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Billionaire Flawed: A Bad Boy Billionaire Baby Romance

Page 98

by Tia Siren

  And what about his fiancee, a voice said to her. She ignored it. Keke was a pragmatic person. She wanted him as badly as he wanted her and she wasn't going to let any thoughts spoil the moment.

  Dan took Keke's breath away with his kisses. His lips kept perfect time to hers as their tongues danced with each other. My heads spinning, I need to sit or lie, Keke thought. Without breaking their kiss, she put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him to his knees. Before she could join him, however, he put his hands to her buttocks and pulled her groin to his face. When she heard him breathing in the scent of her excitement, she closed her eyes. That's what I want, she thought. I want sexual intimacy and he just proved he can give it to me.

  She wanted to kneel with him; her legs were shaking, partly from the horse ride but mostly out of excitement. When she heard him lower her zipper she wondered how because his hands were kneading her buttocks. When she looked, he'd pulled it down with his teeth. My God, another surprise she thought as she thrust her hands into his dark hair. He let go of her to unfasten the button on her jeans. When it was open, he pulled her jeans down and watched as her pink panties came into view. ''Wow, you must have known,'' he said. ''I love black women in pink They look so sexy against your dark skin.'' If I'd known you were going to undress me today, I would have put another a better pair, she thought. She stepped out of her jeans and grabbed his hair again when he pulled the pink panties to one side and planted his tongue onto her.

  ''Oh Jesus, that's nice. Oh, keep doing that Dan,'' she said, winding his hair into her fists. Dan had no intention of stopping; she tasted wonderful. He loved the feel of her buttocks as his hands stroked over her smooth skin. She tried to take it all in. This wonderful man had his mouth on her womanhood, and his hands all over her ass, and it was too much for her to bear. Her legs began to tremble, and she had to lie down.

  She dropped to her knees and then onto her back. Open you legs wide for him, you want this man, let him in, she thought. Dan lay between her legs and resumed his tongue work. Keke felt the grass on her back and his tongue on her womanhood, it was a superb contrast of hot and cold. Oh God, he's going to make me come, she thought as she felt her body begin to stiffen. ''Don't stop,'' she gasped. Dan grunted as Keke inadvertently pulled his hair too hard. She looked down and saw his mouth just below her pubic hair and his beautiful green eyes staring up at her. When their eyes met, it threw her over the top, and she screamed out. Dan held onto to her impressed at the intensity of her orgasm. Her legs straightened, and her toes curled. Her back arched, and her stomach muscles almost cramped under the strain. Dan almost laughed when he noticed how she had disturbed the turf next to her She had gripped it like a bed sheet and ripped it up towards her.

  ''Let me see you,'' she whispered as Dan came up to kiss her. ''Stand up and take your clothes off.'' Dan stood up and pretended to be a stripper. He gyrated his hips and began to open his shirt, button by slow button. This will take all day, she thought. She sat up and pulled him to her by the leg. He felt her hands at his belt, and in what seemed like an instant, he heard her take a sharp breath as his penis sprung up in front of her face. ''Just how I like it,'' she said looking up at him. ''You're so big and hard.''

  When her mouth encircled him, she felt him twitch. His balls were heavy and coarse to the touch and she loved the feel of them. They moved in her hand as his penis disappeared into her mouth. She moved her hand up and down his shaft as her mouth played with the tip of him. When she started to suck, he knew he was in trouble.

  ''Stop, Keke, stop.'' She didn't want to stop. She wanted to feel him shoot into her mouth. She liked oral sex, and she especially liked the taste of this man. He tasted salty and fresh, and the scent of his arousal was making her wetter than any man had ever done. Dan was strong, and he pushed her from him.

  ''No I want to come in your pussy the first time.''

  ''Then come down here and take me,'' she said, lying back and spreading her legs once again. She felt his penis at her entrance and held her breath. When she felt him slide inside her, she let out a little gasp. ''Oh, I love how that feels.'' She arched her back and pushed her pelvis up. ''Now make love to me Dan, make me yours.''

  Her words were too much for him, and he felt himself about to come. Think of a brick wall, he told himself. He'd read in some men's magazine that if you are making love to a woman who turns you on so much you are in danger of ejaculating too soon, you should start counting the bricks in an imaginary wall.

  Keke felt the urge to hold onto him tightly. His strokes were long and firm, and she moved every time he thrust into her. When he'd settled, he stopped counting bricks and concentrated on the beauty under him. ''Open your shirt, I want to see you breasts,'' he commanded. As she gasped under him, she undid each button and let the shirt fall open. Dan loved the femininity of her pink bra. Her large breasts wobbled each time he pushed into her, and she heard him begin to grunt.

  ''Give me you sperm Dan. I want to feel you shoot in me.'' Dan couldn't resist anymore. He groaned and stayed stock still as his penis unloaded every last drop into her.

  Damn, he thought. Far too fast. That wasn't what I wanted. ''Keke, I'm sorry it was a bit fast, but you turn me on so much I .....''

  ''Shut up, it was perfect.'' She hugged him and kissed the side of his face. ''You are a lovely man.'' After an age, his penis slid out of her, and he rolled from her. As they looked into each others eyes, they both knew, something special was happening.

  ''That was great Dan. I.....''

  He didn't know what she was going to say but decided he would leave nothing to chance. ''I don't want the woman I'm engaged to. I want you. Just so you know.'' The last thing Dan wanted was Keke to think she was just a fling.

  ''And I want you.''

  ''Keke, before we get involved, I want to tell you something about me.''

  ''You can tell me anything, Dan.''

  ''I'm an alcoholic.'' I'm only twenty-six and I'm an alcoholic, but I haven't had a drink for three years.'' He looked at her face, desperately looking for any sign of disgust. ''I nearly dropped out of college because of it. I was drunk all day everyday. My father paid for rehab and since then I've been okay. I still get strong urges to drink, and I'm afraid I will fall back into my old habits one day. But so far I seem to be winning.''

  It all came back to her. Her father. Two bottles of vodka a day. A mother with black eyes and broken ribs. ''Sorry Dan. It was lovely. I'll do the work for you, but I can't have a relationship with you.''


  Britney knocked on the door and waited. Where the hell was he? She knocked again, this time, harder. ''Alright I'm coming,'' he shouted.

  She was in Shelborne Springs a small town just outside Dallas. Witherington Crescent was a neat little street where the neighbors were friendly, and the lawns well looked after. It was the kind of place where dad washed the car on Saturday morning while mom baked apple pie, and the kids whizzed around on bicycles.

  Jason held the door open for her, and she entered the house. Without saying anything he took her hand and climbed the stairs. If the neighbors had been more attentive, they would have noticed the bedroom curtains close.

  After they had made love, he rolled his muscle-packed frame from her, leaned down and kissed her. ''You know Britney, you always were the best screw at school and nothing’s changed. You've still got it.''

  ''And you still full of the same old BS Jason Lopez.''

  ''How long now? I'm tired of waiting. I need you, babe.''

  ''I told you. We still need to sign the insurance papers. I've got it covered. Don't worry my darling. We'll soon be sitting on a beach in Grand Cayman.'' She looked at the man she had loved at school but rejected. ''You know I was such a fool to let you all those years ago.''

  ''If I remember, you didn't have much choice. When your dad sent you to rehab I tried to get in touch with you, but it was impossible. You know we had the world at our feet. We were supplying the whole schoo
l; nobody was a rich as us at that time.''

  ''When I came out of rehab my dad kept me locked up like a prisoner. When he introduced me to Dan, I took the opportunity. I mean it was better than sitting at home, and I hadn't got a clue where you were. You know, Dan's not a bad guy, but he's gotta go.'' When she'd stopped laughing she looked at the tattoos on Jason's body and tried to figure out which one was new. ''I don't know why, but when I orgasm I always seem to need a line afterward,'' she added.

  Jason got out of bed and reached into a drawer in the cabinet next to the window. He pulled out a pack of cocaine and handed it to her.

  ''That's my boy. You always give me what I want.''


  Janice looked at her watch. Where was Keke? It was gone ten, and she was never this late. When she heard a car pull up outside, she was relieved. ''My God Keke, you look awful are you alright?''

  ''Yes, I'll be fine. I'm just feeling a bit under the weather; that's all. Be an angel and make me some tea.''

  Janice looked at her quizzically. ''But you never drink tea. How about a nice strong coffee to get you up and running.'' The mention of the word coffee sent Keke rushing to the toilet.

  ''You're not pregnant are you?'' Janice asked when Keke came back into the room holding a tissue. Keke looked at her. Twenty minutes later Janice was back at the office with a home pregnancy test. Keke went to the bathroom and shortly after Janice heard a scream.

  After she had stared at the picture of Madam Tinubu for over an hour and wiped away more tears that she wanted to remember, she picked up the phone.

  ''Hi Dan, it's Keke.'' Dan was sitting in his office reading an email from Johannesburg in which the union boss had apologized for the inconvenience and instructed his members to return to work forthwith. Just the sound of her voice made all those feelings reappear. But her rejection had been sudden and brutal, and it had hurt him deeply.

  ''Keke, how's the investigation going? It's only three weeks to the wedding, and I'm getting nervous? Have you found what she's up to yet?'' he blurted the questions out one after another as quickly as he could.

  ''Dan, I'm....pregnant.''

  ''Is it mine?'' Jesus Christ, what a horrible thing to say, Dan thought. ''Sorry. I'm just a bit upset after you know..... and I'm shocked.''

  ''Dan, it's yours, of course, it is.''

  There was a long silence. ''Well that's fantastic, really good news. Of course, I'll take care of your every need, and you'll never want for money, I'll make sure of that.'' What Dan wanted to say was: please let's be a family,' but he didn't want anymore hurt.

  ''Thank you, Dan. I'd hoped you would understand. Raising a child as a single mom won't be easy, so I'm grateful for you support.'' The words single mom made him feel lonely and excluded. ''Let's have a coffee sometime and we can finalize the details.'' Sounds like a bloody business deal, Dan thought. ''You asked me about Britney,'' Keke continued. ''I've been following her, but I've been sick quite a bit, so I've put Janice on the job. The only time Britney went anywhere unlikely, Janice lost her in the traffic somewhere near Shelborne Springs. Do you know anyone there?''

  ''No.'' Dan's mind was still thinking about the horrific prospect of Keke raising their child without him. ''It's got to be a secret.''

  ''What has?''

  ''Your pregnancy. If people find out, my future may be at risk.''

  ''Okay. I won't tell anyone. Dan? Dan?''

  Dan had hung up.


  Britney was driving towards Shelborne Springs when her cell rang. ''Hi babe, it's me.''

  ''Dan.'' How very inconvenient, he never calls me during the day, she thought. And why did he call me babe? ''What's up?''

  ''Can you meet me in town, I want to talk to you?''

  ''Sure when?''

  ''An hour.''

  A line of cocaine flashed across her mind. She gripped the steering wheel harder and tried to block the thought, but it was impossible. She needed it and the thought of having to turn back to Dallas and go without was overbearing. Only a few days, keep it together girl, she told herself.

  Dan liked Mary's tea room. It was a copy of one of those old fashioned bakers shops, with a tea room at the back. Britney arrived at the same time as the waitress. Dan ordered a pot of tea and scones with cream.

  Don't mess it up Britney, told herself as she approached the table. Give him a kiss, make sure he suspects nothing. She flashed a false smile and sat down opposite him.

  Dan looked at her. He was right, she really was behaving oddly, and she looked as thought she needed to sleep. Enough now, though, both your parents think she's a great girl, the fun you had when you first started dating will come back, and sure, she's nervous. After all, she's marrying into a dynasty.

  ''Are you okay?'' she asked. not really caring if the answer was yes or not.

  ''Fine. Listen I've been a bit aloof lately. I just wanted to tell you I'll help you finalize the wedding. I' haven't been much help so far. I thought it was time I did my bit.''

  Did you drag me away from a good screw and a line of cocaine to tell me that you mean son a bitch? she thought. ''Yes great. I'll brief you when we get home.''

  ''And one more thing. You mentioned the insurance papers. James Ridley will be here in a few minutes. Remember him? The broker from Allinson and Allinson. We'd better get all those boring little details sorted before the wedding. You never know, I might walk under a bus, and you'd be destitute otherwise.''

  Britney beamed back at him. Finally, she thought.


  Janice yawned as she pulled up, a couple of hundred meters away from Britney's car. Get yourself a new job, she thought. This is boring as hell. She'd spent day after day, sitting in her car, either outside Dan and Britney's house or following her on another shopping trip. The only time she'd left central Dallas was to go to some God forsaken town and then Janice had lost her. Today would be like all the other days, she thought.

  When Britney got out of the car, she headed into a clothes shop. Janice followed her at a discrete distance, her hand on the camera in her bag. Keke had told her to keep back and take photos' if Britney met anyone suspicious. Particularly men.

  Janice watched as Britney walked around the store. Britney picked up the odd garment and looked at it before replacing it. When Britney looked at her watch and suddenly made for the door, Janice was alert. She followed her outside and across the road to the park. Britney sat down on a park bench, and Janice hid behind a tree. After a couple of minutes, Janice reached for the camera. Britney was talking to a very tall, thin man.


  Keke was just about to throw up again when Janice arrived looking hot and sweaty. ''I thought they called it morning sickness because it's supposed to happen in the morning,'' Keke complained. ''I've been ill all day.'' She looked at Janice and noticed her familiar guilty look. ''What's the matter?''

  ''I've messed up.''

  Keke wasn't surprised. ''What?''

  ''She met a guy.'' Janice slumped into the armchair and looked at Keke, who'd take the secretary's place for the day.


  ''And I tried to take a photo, but the camera.''

  ''The camera did what?''

  ''Well, that's the problem. It didn't do anything.''


  ''I forgot to charge the batteries last evening.''

  ''Janice, how many time are you going to......'' Keke got up and rushed to the bathroom. In the time she was away, she decided not to fire Janice. For now anyway. She'd give her one more chance. ''Do you, at least, have a description?'' she asked when she returned.

  ''Yes. Tall and quite thin with a full head of gray, black hair.''

  ''What was he wearing?''

  ''All black. Pants and shirt.''

  ''Shoes, boots, sandals?''

  ''Ah yes that's the interesting bit,'' Janice remembered. ''Cowboy boots. Very noticeable ones. Black with white flashes.''
br />   Keke opened the window. Janice's car didn't have air conditioning, and she was not going to let Janice drive her car. ''Drive slowly Janice please,'' Keke pleaded. ''I've got six stores on the list. Lets' begin at San Antonio Street and work our way around the downtown area.'' Janice nodded and put her foot down. Keke felt nauseous but managed to hang on.

  ''One more and we're done. It a very long shot but this is a game of coincidences. You never know what's around the next corner,'' Keke said as Janice pulled up outside Wild Bills. When they went inside Keke whistled to her self. There were more stetsons that she'd ever seen in one place and hundreds of pairs of cowboy boots. When Janice yelled, Keke jumped in shock.

  ''These. These here.'' Janice held up a pair of black cowboy boots with white flashes.

  ''Are you sure?''

  ''Yes. One hundred percent.''

  Keke took the boots off her and walked to the sales counter, where a young man was unpacking shirts. ''Are you okay?'' he asked her. ''You look very hot?'' His observation was confirmed when a trickle of sweat dropped from her forehead and landed on the counter. He disappeared and came back with a glass of ice water and a clean towel.

  ''My word, you are one considerate man. You'll make someone a great husband one day,'' Keke said, wiping her face in the soft towel.

  “'I'm already married,'' he said proudly. ''To Martha.''

  Doesn't look old enough, Keke thought. ''And what's it like being married?''

  ''Wonderful. I love her so much; everyday is a fantastic experience. When I get home and see her, it''s like having the best Christmas present you could ever wish for, everyday.''

  ''Do you remember if a tall, thin man, probably dressed in black, bought a pair of these boots from your store.''

  ''That sounds like Steve. He's a good customer here.''

  ''Do you know where he lives?'' Keke wasn't hopeful.

  ''No but I can tell him you want to speak to him if you like. He's got some boots here for repair. I'll give him your number when he comes to collect them.''


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