Isolated Maneuver: An Immortal Ops World Novel (Immortal Outcasts Series Book 3)

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Isolated Maneuver: An Immortal Ops World Novel (Immortal Outcasts Series Book 3) Page 14

by Mandy M. Roth

  She was his.

  Now and forever.

  Her delicious blood instantly pooled in his mouth. He’d never had a hunger for blood, but he could see himself sampling hers as often as possible. To hell with the fact he’d always found the practice among the Fang Gang to be repulsive. He didn’t care. Right now, it was glorious, her taste impossibly perfect.

  Just like her.

  “Mine!” she yelled in return.

  He swallowed as he felt her head moving to his shoulder, where she’d clawed his skin open. The second her tiny tongue darted over his blood, he felt as if they were being fastened together by invisible tape. That threads of a sort were weaving between them, going from him to her and back again. They were forever linked, forever tied to one another, as it should be.

  He could hold back no longer. Exploding deep in her, he remained in place, his cock jerking as he spurted hot seed into his mate, filling her completely with everything he had to give. Visions of what she might look like swollen with his babe assailed him, making his breathing heavier. He wanted the American dream with her. Wanted a family, a full life, everything.

  She reached her peak once more and that gave him great satisfaction. He liked knowing she was pleased. That he was giving her what she required and what she wanted. He drank down her blood and then lifted his mouth from her, licking the bite, watching it heal over quickly from the curative agents in his saliva. It was one thing he had to thank the scientists for. They’d made sure nearly all the men they’d turned into shifters could do such a thing.

  She licked his shoulder as well, the smallest of giggles coming from her in the process. “Mmm.”

  Bane kissed her cheek. He didn’t withdraw from her, but rather, stayed nestled in her body, his cock hardening again at once. Would he ever get enough of her?

  No. He wouldn’t.

  “Is it done?” she asked, her lids heavy, her voice sleepy.

  She sounded intoxicated and he realized in a way, she probably was. She was of the succubi, and they fed from sex. She’d told him she needed the full act and he’d given it to her.

  With stunned surprise, he watched as her hair lengthened even more before his eyes, a deep shine coming over it. Her eyes shone a bright violet and her cheeks flushed before they filled out more—giving her a healthy look she’d lacked when he’d first happened upon her. Not that she hadn’t been stunning then. Now she was simply more so, if that were even possible. His mate was the most beautiful woman in the world.

  Galiena gasped and a surge of her power shot through him, making him come again. She shattered around him, the walls of her sheath, constricting around his cock, drawing his seed from him. He couldn’t remember if he’d taken a breath, his lungs were on fire as he thrust in again, holding deep, his body shuddering. The edges of his vision began to darken and his knees felt weak, as they had in the restroom at the club when she’d brought him to climax there.

  Bane slammed his hands against the wall to the sides of her head and gasped for air, desperate to keep from passing out. He would not be the type of man who, every time he bedded his woman, fell to the ground. As an alpha male, that was shameful.

  He swayed, his vision still off.

  Galiena’s soft laugh gave him something to focus on. “Is this a timber moment? If so, can you put me down? If you fall while inside me, you’ll really split me in two.”

  The threat of passing out eased and he swallowed hard, his legs still shaky but somewhat steady. “What in the hell was that?”

  She bit her lower lip, her cheeks flushing. “Another side effect of my powers. Sometimes there are aftershocks. Never have been that intense before.”

  “Like with an earthquake?” he asked, his eyes wide.

  She nodded. “But with orgasms.”

  “My woman gives me after shudders.” He glanced upward, feeling like the luckiest man in all the world. He knew his track record. Knew he was unworthy of such a mate, but he was damned thankful for her. She was his queen and he’d forever worship at her altar. Forever devote his life to protecting her and pleasing her.

  A thought occurred to him, and he stiffened. She’d been with other men, more than he cared to know about. Was it this way with all of them? Was he just one of many to her? “Tell me that was good for you too. I don’t think I could bear hearing it was blasé.”

  Galiena looked up at him pensively. “It was the best, Bane. The aftershock was unlike anything I’ve had before.”

  His inner beast wanted to pitch a fit at the hint of other men, but it wisely stayed the fuck out of the conversation. It was probably hoping for another aftershock. He knew he was.

  “Good,” he said, manly pride swelling in him.

  “Looked like it was pretty good for both of you,” came Bill’s voice from the end of the hall.

  Bane growled and turned his head to find Bill standing there, wearing a pair of boxer shorts with four-leaf clovers all over them, holding a sandwich in one hand, and under his other arm, he had a mannequin like one would find in a women’s store. It was wearing a nightie.

  “What the fuck?” asked Bane, fumbling to be sure Galiena was covered from Bill’s prying eyes, all while attempting to figure out what the hell Bill was doing with a mannequin.

  Bill smiled. “This is Mona. She’s not a talker.”

  Galiena laughed. “Uh, Bill, you do know she’s not real, right?”

  “I’m high, not crazy,” stated Bill evenly. He took a bite of his sandwich and chewed with his mouth open. “I took her when I got your clothes. I look at it this way, whatever tests they did on you made you able to turn to stone. What if I could find them, make them do tests on Mona, and she’d turn into a real woman? That would be perfect for Gus. He really took a shine to her at the store. I took her for him. Just got done giving her a bath. Don’t worry. I didn’t look at anything I wasn’t supposed to.”

  Bane groaned. “You need to be medicated.”

  “I made special brownies, if you know what I mean. They’re downstairs. We can all be medicated then,” answered the small man. “We’ll all rest like babies. Like Gus.”

  “He still shit-faced?” asked Bane, ignoring the mannequin.

  “Yes. It will take him a long time to sober up. He doesn’t have our tolerance, monkey-boy. Not to mention, I gave him some of my special brownies.”

  Galiena rubbed Bane’s arms as if she could sense his temper starting to build.

  “Can you take Mona and go to bed?” he asked.

  A crooked smile was on Bill’s face as he eyed Galiena. “I need to find me a succubus. Preferably one that doesn’t turn people into dust. That could suck, but hey, might be worth going to dust for a chance at those aftershock things. Mona might get jealous though, but really, she’s more for Gus than me. She doesn’t think he’s weird and doesn’t mind he’s not really that chatty.”

  “I can only handle so much of your crazy.” A low grumble started in the back of Bane’s throat. It was menacing, and a clear warning to the small man.

  Shrugging, Bill turned and headed in the direction of the room Bane had set him up in earlier, knocking Mona’s head against the wall in the process. Her head popped off and Bill stopped, stared down at the head on the floor, and then glanced up, looking at Bane. “Think Gus will notice?”

  “No,” snapped Bane, his anger held back by a thread. “The man won’t make direct eye contact long enough with the thing to notice it doesn’t have a head.”

  Galiena sighed. “Bill, I’ll help you put her head on later. Okay?”

  “Cool.” Bill left the area, and Mona’s head on the floor.

  Bane looked down at it and then moved slightly. The thing gave him the willies. “Everywhere I move, its eyes seem to follow.”

  Galiena laughed. “You’re scared of that?”

  “No. Don’t be ridiculous.” He eyed the head and a small shudder went through him.

  His mate snorted.

  “Bill saw what we did,” he said with a sigh. �
�I should have covered you better. I should have held it together to get to a bed. I took you like an animal against the wall.”

  She pressed a finger to his lip, silencing him. “So, take me in that room, put me on that bed and fuck me again, lover.”

  He stilled. “We’re more than just lovers, Galiena.”

  “I know. But I’m not sure I’m ready to say the word out loud. You?”

  With a shake of his head, he withdrew from her, noting the absence of her body at once. Setting her gently on her feet, Bane stood before her, still crowding her against the wall. Unable to stop himself, he bent his head and kissed her again.

  He was about to get frisky again when he paused, his gaze returning to the decapitated head on the floor. “Okay, it’s still looking at me.”

  Galiena laughed and then shoved at him. “Take me to bed, monkey-boy.”

  He wasted no time carrying her into the bedroom, kicking the door closed and crossing to the bed. He laid her out gently, and stared down at her, hungry for her body again.

  He hiked her nightgown up high, exposing her sex to him before he descended upon her, burying his face between her legs. He loved tasting her, loved her cream coating his tongue, love the way she squirmed under each flicker of his tongue.

  I love her, he thought, pausing a moment.

  “Bane,” she said, her hands finding his hair. She held him to her, and that made him chuckle against her pussy. He licked, swiping his tongue over her clit before adding his finger to the mix. She broke easily under the touch of his finger and he moved up quickly, rooting his shaft deep in her tight, wet cunt.

  She held to his shoulders as he worked himself in and out of her, grunting like the beast he was. He couldn’t stop himself. She felt too perfect, too right. And from the way she looked at him with nothing short of rapture on her face, she was enjoying what was transpiring between them.

  He knew he was.

  He also knew he’d never be sated. He’d never get his fill of her.

  Locking gazes with her, Bane lowered his head, his lips finding hers at the same moment she sent her succubus power blasting through him once more. His balls drew up fast and he exploded without warning, his cock jerking in her, her body tightening around his at the same time.

  Bane shook, happy he was horizontal, because he was positive he’d have fallen over for sure.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Galiena hid her laughter as she wrapped duct tape around the neck of Mona while Bill supported the mannequin’s head. He’d found a headlamp while rummaging around in the basement, before getting kicked out of the room by Bane. The light was bright and kept temporarily blinding Galiena as she tried to tape the head of the plastic woman.

  She squinted. “Bill, this would be easier without the light in my eyes.”

  Reaching up with one hand, he clicked the light off. “Sorry. Just want to make it perfect. Gus is mad at me.”

  Galiena had to fight laughter once more. Gus hadn’t said a word that she’d heard, and was currently eating a bowl of cereal, though she strongly suspected he just wanted to go back to sleep. He’d woken only when Bane went into the bedroom and bent over the man, checking for breathing. For as much as her mate blustered, it was clear he had developed a soft spot for the two men.

  So had she. They were adorable.

  She met Bill’s gaze. “Bane said something about you telling him he had to go to the club. Is that right?”

  Bill thumbed to Gus. “He told me. I just passed it all on.”

  “While you were stealing his SUV or after?” asked Galiena, enjoying her time with the men. There was something about them that felt like instant family to her. Something she’d never really had outside of Paisley.

  Blushing, Bill lowered his head. “I tried to tell him before, but he’s alpha and has a stubborn streak a mile wide.”

  She snorted. That sounded just like Bane. “Do you have any idea what he’s doing down in that basement?”

  “It’s all tricked out for operation control. I’d guess he’s making contact with the rest of his Outcast buddies and probably with PSI.”

  She tensed. “He’s with PSI?”

  Bill shook his head. “No. Not officially. At least not for now. Gus says that will all change later. Says the Outcasts won’t always have to run, but for now they do.”

  “What is an Outcast?” asked Galiena, taping more as she went.

  Bill glanced in the direction of the basement door, as if to check to see if Bane was near before speaking. “They were the rejects from the government experiments on soldiers.”

  She tensed. She’d heard hints of government testing on men, but she’d never known for sure it had occurred. Rumors surrounding the Immortal Ops ran like wildfire through the supernatural community, but she’d never heard of the Outcasts. “Bane hardly seems like someone to reject. I saw him fighting with Helmuth. He’s kind of a badass.”

  Sighing, Bill sat on his bottom, holding Mona up with one hand as they continued to work on the floor, trying to reattach her head. “He’ll be pissed I’m telling you this.”

  “Is it something he’ll tell me on his own?” she asked.

  Bill looked to Gus and fell silent for several long minutes. Finally, he faced her. “No. He won’t ever tell you. He’s embarrassed and ashamed of it all. Of himself even.”

  “Why?” she asked, her chest tightening.

  “Because he volunteered to be tested on.”

  She thought back to what Krauss had subjected her to daily for weeks. Someone had signed up for that? “W-what?”

  “He was an active serviceman, and damn proud to help defend his country. When they came knocking, wanting volunteers, he jumped at the chance. But they weren’t honest with the men up front. They misguided them. Told them one thing, all while they were doing something else to them. Once they’d signed their lives away, that was all she wrote. There was no going back. No stopping it. No changing the government’s minds.”

  Galiena laid Mona down and cupped her mouth, her body shaking. “W-what, exactly, did he go through?”

  Gus tapped his spoon on the table but said nothing as Bill directed his attention to the man for a few moments.

  “Wish Gus could tell you this himself, but something about your brain is wired differently, so he can’t reach you mentally,” said Bill, touching Mona’s shoulder lightly. “He’s better with words than me.”

  She put her hand over his. “I think you’re perfect with words, Bill.”

  He offered a half smile. “The government tested on me and Gus too. It wasn’t fun, and it wasn’t easy. But I think the Outcasts got it the worst. I think they did things to those men we can only in imagine in our nightmares, and when the men didn’t come out the other side perfect, they rounded them up and tried to exterminate them all.”

  Gasping, Galiena tried but failed to stop the tears from coming. Her man had volunteered to help his country, and in return, his own government had turned on him?

  Bill squeezed her hand gently. “He and his brothers, the others like him, had to go to ground. They had to hide and live off the grid for a long time. Some more than a century, because the testing was going on way before most think. Bane was able to find a way to control his beast to a certain degree. Gus says he struggles with it all the time, and that he lives in fear of hurting someone innocent, but that you help him. That mating to you has given him another layer of control. And that Bane has helped your darkness too. It’s why we’re touching now and I’m not a pile of dust.”

  She thought harder on it, and realized she’d not fought her darkness once since Bane had claimed her. She looked at Gus, knowing he wouldn’t answer her, that he’d speak through Bill. “It’s over now? I don’t have to worry about accidently killing others?”

  Bill tipped his head and then patted her hand with his free one. “Gus says if you kill anyone from this point on, it’s because you want them dead and they deserve it. He says you’re gonna be a fierce mother.”

bsp; “Mother?” she asked, sitting on her backside as well.

  Bill nodded to her stomach. “Gus says he’s pretty sure you’re already expecting. Says James will tell us all for sure.”

  “James?” she asked.

  “He’s a friend of ours. Good people, that James.” Bill smiled wide. “Can I play with the baby when it comes?”

  “Bill, I don’t think I’m pregnant. It’s very difficult for my kind to conceive, and with what Krauss did to me, I’ll probably never be able to have children.” She closed her eyes. “I should talk with Bane. If he wants a family…”

  Gus tapped his spoon harder, drawing her attention to him. He looked directly at her, and then nodded slowly. That small act spoke volumes.

  An inner knowledge came over her that she was indeed able to have a child with Bane, and that they might have already laid the groundwork for it to occur.

  Unable to help herself, Galiena pushed to her feet and rushed to Gus’s side. She bent and wrapped her arms around him tightly, giving him a good long hug.

  Much to her surprise, he returned the embrace. She kissed the top of his head. “Thank you.”

  Bill stood and pulled Mona up with him. He grinned at Gus. “She’s all right, isn’t she?”

  The basement door opened and Bane stepped through, with a black bag slung over one shoulder, various weapons in holsters all over him, and a handful of black phones. He paused and raised a brow as he glanced at Galiena, who was still hugging Gus.

  “He lets you touch him?” he asked, surprise in his voice.

  Galiena kissed the top of Gus’s head again, and then pointed to the cereal bowl. “Finish eating. You had too much to drink and need some food in your belly.”

  He obeyed.

  Bane grunted. “Of course he listens to you.”

  He gave a black phone to Bill and then handed one to Galiena. “They’re burners. Press contact number one if we get separated for any reason. It will reach me. Contact two will reach Casey. Galiena, you can trust Casey fully.”


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