”

  Rory sighed. “Me neither, but it doesn’t excuse my lack of thought. I’m really sorry.”

  “As I said, it’s not all on you, Rory. Let’s just keep our fingers crossed that your seed didn’t take root, ‘cause I’m darn sure neither of us wants that right now.”

  Rory stood up, pulling her up and heading into the walk-in shower together. Her words ringing in his ears as he pondered the thought of becoming a father. It was definitely something he’d avoided like the plague ‘til now, but for some weird reason he wasn’t running for the hills at the thought. Usually he was a “love ‘em ‘n leave ‘em” type of guy, having fun then moving on, but he knew Charlie was different.

  He knew it and his Wolf knew it. She was special but he had no clue why or if she felt the same. All he knew was that from the moment he saw her his heart stuttered every time he looked at her. His beast prowling around inside his brain and fighting to get out.

  As he soaped Charlie’s back she relaxed, “Rory,” she murmured, “did I see your fangs earlier? I thought I did.”

  Rory squirmed, embarrassed for the lack of control over his beast. “Hmm, possibly.” He tried to distract her, his hands reaching around to gently rub the soap over her breasts.

  “Stop it!” Charlie laughed. “You know you’ve got to get back and rest.”

  Rory chuckled, “Yeah, I know, but it was worth a shot.”

  “So,” Charlie said and turned into his arms, “you never answered. Fangs?”

  He knew his face flushed, he could feel it as she stared into his eyes. “Yeah, no idea what happened but they came out all on their own. Musta been in the heat of passion, ya know?”

  Charlie shook her head. “No, I don’t. It’s never happened before and I think you missed it but mine did too.”

  “Really?” he stuttered, “What the hell?”

  Charlie frowned. “I know, surprised the shit outta me too.”

  Rory leaned down, placing his forehead against hers as the water fell over them as if they were standing under a waterfall. “Weird, it’s never happened with me either.”

  “Too late to think on it now, my Highlander, you need to get back and sleep.” Charlie reached over and turned off the water. “I don’t want Cam angry at you, or me! He s
eems a little intense.”

  Rory stepped out, grabbing a towel and handing it to her before getting one for himself. “He’s okay, just likes things done properly and his way. He’s a good leader, Charlie. A very good leader.”

  “Yes, I think so too, well, from the little I’ve seen of him. Is he Alpha?”

  Drying himself off, he shook his head. “No, he should’ve been but there’s history between him and his dad so he left the Pack a long time ago. He’s a fancy businessman now, property and finance and he’s rich as Satan with private jets ‘n fancy cars.”

  “That’s a pity. He looks like he’d make a good strong Alpha.”

  Rory went in search of his clothes, dressing quickly as Charlie pulled on a long t-shirt. “If he ever decided to live in a Pack he most definitely would be Alpha. He’s not good at taking orders from anyone, he much prefers giving them, but he thinks things through and does what’s best. Like here, he’s doing his damnedest to help and he won’t stop until he’s fixed things.”

  Charlie came over, cupping the side of his face. “Good, ‘cause it’s been kinda scary round here lately.”

  “Don’t be scared, Charlotte, we’ll make sure you’re all safe. Trust me, you don’t want Cam gunning for you ‘cause he’s one scary Wolf when he’s angry. Talking of which, I better get going. See you tomorrow?”

  Rory cocked his head to the side as she nodded and he pulled her hard against his body, his lips taking hers in a hot kiss. He could hear her heart beating madly as he pulled away. “Tomorrow, my American Wolf.”

  “Yes, tomorrow,” Charlie whispered as he left her standing in the middle of her room with a smile on her face.

  ~Chapter 10~

  Cam was still up when Rory walked in, a goofy smile on his face. He sat on the sofa waiting to see if his friend would even notice he was there. Rory was almost to the stairs before he saw him, his face blushing as he gave a small smile.

  Cam chuckled. “I see you had a good night.”

  Rory walked over, sitting on the chair next to him. “I did, she’s wonderful, Cam. I’ve never met someone that I felt like this about. It’s kinda scary and shit, can I ask you something?”

  “Not if it’s anything to do with sex.” Cam kept a straight face. “You’re a big boy and I’m not your father so any questions in that department are not getting answered.”

  “Don’t be daft! Well, it’s not directly about sex. Cam, have your fangs ever come out on their own when you’ve been…you know.”

  Cam sat up straighter, frowning at his friend and trying to word his answer so it didn’t scare Rory shitless. “Fangs coming out? Hmm, nope never happened to me but I’ve known a few that it’s happened to.”

  Rory let out a long sigh, “Thank goodness! I was getting worried.”

  “Rory, the people I’ve known it happen to, well, it happened at a particular time. Not just run of the mill but …” Cam stopped, seeing his friend’s eyes widen as if he was waiting on the executioners axe to fall. “Don’t look so scared. It’s not anything bad. Well, not for most Wolves anyway.”

  Rory jumped up. “Cam, will ye just tell me!”

  “It usually happens during bonding.” Cam waited, knowing an outburst was going to follow.

  He was right, Rory’s hands flew up, his head shaking furiously. “No! Don’t be stupid. I’ve just freaking met her. Yes, she’s gorgeous, hot ‘n sexy but my mate? I don’t bloody think so!”

  Cam sat quietly, waiting on Rory to calm down but his friend started pacing back and forth in front of the log fire. Cam watched as he saw a dozen different emotions flitting across Rory’s face. Shock, incomprehension and even fear were clear on Rory’s features. At last he stopped, turning to Cam with a face as white as a sheet.

  “You think she’s mine?” he whispered.

  Cam shrugged. “I have no idea, I’ve not seen you two together and truth be told, Rory, only you and your beast know the answer to that.”

  “Fuck,” Rory swore, running a hand over his face as his breaths quickened.

  “You should go to bed, looks like you’ve a lot on your mind, my friend, but try and get some rest.”

  “What? Rest, you really think I’m going to get sleep now?” Rory grumbled as he walked up the stairs with Cam chuckling as he went.

  Cam settled back on the sofa, his mind wandering, again, to the White Wolf and hoping she was safe and unhurt. The thought of her being injured or suffering in any way bringing an anger so great it scared him. Anger wasn’t a good emotion to function on. Cool and calm was the way to go but when he thought of Chastity all rationale appeared to fly out the window.

  Lying down, Cam decided he would rest on the sofa instead of making his way upstairs. This way he would be nearer the door if anything happened overnight. The last thing he saw in his mind was the image of the White Wolf flying over the ground as it tried to outrun the Beta. He made a vow to himself he would keep her safe from her brother. No matter what that took.

  Cam was certain his eyes had just closed when he heard feet coming down the stairs, more than one pair. He shot up, thinking the alarm had gone off but the smell of breakfast hanging in the air told him otherwise. Jinx, Mac and the rest of the guys, including Jacob filed past.

  “I assume there were no alarms overnight?” he mumbled and Jacob shook his head.

  “Good,” Cam said as he joined everyone at the table, moaning. “It’s still dark outside.”

  “We take over at dawn, so duh, ‘course it’s still dark out.” Jinx grinned as he shoved crispy bacon into his mouth and washed it down with fresh orange juice.

  “True, well I have to…” Cam didn’t get to finish as Fergie crashed through the front door shouting.

  “Cam! Cam! He’s gone, Mom doesn’t know when or where but he’s gone!”

  Cam strode over. “Who’s gone?”

  Fergie’s face was white and Cam could feel the fear and apprehension rolling off him. His cousin took a deep breath, “Father, he’s gone. Mom couldn’t find him and neither can I or the guards. Cam, I’m worried he’s gone after Dupont.”

  “Fuck!” Cam cursed as he started to pace back and forth. “I told him I’d deal with this. I told him not to go after him!”

  Fergie agreed, “I know you did but he’s angry. So, so angry.”

  “I know, and I understand his anger but going off on his own won’t solve this. Jacob, why didn’t the sensors pick him up?”

  Jacob shrugged his shoulders. “I have no idea but if he knew where they were he could easily get around them. The area around the camp is huge and we only put them on the side that Dupont’s Wolves have been known to use.”

  Cam frowned and huffed, “We should’ve known Fearghas would do something. I should’ve known! Okay, we need to go and find him now. Before he gets himself into trouble. Grab something to eat quickly, boys, we’ve got to move.”

  “We’re ready,” Mac said, motioning to the rest to get up.

  “Where do we start?” Jinx asked as Cam started to strip off his clothes.

  “Alpha’s house, we’ll start tracking from there.” Cam pulled his jeans off, turning to Fergie. “We’ll find him, go and stay with your mother, she’ll be needing you, Fergie.”

  Fergie’s hands were clenched as he furiously hit the wheels of his chair. “I fucking hate this!”

  Jinx stepped forward stating firmly, “Fergie, we know, but you need to stay calm and go look after your mum. Now, Fergie.”

  Fergie looked up at the sharp tone, his eyes full of anger and anguish. “Yeah, I know, sorry.”

  “No apologies necessary,” Cam said as he walked past and went outside, transforming as soon as he was free of the confines of the house.

  His great black beast paced in front of the house impatiently waiting on everyone else as Fergie rolled away, back to the Alpha’s house. Cam watched his friends as they filed out, stark naked, changing as soon as they could then waiting for his lead.

  Jacob joined them, his beast massive as
Cam took off towards his uncle’s house, where they found Fergie, Angel, and his aunt waiting. Marie came down the stairs, wringing her hands and worry on her face. “Find him for me, please.”

  Cam growled then lowered his head, letting his unique tracking power loose to lock onto Fearghas’ trail. He saw it as a gold mist floating just on top of the ground, heading around the back of the cabin. He took off, slowly at first, but once in the trees he had a clear view of the trail his uncle took and he increased his speed until they were speeding headlong through the forest.

  The golden mist took them on a twisting trail, which was obviously done to avoid the sensors Jacob had positioned to warn them of Dupont’s incursions. Cam mentally shook his head at the stupidity of his uncle. Going after someone as dangerous as Dupont on his own was madness. He only hoped they got to him before Dupont.

  As they ran on Cam’s beast became more and more frantic, rushing headlong through the trees with his men at his back. “What’s wrong?” he asked it as they ran faster and faster. His beast snarled, growled then let out a blood-curdling howl as they broke free of the trees at the spot of Fergie’s attack.

  His black Wolf slid on its huge paws, coming to a stop beside the body of a large Wolf. Blood, skin, fur, and guts covered the ground and if it wasn’t for the golden mist trail and the distinct scent of his uncle, Cam wouldn’t have been able to tell who it was that lay decimated before them.

  Cam’s beast threw its mammoth head back and roared at the sky, his howl full of pain and grief. He was only partly aware that the Wolves that followed him were doing the same. Their wails of grief filling the air as birds scattered from the trees that surrounded them, taking flight at the deafening sound.

  He wasn’t sure how long they stood, united in anger and sorrow, as his heart pounded at the thought of telling his cousin and aunt that the Alpha was dead. Finally, Cam transformed, kneeling down to gently stroke the bloodied face of the once great beast. “I’ll make him suffer, don’t think I won’t. I promise you. I’ll destroy him!”


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