Seducing the Dragon: Part Three

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Seducing the Dragon: Part Three Page 6

by Jessie Donovan

She smiled. “I want to say something, but I can’t. This feeding your dragon’s ego thing is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.”

  Bram chuckled. She loved the deep, throaty sound. “It won’t be for much longer, and then you can do your worst.” He kissed her nose. “And I look forward to it.”

  Resisting the urge to hug him and never let go, she gave a light push against his chest. “Before something bad happens, let’s get this party started. I want to watch you shift, then I’ll crawl into the basket.”

  With a nod, Bram released his hold and walked ten feet away. She could barely make out his outline in the faint moonlight. Would she even be able to watch him shift? She’d only seen a dragon shift a handful of times, one of which had happened during her training. Disappointment flooded her at the thought she couldn’t give Bram’s dragon the proper attention he deserved. Later. I’ll fawn and swoon over his dragon form later.

  As her dragonman unfastened the strap over his shoulder, she decided the darkness might be a good thing after all. Then she wouldn’t be distracted by his naked, toned, and lickable body.

  The sound of his clothes falling to the ground filled the air right before his body gave off a soft blue glow. Admittedly, she’d never seen a dragonman shift at night. She had no idea their bodies glowed in the process; daylight masked that little secret.

  Two seconds later, the glow intensified as Bram’s arms and legs grew into appendages with sharp-tipped talons, a tail and wings extended from his back, and his head morphed into the long, narrow snout of a dragon. The twenty-foot-tall dragon glowed for a few seconds before the light faded. Even with the brief glance, she itched to touch the bright blue of Bram’s dragonhide.

  The dragon huffed and motioned his head toward the basket. “Right,” Evie said before rushing over to the contraption. Gawking would have to wait.

  As soon as she crawled over the four-foot-high wall of the basket, Bram jumped into the air and beat his wings to hover in place. He slowly maneuvered to where she waited and delicately gripped the metal rings. The twenty-thousand pound plus dragon above her head had far more grace than she’d believe possible.

  With precise movements, the bottom of the basket gave way to her weight as they rose into the air. Since peeping over the side of the basket would be useless in the dark, she tugged her cloak tight around her body and closed her eyes to enjoy the sound of dragon wings beating above her as the wind rushed through her hair.

  Chapter Seven

  The steady rhythm of his wings helped Bram to rein in his inner beast, just barely. He had a feeling once they arrived at the safe spot, his dragon would want to claim Evie to cover her in their scent before he had to leave again.

  Under normal circumstances, he would love nothing more than to pull Evie close and devour every inch of her body. But his clan needed him. If his beast lost complete control, he would let them down. His actions might even kill them.

  Maybe if he knew the reasons behind his dragon’s protectiveness of Evie, he could think of how to rein his beast back under his control later. Then he would be able to help his clan.

  While he had a chance, Bram decided it was time to wrangle some answers out of his beast. Tell me why you are so possessive of Evie.

  She is ours. That is all.

  There is more you’re not telling me. I don’t understand why, either. You’ve always been open with me. We are one, and keeping secrets from one another is counterproductive.

  To be happy, you must want her for her.

  Bloody beast, I already do. What aren’t you telling me?

  I will tell you when you’re ready. For now, I will protect her.

  At the finality of his dragon’s tone, he growled inside his head. Deep down, he might know what his dragon was withholding, but it was dangerous to hope. True mate or not, he was keeping Evie Marshall.

  His secret hideaway wasn’t too far from Stonefire’s land by dragonwing, and within ten minutes, he circled around the jagged peaks below a few times to ascertain if any humans were around. The land below him was part of the Lake District National Park, which technically belonged to the humans. However, the nearest village was miles away, and there were very few roads. Since it was only April, not many ramblers hiked the area either.

  Bram had chosen this spot within months of taking over the clan. Every leader liked to have a safe haven. While no one wanted anything awful to happen, it was always good to prepare for the worst.

  He was certain Evie would be safe here.

  His inner dragon growled. I don’t want to leave her alone. We must protect our mate.

  Trust me.

  Maybe. I will make sure no one will doubt she is ours. She must carry our scent.

  Bram had been afraid of this. We don’t have time for sex. We need to question Evie for answers.

  No. We must make sure everyone knows she is ours. I will fight you to make it happen.

  The urge to fuck his mate coursed through his body. His dragon roared inside their head. We are here. I will gain control before we land. We will fuck her and scent mark her. No male must come near her.

  As his dragon pushed to take control, Bram pushed back. He might be strong, but he was aware of how this was a losing battle. Images of him and Evie from earlier, when he’d fucked her from behind, flashed inside his brain. The dragon-half wanted Evie. If Bram was decoding the dragon’s feelings correctly, he wanted to protect the mother of their children.

  Impossible. Evie couldn’t be pregnant, nor would she ever be. She was incompatible.

  Wrong, wrong, you are wrong. She will be mother to our young. I will brand our scent strongly. No males will dare approach her.

  His dragon’s words piqued his curiosity. Tell me what you mean about her being mother to our young. Tell me, and we can fuck her once.

  I will fuck her anyway. I don’t need to bargain.

  Since his dragon was stubbornness incarnate, Bram knew this was a losing battle. It was best to agree for now and pounce when his inner beast least expected it. Post-orgasm, he should be able to regain command of his mind.

  Still, it was best to allow his beast to think he won for the time being. Fine, if we fuck her, will you allow me to talk to her again?

  Yes, after.

  Okay, we fuck her. But be careful. She is in the basket. We must lower her gently. Don’t take her until she’s inside our secret place.

  Of course. I would never hurt her.

  Beating his wings in long, slow motions, he carefully maneuvered his dragon’s form down through the jagged rocks. With great care, he laid the basket on the ground, released the metal rings, and moved to the side where an open area would allow him to land.

  The second his legs touched the ground, images of kissing Evie, touching the soft skin of her breast, and finally fucking her flooded his mind. As wrong as it was given all the shit going on, his dragon’s need was spilling over into his human-half.

  As his dragon repeated Fuck her over and over inside their head, he imagined his talons becoming hands, his snout shrinking to a chin and nose, and his wings merging into his back.

  Usually when he shifted back into his human-form, his dragon would quietly retreat and either sleep or observe what Bram did. However, that wasn’t the case. His beast was shouting inside his head.

  Fuck her. Now. We need her. Hand over control to me or I will lock you inside our mind and fuck her until I’m sated.

  Alarm filled his mind at his dragon fucking Evie for as long as he liked. Just give me a few more minutes. We can fuck her soon.

  Determined to keep his human half in charge long enough to guide them inside, he ran over to Evie’s basket. She was already standing and staring at him. However, the constant pounding of his dragon’s need prevented him from noticing much about her face, let alone her feelings. Until he thrust his cock into her, he wouldn’t be able to do anything.

  “Come. We need to hurry. My dragon needs to fuck you.”

  Grabbing her hand, he pull
ed her along to the secret entrance.


  Less than a minute after standing back on solid ground, Evie was being pulled along by a very naked Bram to some secret location so he could fuck her.

  Her legs wobbled a bit as she tried to match her dragonman’s pace. The urgency in his voice had been real; she only hoped there was something other than rock at his secret hideaway. Her arse really didn’t want to sit or lay on cold stone or damp grass.

  Soon, they were walking underneath the cover of trees and she had to rely on Bram’s guidance. It was pitch black and she couldn’t see a bloody thing.

  Bram finally whispered, “We’re nearly to the entrance. I will carry you.”

  Before she could so much as say his name, he plucked the laptop from her hand and her stomach bounced against Bram’s bare shoulder. The heat of his skin seeped through her cloak and dress. Combined with his earthy male scent filling her nose, a tingle raced through her body.

  Considering all of the shit going on, it was wrong, but the bouncing motioning as he moved made her a little wet. His dragon was about to take control. She wanted to see it.

  It will help him, remember. It’s not just you being horny and irresponsible. Sure, she’d go with that.

  The air became damp and cool, telling her they were inside one of the rock formations she’d just made out in the moonlight earlier. Just as she wished, there were lights; brightness flashed and she closed her eyes. Opening them slowly, her eyes adjusted to see a room furnished with a bed, a sofa, a small kitchen, and even overhead lights. “How do you power the lights?”

  Bram grunted. The next thing she knew, he tossed her onto a soft mattress. Well, at least it’s not stone.

  He towered over her and his eyes were flashing rapidly between slits and round pupils. The strain in his voice was pronounced, to the point he enunciated each word when he said, “No questions. Just strip or I’ll rip them.”

  Normally, she’d ask him to rip her clothes off as that had always been a fantasy of hers. , However, she didn’t want to destroy the beautiful traditional dragon-shifter dress Samira had given her, so she needed to get naked.

  Sitting up, she undid her cloak and tossed it aside. As she fumbled with the tie over her shoulder, she glanced to Bram. Her eyes were drawn to the motion of his arm; he was stroking his cock in long, slow movements.

  “Hurry, Evie. My dragon’s so close.”


  The tie finally came undone, and she wiggled out of the dress. No sooner did she toss it to the floor than Bram was on top of her. He murmured, “Mine,” before he kissed her. His tongue pushed into her mouth at the same time he thrust his cock into her wet pussy. Evie cried out in surprise and Bram moved his hips, his cock pounding in and out of her in deep strokes.

  The movements of both his tongue and his hips increased, until she couldn’t resist digging her nails into his back. She could think of nothing but the dragonman currently owning her mouth with his tongue as he pounded relentlessly into her pussy.

  He only broke the kiss to shout as he stilled inside her. As he came, pleasure exploded through her body in orgasm.

  She’d barely stopped spasming when Bram took her breast in his hand and squeezed. His eyes were purely slits now. His dragon was in complete control.

  She wanted to ask him if his human-half was coming back when he growled. “Mine. Again.”

  Pinching her nipple, he once again moved inside her. With each thrust, he pinched a little harder. Even without touching her clit, she felt the pressure building.

  Bram’s hand went under her arse and lifted, changing the angle of his thrusts. Holy hell, her dragonman’s dick was hard as stone, which made his movements that much more delicious.

  With one last twist of her nipple, she screamed as Bram roared. Her orgasm intensified with each jet of semen inside her. Lights were still dancing before her eyes when Bram pulled out of her. Good. Maybe his human-half has returned. There’s so much we need to do.

  Forcing her gaze to Bram, she saw the dragon slits and started to worry. “Bram?”

  Growling, Bram flipped her over and entered her pussy from behind. She cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. She didn’t understand what was happening. Bram had said after fucking her once, he should be able to wrestle control of his inner dragon. Yet he was already on the third go, his dragon fully in charge.

  She could barely concentrate as her dragonman played with her clit. His touch was addictive and made it difficult to concentrate.

  Yet a small part of her brain knew the clan would need him. What would she do if his human-half never regained control? No. Whatever it took, she needed to find a way to bring Bram’s human-half back.

  Then Bram pinched her clit, banishing all thoughts but the feel of his strong, warm fingers. Another pinch and her pussy clenched and released his cock in orgasm as he continued to move, his motions almost desperate.

  Somehow, some way, she would have to find a way to bring the clan leader version of Bram Moore-Llewellyn back to the forefront. How she was going to do that, however, she had no idea. Especially since Bram chose that moment to come inside her, and his semen sent her into another orgasm, scattering her thoughts.


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  Part Four will be released at a discounted price on January 17, 2015. Turn the page to learn how to subscribe to my newsletter!

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  While waiting for the final installment of Bram and Evie’s story, maybe you’d like to check out the first book in my Asylums for Magical Threats paranormal romance series, Blaze of Secrets, or the first book of my Cascade Shifters series, Reclaiming the Wolf. (And just in case you haven’t read Sacrificed to the Dragon, I’ll include some information about that too.) Turn the page for a look into my other works.

  With Gratitude,

  Jessie Donovan

  Blaze of Secrets

  (Asylums for Magical Threats #1)

  Kiarra Melini overhears the dangerous secrets of her blood and decides that if Feiru elemental magic is to survive, she needs to die. However, before she can finish the deed, a strange yet determined man shows up in her cell, throws her over his shoulder, and carries her right out of the prison for elemental magic users.

  Jaxton Ward is ordered by his superiors to train the stubborn elemental fire user he rescued. There's only one problem—she claims her magic is gone and he has no idea how to train a woman who spent the last fifteen years inside a prison cell. He's determined to keep his relationship professional, but as the danger amps up and they're forced to go on the run, he starts to fall for the newly confident woman who ignites his temper like no other.

  Kiarra's final secret is the key to them staying alive, but can they outrun the prison enforcers long enough for her to embrace her unique magical talents and finally learn to love again?


  Available now at some major online retailers (and will return to all retailers on February 5, 2015).

  Reclaiming the Wolf

  (Cascade Shifters #1)

  Female wolf-shifter clan leaders are rare, but Kaya Alexie thrives on the challenge and can handle anything the men of her pack throw her way. However, when the male cougar-shifter who broke her heart ten years ago shows up on her doorstep with a dead wolf-shifter in tow, her whole world goes off-kilter. She’s determined to ignore him, but when a virus threatens to decimate her clan, she has no choice but to work with her ex and his brother to sur

  Sylas Murray is sent by his brother to ask for the wolves’ help in solving the mystery of a recent wolf-shifter attack. There are a few problems, however. Not only is he a cougar-shifter among a pack of wolves, the clan leader is also his ex-girlfriend. To say they had a bad break-up would be putting it mildly—Sy’s actions nearly destroyed the truce his clan had with the wolf-shifters. But as a virus threatens the GreyFire wolves, Sy and Kaya must put aside their past to find a cure.

  As they work together and race against the clock, Sy starts to wonder why he let Kaya go in the first place. Despite their past, will he be able to reclaim the wolf that captured his heart and start over?


  Reclaiming the Wolf is now available on some online retailers. (It will return to all retailers on January 15, 2015)

  Sacrificed to the Dragon: Boxed Set

  Parts #1-4

  (Stonefire Dragons)

  In exchange for a vial of dragon’s blood to save her brother’s life, Melanie Hall offers herself up as a sacrifice to one of the British dragon-shifter clans. Being a sacrifice means signing a contract to live with the dragon-shifters for six months to try to conceive a child. Her assigned dragonman, however, is anything but easy. He’s tall, broody, and alpha to the core. There’s only one problem—he hates humans.

  Due to human dragon hunters killing his mother, Tristan MacLeod despises humans. Unfortunately, his clan is in desperate need of offspring to repopulate their numbers and it’s his turn to service a human female. Despite his plans to have sex with her and walk away, his inner dragon has other ideas. The curvy human female tempts his inner beast like no other.


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