Gregor the Overlander

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Gregor the Overlander Page 17

by Suzanne Collins

  "I pretended to be the warrior so I could get my dad. But I don't want to be a warrior," said Gregor. "I want to be like you."

  "I have fought in many battles, Gregor," said Vikus cautiously.

  "I know, but you don't go looking for them. You try to work things out every other way you can think of first. Even with the spiders. And Ripred," said Gregor. "Even when people think you're wrong, you keep trying.".

  "Well, then, Gregor, I know the gift I would wish to give you, but you can only find it yourself," said Vikus.

  "What is it?" said Gregor.

  "Hope," said Vikus. "There are times it will be very hard to find. Times when it will be much easier to choose hate instead. But if you want to find peace, you must first be able to hope it is possible."

  "You don't think I can do that?" said Gregor.

  "On the contrary, I have great hope that you can," said Vikus with a smile.

  Gregor slid the sword back across the table to him. "Tell them I said thanks, but no thanks."

  "You cannot imagine how happy I am to deliver that message," said Vikus. "And now you must rest. You have a journey tomorrow."

  "I do? Where? Not back to the Dead Land?" said Gregor, feeling a little ill.

  "No. I think it is time we send you home," said Vikus.

  They put a bed in his dad's room that night so that he and Boots could sleep close by. Now that he was going home, Gregor began to let thoughts of Lizzie and his grandma and, most of all, his mom come back into his head. Would they still be okay when he got back? He remembered his talk with Vikus, and tried to hope for the best.

  As soon as his dad and Boots had woken, they were taken to the dock where Gregor had made his escape the first night. A group of Underlanders had assembled to see them off.

  "Ares will take you to the portal above the Waterway," said Vikus. "It will be a short distance from there to your home."

  Mareth pressed a handful of paper into his hand. He realized it was money. "I took it from the museum. Vikus said you may need it to travel in the Overland."

  "Thanks," said Gregor. He wondered exactly where the Waterway gateway was in relation to his apartment. He guessed he'd find out soon enough.

  "The way is safe now, but do not tarry. As you know, things can shift quickly in the Underland," said Solovet.

  Gregor suddenly realized he would never see these people again. He was surprised by how much he would miss them. They'd been through a lot together. He hugged everybody good-bye. When he came to Luxa, he thought maybe he should just shake her hand, but he went ahead and hugged her, anyway. She actually gave him a hug back. It was a little stiff, but then, she was a queen.

  "Well, so if you're ever in the Overland, drop by," said Gregor.

  "Perhaps we shall see you here again someday," said Luxa.

  "Oh, I don't know. My mom's probably going to ground me for the rest of my life just to keep me safe," said Gregor.

  "What means this, 'ground you'?" asked Luxa.

  "Never let me leave the apartment," said Gregor.

  "That is not what it says in 'The Prophecy of Bane,'" said Luxa thoughtfully.

  "What? What's that?" asked Gregor, feeling panic rise up in him.

  "Did Vikus not tell you? It follows 'The Prophecy of Gray,'" said Luxa.

  "But I'm not in it. Am I? I mean, I'm not, right? Vikus?" said Gregor.

  "Ah, you must depart directly if you mean to catch the current," said Vikus, slipping the backpack with Boots onto his shoulders and leading him to Ares, who was already carrying his dad.

  "What aren't you telling me? What's 'The Prophecy of Bane'?" insisted Gregor as he felt himself lifted onto Ares's back.

  "Oh, that," said Vikus dismissively. "That is very vague. No one has been able to explain it for centuries. Fly you high, Gregor the Overlander." Vikus gave Ares a sign and he spread his wings.

  "What is it, though? What does it say?" shouted Gregor as they rose into the air.

  "Bye-bye, Temp! See you soon!" said Boots waving cheerfully.

  "No, Boots, no! We're not coming back!" said Gregor.

  The last thing Gregor saw as they left the palace was Vikus waving. He was not sure, but he thought he heard the old man say, "See you soon!"

  Down the river he went again, but this time he was flying over the foaming water on Ares's strong back. They soon reached the beach where he'd encountered

  Fangor and Shed. He caught a glimpse of the blackened ground where the fire had been.

  Ten minutes later, the river fed into what was either a sea or the biggest lake Gregor had ever seen. Giant waves rolled across the water's surface and crashed onto rocky beaches.

  A pair of guards on bats appeared and escorted them over the water. Gregor didn't see any rats around, but who knew what else might be down here looking for a meal. He caught a glimpse of a twenty-foot spiked tail as some creature flipped it out of the waves and then dove. "Not even going to ask," he thought.

  The guards held their positions as Ares began to ascend into a vast stone cone. At the base, it may have been a couple of miles in diameter. A strange misty wind seemed to be blowing them upward. "Must be the currents," thought Gregor.

  Ares flew in tighter and tighter circles as they ascended. He had to close his wings to squeeze through the opening at the top.

  Suddenly they were zipping through tunnels that looked familiar. They were not built of stone, but of concrete, so Gregor knew they must almost be home. The bat landed on a deserted stairway and nodded his head upward.

  "I cannot go farther," said Ares. "That is your way home. Fly you high, Gregor the Overlander."

  "Fly you high, Ares," said Gregor. His hand wrapped tightly around Ares's claw for a moment. Then he let go. The bat vanished in the darkness.

  Gregor had to help his dad up a long flight of stairs. There was a stone slab in the ceiling at the top. When Gregor pushed it aside, a wave of fresh air hit his face. He pulled himself out and his fingers found grass. "Oh, man," he said, hurrying to help his dad out. "Oh, man, look."

  "Moon," said Boots happily, pointing into the sky.

  "Yes, moon, little girl. Look, Dad, it's the moon!" His dad was too winded by the climb to answer. For a few minutes they just sat in the grass, staring up at the beauty of the night sky. Gregor looked around and realized by the skyline that they were in Central Park. He could hear the traffic just beyond a row of trees. He slid the stone slab back in place and helped his dad up.

  "Come on, let's grab a cab. Go see Mama, Boots?" he asked.

  "Ye-es!" said Boots emphatically. "Go see Mama."

  It must have been very late. Hardly anyone was out on the streets, but a few restaurants were still open. It was just as well since they made a funny sight, all dressed in their Underland clothes.

  Gregor flagged down a cab and they piled into the backseat. The driver either didn't notice or didn't care how they looked. He'd probably seen everything.

  Gregor pressed his face against the window drinking in the buildings, the cars, and the lights! All those beautiful lights! It seemed to take no time at all to reach their apartment. He paid the driver and added a huge tip.

  When they came to the front door, his dad pulled out his key chain, the one Gregor had made him, from his pocket. He fanned out the keys with trembling fingers and found the right one. For once the elevator wasn't broken, and they rode up to Gregor's hall.

  They opened the apartment door softly, not wanting to wake anyone. Gregor could see Lizzie asleep on the couch. From the bedroom he could hear his grandma murmuring in her sleep, so she was okay.

  A light was on in the kitchen. His mother sat at the kitchen table, as still as a statue. Her hands were clasped together, and she stared fixedly at a small stain on the tablecloth. Gregor remembered seeing her that way so many nights after his dad had disappeared. He didn't know what to say. He didn't want to scare her or shock her or ever give her any more pain.

  So, he stepped into the light of the kitchen and said the on
e thing he knew she wanted to hear most in the world.

  "Hey, Mom. We're home."


  First, I want to thank that brilliant children's book author, James Proimos. Without his encouragement and generosity, I would never have pursued books. I owe him a great deal for introducing me to our agent, Rosemary Stimola. Editors tell me she's the best in the business, and I have no reason to doubt it. For many years before I met her, my lawyer, Jerold Couture, skillfully guided me through the brambles of the entertainment business, and for that I will always be grateful.

  Special mention must be made here of Jane and Michael Collins, my parents and, as it happens, the best research team on the planet. Much love and appreciation goes to them for helping me map out life both in and out of books.

  I have to single out two writer friends from a field of many for their specific contributions. An early conversation with Christopher Santos was immensely important in sending this book in its current direction. Richard Register, I confide in you so consistently and on such a variety of topics that I just have to make one global thank-you for all you do.

  I'm struggling for words to express how lucky I feel that I landed Kate Egan for my editor. She is so full of talent, insight, and patience, and I can't imagine having developed this book with anyone else. Many thanks also to Liz Szabla for her expert guidance and support, and to the great team at Scholastic Press.

  I wrote most of this book at other people's houses. Dixie and Charles Pryor, Alice Rinker, and Deb and Greg Evans, I'm not sure when or if I would have finished this had you not opened up your homes to me and shared your quiet spaces.

  Gregor the Overlander is, first and foremost, the story of a family. I have been blessed with a large and loving one. So here's to the clans of Collins, Brady, Pryor, Rinker, Pleiman, Carmosino, Evans, Davis, and

  Owen for being such constants in the ever-shifting world.

  And speaking of family, the greatest thanks go to my husband, Cap, and my kids, Charlie and Isabel, who bring me back light every day.


  SUZANNE COLLINS'S Gregor the Overlander


  About the Author

  Q&A with Suzanne Collins

  Create Your Own Underland

  Creepy Crawly Critters

  Boots's Decoder Game

  A Sneak Peek at Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane , Book Two in the Underland Chronicles

  After Words guide by Jennifer Rees

  About the Author

  Thinking one day about Alice in Wonderland, Suzanne Collins was struck by how pastoral the setting must seem to kids who, like her own kids, lived in urban surroundings. In New York City, you're much more likely to fall down a manhole into the sewer than a rabbit hole, and if you do, you're not going to find a tea party. What might you find? The answer to this question can be found in Collins's first novel, Gregor the Overlander. Like Alice, Gregor takes a very long fall beneath his world and finds another strange place.

  Gregor the Overlander is the first in a five-part series entitled The Underland Chronicles. In each book, Gregor must find the courage and moral fortitude to deal with a different aspect of war.

  Although Gregor the Overlander is Suzanne Collins's first novel, she is not a stranger to writing for kids. Since 1991 she has had a successful and prolific career writing for children's television. She has worked on the staffs of several Nickelodeon shows, including the Emmy-nominated hit Clarissa Explains It All and The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo. She has also worked on shows such as Maurice Sendak's Little Bear, Oswald the Octopus, and Clifford's Puppy Days.

  Suzanne Collins currently lives in Connecticut with her family.

  Q&A with Suzanne Collins

  Q: Of all the places Gregor could have traveled to, why the Underland?

  A: I liked the fact that this world was teeming under New York City and nobody was aware of it. That you could be going along preoccupied with your own problems and then -- whoosh! -- you take a wrong turn in your laundry room and suddenly a giant cockroach is right in your face. No magic, no space or time travel, there's just a ticket to another world behind your clothes dryer.

  Q: Are you anything like Gregor?

  A: I think I'm like Gregor because we both want to do the right thing but sometimes have trouble figuring out what it is. Also, neither of us likes to ride rollercoasters, and we've both changed a lot of diapers.

  But Gregor is much braver than I am ... if I even see a regular-sized rat in New York City, I immediately cross the street.

  Q: Many people think bats, rats, cockroaches, and spiders are creepy! Did you have to get over your fear of any (or all!) of them to write this story?

  A: I wish I could say that after I researched the creepy animals I was no longer at all afraid of them ... but that would be a big fib! Cockroaches aren't really scary, just a little germy, so I don't mind them much. I love bats ... except these really loud ones that get in my attic in the summer and hold some kind of party there all night long. Spiders still scare me some, although I'm also fascinated by them and I can happily watch them from a distance. But rats ... not pet rats, but the wild kind ... I will always have what I consider to be a healthy fear of rats. You should, too.

  Q: Did you have a sibling who, like Boots, got you into a world of trouble?

  A: I have two older sisters and one older brother and hold them largely responsible for the trouble I got into growing up. I believe, as the youngest child, that is my right.

  Q: Have you ever lived in New York City?

  A: I lived in New York City for 16 years, from 1987 to?oo3. But when I was growing up, we moved all the time because my dad was in the Air Force. We were mostly in the eastern half of the U.S. and in Europe but, like Gregor, I definitely know what it feels like to be a stranger somewhere.

  Q: If you had to go to the Underland, what items would you take along with you? And who would you take with you?

  A: I'd take all the flashlights and batteries I could find. I'd also take chocolate and a bottle of water, because I don't like traveling without either of these things. I would wear very comfortable clothes and sneakers ... in case I had to run.

  My husband, Cap, would be great to have in the Underland, since he is very good in an emergency, but I'd want him to be with our kids up in the Overland so I'd know they were in safe hands.

  (Note: Cap says he would not take me to the Underland because I am not good in an emergency and I would constantly make him stop and ask for directions. Both of these things are true.)

  So I think I would take my good friend Christopher Santos with me instead, because he is very diplomatic and travels a lot and seems at ease in foreign places. Also, he would never make loud, mean remarks about the creatures which could get a person into all kinds of trouble.

  In the Underland, I would make it my first order of business to hook up with a couple of bats because, let's face it, without a bat you're probably going to end up as someone's lunch.

  Q: Have you ever been lost and wanted to find your way home?

  A: All the time. I have a terrible sense of direction. I get lost practically every time I leave my house. Fortunately, people are usually very kind about giving you directions if you ask politely.

  Q: If you could invite one of the characters to have dinner with your family, who would it be ? What might you cook for them? What questions would you ask them?

  A: I would invite Ripred to dinner because I think he would tell the most interesting stories. We would have to serve shrimp in cream sauce because this is his favorite dish of all.

  Just to irritate him, I would tell him he had to use a napkin in order to get dessert. He would use the napkin, because dessert would be a fabulous chocolate cake and he loves food, but I bet he would glare at me the whole time.

  I would ask all kinds of questions about being a rat, and living alone in the Dead Land, and about his family. Ripred sometimes sneaks up to the Overland, so I would ask him his opinion of
New York City, too.

  After dinner, we'd play Scrabble.

  Q: All fun aside for a moment, Gregor is also about war and battling forces and survival. Can you tell us a bit about this?

  A: Gregor falls into a fantastical world, but he's really acting out the main role in a war story. Almost as soon as he arrives in the Underland, he's recognized as the "warrior" of the prophecies and he's called upon to undertake what are essentially a series of military missions. For instance, in Book I, he goes into enemy territory to rescue a prisoner of war who also happens to be his dad. It's never described as such, but that's what's really happening.

  As the series continues, Gregor is faced with increasingly difficult quests and choices as the Underland breaks into a massive global war. His struggle to survive -- both physically and spiritually -- forms the arc of the Underland Chronicles.

  Create Your Own Underland

  1. Things you will need to get started:

  * a notebook and some sketching paper

  * writing/drawing utensils of your choice (pencils, pens, colored pencils, markers)

  * a good place to think

  * your imagination

  * Choose your rabbit hole

  Alice fell down the rabbit hole to Wonderland. Gregor fell down a grate behind the laundry room dryer to the Underland. Where do you think you might find the way to your Underland? Think about the things you do each day and the places you go. Maybe your way to the Underland is hidden in one of your favorite places, like your bedroom, your treehouse, or the mall. Maybe the way to your Underland is, like Gregor's, in a boring but unexpected place. List some of your favorite places, then list some of the places you go to everyday that might seem boring, but would actually be very surprising if they led to another world. Look at your list and decide: Where will the way to your Underland be? Make a drawing of that place, and make sure to include the path to your Underland.

  3. How Underland is your Underland?

  Next, it's time to think about what your Underland will look like. Will it be a dark place? A cold place? A pretty place? A creepy place? Will it be the place of your dreams? Will it hold challenges for getting around (waterfalls, mountains, etc.)? Now do several drawings of your Underland. You can even draw a map and name the different regions.


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