Wine God's Sorcery: The Horse Lords

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Wine God's Sorcery: The Horse Lords Page 21

by Diana Drakulich

  “Brothers - It grieves me to say this, but Agathyrsia will not join the alliance. Our lands are in the forefront of the Persian invasion. You cannot defend us, we are too far away and we are determined not to flee. We have no choice but to bring Darius earth and water. If we submit peacefully; he will not deal harshly with us. That is Darius’ way. It is those who resist that are slaughtered and enslaved.”

  “O ye of Agathrysia, descended from the first born of Herakles and Mata Drakaina – You too will desert your brothers to go down on the knee before Darius?” Skopasis’ voice dripped bitter rancor. ”I had hoped for more from you Spargapeithes. Your refusal to aid your brothers strikes pain in our hearts. The pain of betrayal by an elder brother. Rest assured Spargapeithes, Darius will delight in seeing the once proud Blue People beat the earth with their foreheads!”

  `The pain of betrayal by an elder brother’…Skopasis’ words swirled and sank into Hahq’s mind. His dream from a few nights ago returned to him…


  Hahq had found himself sitting on the floor of a kibitka, but he could not see a thing. Hazy white smoke blinded his vision. Yet he sensed the presence of two beings there with him. To his left his true father, Skopasis, sat wrapped in charismatic silence. Sava sat to his right.

  The comforting hum of conversation filled his ears, but the words were only sounds with no meaning. It was the harmonious feelings behind those sounds that mattered. Sava made some nonsensical joke and Hahq found himself laughing. A spontaneous, heartfelt laugh. And for the first time he felt that he truly belonged within this family. They were a triumvirate and he was the third indispensable leg of a three-legged stool.

  The blinding white haze seemed to clear then. Hahq looked over at Sava, but now his vision was blocked by ever-changing patterns of golden light. And in the center of that light was a bubbling point, like stew boiling in a pot. Or the rapid pulse of his beating heart.

  As he watched it, the pulse point seemed to race faster, faster. Is that my heart beating so furiously? Is my life racing away so fast?


  He had awoken with a sense of relief. Just a dream. But it was never just a dream. Yeva’s face blossomed in his mind. In those moments with her, his life had not been racing away toward some distant, hazy future.

  With Yeva he had experienced something like his dream - that subtle, momentary state of perfect harmony with someone else, in the Now. I pushed Yeva away. I always pushed Sava away… Friends of my soul.

  Hahq repressed his guilty thoughts to focus intently on the council -

  “O ye of Agathyrsia, whose rivers run riot with gold,” Idanthrysus was addressing King Spargapeithes. “How long will your power, your gold last once you submit to Persia? Darius will force you to bring him much more than earth and water. What assurances do you have that Darius will not destroy your ruling house and bring in his own despots to suck the gold from Agathyrsia?”

  “Wait – Spargapeithes - Are you already negotiating with Darius’ agents? Have the Persians already made you an offer!?“ Skopasis interrupted harshly.

  There was an audible gasp from the crowd. The anguished look that flickered in Spargapeithes’ blue eyes and the tick in his clenched jaw betrayed his inner torment.

  “Your words ring of high courage Noble Idanthrysus, Voivode Skopasis,” He nodded to one, then the other. “But I have yet to hear you offer to bring your pathetic little `army’ to defend Agathyrsia. If we join your alliance, we will be forced to flee our lands and join your forces in Royal Skythia. We will sacrifice everything only to battle against impossible odds. So far you have failed to show us the logic in that. So our answer is NAY. Agathyrsia will not join the alliance.”

  “So be it.” Idanthrysus said. “What say you Mikon, Arkhon of Gelonus - will the Geloni unite with Royal Skythia and Sauromatia to save our homelands from the Persian invaders?”

  Mikon rose to his full height, shoulders broad. His silver gray cloak bore the black tamgas of two warriors back to back, bows drawn.

  “We Geloni are of Skythian and Greek descent, the best of both worlds. If we join the alliance we have much to lose, for we are not nomads. The Persians will find and burn our beautiful city of Gelonus that we worked generations to build. But no matter the cost Gelonus will join the alliance! The spirits of our ancestors and our gods will fight beside us. Back to Back! Arkatash!”

  A great roar of relief went up – “Arkatash! Our Geloni brothers will fight! Hail the Geloni!”

  “How many mounted warriors does Gelonus have?” Idanthrysus asked.

  “Gelonus has 25,000 mounted warriors.”

  “Excellent. So be it! The Geloni stand with Royal Skythia and Sauromatia!”

  Now Idanthrysus directed his gaze toward the Budini. “What say you King Konrad? Will the Budini join the alliance?”

  Golden haired King Konrad rose. His midnight cloak bore the image of a golden stag with elaborately curling antlers.

  “AYE - We Budini will join our brothers, the Geloni, the Sauromatae and Royal Skythia. We pledge our sacred honor - We fight!”

  Another thrilling shout went up – “Hail the Budini, Hail the Geloni! Brave men! Brothers Forever!”

  When the tumult calmed, Idanthrysus asked – “How many warriors do you have Noble Konrad?”

  “30,000 mounted warriors.”

  “Very good. And now what of the Androphagi?” Idanthrysus asked, “What is your decision King Arkos?”

  King Arkos rose, his cloak of many-colored human scalps swirling around his calves. “Idanthrysus – to us you are like a fly who sits on his little dung hill screaming - ‘Charge’! NAY. We will not join your suicidal alliance. The Androphagi have no quarrel with Darius. If the Persians invade our lands, then we fight. We will never go down on the knee - for anyone!”

  “Lo, yet another who believes his own lies. So the grey rodents scatter and run. What did we expect?” Skopasis growled and shrugged, eyes flashing.

  Chapter 38 – War Drums

  What I say is that justice

  Or righteousness means nothing

  But what is in the interest

  Of the stronger party –

  Plato c. 400 BC

  The demand for Sava’s execution, little Anahit’s face as she peered through the bars of her cage watching her parents being roasted alive, these things churned and burned in Hahq’s mind. Reflexively his eyes shut against the horror. Though not a noble, he felt compelled to speak -

  “Noble Idanthrysus – Your leave to speak?”

  Bereft of majority support for the alliance, the Royal Skythian king was slumped in his lion chair. “Speak, Hahq son of… Khaki. Speak so that we may see you.”

  Striding into the center space on long lean legs encased in black leggings, Hahq paced back and forth. A silent, prowling leopard marshaling his forces. With each deliberate step the gold medallions running up the seams of his tall black boots jingled softly. Ching-ching.

  The air crackled with a vast rustling tension. The people watched. Waited as Hahq’s intense gaze slid around, focusing on those tribesmen who had rejected the alliance.

  “So - You valiant Sons of Herakles have chosen to turn your backs on your kinsman in their time of greatest need.“ It was not a question.

  Though they kept up a brazen front, the nobles of the five recalcitrant tribes cringed inwardly. Betrayal was the greatest sin.

  Hahq’s glittering gaze fell on King Arkos. Roved over his cloak of many colored scalps. The coiled tension in the air smoked, poised to burst into flames.

  “King Arkos, when I heard your noble speech – how the heroic Androphagi will never go down on the knee before anyone. I almost cried.” Pressing palm over heart, Hahq choked on a strangled sob.

  “Such brave words. But then I remembered something - You Androphagi have no knees. You vipers will just slither back to the same swamp you crawled out of!” Hahq’s voice was a lash.

  A ripple of laughter rolled across the crowd. There were cries
of: “Those jackals only fight over the dead!”

  “See - how laughter flows abundant from a fool’s mouth!” Bristling, pudgy cheeks red, the cannibal king pointed at Hahq. “So this is how you return my hospitality, Hahq son of Kahki? Don’t tempt your betters, slave.”

  “I know, I know,” Hahq nodded his black-maned head in feigned humility. “If I were a better man I would be grateful. Alas I am not. I realize it was only by your kind, generous nature, Arkos that I was allowed to escape your camp without being roasted alive. For this great favor I will be forever grateful.”

  Derisive laughter rippled across the great yurt. To see the mighty humbled was always a joyous occaision.

  Ching-ching. The medallions on Hahq’s tall black boots chimed as he paced.

  Speak - so that we may SEE you. Broad shoulders and narrow hips outlined by his belted, thigh length red kurta with Mata Drakaina emblazoned on the back, Hahq narrowed golden eyes on the cannibal king.

  “King Arkos, when I visited your camp as King Raymaxos’ emissary you greeted me by pissing on my boots. You should not have done that.” Hahq’s tone dripped venom.

  “Wha-at?!” The Sauromatae hissed at such blatant insult to the king’s messenger.

  There were calls of - “Teach the cannibal curs a lesson! Send them running home to lick their mangy asses!”

  The menacing thunder of swords banging violently on shields raised more tension. Many hated and feared the cannibals. The four allied tribes were in the mood to vent their frustration - so few had joined their cause.

  A vengeful beat down on these arrogant Androphagi would feel good right now… especially since the cannibal contingent was greatly outnumbered.

  Golden hazel eyes spitting flames, Hahq raised a commanding arm for silence. In his looks and manner, many noticed his close resemblance to the great voivode of Sauromatia, Skopasis.

  Hahq’s focus shifted to King Vartan. Since the Black Cloaks had refused to join the alliance, he felt free to reveal their duplicity.

  “And you, King Vartan playing your holy role. You want Sava’s head on a platter for breaking our sacred laws?” His voice a challenging taunt.

  “Death to tomb robbers! It is the law!” King Vartan and his nobles bellowed, adamant. But a flash of anxiety crossed the king’s face.

  “Call me a blasphemer, but I see no great sin in what Sava did. He saw a dying man. He acted to save his life. But when I came to your camp, `noble’ Vartan, bearing news of this war council - what did you do? Hmmh?”

  Eyes narrowed to black slits, Vartan remained silent. A tic jumped in his clenched jaw.

  “You tried to drug my men, murder me and steal all that we had. We were forced to flee in the middle of the night. Your sin is greater Vartan. The stench of your betrayal reeks!”

  “Fool! Your precious `Royal’ Skythians pound the drums for war and see how you Sauromatae jump to obey - like the cattle you are!” Vartan snorted, an angry bull.

  “So far King Vartan all you have shown us is that your long tongue is only good for lying and for licking Persian asses!” Rays of sun streaming in through the yurt entrance caught Hahq’s golden hazel eyes in gleaming slits of fire.

  A roar of rage erupted from the Black Cloak contingent – “We journeyed all this way just to be insulted?! By a lowly dog! Son of dogs! How dare you speak to our King that way! Cut him up! Teach him respect!”

  At that moment Hahq would have given anything to hear Skopasis say – `Hahq is MY Son’. But the recognition he had longed for all his life did not come. Still Hahq pushed on. Vartan’s integrity had to be brought down in the eyes of the people. An equal sin on Vartan’s part would help swing the balance of justice to save Sava’s life.

  Ching-ching. Ching-ching. Hahq glared at the Black Cloak king and paced, the medallions on his boots tinkling. All leaned forward to hear -

  “You know it is a great sin to lie King Vartan. The people look up to our kings as men of virtue who enforce our sacred laws. I came to you on a mission of peace. Tell the truth now – Did you try to drug me and my men? Did you plot to kill me and my blood brother Voron in your `Dark House’?”

  Fleeting expressions of embarrassment, guilt and fury contorted King Vartan’s face. Caught in the trap of his self-proclaimed virtue, the Black Cloak king needed to caste blame on someone for his treachery.

  Pointing at Sava he blustered: “It’s all his fault! He stole the man who was to be my son’s companion in the Other World. Justice compelled me to punish the Sauromatae for his crime!”

  “Don’t worry King Vartan, your drugs did no harm to me or my men.” With a demonstrative shake of his black-mane, Hahq lifted a hand. “In fact, I must thank you. Watching you and your men drink that drugged koumiss… Seeing you go down - flat on your back...” Hahq made a loud snoring noise. “That was truly one of the best nights of my life.”

  Aye that never to be forgotten night…when Yeva was still with me…

  “That cursed kako mati priestess betrayed me!” Vartan snarled. “Where is she?! I want Yeva sent back to Melanchaenia. She will be punished for treachery!”

  “Why should we do that? What is to be gained by it? You are no loyal ally to us Vartan. But Yeva saved our lives. She is far away now where you will never find her. And don’t even think about sending your hounds after her.” Hahq’s upper lip slid back from white teeth.

  Multitudes of heads were swinging back and forth in rapt anticipation. Voivode Skopasis’ son is a tomb raider?! A priestess with kako mati eyes betrayed King Vartan? Tricked him into drinking drugged koumiss?

  Ah this was good gossip. Better than worrying about some damn war that they didn’t want to fight anyway. The people listened with baited breath. Anxious for the story to go on. And on.

  Juicy gossip like this was treasured, endlessly repeated, mulled over, torn apart to analyze every detail, joked about and shamelessly elaborated on for years to come.

  Turning slowly, deliberately Hahq’s gaze swept over the five tribes who had refused to join the alliance. Now to insert the sharp stab of guilt.

  “This I say to all you spineless wretches who have turned your backs on us!” His voice resounded. “We know your game – That we should fight and die for your freedom. While you sit back and watch! If we defeat Persia, so much the better, all is well. If we lose, you will all rush to beat your foreheads on the ground for Darius! You will grovel like dogs and claim you always loved Darius best. Clever. Eh?”

  Golden hazel eyes intense, fierce as an eagle, Hahq paced before the tribes.

  Ching-ching. Ching-ching

  “Remember one thing – O Ye who have chosen to desert your kinsman in our time of greatest need - If we WIN, Our sacred blood poured out on the field of battle will be redeemed! At great cost - by You!”

  The great yurt erupted in a thunderous applause of swords on shields.

  “The numbers of Darius’ host are as the sands on the shore. If the Persians even breathe on us we will collapse. And you moronic fools call us cowards?!” Vartan snapped.

  “Morons eh? When Darius is done with you, he will piss in your eye and you will proclaim it dew falling from the sky!” Hahq retorted.

  The people’s blood ran cold at those words. For they knew it was true.

  “We can count on valiant, honest men to guard our backs. We will not have to place our lives in the hands of lying, scheming, deceivers like you `noble’ Vartan. With all due respect of course.” Hahq sketched a sardonic bow. “Scurry back to Melanchaenia. See if you can wait out the war. And don’t forget to take your cannibal friends with you!”

  “Goat boys go home! Dirt on your heads! ” The allies shouted, banging swords on shields, war drums pounding, their mood ebullient. Their cause just. Their leaders the best. They would rise up against the greatest empire on earth. And win.

  Of course they had yet to witness the stunning magnitude of the invading Persian host.

  Wrapped in brooding, enigmatic silence, Skopasis noted that despite putti
ng on a brazen face, King Vartan and the other nobles were taken aback by Hahq’s none too subtle threat. Good job son. If we can defeat Persia, we will be the strongest power in Skythia. We can make the other five tribes our vassals. Let them go home and think about that awhile.

  However Skopasis also knew that Hahq’s threat was a double-edged sword. Threatening the other tribes with retribution made them more likely to aid the Persians.

  Sensing the men’s blood was up and coming to a boil, King Idanthrysus intervened. Lifting a hand for silence, he surveyed the crowd with dark brooding eyes.

  “So of the nine tribes only four - the Geloni, Budini, Sauromatae and Royal Skythian will stand together against the Persian invaders? No one else?”

  A tense shuffling, murmuring silence resounded in the great yurt.

  King Spargapeithes rose and shook his blue head – “So you fools think to overpower a trained, well equipped army of 700,000 with your rag tag little cavalry?”

  “But we have with us the Best of the Best.” Skopasis’ lips curved in a saturnine smile.

  “Will no one else join to resist Persian theft of our lands and wealth?” King Idanthrysus held out his arms in a last appeal.

  More murmuring, shuffling silence.

  “So be it. And when the Persians attack - Don’t come running to us!” Idanthrysus shouted.

  “Mark my words, Royal Skythia will cry tears of blood before this is over!” King Vartan roared.

  “We are free men. Free as the wind. If Darius tries to catch us all he will catch is the wind!” Skopasis’ deep voice resonated.

  “Back to Back - Brothers Forever – Arkatash!” The cry echoed from thousands of voices inside and outside the great yurt.

  The final vote of the war council was followed by an impassioned debate over the fates of Sava, Brata and the golden stallion. Hahq had undermined King Vartan’s moral position by exposing his perfidy to a royal emissary.

  More importantly the Black Cloaks had weakened their position by refusing to join the alliance. As far as the allies were concerned, it would be most unwise to alienate the Sauromatae by demanding Sava’s execution.


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