Fighting for a Chance

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Fighting for a Chance Page 9

by Erin Trejo

  “I know, Prez. I know what I’m doin’.”

  Bomber nods before moving to the head of the table. We all take our places when he slams the gavel down.

  “We’re all on edge still. Basket called this mornin’ to let us know Hector has family in Southern Cali. After the issue with Devils and the way our shop went up in flames, I think this needs to be done. He wants to push the issue of reach with us, we push back. We move in, take out who we can. It comes to a vote. Dax, I know you’re in. The rest of us weren’t a target aside from the shop. I feel it’s best we show him that when push comes to shove, we won’t be shoved far beyond our limits.” The first thing that has left his mouth in months that means anything to me.

  “Goddamn right, we’re in,” Micah chimes in.

  “We don’t need a vote, Prez. We’re in,” Stryker says.

  Chapter 54


  “You’re having a boy,” the doctor says as he scans my stomach. Aubrie squeals next to me. I glance up and see the smile plastered on her face.

  “Everything looks good. We’ll see you in four weeks,” she says before leaving us alone. My heart thumps a little faster before I realize what she said.

  “What if he’s like him? I can’t do that.” Shaking my head, if he ends up like Hector, I will lose my mind.

  “Stop it, Laura. Fucking stop it! I’m so sick of hearing that shit. Dax won’t raise him like that.” I wipe the cold goo off my stomach before shoving off the table.

  “We don’t know it’s his, Aubrie!”

  “Enough! Oh, my God, Laura! How many times does he have to say it to you?” she asks me completely pissed off.

  “I don’t think I can do it, Aubrie. A part of me will always know there’s a chance.” Shaking my head, I know it will bother me.

  “You need help. You have a man that is willing to take on any responsibility and you are throwing it away!” I watch as Aubrie stomps out of the room.

  I let out a sigh before I follow her out. She stands by the elevator with her arms folded over her chest. I walk up silently before pulling her into a hug.

  “Don’t hate me, Aubrie. I don’t think I could handle that.” Aubrie lets out a sigh before hugging me back and saying, “I don’t hate you. I love you, Laura. I just want what’s best for you and the baby.”

  I know she does. She’s the best friend I have.

  “I know. I will work on it, I promise,” I tell her.

  “Let’s go feed the little guy.” Aubrie wiggles her hand on my stomach before I laugh.

  “I am starving. I swear he better weigh at least nine pounds. Hey, do you know what the guys were doing today?” I ask. Dax left early and was in a good mood. I didn’t ask what they had planned for today, though.

  “They were going on a security run and some recon shit from what Micah said.” Aubrie shrugs as we get back off the elevator.

  “Can I ask you something?” I glance over at Aubrie as she nods.

  “Do you ever worry that he won’t come back?” I ask. The question has lingered in the back of my head for a long time now. It makes me nervous.

  “There’s always that fear but you need to focus on the love. That’s what keeps us going.”

  Chapter 55


  The clubhouse is lively tonight. I knew Bomber was having a few clubs over, but this is insane.

  I climb off my bike before I let out a whistle. “Now that is a goddamn welcome home,” I say as I hang my helmet on the handlebars.

  “You guys did good tonight. Party it up. This week we make a plan of action for Hector and his bitches,” Bomber says. The guys all burst into cheers as they make their way toward the backyard. Not me, though. I know my woman had her appointment today and I want to know what they said.

  I’m excited as fuck to know if we’re having a girl or a boy. I didn’t think it would matter to me as much as it does, though.

  I shove through the door and the music is blasting. People are dancing and drinking, just having a damn good time. It does my heart good to see that. Things can change in the blink of an eye and I think that’s what keeps us going.

  I glance to my left and catch a glimpse of Shannon, Bomber’s niece in the corner. Poor girl has lived through hell, but she’s still fighting. It’s good to see her out of her room for a change.

  Link seems to have taken an interest in her for some odd reason. I see the way he looks at her.

  Heading down the hall, I shove my door open to find the room empty. I wonder where my little hellion is?

  I head into the bathroom and clean up a little before going out the side door. The party is amped up out here. The stage is set up with a DJ playing some ass-shaking music. That’s when I see her.

  She has on a skin-tight dress that makes her ass look abso-fuckin’-lutly, edible. I watch the way her body moves to the music, much like the first time I saw her dance. I’m hypnotized. Pure fucking perfection.

  Her hands are raised above her head, her long dark hair, tumbling down her back in curls. Fuck, my dick is already aching.

  I stalk toward her with intent. With a purpose. I slide my hands around her waist and grin when they meet her belly. That is the most miraculous thing ever. Knowing there is a baby, something that belongs to you, inside of someone else.

  “That’s a lot of ass showin’.” I lean closer to her, meshing her back to my front. She fits me so goddamn perfectly, like we were made for each other.

  “I don’t know that I like all these men lookin’ at my woman,” I growl in her ear, loving how her body responds to me.

  “No one is looking at me, I can promise you that.” Her words come out slightly strained. I spin her in my arms, looking her in the eyes.

  “You better believe these motherfuckers are lookin’. Look around. They all see that sexy ass,” I grin at her. Laura smiles, but it’s forced.

  “Tell me what the doctor said,” I say before pressing my lips to hers.

  I kiss her roughly. Enough to get that stupid idea out of her head. I didn’t even need to ask to know what she was thinking.

  “It’s a boy,” she says not sounding happy at all.

  “A boy? I told you! I knew it!” The grin on my face couldn’t be any bigger.

  “I’m havin’ a boy!” I roar. Everyone cheers and yells, but Laura doesn’t. She turns and walks away.

  I know this is harder on her than it is for me. I can’t help the excitement I feel, though.

  I’m having a son.

  Chapter 56


  I let Dax have his moment. He’s happy as hell that we’re having a son. He hasn’t stopped talking about it.

  He has bought everything “blue” that you could imagine. He made my old bedroom into a nursery. It’s perfect…. If I was excited about this…. Which I’m not. I don’t know how I can be.

  “Harley everything, huh?” I hear Link ask Dax. Link stopped by to discuss a few things with him while I was asleep.

  “Damn right! That’s my boy. Only the best for him.” I can almost hear the grin in his voice.

  There are times when I feel like time is standing still. Months have gone by but I wouldn’t know it. I continue with my day to day routine like everything is ok, but I break down every night after work. I try not to do it when Dax is here. I don’t want his pity or his words. No one understands what it feels like to walk around carrying a baby that may not be my boyfriend’s. A baby that may be the result of hatred. What kind of life can I offer a child like that? I can’t even think about what he looks like for fear that I might hate him.

  My cell phone starts to ring in the bedroom. I head back down the hall to grab it when I see it’s the hospital. No way in hell am I going in today. My legs are swollen beyond anything I’ve ever seen.

  “Hello?” I answer, waiting to hear a response.

  “Laura, it’s Cheryl. I have some bad news,” she says. My heart immediately begins to pound in my chest.

  “What is it?”
br />   “Laura, Cory died a little while ago.” No. I didn’t hear that. Not Cory. He was so young!

  I can’t speak. I hang the phone up not saying another word as the sobs and tears choke me.

  “No! Not him too!” I cry. I drop to the floor on my knees. This can’t be happening. Cory was such a good kid.

  “What’s wrong?” Dax is on his knees in front of me. I look up at him through the fog of tears.

  “Cory’s dead, Dax!” Throwing myself into his arms, he holds me tightly.

  “Damn it! I’m so sorry, darlin’,” he says, rocking me in his arms. The safety I feel right now is something I never want to let go of.

  “He was so young. He can’t be gone,” I cry harder. It physically hurts. My chest hurts.

  Chapter 57


  I lifted her body in my arms and brought her into the bedroom. I have sat here for an hour holding her like this.

  “How old was he?” I know she’s hurting, but I know she needs to talk about it, too.

  “Nineteen. He had no family... just me. He hated all the other nurses. He came into the emergency room one night a few years ago. His family showed up. I knew they were no good when I laid eyes on them. They said they couldn’t afford a sick child and they left. They walked away from him. He’s been there ever since.” God, that is fucking despicable. How can someone do that to a child? A sick child?

  “They didn’t deserve him,” I whisper into her hair. Laura sniffles before pulling back to look up at me.

  “He asked me to be at his funeral, Dax. There is no one to bury him,” she cries again. I know what I need to do.

  “I’ll take care of it.” Pressing a kiss to her forehead she looks confused. “Don’t look at me like that. He was your family, Laura. I’ll take care of it,” I reassure her. More tears spill down her cheeks.

  Small pieces of my heart fall with them. I don’t think there is anything in this world that I wouldn’t do for this woman.

  “You know you’re an amazin’ person, right? Not many would care like you do. Not many would overstep that patient-work line. You do, though. You put your heart in those people.” Laura’s head snaps back, her watery eyes finding mine.

  “Why can’t I do that with myself, Dax?” she asks. Fuck, this is killing me.

  “I don’t know, darlin’. I hope one day you can. I hope one day you can put as much love and hope that you do into others… into yourself and me.” I drag her head back to my chest, not able to look at the hurt in her eyes any longer.

  As much as I’m trying to make this work, I can’t seem to get through to her.

  The more I try, the harder it gets.

  “I don’t know if I can go back there and not see him. He was a lot of the reason why I stayed, you know? I mean, after Hector, Cory was the one light in my day. He made me happy. I wanted to see that smile on his face after being broken. I needed it. What do I have now?” Her sobs rip me apart. I know this has to be hard as hell on her right now.

  “You have me. You have the club. Aubrie. The baby. You have all of us, Laura.”

  I hold her sobbing body in my arms until she’s too weak to hold her own head up.

  I shift on the bed and lay her down, pulling the blanket over her slack body.

  “I don’t know how I’m gonna make you understand me. I don’t know what else to do to show you what I want,” I whisper the words that she will never hear. She’s sound asleep.

  I may be losing her. Hell, fucking help me, I just might be...

  Chapter 58


  I walk around the house in a blur. I still can’t believe he’s gone. Such a young and sweet boy.

  It’s been a month since Dax did exactly what he said he’d do. He paid for everything. Cory had a proper burial. He was placed in a beautiful white casket with gold trim. It was perfect for someone like him. A young angel that was taken far too soon. A child. He deserved so much more than that.

  “You look beautiful.” Dax’s words float through the air. So soft and perfect.

  “I look like a big piece of bubble gum,” I whine looking down at the pink t-shirt that’s stretched over my ever-growing stomach. Dax chuckles.

  “I’d like to chew you up then.” Still the jokester.

  “Ha, ha, Dax. I hate this,” I whine. I move to sit next to him, but he shifts me at the last second. Pulling me into his lap, I can feel his hard-on.

  “There is no way you can look at me like this and want sex.” I glance over my shoulder. That evil smirk on his face tells it all. Yes, he can.

  “You feel it? You do that shit to me, sweetheart.” I giggle softly before his hands come up to my shoulders. Massaging them slowly, and sweetly, I melt into his touch. His hands work their way down my back until he reaches the hem of my shirt. He slowly draws it up and over my head, tossing it to the side.

  His lips caress my skin as he trails, hot kisses across my shoulder blades. My body quakes beneath him.

  “You are so damn soft.” His breath tickles my skin. His hands slide around to my breasts, plucking and kneading. My nipples harden from his touch.

  “Stand up,” he demands. I push up and stand in front of him. My shorts are yanked to the floor, along with his jeans before he’s pulling me back down. “You ride me. You know what you can take right now,” he says nipping my earlobe.

  He positions me where he wants me before slowly guiding me down his shaft. The groans that escape him are so sexual. His dick fills me so full, that I let out a moan.

  “Just like that, baby.” I settle onto his dick while his hands move back to my nipples. Thank God, I didn’t have a bra on!

  His expertly crafted fingers, toy with my nipples while I roll my hips. He feels so right inside of me.

  The harder and faster I go, the hotter I feel. Dax can make me so fucking crazy and he doesn’t even need to be in control.

  His hands slide from my stomach to my hips, where he holds on.

  “You are gonna milk me good, baby,” he growls the harder I ride him. My insides heat up to the core and fire rips its way throughout my body.

  I’ve never cum as hard as I do with Dax. Something about him, and the way he touches and talks to me, just sets off sparks inside of me.

  “God, Dax!” I cry out as the overwhelming sensation begins to become too much.

  “Come on, baby. Right there!” he growls.

  A few more rolls of my hips, and we both cum in an explosion of lights.

  Chapter 59


  “Let’s be real here for a second, Doc,” I tell him in all seriousness.

  “Six weeks? I mean, a man’s balls could fall off before that,” I try to reason this out with him. I know what he said but did he actually hear himself? Unless he is celibate, which I doubt, he knows he wouldn’t last six weeks either!

  “I don’t think that will happen. You will be fine,” he says as if that’s reassuring. He moves to the end of the bed where my woman’s legs are in those stirrups again.

  I lean down closely, and whisper in Laura’s ear, “I know this is all kinds of wrong at the moment, but we need those fuckers attached to our bed.” Nodding toward the stirrups, she gives me an evil glare.

  “You won’t have balls left by the time this is over to worry about it,” she growls at me. I lean back to look at her face, and fuck me, I think she’s serious.

  “You’re almost ready to push, Laura,” the doctor announces from her pussy area. Why does he have a better of view of it than I do?

  “Hey, Doc. That’s my pussy down there, mind if I join you?” He cocks his head to the side studying me. Asshole. He wants it all to himself.

  “When you feel a contraction, push,” he tells Laura.

  “Oh, push it. Push it real good,” I sing. Laura gives me another nasty look before I say, “What? I’m tryin’ to be helpful!”

  “You want to be helpful? Get neutered like a goddamn dog!” she yells. The nurse giggles next to me.

“Jesus Christ! We aren’t havin’ anymore kids when you’re this goddamn nasty.” Her eyes lock on mine and I swear I can see the devil himself in her.

  “Stop lookin’ at me like that!”

  “Like what, Dax?” she roars.

  “Like you could dagger me in the heart with your penetratin’ eyes, woman!” The nurse laughs again but the doctor clears his throat.

  “Are you going to be cutting the cord?” He looks to me. A cord? There’s a goddamn cord?

  “What, is he electric?” I ask.

  “The umbilical cord,” he says. I furrow my brows as I look at him.

  “Is that somethin’ to do with the Bible? I ain’t a “Bible-Thumper” in case you hadn’t noticed.” When the nurse goes into full blown laughter and has to leave the room, I know I’m in big trouble.

  “Are you retarded? Were you dropped, Dax? Hit your head too many times?” Laura is going off and I’m sorry to say that it’s making me hard.

  “Let’s push, shall we?” the doctor says, trying to diffuse the situation.

  “Yes, let’s push. Shall we dear?” I ask Laura in an English accent.

  Damn, her looks are pure evil. Who the hell knew shoving a kid out would make her so damn nasty.

  Chapter 60


  “Please tell me the hole doesn’t stay that size,” Dax says, annoying the shit out of me further.

  “It doesn’t,” the nurse assures him. “We’re going to take the baby down to the nursery to get him all cleaned up before bringing him back,” she says. I nod my head, not really sure how I feel about all of this.

  “Can I lie with you?” Dax asks, leaning against the bed. I cut my eyes at him before he grins that heart stopping smile at me.

  “Not what I meant,” he says. I nod my head, and scoot over to make room for him. He quickly wraps his arm around my neck, pulling my head to his chest.

  I snuggle into the familiar warmth of him. If I didn’t feel like crying my eyes out, this would be a perfect moment.


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