His Curvy Surprise (Alpha Colorado Firefighters Book 4)

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His Curvy Surprise (Alpha Colorado Firefighters Book 4) Page 3

by Anna Heskin

  “Now what about you?” I asked. “What made you grow up? You’re not the prick I once despised. I’ve met other guys who were assholes at twelve and never grew out of it, so don’t use age as an excuse.”

  Cody sighed and poured himself more water from the carafe. “By eighth grade, I hated life and myself. My mother had the wisdom to get me help. I ended up with the best therapist in the Rockies.”

  My chest burned inside. “Wow,” I said. “How long did you go to therapy?”

  “It took several years until I felt healed. She opened my eyes to a lot of things, changed my outlook on life, my grades improved, and people enjoyed my company, as I did theirs.”

  “That must’ve been a tough journey,” I said.

  “It was. She said my issues stemmed from the way my older sister abused me.”

  “I didn’t know you had an older sister,” I said.

  “That’s because she got sent away to juvenile prison before you moved into the neighborhood. She was eight years older than me. Her friends got her hooked on drugs and who knows what else. She’d take her frustrations out on me and then deny everything to our parents. They thought she was an angel until the police arrested her and her friends on manslaughter charges after causing the death of a homeless man.”

  “Jesus,” I muttered. “You said she ‘was’ eight years older than you. What happened later?”

  “She died on an overdose in an underground art colony. Nobody reported her dead for a week.”

  “Oh my God. That must’ve been so hard.”

  “On my parents, yes,” Cody said. “Obviously, she and I were never close. I was already seeing my therapist by then and it didn’t take long to get over that loss.”

  “Cody, I’m so impressed with how you took charge of your life in high school.”

  “That’s all I know now. Taking charge,” Cody said. His big, strong hand gave my forearm a squeeze. A tingle went from my arm, down through my chest, and into my thighs.

  “What did you do after high school?” I asked.

  “Played quarterback at a division three school out in California. After graduation, I worked odd jobs until I got accepted as a firefighter. Now, what about you? Where did you get your photography skills?”

  “I stayed local. UC Denver. I’ve been freelancing since graduation. It keeps me busy, and the bills paid.”

  Cody smiled and winked. “And you got to do a hot calendar shoot today.”

  I blushed. “Yes, I have to admit that was one hell of a perk.”

  Cody and I continued to catch up on the bigger details of our lives as we enjoyed a hot dinner. He wolfed down a big steak while I worked on the biggest salmon filet I’d ever eaten.

  When I’d first seen Cody walk into the photo shoot, I cursed my luck. By the time dinner finished, I felt lucky not only to get the job that day but also to have run into the handsome man. It was good to witness that no matter how someone might start out in life, they could grow up to be a good person. The idea gave me more faith in humanity.



  Damn, the way her lips envelop the end of the fork when she eats is hot. I’d love to have that mouth on something else.

  Alyssa grew up to be smoking hot. In addition to being an intelligent and successful business owner, she’d filled out in all the right places. I wanted more of her.

  “Should we get dessert?” I asked as we finished our plates.

  “What looks good?” Alyssa asked.

  I perused the dessert menu. “Wanna share the chocolate brownie with ice cream?”


  The server brought the huge treat on a giant plate and set down two spoons. Before Alyssa could dig in, I said, “Don’t salt this one.”

  Alyssa’s mouth fell open, then she smiled and hit my shoulder. “We weren’t bringing things back up from the past.”

  I laughed. “I had to do it just once.”

  “Okay, fair enough,” Alyssa said. We exchanged a big smile. The twinkle in her eyes showed she enjoyed spending time with me.

  After dinner, we headed back to the room. “Do you want to go to the bar or anything?” I asked.

  Alyssa yawned. “No, I’m okay staying in here. It’s been a long day and I’ll probably fall asleep early.”

  “That’s cool,” I said as I left for the bathroom to change into comfortable clothes.

  As I fumbled through my bag to find pajama pants, my thoughts kept wandering to how sexy Alyssa’s ass looked when she walked, with her hips swaying side-to-side. When I pulled up the pants, my hard cock got in the way. Alyssa had already seen the tip earlier in the afternoon but I didn’t want to scare her away. I waited until it softened enough to angle downward before walking out of the bathroom.

  “Dammit,” Alyssa said when I returned to the room. I looked down at my crotch but my cock hadn’t stood back up.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You can’t be walking around like that, with your pecs and biceps and bulging shoulders. And my God, you could hurt someone with those abs.”

  I grinned. “And that’s a problem?”

  Alyssa shook her head and looked away. “You make it hard for a woman to behave.”

  “I still don’t see the problem,” I said. Hearing her sweet voice threatened to give me a permanent hard-on.

  “We have to behave,” Alyssa said.

  “No, we can do whatever we want,” I said.

  “Behave.” Alyssa pointed a finger at me.

  “Those clothes don’t look comfortable for lounging around,” I said.

  “These are all the clothes I have. I didn’t plan on being stranded here with you tonight.”

  “You’ve got a bra and panties, right?” I asked. My mouth turned dry, and I struggled to swallow a big gulp.

  Alyssa gave a hard stare. “I’m not part of the sexy calendar.”

  “That’s a damn shame,” I said.

  Alyssa blushed yet again. I could watch her cheeks turn pink all day. “The outfit I have on is fine.”

  I pulled out my bag. “Here’s an extra t-shirt and a pair of shorts. They’re big for you but better than sleeping in that outfit.”

  “Thanks,” Alyssa said. When she returned from the bathroom wearing my clothes, I could barely contain the hormones. There was something about seeing her in my t-shirt that got my engine revving. I wanted to nibble on the thick, delicious thighs caressing the inside of my shorts.

  “You seem exhausted,” I said. “It’s only 9:00.”

  “Yeah,” Alyssa said. “I’m not sure how late I’ll stay awake.”

  “Take the bed. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  “Are you sure?” Alyssa asked. “It’s your room.”

  “Well, I’m a forward guy and I’m telling you straight up—I’d rather share the bed. But you seem intent on behaving.”

  “Sure, I’ll take the bed, and you have the couch,” Alyssa said. “That’s a sweet gesture.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not sweet. I just want to take care of you.”

  Alyssa suggested we watch the sports news. I didn’t know whether she was interested in the programming or wanted to make me happy. Either way, I enjoyed the show while we made more small talk. The more time I spent with her, the more I wanted to make her mine. It disturbed me a bit because I had firefighter training coming up and wanted nothing interfering with my goals.

  After the hockey wrap-up show, Alyssa fluffed up the pillows. “I’m hitting the sack.”

  I turned off all the lights except for a dim desk lamp. “See you in the morning. We’ll get a big breakfast before heading back to Denver.”

  “Sounds good,” Alyssa said.

  I folded out the couch and curled up under the thin blanket. The mattress was always so damn uncomfortable on those things. I would’ve rather been in bed with Alyssa but I understood we had only met up that afternoon.

  Ever since high school, I accomplished anything I set my mind to. Alyssa would be no different.
I wanted her, and would have her. For whatever lucky reason, she didn’t hate me after our past. The good fortune needed to continue, although it wouldn’t be based on luck. I was a desirable man.

  I resisted the urge to stroke my hard cock as thoughts of Alyssa drifted in my mind in a pre-sleep state. Jacking off would only get messy and she’d hear the loud breathing. I could almost taste her sweet skin all the way from the couch.

  Before I fell asleep, Alyssa’s tiny voice caressed the room like honey. “Cody? Are you awake?”

  I cleared my throat. “Yes.”

  “I’m cold,” Alyssa said.

  “Let me check the thermostat,” I said.

  “No,” Alyssa said. “Get in here, under my blankets.”

  My entire body burned with excitement as I crawled onto the bed. Alyssa was laying on her side, facing away.

  “Behind me. Spoon me, keep me warm,” Alyssa said.

  I slipped under the covers and inched closer until my body pressed up against hers. As I wrapped my right arm over her midsection, my hard cock poked against her back, making her flinch.

  “No funny business,” Alyssa whispered. “I only want to sleep.”

  Alyssa was falling for me. Her shield of resistance was breaking down, one act at a time. I didn’t mind playing the waiting game.

  My therapist told me for years that I had trust issues and that was why relationships didn’t seem appealing. Of all the people in the world, I couldn’t believe Alyssa was the one to make me forget the resistance.

  Alyssa’s body fit perfectly against mine. I smelled the conditioner in her hair and felt her body rise and fall with each breath under my arm. The skin of her hand against mine sent waves of electricity surging up my spine.

  As I tried to drift off to sleep, my cock continued to throb against her back. I had a hard time resisting the urge to thrust my hips. I eventually fell asleep, holding my former enemy close.



  As impossible as it seemed, I felt safe in Cody’s arms. I’m not sure what sparked me to ask him to spoon me but it was the best ask I’d ever made of someone.

  My wet pussy ached for stimulation as I tried to sleep in Cody’s embrace. I didn’t know if guys could sense the wetness, but his hard cock jammed itself into my back.

  With one simple move, I could reach into his flimsy pants and grab it with my hand. Not thirty seconds later, it could take away my virginity. But I didn’t think I was ready yet. I needed to see more evidence of his reform.

  I let out a soft sigh that sounded more like a needy moan, then dug myself backwards even harder against his massive body. He made me feel like a petite girl next to him. I’m sure my sounds and movements didn’t help his throbbing cock.

  As my heartbeat settled under 120, I drifted off to sleep. I woke several times during the night, afraid Cody would be gone. Each time, his body remained in the same spot, keeping me warm.

  When the first morning light filtered through the curtains, I feared Cody would wake up and get out of bed at any moment. I didn’t want to lose the warmth from being wrapped up against his hot body.

  I slid a foot down, connecting the sole with the top of his foot. My toes caressed him as the burning returned in my chest. I mirrored the rubbing on our hands, sending chills down the back of my neck where his breath softly landed.

  Cody stirred awake. I couldn’t wait another moment. As I rolled over to face him, I stared into his eyes, then closed mine, hoping he’d take the hint and kiss me.

  I felt his strong palm rest gently on my cheek moments before the heat of his lips connected with mine. The situation seemed unreal—not only was a hot firefighter kissing me; it was Cody Kendrick. And I wanted more.

  My hands explored the ridges and hard mounds of muscle all over his upper body as our lips pressed into each other. His tongue probed against my mouth, begging for entrance. I parted my lips, allowing his delicious tongue to dance with mine. All the hardships of childhood melted away as I tasted his desire.

  Before we started to kiss, I wanted one innocent kiss. Once our faces connected, I needed more. I ran my hand along his abs, not stopping until my fingers wrapped around his cock through his pants.

  With a laugh, I pulled away from our kiss. “I already saw this yesterday.”

  Cody let out a combination of a laugh and moan. “Yeah, you did.”

  “The way the head was poking out of your pants, it’s more like it saw me.” It felt so fat and warm even through his pajama pants.

  “That was embarrassing,” Cody said.

  “Why? You’re huge,” I whispered as my finger found the flap in his pants and reached inside. It’s funny how skin can be soft yet hard at the same time.

  “You didn’t take pictures, did you?” Cody asked as his hands cupped my breasts under my shirt.

  “No. But it made me wet.” For a virgin, I acted very forward and willing. It’s as if all my hang-ups disappeared with Cody. All the years of not finding the ‘right’ man led to that snowy morning on the side of a mountain.

  “Is that so?” Cody asked, inching a hand downward across my belly.

  “See for yourself,” I said, grabbing his fingers and putting them over my shorts. I spread my legs apart, allowing his hand to reach my panties.

  “Damn, you’re soaked,” he said when he found the huge wet spot.

  “It’s your fault,” I whispered, then nibbled at his neck as his hands rubbed my pussy from outside my panties. The friction caused waves of pleasure to radiate throughout my entire lower half.

  A sinking sensation went through my midsection as Cody tugged at the bottom of his t-shirt I was wearing. My abs were the complete opposite of his. I had a six-pack too, hidden under several layers of fat and happy. C’mon, Alyssa, you’re sexy. He thinks so too.

  I sat up and took the shirt off for him, followed by my bra. My jugs fell into his hands as his mouth found its way onto my left nipple.

  “Oh, Cody,” I moaned. His fiery slippery tongue flicked and licked all over my tits as I continued to moan his name. The kid in me who hated him so much over the years could never have imagined the happiness Cody would cause in the distant future.

  “Get out of these, Alyssa.” Cody tugged at the top of my panties. I slid them, along with his shorts I borrowed, down my legs. He grabbed the clothing and pulled them off my ankles. I laid back and spread my knees apart so he could get a good look. “My God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he said while staring at my soaked pussy.

  I ran my fingers through his hair as he kissed the creamy skin on my delicate thighs. “Cody, I can’t believe you’re here. This has to be the biggest surprise of my life,” I giggled.

  Cody laughed. “And to think I almost didn’t say ‘yes’ to the photo shoot.”

  “I’m so glad you did,” I said as he began to taste my sweet juices.

  “Damn, sweetie, I could eat you all day.” My lower half was almost vibrating with pleasure as he nibbled at my clit while sliding two fingers in and out of me.

  “Please do,” I moaned.

  I need to remember to get what’s-her-face a thank-you gift. Damn, I can’t even think straight enough to remember names. The pregnant friend. The one pushing a baby out of her pained body while mine is being sent to heaven.

  “How do you like this, baby?” Cody asked as his fingers vibrated up against my g-spot while his mouth shook rapidly over my clit.

  I gripped the sheets with both hands as my toes curled. “Cody, don’t you dare stop! Keep that up!”

  One look at the tensed muscles in his shoulders and forearms was all it took to make me come. I let out a final scream as everything in my body tensed hard. Stars flooded my vision as the release began in my pussy and spread up through my belly.

  I gripped Cody’s wrists when I couldn’t handle any more. He sucked on his fingers while I caught my breath.

  “That was good, huh?” Cody asked.

  “Uh-huh,” I mumbled, my eyes still closed.
  A sudden movement rocked the mattress, and I glanced up to see Cody taking off his pants. His cock looked even more enormous than it did earlier. He pulled my hips toward him, sliding his length along my wet slit.

  Oh my God, am I about to do this? Cody Kendrick will be my first. WAIT…

  I sat up straight. “Hold on, Cody, we can’t do this.”

  Cody raised an eyebrow. “Why? You’ve let things go this far.”

  “Cody, trust me, I want to. I just realized I didn’t take my pill last night. I didn’t expect to have an overnight stay.”

  He pointed to his bag. “I always carry condoms in my overnight bag. Not that I actively look to get some, but you know, just in case.”

  “That’s not enough for me. No single form of birth control is one hundred percent.”

  “I can wear one, and pull out too,” Cody argued. His throbbing cock was desperate for attention. “I’ve never wanted someone so bad.”

  A sly smile crossed my face as I leaned into his ear. “Wouldn’t you rather come deep down my throat with nothing on?” I whispered.

  Cody lost his breath for a moment. His face and neck flushed as he nodded.

  “This will feel so good, you won’t care it’s not my pussy,” I said as I pushed his chest to the bed.

  I took extra time teasing his length with my lips and tongue, not stimulating more than a tiny spot at a time. Cody’s hips writhed, aching to feel more contact.

  A dozen years after he bullied me, I held the power. His throbbing manhood was at my mercy. I felt like a powerful queen as I finally took him inside my warm mouth. I bobbed and swirled, rubbed his balls, then opened my throat for him.

  Cody let out a loud moan. “Where did you learn to do this?”

  I didn’t answer because I had his fat cock threatening to choke me. Truth be told, I learned in college. With the few partners and boyfriends I had, I kept them satisfied with mind-numbing blowjobs, thus keeping them from demanding my pussy.

  My scalp enjoyed the massage from Cody’s fingers as his muscles began to twitch. I thought about drawing things out, making him beg for release. But I was proud of who he seemed to have become and wanted to show him, so I gave him maximum stimulation.


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