Safe and Burning with Ecstasy [The Heroes of Silver Island 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Safe and Burning with Ecstasy [The Heroes of Silver Island 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 15

by Tonya Ramagos

  “Spread your legs for me, baby.” Kalvin’s voice was dangerously hot, the words acting like flames licking the air to shower her body with burning embers. “I want to see your sweet pussy. I want to see how wet you are. Are you wet for us, my love? Is your pussy slick with juices for me to taste?”

  It was. Oh, God, she burned for his touch, for his mouth, for his tongue to lap at the juices slicking her folds and seeping from between them to moisten her inner thighs. His hands pushed between her thighs, pulling them apart, until she sat with her legs wide open, her pussy bare and exposed. She flushed. The pose, intimate and erotic, made her feel dirty in the most enchanting ways.

  She sighed blissfully as half her attention vibrated from her head to her core. She heard a sound she didn’t recognize and realized it must have been the coffee table being scooted further away as Kalvin’s hands glided over her thighs, his broad shoulders wedging between her legs.

  “You smell delicious.” The warmth of his breath fluttered over the moist flesh of her pussy and she shuddered.

  “Is something wrong, darlin’?” Blaze drawled in her ear. He nibbled at the sensitive patch of skin at her hairline, sending slivers of fiery ice down to her toes and scattering her senses.

  Anticipation rendered her speechless as her pussy throbbed painfully with the need to feel Kalvin’s mouth on her most sensitive flesh. He captured her pussy lip with his mouth, rolling and nibbling until she writhed against his face. His lips pulled at her folds, massaging and tasting until her mind tripped and tumbled into an abyss of pure ecstasy.

  “Do you like what he’s doing to you, darlin’?” Blaze’s mouth moved down the side of her neck, his hand working her breast, kneading and caressing one while the other breast burned for equal attention.

  She did. She liked what they were both doing to her, but that didn’t stop the need for more that scorched through her very being. She wanted Blaze’s mouth on her breast. She wanted Kalvin’s mouth on her pussy. She wanted. “Oh, please. Guys, you’re driving me insane!”

  Kalvin’s shoulders shook against her inner thighs as he chuckled and continued his teasing exploration of her outer folds. He eased back slightly and his hands skimmed her flesh as he reached between her legs and spread her sodden folds with his fingers.

  She cried out at the first jab of his tongue deep inside her aching channel. Her head fell back on the cushion behind her, her eyes closing as Kalvin’s tongue went wild inside her pussy. Her inner muscles convulsed, contracting around the wet, warm length of his tongue.

  Blaze shifted beside her, dipping his head to suck a nipple between his lips as he worked her other nipple with his thumb and forefinger, drawing them both to hardened, pulsing points.

  A low-throated moan escaped her as Blaze alternated soft nips and tenderly pressured pinches to her nipples. Kalvin’s tongue thrust in and out of her pussy, fucking her with licking strokes that sent her teetering on the edge of a precipice he and Blaze controlled. Her orgasm climbed higher and higher as the men feasted on her body, taking her senses to places she’d never visited before.

  As if sensing how close she was, Kalvin found her clit with the callused pad of his thumb as his tongue delved deeper into her throbbing channel. That touch had her toes curling as she exploded in cries and spasms that rocked her body and stole her breath. Sated and spent, she turned to mush on the sofa as her very being shook with the aftermath of the orgasm.

  Dimly, she felt Blaze’s arm slide behind her back and lock around her waist as Kalvin eased from between her legs.

  “Let’s get you to the bed, darlin’,” Blaze drawled softly as he scooped her into his arms. “Then we’ll do that all over again.”

  Chapter Seven

  Kalvin backed against the frame of the open bay door at the firehouse, hooked his thumbs in the pockets of his slacks, and crossed his feet at the ankles as he drank in the sight of Faith’s sultry body like a refreshing beverage as she washed the fire engine. He and Blaze had refused to leave her alone. John had contacted the Chicago police, hooked up with the officer assigned to the cases there, and gotten copies of the fire and police reports. John had told him it was a good chance that the officer, a man by the last name of Dodds, would show up on the island. Kalvin hadn’t told Faith that yet.

  It didn’t matter. Until they caught whoever the fuck it was they were after, he and Blaze weren’t letting her out of their sight. He’d even cleared it with the chief before their shift had started that morning. Rather than leaving her alone at the cottage, they’d brought her to work with them.

  “What were your parents like?” Kalvin saw sadness flash through her angelic face as she shot him a look over her shoulder. Then a warm smile unfolded on her lips and she turned her attention back to the engine.

  She bent at the waist to drag the wash paddle over the bottom running board of the engine, giving him a spectacular view of her tight ass. His cock stiffened and he silently willed it calm down. He’d given his word to the chief that, if the man allowed Faith to stay in the firehouse with them tonight, they wouldn’t engage in any form of sexual activity. He’d known that wouldn’t be an easy promise to keep, but damn if the woman wasn’t making it harder, both literally and figuratively, by prancing around those cock-teasing short shorts.

  “Ward and June Cleaver, only with a lot more money.”

  Somewhere on the other side of the fire engine, Kalvin heard Blaze chuckle.

  “Seriously! They were older. Both of them were in their thirties by the time I was born. High school sweethearts who fell in love, married young, but waited to start a family until after they’d enjoyed many years of their lives together.”

  “What kind of work did they do?” Blaze asked as he rounded the front of the fire engine.

  “Dad was in investments and the oil industry. My mother was a housewife with a creative streak. She made jewelry. That’s where I learned. She never went into business with it like I did, though. She kept everything she made for herself and me. Now and then, she would make something for a close friend.”

  She straightened and Kalvin saw years of memories and grief swirling in her eyes. “They doted on me, turned me into a spoiled brat, and made me the envy of every kid in town.” She held up a finger covered in suds. “But, when I got old enough to work, they taught me how to do that, too. At least, Dad did. They were rich. I wasn’t. I had to make my way in the world. As long as I showed them I was putting forth my best effort to do that, they were there to pick me up when I fell.” Her eyes glistened and she quickly blinked away the tears. “Or they would’ve been if they hadn’t died when I was barely nineteen.”

  She went back to washing the truck and Kalvin exchanged a look with Blaze. One thing she’d said had stuck out in Kalvin’s mind. Her parents had made her the envy of every kid in town. Had any of them been envious enough to set fire to her parents’ home, kill them, and then come back after her ten years later?

  “My turn,” she said as she tossed the wash paddle to the concrete and started for the water hose. “There are two things I’ve wondered about for a while.”

  “All right,” Blaze drawled, straightening from where he’d dropped in front of the fire engine to soap the front bumper. “I’ll bite, darlin’. What do you want to know?”

  Faith scratched the side of her nose, leaving behind a streak of suds, and shot Blaze a wickedly sexy grin. “I bet you will bite, but we’re busy now. Instead, you can tell me what you were so angry about the day I came by here?”

  “I’ve got a younger brother named Tyler. He’s gay.” Blaze went back to washing the front of the engine as he talked. “He’s a firefighter, too, and the guys on the department he’s on have been givin’ him shit for bein’ gay. I was pissed ’cause his stubborn ass won’t listen to me and move here where he won’t have to put up with that bullshit.”

  “You still haven’t had any luck convincing him, huh?” Kalvin asked, knowing Blaze had been working since the two of them had moved to the island
, trying to get his brother to follow.

  Blaze glanced at him and scowled. “Not a bit.”

  “Does he have a boyfriend he doesn’t want to leave?”

  “Naw, he’s been single for a while now. The argument he keeps makin’ is not wantin’ to give the bastards giving him shit what they want. They’re tryin’ to run him off and he doesn’t want to give them the satisfaction of knowin’ it worked.”

  Faith shot him a look and shrugged. “You can’t really blame him for that.”

  “I don’t.” Blaze sighed. “It just piss me off that guys like him have to deal with this kind of shit. It shouldn’t make a damn if he’s in love with another man or not. His sexual preference ain’t hurtin’ nobody. Hell, it ain’t anybody’s business but is who he loves.”

  “I can’t argue with you on that one.” Faith smiled at him. “One thing to remember is it’s men like him who are willing to take a stand that manage to get things changed in the world. It might seem to take forever, but things are changing for gay people in many states across the US.”

  “Yeah,” Blaze drawled as he moved around to the side of the fire engine. “I know.”

  Kalvin waited a beat, not wanting to change the subject if they weren’t finished. When neither of them said any more about it, he spoke up. “What was the second thing you’ve been wondering, baby?”

  Faith turned from the engine and planted her soapy fists on her hips. “The second one is the biggy. When I met you, both of you”—her attention slid to Blaze as if to make sure he knew he was included in the statement—“acted like you already knew me.” She pointed at Blaze. “You even said ‘you’re her’ and I thought you meant that Kalvin had told you about meeting me already, but the way you said it didn’t make it sound that way.”

  “That would be my fault.”

  Kalvin tore his gaze from Faith, pushing himself off the doorframe of the bay when he spotted Arianrhod walking up the driveway. “And since it is, you want to do the explaining?”

  Arianrhod laughed as she stopped and pulled Faith in for a hug before continuing toward him. “I might, if you let me get that poor girl out of here for a while and buy her a drink.” She turned back to Faith. “You’ve got to be going crazy stuck around this firehouse. Stop doing the work for these guys and let’s go have some girl time.”

  Faith’s angelic face lit up. “There’s no way I’m going to turn that down.” She shot a glance at her clothes and winced. “Can you give me a few minutes to run in there and change?”

  “Of course.” Arianrhod waited until Faith was out of earshot before he turned back to Kalvin. “I know what the two of you are doing.”

  “How else are we supposed to keep her safe, Ari?”

  Arianrhod held up a hand. “Hey, I get it. You’re afraid to let her out of your sight. But keeping her prisoner in this firehouse for twenty-four hours is going to drive her nuts.”

  Blaze walked to Arianrhod’s side. “We took her out of here at lunch.”

  “And I’m taking her out of here now. We’ll go to Ménage a Drink and enjoy some girl talk. If anyone gets near her that I don’t know, I’ll call you.”

  Kalvin exchanged a glance with Blaze and saw his friend give him an almost imperceptible nod. “Don’t keep her out all night, okay?”

  Arianrhod giggled. “I promise, we’ll just stay out for half of it.” She made a considering face. “Is the sheriff having his deputies watch over your cottage while the two of you are on shift?”

  “Why?” Blaze asked.

  She shrugged. “It’s just a feeling I’ve got. I’m sure you both know the islanders have been talking.”

  “Yeah, I’d still like to know who started talking first,” Kalvin said tightly.

  “I don’t know, but that’s not as important as what is being said about her. No one really believes she started that fire on the island. How could she when she was with the two of you when it started? Then there are the fires in Chicago. I don’t a whole lot about those, but I know the buildings that were burned belonged to her. The suite at the resort was hers.” She paused for a moment, glanced inside the bay of the firehouse, and then met Kalvin’s gaze again. “What I’m getting at is whoever is doing this to her hasn’t been going after her physically, they’ve been hitting her where it hurts.”

  “And this feelin’ you got is tellin’ you this arsonist will hit our place next ’cause she’s stayin’ with us,” Blaze concluded.

  Kalvin folded his arms over his chest as he thought about it. “It makes sense.”

  Blaze looked at him. “Yeah, and it might be how we can catch this bastard, too.”

  * * * *

  “Where do we sit?” Faith asked Arianrhod as she stepped beneath the thatched-covered triangular roof of Ménage a Drink. Just like the first time she’d walked into the Karma Café, there didn’t seem to be an available table or stool in the beachside bar.

  “Good question,” Arianrhod said on a half-laugh as she looked around. “I guess we aren’t the only ones looking for early afternoon refreshments.”

  “We could go somewhere else,” Faith suggested as her gaze moved slowly over the bar. Her attention skipped over a waving hand and snapped back. David Goldman sat at a table with two empty chairs and he appeared to be flagging her down. “Or we could sit with David.”

  “Do you know that guy?” Arianrhod’s voice dripped with caution and suspicion.

  “I had dinner with him my second night on the island. He’s a friend of Blaze’s and Kalvin’s from the mainland.” She leaned into Arianrhod even though David couldn’t possibly hear her from so far away. “He’s nice, a little on the weird side, and has this hero worship fascination with Blaze and Kalvin, but he also has two empty seats at his table.”

  Arianrhod grinned at her. “You’re thinking we’ll sit with him, engage in our girl talk, and take over his table when he gets tired of listening to it, aren’t you?”

  Faith lifted a shoulder. “It’s worth a shot.”

  Arianrhod threw her head back and laughed. “I like the way you think. Let’s do it.”

  “Ladies.” David stood and greeted them as they walked up to his table. He reached over and pulled out first one chair and then the other. “Will you join me for a drink, please?”

  “Thanks.” Faith gave him a friendly smile as she sat in one of the chairs. “David, this is my friend, Arianrhod.” She waited while the two exchanged pleasantries and then said to Arianrhod, “You were telling me on the walk over that your sister owns this bar.”

  Arianrhod nodded. “Cerridwen. When we moved to the island, our mother opened Pleasured Minds, I started the Karma Café, and she chose this.”

  “A bookstore, a café, and a bar…” Faith opened the drink menu laying on the table. “What spawned the choices?”

  “Our mother has always said three glasses of wine and a good book is the perfect cure for whatever is ailing you. She’ll add that now and then that scrumptious food can off the best comfort when you’re down.” Arianrhod lifted a shoulder. “Cerridwen turned the saying into Ménage a Drink and I offer the comfort food while Mom takes care of the books.”

  “All the drinks are three for one,” David added. “I learned that when I ordered a whisky and coke and got three of them.”

  Faith giggled and shot a pointed look at the glass in his hand. “Is that the third one?”

  He smiled. “The other two went down pretty good.”

  “I guess there’s no need to worry about it since there’s no chance you’re going to be drinking and driving.” She shifted her attention to Arianrhod. “I can’t drink three of anything or I’ll be falling on my nose.”

  “You and me both. Sex on the beach is my favorite drink.”

  “I bet,” David mumbled, grinning.

  Arianrhod looked at Faith and rolled her eyes as she leaned over slightly, shooting a hand out to playfully smack David on the shoulder. “Men.” She mouthed the word.

  Faith swallowed a laugh. “We’ll
order that, then. We can each have one and either he can drink the other one or we’ll share it.”

  David flagged down the cocktail waitress, placed the order for them, and asked that it be put on his tab.

  “You don’t have to buy our drinks,” Arianrhod told him. “It was nice enough of you to let us sit here.”

  “It’s my pleasure. I’m enjoying the company.” David looked at Faith. “Where’s Kalvin and Blaze?”

  “The firehouse. They’re working today. I don’t know how they can spend twenty-four hours at that place and not go out of their minds with boredom.”

  “The excitement and adrenaline rush a firefighter gets when the tones go off make up for the countless hours of downtime,” David told her.

  Faith made a noncommittal sound and then propped an elbow on the table, rested her chin in her hand, and gave Arianrhod a narrow-eyed look. “Spill it, girl.”

  Arianrhod shot a puzzled look at the table. “I don’t have a drink to spill yet.”

  “Not that, you goof. You said you would explain why Kalvin and Blaze seemed to think they knew me when we first met.”

  “Oh, that. Long before you came to the island, I had a vision.”

  She said it so simply, as if there was nothing odd about the implication of fortunetelling, that Faith found herself speechless for several heartbeats.

  “You’re kidding, right?” David mumbled.

  Faith ignored him and the skepticism in his tone. “You had a vision about me?”

  Arianrhod nodded, apparently choosing to ignore David, too. “I saw you on the island. I got the feeling you were frightened. I knew you were running, but I didn’t know what or who you were running from. I saw you with Blaze and Kalvin, too, and I knew they were the men meant for you.”

  “You told them this?” She’d never believed in magic or fortunetelling or anything of the sort. Blaze and Kalvin didn’t strike her as the kind of men who would either, except they apparently did. Did they simply think they had fallen in love with her after only knowing her a few days because of Arianrhod’s vision?


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