Wine God's Sorcery: The Horse Lords

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Wine God's Sorcery: The Horse Lords Page 2

by Diana Drakulich

  “Jivan has opened your soul’s eyesight Sava. Your mind will learn to sense the strigoitsa’s presence before it projects its paralysis over you.” Toxaris rested a warm palm on his shoulder.

  “Tell me what to do.” He asked.

  “The real power lies within you Sava. This is a battle for control of your mind. Your mind is deep and stronger than you know. You have yet to plumb its depths or learn its powers.” Vuk replied.

  That night Sava sat by the campfire with the puppy Sinjin stretched out warm along his leg. They had ridden all day and he was tired. It was pleasant and comforting by the fire. He fought the urge to nod off, fearing what lurked in the depths of sleep. But his eyelids kept dropping…so heavy….

  Wrapping his fur-lined cloak around his body he lay back. And then he was falling. Falling through blackness…so soft, so comfortable…

  Deep in the night as he slept, Sava felt his heart suddenly begin pounding, racing madly. Chilling fear raced through his frozen veins. I can’t move!

  And there she was - Medusa with hair of slithering serpents leering, hovering before his shocked eyes. Invisible fingers fondling, caressing his swelling, traitorous cock.

  Heart driving like a drum, Sava struggled to overcome the paralysis. To make the slightest move, to turn his head, to scream, to make a sound. Anything.

  Eyes lurid, lustful, the strigoitsa grinned in his face, revealing sharp canines. A long snaky tongue slithered out and flickered slime across his lips.

  NAY! Sava fought to exercise his will. To move just one finger. If only he could do that much. To move just the tip of his little finger would break the strigoitsa’s paralyzing spell.

  MOVE. He commanded, screamed at his muscles. But his body was completely frozen. Heart pounding. Blood ice in his veins. Lungs gasping, fighting for breath. Terror gripped him by the throat. He could not make a sound.

  Pure adrenalin pumped through his veins, screaming at his body to move. To RUN as he had never run in his life. But he was locked in place. Helpless.

  Don’t try to run. Face IT.

  Mentally he turned to face down the strigoitsa. In his lucid dream state he called out – Sarpedon!

  And there before him stood a tall hooded figure. With no face. Its right hand held aloft a glimmering sword.

  A Voice said: Behold the Sword of Truth.

  Staring into the shadowed, eyeless features Sava asked – Who are you?

  The Voice was far away yet whispered very close –

  You know me. I am He that You are destined to become – One of the Undead.

  You will die an agonizing, humiliating death. A pariah. Betrayed. Shunned by all.

  Chapter 3 – The Other Woman

  Hera and Zeus argued –

  Who enjoys sex more,

  Man or Woman?

  They asked Teiresias (the seer)…

  He said that on a scale of one to ten

  Women enjoy sex nine times

  More than a man’s one.

  Whereupon Hera blinded him

  And Zeus gave him the power of prophecy.

  Apollodorus, The Library 3.71

  “But Hahq I thought you were a cunning strategos, on a par with Skopasis.” Yeva knew her barb would get his goat. “This hare-brained plan to drug Bari’s parents so that you can steal their daughter will only bring us both down. Especially me for supplying the drugs.”

  Hahq and Yeva faced each other in a secluded glade. A glimmering half moon sailed across the velvety black sky amidst a myriad of blazing stars. In a few days they would reach Agathyrsia, there to inform King Spargapeithes of the war council. With luck they hoped to find Sava there as well.

  “Come here Yeva.”Hahq commanded, arms open, voice husky, compelling.

  And she found herself helpless to resist, drawn by his sheer male magnetism. Warm muscular arms closed around her. And squeezed.

  Uh. Feels so good. They both groaned at the pleasure they had been denying themselves for days now.

  “You worry too much Yeva. I swear on my life.” Hahq kissed her brow. “That I will never tell anyone who gave me the sleeping potion. Hmmh?” His sensual lips nuzzled the connection between her neck and shoulder as his arms alternately squeezed, melting her body into warm honey. .

  “I helped you and your men escape Melanchaenia with that potion. It is no secret that I carry a pharmakopia in my satchel. Accusing fingers are sure to point at me first. And there are other problems with your scheme Hahq. Kidnapping Bari may not force Skopasis to recognize you as his son, but it will embarrass him. Your plan will create an uproar just as Skopasis is trying to generate support for the alliance. Your bride’s parents may be so angered by your trick that they will deny you that rich dowry you want. Have you spoken with Bari about this?”

  “Hush…” Warm sculpted lips pressed hers in a nostalgic kiss over what could never be. “I am not such a fool as that. I will speak with Bari first. I know she wants me over Sava.”

  “Is that so?” Yeva’s lips smirked against the pulse at the base of his throat. “Maybe you don’t know women as well as you think.”

  “I know you.”

  She smacked his chest. “Arrogant rogue.”

  But he was right. Hahq knew exactly how to manipulate her, through his magnetic touch and charisma. His hold on her heart seemed indestructible. Once more she vowed – I must build a wall around my heart or he will crush me.

  Sensing that she was mentally pulling away, Hahq sank a fist into her hair. “Look at me Yeva.” He pulled her head back so that she stared up into his eyes.

  “I meant to say that you are a much more complex woman than Bari. You always keep me guessing.” There was that wolfish glint in his eyes.

  “Oh is that supposed to pacify me? Make me feel better?” About losing the love of my life?

  “You my beautiful witch are complex. Bari is easy. She says what she wants and she wants me. That’s all I need to know. I will steal her away during the feast the night before the war council.”

  “But then you won’t be there for the council vote. After all your work, trekking across Skythia to bring the tribes together? The war council is your chance to shine as a leader, Hahq. You don’t even seem to care for this – Bari that much.” She spat the name of the woman who would steal away her love.

  His grip on her hair tightened. “Don’t tell me how I feel about Bari.” His tone was adamant.

  But the logic of Yeva’s protests had thrown Hahq’s mind into a haze of frustration. He was a man of action. A warrior used to devising what he thought was cunning strategy and then ramming it through. No matter what.

  Eyes hooded, he tried to contemplate an alternative plan to win Bari aside from kidnapping. But that was impossible with Yeva’s warm supple body squirming against his.

  Gripping Yeva’s shoulders he set her back as he sought to explain his motives in a way that would bring her to his side. That would convince her to take such extreme risk.

  “Try to understand Yeva. I am baseborn - the eldest of Skopasis’ children. But he never married my mother. All my life I have strived to earn his recognition. Every clan has a voivode, but Skopasis is Great Voivode of All Sauromatia. I want to lift my head with pride when I tell my sire’s name. People judge you not only by your acts but by your lineage.”

  “With Skopasis’ recognition as his son, I could become the next Great Voivode.” Hahq continued. “Skopasis vowed that his eldest son would marry his blood brother, Boreas’ eldest daughter. If I elope with Bari, Skopasis will be forced to recognize me, or break his vow. For this reason I must marry her. How else can I break these invisible chains that have bound me since birth?”

  “Through heroic works?”

  Hahq shook his head. “So far battle has brought me little. Skopasis will use me and use me until I am lying dead on a battlefield somewhere. He will briefly mourn my passing and move on to someone else…but…”

  Fastening her gaze on his eyes, Yeva massaged the back of his neck with
supple, knowing fingers. His gaze dropped to hers and he was lost. Suspended in space. His mind consumed in a haze of fascination and desire.

  “Witch - Stop that.” He thrust her away, but only a few inches.

  “What?” She smiled innocently, her enchanting kako mati eyes glimmering.

  “You know what I mean. I can’t think when you look at me like that.” Black brows drawn together Hahq tried to intimidate her with his intense, piercing gaze. But she was beyond that.

  “Listen to me Yeva. I need your full attention. You are wise beyond your years. I respect your advice.” Warm palm caressing her cheek, he wisely appealed to her pride.

  Oh aye Hahq knew how to manipulate her alright.

  “You are a cunning wolf. But go on. I am listening.”

  He leaned back against the tree and released a sigh.“ My position reeks of injustice. Sava is Skopasis’ eldest recognized son but he refuses to do his duty as a warrior. Whereas I am Skopasis’ loyal slave. Look at all the trouble Sava stirred up with the Black Cloaks, stealing that victim from the Dark House. The Black Cloaks will never join the alliance now. I doubt the Man Eaters will either, since Sava got them stirred up like a hornet’s nest.”

  “That `victim’ Sava stole from the Dark House was my friend and kinsman, Sargis. If by some miracle Sargis still lives, I will be eternally grateful to your kinsman Sava.”

  Well that tactic failed. But Hahq was relentless. “You are like me Yeva. Look what your parents did to you. They cast you aside through no fault of your own. Only for your kako mati eyes: those strange elongated pupils. Almost slitted, like a viper. No wonder they gave you up to be a priestess of the Black Serpent.”

  “I was forced into sorcery from childhood. I gave up serving Velesh when I ran away with you Hahq. I hated their bloody rituals.”

  “Aye, you tried to be good Yeva, but no matter how many people you healed with your pharmakopia, did your parents ever come back for you? Embrace you as their own?”

  It was a strike to the heart. Eyes downcast Yeva shook her head.

  “You see? It’s the same for me. Merely an unlucky birth. I was meant for great things but first I must break through these invisible bars.”

  “Your time will come Hahq. You don’t need Skopasis. You can become voivode with your strong right arm and the vote of the council of warriors.”

  “I am left-handed but that is beside the point. Besides heroic deeds I will need powerful support to get those votes. My best chance is through Skopasis or Boreas, by marriage to his daughter, Bari.”

  “Skopasis is already helping you. He gave you leadership of this mission. At the war council you will be recognized as a leader who helped bring the tribes together against a great enemy.”

  “If we win. But if we lose this war with Persia, the people will rejoice to see me crucified along with the others. They will say that I led them into a hopeless battle against overwhelming odds.“

  “Does that mean you will speak out against the alliance at the war council? Ah but you won’t be there anyway. You will be holed up somewhere with your stolen wife.” Her voice bitter gall.

  Pulling her close, Hahq palmed her ass to grind his bulge against her mound.

  “She will be my wife, but don’t ever think, don’t ever say that Bari owns my heart.”

  Twisting Yeva’s long ash blonde hair in his hand he arched her head back so that her soft full lips parted. He drank from her mouth, his long thick tongue twining, undulating with hers. Their lips clinging in a last nostalgic smack. He pulled away with slow reluctance.

  “Yeva what am I going to do with you...?” Releasing a deep sigh, his arms lashed around her body, Hahq gazed blindly into space.

  “What - am I some unworthy baggage now? Something you picked up along the way? Are you considering some remote place to cast me aside?”

  “Not at all. You are too good for me Yeva. Bari is more like me, cold, ruthless. Ambitious.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself, I don’t find you `cold’ at all.” She snuggled between his splayed legs as he leaned against the tree, her arms coiled around his neck.

  “But all the rest fits, eh?”

  Pressed against his warm pulsing throat, her lips curved in a sad smile. Being so close to Hahq was intoxicating. This may be the last time I hold him like this...

  “I could never talk to Bari the way I can talk to you Yeva.”

  “So brutally honest you mean? Sometimes my heart wishes that you were more diplomatic Hahq.”

  He grunted his unease. “I know it hurts. Here I am telling you of my plans to marry someone else and asking you to help me steal her away. There is something else I must tell you. You won’t like it.”

  “What?” Mentally she cringed. What could be worse than losing you?

  “After we notify the seven tribes about the council, Voron has agreed to take you and the slave girl Anahit straight up to Sauromatia. The rest of us will go on to Royal Skythia for the war council.”

  Yeva’s heart constricted, scored with pain at the prospect of losing him so soon. Instinctively she squeezed him closer. Lips muffled against his throat she asked:

  “But then I will miss the council. Why?” So soon. Too soon to leave you.

  “The war council would be a death trap for you Yeva. King Vartan will be there. As soon as he sees me he will start looking for you. His men will leave no stone unturned hunting for you.”

  Ah. She sighed. “I wish I could be there with you. I am dying to know how the vote turns out.”

  “You might never know if Vartan finds you first. In the interests of the alliance Skopasis would be forced to turn you over to him.”

  “Even though I saved your life and those of your men?”

  “Even so. When Skopasis hears the whole story you will still be viewed as a deceitful, two-faced traitor who betrayed her own king.

  “A traitor like you?”

  “Yeva” – He smacked her ass with long supple fingers. “How many times have I told you not to disrespect the future Voivode of Sauromatia? My plan to kidnap Bari will not betray King Raymaxos.”

  “But you will betray Skopasis. He promised Bari’s father that Sava would marry her. You will force Skopasis to break his vow to his blood brother.”

  “Why must you always make so much sense? Hahq growled. It drives me mad. Listen to me before you start wagging that long succulent tongue of yours.”

  He pressed warm lips on hers, then smacked her ass again. Ah!

  And somehow his slap was a caress. What spell has he cast over me?

  “If you were mine Yeva I would discipline you every day until you learn some respect. I am sending you to Sauromatia for your own safety. I will tell King Vartan that I left you among the Alizoni or the Callipidei, some small ignominious tribe that no one bothers with except to demand tribute. The Black Cloaks will not dare invade Sauromatia to search for you.”

  “Why don’t you just tell him that I died? Eaten by cannibals.”

  “Not while I live. Don’t ever say that.” He spanked her again, then squeezed her close, grinding his bulge against her mound. “Uh - I just cannot get enough of you Yeva. Even now I want you so badly it’s killing me. Why is it so easy with you? No matter what happens I can always talk to you and… drink honey from your lips…”

  “Aye there is that…”

  Warm lips smacked and clung together only to part regretfully.

  “So what will you do about Bari?” Yeva asked.

  “I will speak to her at the feast before the council.”

  “So you will delay your bride stealing until after the council?”

  His lips creased in a thin smile. “Maybe. I will see what Bari says. But as you say, the council is an opportunity to be seen as a leader. After all this work bringing the tribes together, it would be unwise to miss it.”

  “What about Voron? He has an eye for me and it will take days to get to Sauromatia. Plenty of time for us to…get to know each other better.”
r />   “Don’t think I haven’t noticed you making side-eyes at Voron.”

  “Jealous?” Her hand palmed his bulge then squeezed it. Hmmh?

  Uh. Hahq grunted. His eyes darkened. He lifted his chin to gaze over her shoulder. “I am never jealous. Of any woman.”

  “Should I feel free to be with Voron then?”

  “Voron, Voron - why must you speak of him when I am right here?”

  Kiss, smack, tongue suck…

  She forced herself to pull away and look Hahq in the eyes. “Because Voron is handsome and virile and not a shameless two-faced user like you?”

  “Hey – Voron is not more virile than me.”

  “That remains to be seen.”

  “Yeva don’t test me.” He smacked her ass again. Her yoni clenched in delicious response.

  “After I marry Bari I will take you as my consort. You will have your own kibitka.”

  “Oh glory. And you will come to me once a month when the wolves howl at the full moon.” Her voice bitter gall.

  “And I will come to you when I need your wise words or when I am sick and wounded. Only to you.”

  She ran a fingertip over his firm sensual lips. “What a life you have laid out for me Hahq. To be the Other woman. The woman Bari fears and detests. Nay. This is my life. I will make my own choices.” She sighed. “I only wish I could be there at the war council to see how it all plays out.”

  “You will be. I will hold you close…in spirit. I can see it now, the nine tribes all flaunting their regalia, streaming into the great yurt. The war drums pounding…Heroic speeches about the Few against the Many… Jokes about the Few losing to the Many… Furious arguments, threats, walkouts…”

  Chapter 4 - Sarpedon

  These laws of yours are like spider webs.

  They will restrain the weak,

  But will be torn to shreds

  By people of power and wealth –

  Anacharsis, Sage of Royal Skythia to Solon, Greek lawgiver 600 BC

  A vast ringing silence… split by an echo of laughter or a cry of anguish? The faceless, hooded figure aimed its glowing sword at Sava’s mouth –


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