It Was Always You

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It Was Always You Page 23

by Georgie Capron

  Spending quality time with Izzy was the biggest perk. It was a true joy for Libby to see her daughter every day. She didn’t know how she had managed for so long without it. She was growing so quickly, and finally Libby didn’t have to miss a thing. Luca had come over to visit a couple of times, taking Izzy for the weekend. No one was more excited than him at the thought of Izzy and Libby’s imminent translocation, and he had offered to do anything they needed to help things run smoothly on the Italian side. It was definitely proving useful to have a local around when they needed him.

  Angus’s lease terminated at the end of April. As planned, all of his possessions were being shipped ahead of them to Italy, along with the majority of Libby and Izzy’s belongings. Angus was staying at Libby’s for the last couple of weeks until she exchanged with the buyers and handed over the keys. As a final farewell they had decided to throw a dinner party, inviting Angus’s parents as well as Helen, Henry, Miriam and John. The Lockharts and the Saunders had known each other for years, with their children having grown up together, but it was nice for the Lockharts to get to know John a bit better and to meet Henry for the first time. Eight people was a rather tight squeeze around Libby’s dining table, but it seemed a fitting send-off for Angus and Libby as they set off on their new venture.

  Before she knew it, the last day that she would ever spend in her little flat came hurtling around the corner. It felt like the end of an era. She could hardly believe that the next day they would be driving out to Italy, no looking back.

  To celebrate their last night in London they ordered a takeaway and drank a bottle of red wine, toasting new beginnings. They curled up on the sofa and watched a movie. At the end of the evening they got ready for bed, both of them feeling a little nervous and full of anticipation about what was to come. Suddenly feeling emotional, Libby asked Angus if he would sleep next to her in her bed. ‘Would that be weird? I just don’t want to be by myself tonight. Besides, you shouldn’t have to sleep on the sofa on your last night… and you’ve got a big day of driving ahead of you. There’s plenty of space for two…’

  ‘Of course I will,’ he said, ruffling her hair in the same way that he had done since they were young teenagers. They brushed their teeth before climbing into bed. It had probably been a good twenty years since they had last slept in the same bed.

  ‘Night, night,’ Libby said as she turned out her bedside light. She rested the side of her head against the pillow, her head spinning with dreams of their new life in Italy.

  ‘Night Libs,’ said Angus. She felt him move a bit closer to her. He pulled himself up and reached over to plant a kiss on her cheek. He was about to roll back over to his side of the bed when she took his hand and pulled him closer, so that the length of his body curled against her back like a big spoon. She placed his arm around her and rested her hand against his forearm. It felt so good to have him next to her; she could feel the weight of his muscular torso pressing into her back against the fabric of her pyjamas. She felt a swell of love for her oldest friend, his presence calmed and reassured her as she felt the rise and fall of his chest behind her. His steady, rhythmic breathing soothed her and, for the first time in weeks, she fell asleep with a deep sense of peace.

  Chapter Thirty

  It had been a long and exhausting few days. Izzy had done remarkably well coping with the journey. They made sure they had regular stops to take her out of her car seat and get some fresh air, enjoying the spectacular scenery as they made their way south. Angus had been a real trooper, doing the majority of the driving, keeping Libby entertained with chatter, and generally providing excellent company. She couldn’t believe her luck that he was here by her side; that they were doing this together. She truly couldn’t think of anyone in the world she would rather be there with as she took this extraordinary, life-changing step into the unknown. As they drove through the picturesque Italian countryside, Libby’s heart soared.

  ‘I can’t believe we are actually here for good,’ she said. ‘This country is our home for the foreseeable future. Isn’t it crazy?’ she laughed.

  ‘It is the craziest thing we’ve ever done,’ Angus said. ‘That’s for sure.’

  ‘It’s so beautiful…’ Libby sighed as she stared out through the window.

  ‘Impossibly so,’ Angus agreed. ‘I can’t wait to start my first series.’

  ‘I can’t wait to see what you do. We’ll have to have your work all over L’Albero di Limoni.’

  ‘Definitely… I might get some sales and commissions that way too.’

  ‘Good idea,’ Libby agreed.

  ‘Do you feel weird having left England?’ Angus asked her.

  ‘A bit. It’s so exhilarating, though, to have a change. I think it’s all too easy to get stuck in a rut, in the same old existence. It feels pretty liberating to leave it all behind and have a fresh start, don’t you think? Even though I know it’s going to be incredibly hard work at the same time,’ Libby added.

  ‘I agree,’ Angus smiled. ‘I feel over the moon. Terrified, but so excited at the same time.’

  When they eventually arrived in Tremento, they were greeted by Lizzy, who was staying for one more night to do a final handover and exchange before she flew back to the UK. She was leaving her car behind and flying back with just a couple of suitcases. All her other possessions had been shipped on ahead, except for any furniture and fittings that Libby and Angus had decided to keep as part of the sale. The house was full of boxes ready and waiting for them to unpack. They decided to wait until Lizzy had left before tackling them. They both realised how hard it must be for Lizzy to leave the place that was so utterly steeped in memories of Giuseppe.

  Lizzy had cooked a delicious meal for them and they toasted the exchange with champagne, finding out all about her plans for the foreseeable future. She would be staying with John for a while to give her a chance to find her feet and decide where she might settle down. It was an emotional goodbye the following morning as they waved Lizzy off in her taxi.

  ‘Poor thing,’ Libby said. ‘It must be utterly heartbreaking leaving this place.’

  ‘So many memories.’

  ‘Perhaps it’ll be good for her.’

  ‘I hope so.’ They had offered her permanent visiting rights should she ever want to come back and stay, which she had gratefully accepted. Libby wondered whether she would take them up on their offer one day.

  Izzy was toddling around the place happily within no time. She seemed to love exploring, and thought the packaging boxes were wonderful playhouses. Luca came over frequently to see Izzy, taking her back to Positano for his agreed days of shared custody. They had worked out a schedule that suited them both, heavily weighted in Libby’s favour.

  The first few weeks flew by as they unpacked, sorted and explored the local area, working out where the shops were, the supermarkets, the DIY stores. Libby sourced suppliers for local produce to ensure she could provide the freshest and best-quality ingredients for her breakfasts. She would serve pastries and bread from the bakery as well as homemade fruit tarts and traditional breakfast cake. The butcher would ensure a regular supply of cooked meats, milk, eggs and bacon, and she would get fresh fruit, jams, and honey from the farm shop several miles down the road.

  They had inherited a charming older lady called Francesca from Lizzy. She had been at L’Albero di Limoni for years as a cleaner and housekeeper, and she had instantly taken a real shine to Izzy. It was great to have someone so reliable to help look after her. Francesca’s daughter Simona had agreed to help with childcare when the guests started to arrive, especially during the busy mornings when both Francesca and Libby would be rushed off their feet. There were lots of meetings with local carpenters, decorators, electricians, and the architect in charge of converting the barn. The first priority was sorting out their living area, redecorating the parts of the house which would be their home, and so that was where they started. As each room was completed, they began to feel more settled, a little more at home.<
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  It was Izzy’s second birthday not long after they arrived. It was hard for Libby to believe how the time had gone by. They spent the day with Luca and his family in Positano, having a birthday lunch in a local restaurant. It was the first time that Libby had been back there since she and Luca had split up and, while it was lovely to see Mario and Chiara and the rest of the family, she had never been more grateful to have Angus by her side. She could tell that Nicola, Giovanna and Antonia were watching them carefully, trying to figure out whether or not they were together. She was more than happy to let them come to their own conclusions. As she watched Angus chatting to Luca’s family, she could see how they would be impressed with her taste. He was deeply tanned and so tall in comparison with the Morellis. His charm was completely different to Luca’s, much more rugged and less groomed; his masculinity was earthier and less manicured. At first it felt strange to be there with Luca’s family, but by the end of the meal it had begun to feel more natural. Luckily enough time had passed, and enough had changed for Libby, both in terms of her circumstances but also her self-confidence and self-esteem, that she found she could handle the situation much better than she would have given herself credit for.

  ‘Thank you so much for coming with me,’ she said, as Angus drove them back to Tremento.

  ‘It was my pleasure,’ he replied. ‘They seem like a really nice family, to their credit.’

  ‘They are… It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, seeing them.’

  ‘I’m glad. They must think Luca is insane to have left you. I could tell.’

  ‘I think they think we are a couple…’ said Libby.

  ‘Let them!’ laughed Angus. ‘It’ll do them good!’ An image of Angus kissing her flashed into her mind and she blushed to the roots of her hair. She turned to check on Izzy in her car seat, distracting herself from the inappropriate thoughts that were attempting to flood her imagination. Once again she was grateful that Angus couldn’t see into her mind.

  In June Helen’s baby was born. Libby left Izzy with Angus and flew back to the UK to meet her nephew. As she pulled away from the drive in the taxi with her small suitcase by her side, Izzy wailed and wailed. Libby couldn’t bear leaving her, but she was longing to meet her little nephew. She looked at Angus, standing by the front door holding her daughter, and she felt overcome with emotion. He looked so handsome in his decorating clothes, paint-spattered jeans and a crumpled T-shirt. She knew she was going to miss them both immensely, even if it was just for a couple of days.

  Back in the UK, Henry opened the door to their little flat. ‘Libby! Welcome! It’s so good to see you…’ He gave her a big hug and took the huge bouquet of flowers from her. ‘Wow, this is the biggest bunch of flowers I’ve ever seen! You shouldn’t have…’

  ‘It’s not every day you become an auntie,’ laughed Libby. ‘Where are they? I’m dying to meet little Archie.’

  ‘They’re in the bedroom,’ replied Henry, leading her down the corridor.

  As Libby entered the room, her eyes filled with tears at the sight of Helen, plumped up with pillows and cradling her tiny newborn baby in her arms. Miriam was sitting on the bed next to her, gazing besottedly at her newest grandchild.

  ‘Oh my goodness Helen look at him – he’s adorable!’ Libby cried. ‘Congratulations!’

  ‘Libs, it’s so good to see you,’ Helen smiled. She looked exhausted but elated at the same time, clearly head over heels in love with her much longed-for little baby.

  ‘Darling,’ said Miriam, getting up to give her daughter a kiss. ‘Isn’t he perfect?’ she said.

  Libby kissed Helen and stroked Archie’s impossibly soft cheek. ‘He’s tiny! I’d forgotten how small they are when they are born. Can I hold him?’

  She picked up the tiny baby, as light as a feather, enjoying the feeling of him nuzzling into her shoulder as she caught up with Helen and Miriam. She found out all about the birth, and in turn told them all about their first month in Italy. They sat on the bed talking while Helen fed the baby, leaving her to doze when the baby slept, making themselves useful cooking and tidying up, doing loads of washing, and generally giving Henry and Helen a chance to rest. At night Libby stayed in the spare room while Miriam went back to John’s house.

  The weekend flew by and, though she missed Izzy and Angus terribly, it was wonderful to spend some time with her family. She was already missing not being able to see them so regularly.

  ‘Please will you come and stay soon?’ Libby asked as she said her goodbyes.

  ‘We are planning on coming this August,’ Miriam said. ‘Is that OK?’

  ‘We’d love that! I doubt the guestrooms will be finished till the end of August, but we’ve got a spare room in the main part of the house which will be ready by then. We decided to prioritise our living quarters in terms of building work to make sure Izzy felt settled as quickly as possible. What about you, Hels? Do you think you’ll be able to come and stay with the baby?’

  ‘Maybe when he’s a little older?’ she said. ‘But definitely – try and stop us! I’m desperate to see it, it looks so beautiful.’

  ‘You’ll probably find it hard to get rid of us,’ added Henry, smiling.

  ‘Great… come and live nearby,’ Libby clapped her hands.

  ‘Oy… I can’t have both my daughters abandoning me!’ cried Miriam.

  ‘Don’t worry, Mum,’ laughed Helen. ‘Henry’s job is based here so we won’t be jumping ship any time soon.’

  ‘He’s going to be so big by the next time I see him.’ Libby was reluctant to leave her nephew. ‘Promise to FaceTime every day, and send me millions of photos please…’

  As she got on the Tube back to Heathrow, she couldn’t help but smile. She was so happy for her sister. It was amazing how well things had worked out for her. Helen had come such an unbelievably long way since those dark days after breaking up with Alan. It felt like a huge weight off her shoulders that both her mother and her sister were so happy, and so well looked after by their other halves. Once again she thought about Angus. The possibility of him leaving her popped into her mind, of him meeting someone else… She couldn’t bear the thought. Her heart wrenched at the idea. She suddenly realised just how much she needed him. His smiling face, always so kind, so reliable, so even tempered, had become as familiar to her as her own daughter’s. She couldn’t imagine life at L’Albero di Limoni without him. She realised that she didn’t ever want to know what that would be like.

  Back in Italy, the months of June and July flew by. Work on the barn was going ahead at full tilt and the house was nearly finished. Work was due to start on the guestrooms and they had an estimated completion date set for the end of August. The bed and breakfast was officially opening at the start of September. They had agreed to wait until the builders had left to ensure their guests could have uninterrupted nights. It had also given them plenty of time to get settled with Izzy before work began to take over their lives. The first bookings were starting to roll in through the website, which Luca had helped Libby and Angus revamp. They had started to make some local friends, inviting the odd couple around for a drink or a barbecue. Luckily most of them spoke English, but if not Libby translated for Angus. His Italian was getting pretty good. He had studied Spanish at school, which helped – the languages were so similar – and he was having regular Italian lessons too.

  It felt to Libby as though they were settling in to their new life remarkably well. Miriam and John came out to visit, as promised, in August, as did Angus’s parents, his sister and her husband, along with their two children. It felt wonderful to be able to show the place off. They loved everyone’s reactions as they took them to the best beaches, the best trattorias, the best gelaterias. They drove them around the countryside exploring, had picnics and barbecues, and sampled the local wines. It gave them great pleasure to see their families looking so relaxed and so happy, so in awe of the new life that they had created for themselves. It made them realise just how lucky they were.
  Chapter Thirty-One

  As the last vestiges of summer rolled by and autumn came creeping in, it dawned on Libby that perhaps she was feeling more for Angus than she should as a best friend. It had happened so slowly that she had barely noticed it at first, but the stronger her feelings became, the harder it was to ignore them. She had always loved him dearly, but now she found herself thinking about him in an entirely new light. She had always thought he was handsome, but now she was feeling attracted to him in a way she had never imagined possible. Ever since Jules had declared her interest in him all those years ago, Libby had forced the part of her brain that had considered him a prospect – the part of her that had kissed him – to shut down completely and, she had assumed, irreversibly. But something was happening now that was beyond her control. She was falling for him and there was nothing she could do about it.

  Libby had started dreaming about Angus kissing her; the same dream recurred over and over again. They were in the cottage that they had rented in Devon, standing on the patio. He had his arms wrapped around her and was pulling her close, kissing her. Sometimes her dreams would go further; they would be lying in bed together, making love. She would suddenly wake up in a fluster, her heart pounding, shocked at herself but unable to get the images out of her mind. She was absolutely sure that Angus would be horrified if he could see inside her head. He thought of her as a best friend but nothing more. She was determined that he would never find out her secret. She couldn’t risk spoiling their friendship; it was the most important relationship she had. She felt like a teenager once more, pining for him; her heart longed for him to be hers and hers alone. She felt confused and agitated by the strength of her feelings towards him. Ever since she had allowed herself to admit how she felt, they seemed to have blossomed and grown, making her act awkwardly around him in a way she hadn’t in years.


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