Incubus Makes Three (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Incubus Makes Three (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 5

by Tiffany Dawn


  Thoughts of you have haunted me both night and day. I long to once again see your smile.



  She clutched the small card close to her chest, savoring the feel of the heavy bond paper against her skin. This was a surprise considering how reserved he’d turned after that kiss. Memories of last night’s heated kisses left her with an aching feeling in her core. She’d never wanted anything or anyone the way she had wanted Dorian last night. All she could think about was his kiss. The feel of his hard body next to hers, the way his warm breath tickled her neck. Her sleep had been restless during the night, interrupted by erotic dreams of Dorian on top of her, pulsing into every part of her. She woke up with her fingers sliding around her clit and her juices dampening her thighs. She’d only ever had such erotic thoughts before of Gabriel, and her shame over those desires quickly cooled her passion. She felt no guilt in wanting Dorian in her life. She thought of him putting his fingers and lips places that in the light of day left her cheeks heated.

  The jangling of the clinic phone pulled her from her naughty musings. “Dr. Burke’s office, this is Shari, how may I help you?” she answered, hoping she didn’t sound as breathless as she felt.

  “Shari, it’s Mrs. Burke. I’m afraid Franklin has had a heart attack,” Mrs. Burke dryly stated.

  Shari’s hand flew to her chest. “Oh no. Is Dr. Burke going to be okay?”

  “Well, he seems stable now, but I doubt he’s going to be back to work for quite some time. What we really need you to do is to have any hospital cases transferred over to Tampa Pet Clinic and shut the office down.”

  “Of course, I’ll make all the arrangements and cancel the next few days of Dr. Burke’s appointments. Is there anything else I can do?”

  A long pause at the other end of the line and then finally with a sigh, Mrs. Burke continued, “Not now, Shari, but unfortunately with Dr. Burke not seeing any patients, we won’t be able to pay you to come into the clinic for the next few weeks. I hope you understand, but we’ll have to lay you off temporarily. You might be able to collect unemployment. I’m really not sure, but you’re a clever girl. You’ll work things out. Anyway, I really have to go and get back to Franklin’s room, oh, but one more thing—when you lock up could you throw your key into the mail slot since you won’t be coming back until Franklin’s ready to resume his work?” Shari was numb with shock. She started nodding her head before stopping—it wasn’t as if Mrs. Burke could see the gesture.

  “Okay, well I hope Dr. Burke gets well soon and all.” Shari stopped speaking once she realized that Mrs. Burke already clicked off the line. She staggered back a few steps into the receptionist chair, reeling a bit from the news. She felt awful about Dr. Burke’s heart attack and then even more awful that at a time like this she was worried about herself. No job meant no way to pay her bills. She tried to rally her spirits. With any luck, Dr. Burke would be able to come back to work in a few weeks, and she could resume collecting a paycheck. She hated to be so self-absorbed about it all, but she just didn’t have the kind of savings that would tide her over for long-term unemployment. She’d need every penny of her savings to cover the absolute necessities unless of course she could find some other kind of job immediately.

  This must be how Gabriel felt—owing money and no good options. Well, she really couldn’t help him, and she wasn’t even sure how to help herself. Shari wanted to burst into tears. Her eyes filled with unshed droplets. She forced herself to look up to the ceiling, keeping her eyes wide and hoping to staunch the flow before she fell apart. There was no time for that—she had work to do. Animals needed to be transferred and she had lots of phone calls to make.

  By five o’clock, she had the appropriate animals delivered over to the Tampa Pet Clinic and only Dempsey remained. Dorian was planning on picking him up any time now. So much for him bringing Dempsey back during the day for hospital care while he was at work.

  He would have to work something out with another veterinarian’s office she supposed. She let the puppy out of his kennel and gave him his last dose of medication for the day. The precocious white boxer was already showing improvement over yesterday. He could walk a little bit on his dark blue plaster cast, and he seemed to understand chewing on it was not an option. Perhaps he could be spared the indignities of the plastic cone. He really was a sweet puppy, and she hoped that he and Dorian would get on well together. She sighed a bit dramatically. Some of her disappointment was stemming from the idea that she wouldn’t be seeing Dorian for drop-off and pickup of Dempsey over the next few days. She’d known it wouldn’t lead to anything, and even she was wise enough to know that a few heated kisses in a parking lot did not mean they had anything else going on. He might’ve felt a moment of attraction for her, but she was certain that that would be it.

  Shoving her pragmatic thoughts aside, she glanced at the clock. He would be here to pick up Dempsey anytime now, and however practical she knew she should be, she couldn’t help but want to slip into the employee bathroom and put on a little lip gloss and pinch her cheeks. Perhaps she would even put her regular jeans and blouse on and get out of the bulky kitty-cat-print scrubs she was wearing. Maybe even run a brush through her hair, letting it loose from the ponytail she tended to keep it in while working. It couldn’t hurt and if this were the last time Dorian would see her, she’d prefer to appear a little less frumpy. It would make what she needed to tell him all the easier.

  Chapter 11

  He’d fucked up last night, but now it was redemption time. Dorian parked at the clinic entrance, anxiously jogging up the steps into the small reception area. He was as nervous as a Greek virgin at a sacrifice. He couldn’t get Shari out of his mind. The door chimed as he entered, and she immediately glanced up from the desk. He sucked in his breath, appreciating the cool air-conditioned room. He took in her long wavy hair and bright blue eyes. He needed to pull himself together.

  “Dorian, thank you so much for the flowers—they’re beautiful.” Shari gestured to the large arrangement set on the table.

  He took several strides closer to her. “Not nearly as beautiful as you.” He leaned over her and pursed his lips gently against her forehead. She tensed a bit and looked around guiltily. He stepped back, feeling like an errant schoolboy. He was smoother than this; he generally shied from any public displays of affection. He shouldn’t be giving off mixed signals.

  Shari got up from her seat, stepping in front of him, and worried her bottom lip.

  “Shari, what could possibly have you looking so perturbed? Is Dempsey all right?” Dorian asked, looking around as if he could see back into the hospital treatment area.

  “Oh Dempsey’s doing great; it’s just, well, something’s happened and I’m afraid it might leave you in a bit of a jam.” She crossed her arms protectively over her chest, piquing his curiosity as to what dire news she was about to share.

  “Whatever is the matter?” He reached for her hand, no longer able to wait another second without touching her at least in some small manner. What if she wished to avoid him after he so callously rejected her the other night?

  “Dr. Burke has had a heart attack, so the clinic will be closing down while he recovers. You’re going to have to bring Dempsey over to an animal hospital in Tampa for care during the day. I know it’ll be more inconvenient, but I won’t be working here for a while.”

  Yes! It’s not me. He must have given her an odd look because she continued explaining.

  “There won’t be anyone here to give him his medication and carry him out for walks.” Shari dropped her face and stared forlornly at the floor.

  Well, well, well. This was an interesting development. Despite his deep desire to protect Shari from himself, he couldn’t control the excitement building up in his veins. This was his chance. This would be his way to spend some more time with her and perhaps doing so would finally work her out of his system. Images of long red hair splashed against his white silk s
heets teased him. She tempted him like a siren calling to a sailor.

  Before he could completely think through his plan, he was talking. “I think this will work out beautifully. I could hire you to take care of Dempsey in my home at least until Dr. Burke is well and you’re able to come back to your job. I’m certain I could offer you the same salary; in fact, I will double it! After all, you would be saving me quite a bit of trouble in not having to commute.” He tapped his forefinger to the side of his temple dramatically. “Yes, this is a most splendid idea. You can start tomorrow, can’t you?” He watched her intently, taking note of her eyes widening and her mouth opening into the shape of an O. He wouldn’t allow her to slip away from him.

  He gave her another moment, but when she still didn’t respond, he tapped his foot impatiently. “Shari, you’ll do this for me, and for Dempsey, won’t you?” Her face brightened a bit, and he knew his request would be granted. It was perhaps a dirty ploy to use her obvious love of animals for his hedonistic and nefarious purposes. So be it—he was an incubus not a choirboy after all. She chewed again on her bottom lip, and he felt himself stir. Suddenly he didn’t care what she responded. HE would have her regardless. All he could think about was taking that plump moist lip and nibbling on it for her. How did these particular mortals enthrall him so?

  “If I take the job, what hours would you need me? I mean, perhaps you would want me just to come by your home a couple of times a day to take Dempsey out, give him medication, and check on his wound. That would give me a chance to continue bottle-feeding an orphaned kitten I took in, and you would save yourself the expense of a full day nurse over the next couple of weeks.” Her gaze avoided him as she picked up some folders.

  How delightful. His little Madonna even took in waifs. How could she stand to breathe the same air as someone as malevolent as him? There was no way he was going to let her negotiate her way out of his scheme. Perhaps she worried that the expense was too much for him? If that was the case, he really should set her straight. After all, his kind did have ways of making quite a bit of money, and he was no exception to the rule. “No, I really think it would be best for me and Dempsey to have you all day. Bring the kitten, of course. You could start at seven and leave around five or six; unless of course you’d like to join me for dinner in the evenings?” He raised an eyebrow at her expectantly and let a panty-dropping smile cross his face.

  “Well, I’d love to continue taking care of Dempsey, and I am short a job right now. But we should try to keep it professional so no lines get blurred.” She glanced back down at her feet, betraying her discomfort with his gentle flirtation.

  He would have to be reassuring and lure her in a bit. Her soul practically sang to him, and he could only hope that working her out of his system would allow him to get back on track and finally finish his work for the demon masters. It would be most enjoyable work for certain.

  “Of course, of course, whatever it is you wish.” He mumbled the words, not meaning a single one.

  Chapter 12

  He couldn’t just be sinfully handsome, kind, and generous to animals—he had to be as rich as Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg, too. Shari drove anxiously up to the large property at the address Dorian had given her last night. She checked it again and then double-checked her GPS direction. This was certainly the place, but it couldn’t be just one man’s home. The house was an enormous stucco mansion carefully landscaped in the front with the beautiful Gulf of Mexico at its back. The gated driveway must’ve been a quarter-mile long—a mixture of palm and fruit trees artfully planted leading up to the house. She pulled to the front where the driveway circled and parked. With a quick glance in the mirror, she pinched at her cheeks for color and collected her bags and kitten. She should definitely shake a leg since Dorian probably needed to get to work, and it was already seven o’clock. She worked her way carefully up the four granite steps and rung the bell to the right of the ornate entry doors. She heard a few high-pitched barks and the sound of feet slapping on marble as someone shuffled forward to answer the door. She blew a strand of hair out of her face, wondering why she hadn’t just tied it up into a messy ponytail the way she usually did for work. Don’t pretend to be coy. She knew why, as ridiculous as it all seemed. She wanted to look at least a little attractive to Dorian Black.

  The door opened smoothly, revealing one of the most delicious sights she’d ever seen. Dorian stood before her bare-chested, his hair still damp from the shower and the top button of his jeans undone. His feet were bare. Shari was unsure where to look first. She couldn’t get her brain to make her eyes move away from anything but his well-toned chest and the way faded denim hugged his body. Dorian was even more incredible half-undressed. Far sexier than even her infatuated mind had been able to imagine. A droplet of water fell from his damp hair onto his chest and slipped over his nipple. She had to physically hold herself back from walking up to him and licking the moisture off his pectorals. He broke the awkward silence between them, pulling her from her naughty thoughts.

  “I’m so glad you’re here. I think Dempsey started to feel sore and needs medication. I carried him out to the lawn, but he’s been yelping a bit,” he explained, making no move to let her pass.

  He seemed to suddenly realize his undress and looked down at his feet. He awkwardly stepped back to make room for her to enter the house. “Sorry, I just got out of the shower but please come in.” Now he moved, but his knowing smirk suggested he knew she’d been checking him out.

  Shari tried not to gawk as she took in the vaulted ceilings and wide expanses of marbled floor. Past the entryway was a magnificent living room, its entire wall a series of French doors leading out to a terrace and then a sandy beach beyond. Perhaps Dorian had more than just a great job; maybe he came from family money. She looked around in wonder. “Your house is incredible. I’ve never been in one this gorgeous… And the view!” She spun around taking in as many details of his home as her eyes could absorb before catching herself. “Sorry, I’ve brought the prescriptions for Dempsey. Let me give him his medicine and then you can go over schedules with me.”

  Dorian nodded at her and then gave her his panty-dropping smile, the one that sent her heart up into her throat. She needed to pull herself together.

  “Thank you for the compliments. It’s a big old house. It gets rather lonely but Dempsey seems to have made himself at home. He’s in the kitchen. Right this way.” He led her through the giant living room and down a spacious hall until coming upon the kitchen. Shari sucked in a breath. More granite than what was likely at the Governor’s mansion covered the counters. Stainless steel appliances and granite counters were offset by elaborate tile work and gleaming cookware. Dempsey was on a cozy dog bed in the corner looking small and wounded with his purple cast. His short tail wagged. He came to his feet barking in recognition of her.

  “Okay, boy, I got something to make you feel little bit better.” She pulled a treat out of her pocket and pushed one of his pain pills into it smiling as the puppy devoured the medicine meatball. After he settled back down a bit she started doing a basic exam: checking his color, temperature, and palpating his stomach. Dorian stood back watching, his arms across his muscled chest. She had to count Dempsey’s heart rate three times. She couldn’t concentrate under Dorian’s gaze. Get a hold of yourself; he’s just an attractive guy. Okay, a super sexy, rich, successful, animal-loving, attractive guy. Nothing to see here. Yeah, right.

  Dorian cleared his throat. “Well, I can see you have things clearly in hand. I’m going to finish dressing and retreat to my office. It’s down that hall if you need me.” He gestured toward the rear of the house an enigmatic smile slipping across his face.

  Finally she could concentrate on what she was doing. Dempsey was healing nicely—he likely would only need her for a week or two at most. She was happy for the puppy but sad for herself. When this job ended, she was back to square one—that and she wouldn’t be able to eye-fuck Dorian anymore.

  An hour
later, her nursing of Dempsey was completed for the morning. She found herself in an uncomfortable position. She had time on her hands and wasn’t sure what to be doing. Dempsey was resting and Dorian was holed up in his home office presumably working on his next brilliant deal. She was being paid a hefty sum of money and didn’t want to take advantage of his generosity. The house was immaculate so nothing needed tidying up. Shari paced outside his closed office door, racked by indecision. She worked herself up to knock and raised her hand. At the same moment, Dorian opened the heavy oak slab, quickly whipping his hand out to catch her own in midair.

  “Oh, goodness. Sorry. I was about to…” Her voice left her as she took in a shirtless Dorian wearing board shorts and a knowing smile.

  “I presume you are done with Dempsey and anxious for other activities?” he asked, emphasizing the word activities with meaning and raising one of his sinfully beautiful eyebrows. Shari snapped her mouth shut and nodded dumbly.

  “Excellent.” He released her hand and began guiding her by the elbow toward the kitchen. “I was hoping you’d be done. I could use a little company. How about a swim?” He looked her way with twinkling gray eyes. How about a hard fuck?

  Shari allowed herself to continue being led but turned toward him. “A swim?” Why was she always sounding like such an imbecile around him? Something about being around a gorgeous man after her long dry sex spell had her addlebrained Okay, that and the only other man she wanted to have sex with didn’t seem to get that she was a woman. Stop thinking about Gabriel.

  He gave her a wry smile as if he could read her mind. He must know his effect on her. “Yes, I have a wonderful pool, or we could venture down to the ocean if you prefer. It’s a beautiful day, and I think some recreation is in order. I’ve plenty of guest swimwear if that is your concern.” She said nothing, but her indecision prompted him to continue, “You do know how to swim?”


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