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Fighting for a Chance

Page 11

by Erin Trejo

  If they made it back to the clubhouse right behind us, we would have been ambushed. I couldn’t risk Cory. I already knew that they had Laura. Link never called back.

  My head swims as my shoulder screams in pain. Those motherfuckers shot me right off my goddamn bike. What kind of twisted shit is that?

  They whooped my ass pretty good too, before tossing me in the back of this van. I don’t have a fucking clue where we are, or where we’re heading, but have a good inclination that it’s not somewhere I want to be. I want to be at home, in my bed, with my woman and son.

  The van comes to an abrupt stop, sending me tumbling through the back, yet again.

  “Assholes,” I mumble when the back door is opened, the cold, frigid air, whipping through.

  “You’re going to enjoy this,” the man says as he drags me out of the van. I don’t know where the fuck we are… but it sure is cold as hell in here. Chills race over my skin, cooling the sweat that had formed.

  I don’t go easy on these assholes either. I make them drag my two hundred and ten pounds of muscle, through the room until I’m dropped onto a chair.

  I open my eyes as I’m tied down, only to see Laura’s head hanging. What the fuck did he do to her?

  “Laura.” Her name leaves my lips before I hear someone clapping. Son of a bitch!

  “I knew you’d catch on. You’re not as stupid as they claim.” Hector comes to stand in front of me.

  “Damn. They didn’t tell me you were such an ugly motherfucker,” I grumble through my swollen lip. His eyes flicker between me and Laura. I know I need to keep his attention on me, not her, so I say, “Did you like what I did for you?”

  Something hard slams into the back of my head. My eyes roll back. I blink rapidly, trying to maintain my focus and stay conscious.

  “I didn’t think you had it in you to go after my family. Did you realize that I had her before, or after you killed them?” I didn’t miss the hitch in his voice. A weakness. Families are always a weakness but if you don’t let that show, you have nothing to fear.

  I grin as I straighten my head to look at him.

  “Before. I knew you wanted to play, Hector. Did you really think I was that dumb? You handed me the Devils on a silver fucking platter!” He doesn’t like my attitude but I like pushing his buttons.

  “You thought that was for you? No, that was to show her that I had the power to get my hands on her at any time I wanted.”

  “You made a few mistakes though,” I tell him.

  “Did I?” he asks, slight amusement on his face. Laugh it up motherfucker.

  “Yeah. You let me know you were still around. You let me know that you were plannin’ somethin’. Don’t think for a second that the cavalry isn’t gonna come lookin’ now, brother.”

  Chapter 68


  He won’t mess with me if I don’t open my eyes. He won’t hit me again.

  But God, I can hear Dax’s voice and I want to look at him. I want to reach over and touch him. He’s pushing Hector further over the edge and I don’t know if that’s a good idea right now or not.

  “Your boys will be dead within the hour. My son will be brought to me where he will watch his mother die.” The growl that rips out of Dax scares the hell out of me. I have to reign in all the control I have and not startle from the sound of his voice..

  “He’s not your son! You lay one fuckin’ hand on my son, and you will regret it.” His warning is clear. I know what Dax will do to him. I warned him, too.

  “We’ll see about that,” Hector says. I hear who I assume to be Hector walking away from us. I open one eye and peer in the general direction.

  “Laura? Sweetheart? God, if he hurt you,” Dax mumbles.

  I lift my head and glance over at him before tears fall down my bruised cheeks. They beat him. His eyes are swollen, his lip is bleeding.

  “Oh, my God, Dax,” I whisper. He smiles that heart stopping smile.

  “You’re awake, huh?” I smile softly back at him.

  “I figured he wouldn’t kick my ass any harder if I was passed out,” I tell him. Dax looks toward where they all went then back to me.

  “Smart girl. Let me take the brunt of it, Laura. When he comes back, you pass back out,” he winks. Of all the things to do right now, he winks!

  “No. We need to get out of here. I’m freezing to death.” My teeth still chatter in the cold.

  “Close your fuckin’ eyes.” He grits his teeth. I do it so quickly, lowering my head once more.

  “Seems we have run into a little situation. I’m sure you two will be comfortable here for a little longer than planned. I’ll turn the air up for you.” Hector’s voice slams into me. What the hell is he doing?

  “It’s pretty hot in hell. The cold is such a nice relief,” Dax says. I almost laugh. Thank God, I don’t, because I can hear the hit that Dax just took.

  I listen to Hector walk away before I open my eyes again. My fingers tingle from the cold in here.

  Shivers race over my body, but when I can’t hear anyone talking, I know we need to do something.

  “There’s a knife in my boot.” Dax grins at me wiggling his eyebrows.

  “Oh, let me just drop to my knees and get that for you.” I can’t help but smile at him.

  “If you’re on your knees you better be doin’ a lot more than gettin’ a goddamn knife. You better be pullin’ my sword out and givin’ him some well-deserved play time,” Dax says as he smiles.

  “I don’t think he’d want to come out in this weather,” I tease him back.

  “Good point. Let’s move him to a warmer climate. Can you scoot that chair back up against me?” he says nodding toward my chair. I look at how my arms and legs are tied before I shrug.

  “I can try.” I shift a little before rocking back and forth. The chair scoots a little so I keep going. Dax groans next to me. Cocking my head to the side, I look at him funny.

  “What the hell are you groaning for?” I ask him with a grin.

  “The way you’re shakin’ that ass in the chair. I need that on my dick.”

  “Six weeks,” I tell him. He looks into my eyes and grins.

  “It’s been two, sweetheart. Those lips will work for the other four…. Besides, you have other holes.” I almost lose it when I laugh. I glance around, hoping like hell no one heard me.

  “Come on. Scoot over here,” he says. I wiggle around and hop the chair backward until I’m as close as I can get. I can feel Dax tense up when he touches my frosty hands.

  “Can you feel them?” He can feel just how cold I am.


  “Ok... I’m gonna try to get your hands free, ok?” Dax goes to work tugging at the ties.

  I try to remain calm, but that isn’t working so well. My stomach is in knots the more I think about what Hector said.

  Chapter 69


  I work the ties on her hands until I feel the rope slip free. A sigh of relief escapes me before I hear Laura moving around behind me.

  “He said he wanted Cory to watch me die, Dax.” Her words come out choked. She steps in front of me reaching for my boot.

  “I know what he said, but it ain’t happenin’.” She pulls the knife free. Cutting through the ropes on my ankles and then my arms, I fly out of the chair, pulling her into my chest. I wrap my arms around her, keeping her as close as I can.

  “He didn’t touch you, did he?” She knows what I’m asking. I don’t have to say it.

  “No.” Thank fucking God, for that.

  “Here.” I push her back slightly to pull my sweatshirt over my head. Her eyes move with me.

  “Are you tryin’ to watch me strip right now?” I ask her in a teasing tone.

  “No!” She protests as I slide the shirt over her head. Once I’m satisfied that she’s taken care of, I move.

  “We need to find a way out of here. I’m sure there are some guys left out front. We need to get to a phone and let Bomber know what’s
happenin’.” Laura nods her head, not saying a word. I can see the worry in her eyes.

  “He’s mine, Laura. I know how much that test meant to you. I had it done. He’s mine.” Her eyes fill with tears before I slam my lips to hers. I kiss her with such a passion, she better never forget who the hell I am.

  I pull back, wiping her eyes.

  “Stop cryin’ before you turn into frosty the fuckin’ snowman in here.” She lets out a soft giggle. Laura pulls me into her, kissing me once more whispering, “Thank you, Dax.”

  “Come on. Let’s go see our boy.” I grab her hand and walk toward the opposite side of the room. Finding a door that leads out, I slowly open it and shove through. I check to make sure there are no assholes on the other side before pulling her through the door.

  Shots sound off before we get too far. I shove Laura to the floor, trying to place where they are coming from.

  I hear voices but with the way it fucking echoes in here, I have no clue where the hell they are coming from.

  “Stay down. I’m gonna look.” She shakes her head but when I cut my eyes at her, she stops.

  “Be a good girl and don’t get spanked.”

  I leave her there and move back through the door, glancing around for anyone or anything. That’s when I see it. The blood...

  “Fuck no!” I roar!

  Chapter 70


  I heard Dax scream. I thought about going to him, but thought better of it. Whatever it was... can’t be good.

  I curl into myself as I wait for him to come back but he doesn’t. I don’t know how long I sit here when the door flies open. I startle, ready to scream when I look up, and lock eyes with Bullet.

  “It’s ok. Come here, sweetheart.” His voice is so low and in control. I lose it. I cry. I sob as he reaches down and pulls me up. His arms wrap around me as he holds me tightly.

  “Link. Oh, God! Link!” It all hits me like a brick. Link was shot.

  “He’s ok. He’s at home. He took a bullet, but he’s fine. Just lost a lot of blood… and hit his head pretty good,” Bullet tells me as I sob harder.

  I hold onto his shirt as he walks me back through the door. My heart stops beating when I see Dax on his knees next to Stryker.

  “No.” I cry. Bullet keeps pulling me, but I can’t move. This is all my fault.

  “I’m sorry, Dax. I’m so fucking sorry.” He turns his head to look up at me. He shakes his head before shoving off the floor. He moves straight toward me, pulling me into his arms.

  “This is not your fault. This is what we do. It’s who we are,” he growls in my face. I slink back slightly before Bullet places his hand on Dax’s chest.

  “Let’s get him home, brother.” Bullet’s voice is choked, but he holds himself together. I step away from the two of them, wrapping my arms around myself as I walk toward the door.

  Before I can get too far, his warmth overwhelms me. His hands slide around my waist, pulling me back into him.

  He inhales a deep breath before pressing his lips into my hair. “I didn’t mean to lose it on you,” he whispers.

  I turn in his arms, sliding mine around him. Nuzzling into his chest, I let out a sigh of relief that this is over.

  “Never be sorry.” I use his own words against him. The words he’s told me so many times before.

  “Let’s go home and get our son. I just need to hold him right now.” The way he says it makes my heart leap in my chest.

  Chapter 71


  Death is something we’re all used to. We have never had it hit this close to home, not since Benny. We all deal with shit in our own way.

  My way? I’m sitting in my room, holding my son in my arms. Telling him how great his uncle was. Telling him that whatever happens in this life, that I love him without a doubt. Telling him that he is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

  He needs to know these things and regardless of the fact that he is too small to remember, if something ever happens to me, I know I told him.

  “You look just like your momma, you know that?” I tell him as I look into those little blue eyes. He’s a lucky boy to look like her. He’s going to be my little playboy when he gets older. Getting all the girls.

  I rock him in my arms as his little eyes start to flutter closed. It’s a miracle. He’s a miracle. I thank God every second, every time I look at him, that he is truly mine. It wouldn’t have made a difference to me if he wasn’t... but to have something that you actually made, that’s a good damn feeling!

  The bathroom door cracks open and Laura steps out freshly showered, and looking as perfect as ever.

  Having Cory just enhanced her already sexy as sin body. My dick jumps up every time I look at her but that’s not all. My heart leaps when I see her. It does some strange things inside of me knowing that, that woman right there, is the mother of my child.

  “What are you staring at?” she asks me. I grin as I motion for her to come to me.

  Laura moves slowly, biting her lip. When she’s close enough, I yank her down onto my lap.

  She gladly falls with a little squeal.

  “Have I told you just how much I love you?” I cock my head to look up at her. She releases her lip from her teeth, turning her head to look at me.

  “You’ve never told me that, Dax.” God, I love this woman!

  “I know… I am now. I love you, Laura. Everything about you. Your heart, your mind. Your nasty little mouth,” I grin. “Everything about you. I just fuckin’ love you.” Laura’s lips crash into mine. I slide my hand up to the back of her neck, holding her in place while I fuck her mouth with mine.

  Laura squirms in my lap and it takes all I have in me not to strip her and fuck her right now.

  She pulls away breathlessly. Her eyes sparkling as she looks at me.

  “I love you too, Dax.” I drag her mouth back to mine, kissing her once more.

  Cory starts to squirm in my arm. Laura lays her head on my shoulder as I hum softly and rock my son.

  This is the perfect meaning of family right here. This is something I never thought I’d really want.

  Now that I have it—I never want to let it go.

  Chapter 72


  I smile as I watch him sleep. He’s the picture of perfection. I don’t know how the hell I ever tried to push him away. He’s beautiful.

  “He ain’t goin’ anywhere.” Dax’s groggy voice is so rough and sexy. He’s right, I don’t know how I’m going to wait six weeks either.

  “I feel like the worst mom for not bonding with him sooner,” I sigh. It’s true, I hate myself for that. I hate that I let my hatred and worry over who his dad was, ruin my time with him.

  Dax shifts, sliding up the bed next to me. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me into that solid wall of a chest.

  “You had a lot on your mind. No one can fault you for that. You were a little lost, it happens to all of us. You’re a great mom, darlin’. Never doubt that. That boy loves you.” He presses a kiss to my cheek. I snuggle into his warmth.

  “What time is the funeral?” I ask. Dax sighs.

  “We’re havin’ church at ten. The arrangements are for eleven.” I hate that it came to this. I hate that Dax has to bury one of his brothers.

  “Can I go with you?” I take the chance and ask. I’m not sure where his head is at right now and I don’t want to overstep.

  “Do you think I wouldn’t want you by my side?” I look up into his eyes and see the hurt. I see the pain, and it kills me to see that in him. Dax is always the light. He shines brighter than any other person I know. He’s always smiling and cocky. So full of himself. Right now, he just looks broken and lost.

  “I don’t know. After everything that happened...” He cuts me off.

  “After everything that’s happened—I need you by my side. You’re the one thing aside from that boy—that’s holdin’ me together, Laura. I need you.” Pressing my lips to the side of his neck, Dax lies us d

  With my head on his chest, I listen to the steady beat of his heart.

  “My mom always said that you could hear a man’s love through the sound of his heart. She said that when it was clear and strong, you know he loves you,” I whisper as I trace my fingers over his stomach.

  “What do you hear right now?” he asks.

  “I hear love. I hear strength. I hear a man that loves with everything he has. I hear you, Dax.” His fingers softly move through my hair as my eyes slowly flutter closed.

  After everything I’ve been through in my life, Dax is the one thing I’m sure of.

  Chapter 73


  Funerals. What’s the fucking point of them? We all stand around, looking at a goddamn box. Waiting for it to be lowered into the fucking ground.

  Stryker’s life was more than that. He was a better person than that. He was strong, fierce, and had a fucking heart of gold. We always knew this day would come. We always knew that one day… one of our own would fall.

  I listen to the preacher ramble on about bullshit I don’t care about right now. This doesn’t make sense to me. He’s gone. We can’t bring him back by immortalizing his life. He will always be with you. That’s what the preacher keeps saying. Well, no, fucking shit!

  I shake my head, annoyed by all of this. Stryker wouldn’t have wanted this.

  Laura squeezes my hand, but I pull out of her grasp. I step forward, all eyes coming to rest on me.

  “Can you just take a little break there?” I look the preacher right in the eye. He glances around before stepping back, allowing me to take his place.

  “Stryker wasn’t a religious man. Hell, I don’t think the son of a bitch knew what the Bible was. As sweet as this is, this isn’t him. He was ruthless. He was determined. He was one hell of Road Captain. He held us together when we needed it. He kicked our asses when we needed it. We all knew this day would come sooner or later. We all saw it, but none of us would admit to it. We’ve had a good fuckin’ run as a family. We lost a member of that family…. But what we do now is move forward as just that, a family. Stryker wouldn’t want that shit any other way. He knew his place in this club and that shit will never change. He’ll always be our Road Captain. He’s just taken another road now. We let him rest in peace and all that shit. We make him proud of us.” I look to each of the guys, hoping I didn’t overstep here today but this is what we are. We are a family, and we need to act like one.


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