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Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “He found out that I was a wealthy woman, and used me to get his ass through college. Do you know, I was so in love with him that I didn’t want him to find out about the money, so I worked three jobs to support his ass?”

  “Why not dig into your money? Go to college yourself?”

  “I didn’t want him to know about it. I was brought up to respect money, not to make it something it wasn’t.”

  “So, this guy couldn’t have been that important.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “If you’re in love with someone, you don’t keep anything back. You’re open and honest with the man or woman you love.”

  “You’re open and honest?”

  “Not with Suz, but then I never claimed to be in love with her. You, however, I’ve never lied to. I’ve always been honest.”

  She took a breath, and he saw the confusion in her eyes.

  “I don’t believe you’re in love with me.”

  He tilted his head to the side, and stared down at her mouth. “That’s fine, but I can tell you something, I very well could be.”

  His cock was rock hard as her soft body wriggled underneath him.

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he plundered her mouth with his tongue, and she moaned against him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he growled out, wanting to be deep inside her.

  Releasing one of her hands, he reached between them, grabbing his rock hard cock, and finding her entrance. He pushed the tip inside, and already she was fucking beautiful, and tight.

  Pulling away from the kiss, he stared into her eyes, and slammed every inch of his dick into her cunt. She was so tight that he knew it had been a long time since she’d been with a man. He was going to get her used to the feel of his dick. Every time she moved, she was going to think about how hard and thick he was.

  “You’re so tight, and perfect.”

  He glided out of her slick pussy, and saw his dick covered in her cum. Leanna looked between them, and started to push him.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “You’re in me without a condom. Get a condom. I’m not protected.”

  “We can handle whatever is thrown at us, baby.”

  She shook her head. “No, that’s not going to happen. You’ve got Strawberry, and whatever happens between us, it’s not going to be because I’m pregnant. I’ve been married once for what they can get out of me. I’m not going to be forced into a second marriage because of a kid.”

  He growled out. “I wouldn’t care.”

  “I care. I want to fuck you, Crazy, but until I get on some form of contraception, you’re going to have to accept the fact I don’t want to get pregnant. I’m not ready.”

  Pressing his head to her, he groaned. She had a point, and he didn’t want to be compared to the assholes who’d used her.

  You were going to use her.

  He was going to use her, but he wasn’t anymore.

  Crazy was determined to be different, and to find a place within her heart.

  Pulling out of her tight cunt, he reached for his nightstand, and opened up the drawer, begging that he had condoms inside. He gave a quick cheer when he saw there were at least three. Tomorrow he was going to go and buy out the supply at the pharmacy.

  Rearing back on the bed, he tore into the foil, removing the latex. Aligning the tip, he rolled down the condom until he was secure.

  “Thank you,” Leanna said.

  “Your wish is my command. Now, I can do this.” Placing the tip at her core, he slammed inside her without giving her the chance to grow accustomed to his length. He didn’t rest either. He pounded inside her, going to the hilt.

  Gripping her hips, he tugged her back onto his cock as he pounded forward. He didn’t stop, needing to make his mark inside her.

  “You feel that, baby? You feel how deep I am inside you? It doesn’t matter if I wear a rubber or not. I’m always going to be inside you.”


  “I’m going to fuck you raw until you forget everything else, and all that remains is us.”

  Crazy had never felt this possessive over the women he fucked. He wanted to own every part of Leanna, and for her to not look at another man, and to only ever look at him. It was consuming, scary as shit, but something he wasn’t going to stop.

  He pulled out of her pussy, opening her thighs, and staring down at her cunt, which was open from his cock. Slipping his fingers inside her pussy, he groaned. “You’re so fucking hot for me. If you could see that pussy, you’d know what I wanted, and this was about a lot more than fucking.”


  “I can wait.”

  Flipping her over, he ran his hands over her ass. “I can wait for a long time, and while I wait, I’m going to fuck you until you become addicted to my cock.”


  Leanna screamed out as he plundered inside her pussy. He wasn’t a small man, and he filled her to the top, and stretched her in ways she’d never been used before. Gripping the sheets, she tried to hold on while the pleasure he worked over her body was taking her breath away. He slapped her ass, gripped her hips, and slammed inside her. The sounds filling the room were those of flesh hitting flesh. She cried out he touched her clit, coating his fingers.

  “You’ve got no idea how fucking hot you look. I want to fuck that sweet little ass of yours, but I can’t. I’ve got to give you time. I’m going to play with you, Leanna.”

  The fingers on her clit disappeared, and she moaned as those same slick fingers started to tease her ass. It was too much, and yet she fucked back against his cock.

  His other hand traced up her back, and tightened her hair in his fist, pulling her back. She was lifted up and Crazy held every part of her.

  “Look at yourself in the mirror, Leanna. Look at the woman I’m fucking right now.”

  He turned her head, and Leanna gasped. When she entered the room, she hadn’t taken into account the mirrors decorating the walls on the far side of the bed. Crazy looked dominating as he held her in position, plowing his dick inside her. She watched his cock appear, and disappear inside her.

  “When you’re on the pill, I’m going to fuck you until I spunk inside you, and then I’m going to watch my seed spill out of your pussy. I can’t fucking wait. I’m going to fuck you everywhere, so no one else will have a chance to touch you. I’ll own you, Leanna.”

  She couldn’t look away from the sight of them. He was touching her ass, held her hair in place, and fucking her all at the same time. The pleasure intensified, and she reached down between her thighs, and started to stroke her clit.

  “So fucking sexy. I knew you had it in you. One night was never going to be enough with you.”

  Moaning, Leanna stroked down until she felt his cock sliding in and out of her.

  “Fuck, yes, touch us fucking. We’re fucking one, baby.”

  Crying out, Leanna came as Crazy continued to pound inside her, and she gasped, moaning, and coming all together.


  Crazy lost control and started to fuck her harder, making her take the whole length of his dick. She couldn’t deny him, didn’t want to deny him, and slammed back against him, wanting him to be as deep as he could.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said, chanting.

  “Fuck!” Crazy slammed inside her one final time and even with the condom separating them, she felt the pulse of his cock as he filled the condom.

  When it was over, they collapsed together on the bed, panting. He released her hair, and Leanna turned her head. “Why do you have a mirror opposite your bed?” she asked.

  Crazy chuckled, pulling out of her ass and pussy. She watched as he removed the condom, tying it up, and throwing it in the trash.

  “Why do you think?”

  “You like to watch.”

  He stood at the end of the bed, and she watched him caress her body. “I like to watch. I like to see what I’m doing.”

  Leanna moaned as he slid his finge
rs into her pussy, pumping them in and out.

  “What about the whole ‘coming in me’?” she asked.

  Crazy chuckled. “I want to fuck you without a condom.” He urged her up the bed, and he lay down beside her. She pushed some hair off her face, and watched as he turned to face her, his hand running up and down her arm, creating goosebumps on her flesh. “It’s what turns me on. I don’t know why, but I want to push my cum inside you, and when I’ve filled your tight little cunt with all of my cum, I want to watch it spill out.”

  She couldn’t help but be aroused, and she shouldn’t. That was the kind of stuff porn stars did, not her.

  “I see you’re struggling.”

  “That’s for porn,” she said, speaking her thoughts.

  “When we’re here together, we can do whatever we want. I won’t judge you, and I don’t want you to judge me.” He moved his hand down, and started working his finger between her thighs. “This here, it tells me you’re not as disgusted by what I want as you make out.”

  “I know.”

  “You’re going to have to get used to it, baby. I’m not going to pretend with you. Would you like me to pretend, make love to you vanilla style, and find another pussy to satisfy my craving?”

  “No. I don’t want you to do that.”

  “Then we experiment. We have fun, and you learn not to hide from me.”

  She nodded and stared at his chest.

  “Open up to me, Leanna.”

  “I will.”

  “You like the feel of my dick inside your pussy?”


  “Are you going to get on the pill?”


  “Are you getting on the pill so I can fuck your pussy, and watch my cum spill out of your lips?”

  She licked her lips and forced herself to stare back at him. “Yes.”


  He leaned forward, and pressed his lips to hers.

  “Do we have to leave?” she asked.

  “No. We’ve got all night, and I intend to use the last of my condoms, and have you screaming my name.”

  She was pushed back to the bed, and Leanna moaned as he pressed her tits together. He took one nipple, and she didn’t put up a fight. There was no need to fight with what he wanted. She wanted it just as much, and it wasn’t just about want—it was more about need.

  Chapter Nine

  One week later Crazy stared around the house that was near a street away from Mary and Pike’s. He’d been looking for a place for some time, and nothing had caught his attention. Moving from the sitting room, into the dining room, then into the kitchen, Crazy knocked on the counter while trying to think.

  The realtor was giving him a wide berth, which he didn’t mind. He didn’t want the little shit anywhere near him when he was trying to make a decision.

  “Why didn’t you bring Leanna?” Daisy asked coming into the kitchen. “Why bring us?”

  Knuckles came into the kitchen from the playroom, and Crazy stared down at the floor plan in his hand.

  “She’s busy, and I didn’t want to drag Strawberry around looking at houses,” Crazy said.

  “But you’re more than happy to drag us around?” Knuckles asked, rounding the kitchen island. “It’s a pretty decent home.”

  “Open the door to the garden,” Crazy said, pointing at the door then at the realtor.

  “Yes, sir.” The kid was practically shitting himself at having three bikers in the same house. The keys rattled from the shaking, and Knuckles snorted. “I wonder how he’d cope with the club full coming to visit.”

  “What?” the realtor asked with a high pitched voice.


  Crazy stepped out into the large back yard. There was a patio area that was ready for a barbeque, along with several chairs.

  “I don’t want to give Leanna a reason to run. I refuse to let that happen, so I want to make sure I can make this decision on my own.”

  “Are you going to be claiming her as your old lady?” Knuckles asked.


  “It has been a week,” Daisy said. “How the fuck you know she’s the one?”

  Looking over at Daisy, he saw his brother was struggling with Beth and her friend being at the club.

  “It has been longer than a week, and I know what I want, and I want Leanna.”

  For the past week he’d used any excuse he could to be with her. He’d even convinced her to be with him while Strawberry slept. After nearly getting caught by his daughter on Tuesday evening, he’d gone to the local DIY store, and found a bedroom lock.

  It had been a week of adventure, and he just couldn’t believe how much he enjoyed spending time with Leanna. He’d never been the kind of guy who loved women’s company but Leanna, she was different. They had spent a couple of nights together watching movies, or going out with Strawberry. He couldn’t believe his kid was going to school soon.

  “Any news on Suz?” Knuckles asked, standing in the center of the large garden. Crazy saw himself, Strawberry, and Leanna living here. It was a good place to raise a kid, and to just have some fun.

  A couple more kids.

  He wanted more children with Leanna. The very thought of her stomach being swollen with his kid turned him on. Part of him didn’t want her to get on the pill because he wanted her pregnant. Instead of arguing with her, he decided to respect her decision.

  “She has called and wants me to make the drop, and leave. Told her no, and she’s been quiet since.”

  Crazy didn’t like Suz quiet. She was plotting something, but he didn’t have a fucking clue as to what.

  “I hate bitches who try to take power.”

  “Suz was always a bitch.” Crazy looked back at the house, and nodded. “This is the one.”

  “You sure?” Daisy asked. “This is our fourth house.”

  “I’m sure. It’s the one.” He walked to the realtor, placed an offer and gave instruction on what to do, and made his way out of the house.

  Pulling out his cell phone, excitement filled him as he placed a call to his woman.

  “Hello,” Leanna said, sounding a little unsure.

  “Hey, baby. I’ve got something to tell you. Where are you?”

  “I’m at the park with Strawberry, why?”

  “I’m coming to you. Don’t go anywhere.”


  He slid into the car just as Daisy and Knuckles did.

  “Do you want me to drop you off at the clubhouse?” he asked.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Daisy said. “I want to see you make a fool of yourself.”

  “I’m with him.”

  Rolling his eyes, Crazy started up the car and headed toward the park. It wasn’t that far from the main apartment building. He found Leanna standing behind Strawberry, who was on the swings. The moment Leanna spotted him, she stopped pushing Strawberry and helped her off the swings.

  “What’s up?” Leanna asked.

  Cupping her face, he pressed a kiss to her lips before he said anything.

  “Wow.” She sighed, and smiled up at him.

  “I found a place.”

  “A place?”

  “Yes, a place for you, me, and Strawberry.”

  “You want us to move in together.”

  “Yes. Together, as a family.”

  Leanna smiled. “You’re moving fast.”

  “I’m even prepared to hire a nanny so you know I’m not using you.”

  She chuckled. “No, I wouldn’t trust anyone with Strawberry.” She looked toward the little girl. “I kind of think of her as my own.”

  “Good. She’s more yours than Suz’s.” He pressed his head to Leanna’s. “You moving in?”


  “Well, isn’t this fucking nice!”

  Crazy tensed as he recognized Suz’s face. Turning his head, he saw his ex standing a foot away from them. Daisy and Knuckles had been distracted by a couple of women who were flirting with them.
It was a fucking park, and none of them had expected any kind of danger.

  “What are you doing here?” Crazy asked.

  “You didn’t give me my money, and now I’m telling you pay me, or my competition dies.”

  He froze as Suz pointed a gun at Leanna.

  “Suz, what the hell are you doing? This is a park,” Leanna said. The panic in her voice was clear to hear.

  Someone in the background screamed, and Crazy saw they had a sudden audience. Knuckles and Daisy were ushering the few women who were at the park away from the danger. Suz had a gun, and was fucking dangerous. None of them could attack her and risk someone being hurt, or worse, killed. That bitch had the gun trained on Leanna.

  “I don’t give a fuck. I want my money. I really can’t believe you’ve taken up with that fat bitch. You’re mine, Crazy.”

  “I’m not yours, Suz. I never was. Put the gun down. You’re not making it out of town, Suz. Think about this shit,” Crazy said.

  He didn’t like how off the rails Suz had become.

  When you were married, you controlled her.

  Crazy had made a mistake. He should never have let Suz out of his sight. She would have been better controlled six feet fucking under.

  “I see you two are screwing each other now. I knew it wasn’t going to be long. I should have known you like fat bitches. You never could satisfy me.”

  He wanted to hurt the woman in front of him. When he got his hands on her, she was going to be dead.

  Moving his hand behind his back, he went for the gun he always kept on him.

  Suz tutted. “Keep your hands where I can see them. You think I don’t know what you’ve got hiding behind you? Put them up. You better make sure those fuckers don’t try to stop me. I can kill Leanna before they take me out.”

  “You can’t do this, Suz,” Leanna said.

  “Shut up.”

  “Put the damn gun down. There are kids here,” Crazy said, stepping closer.

  “Don’t even think of taking this off me. You fucking ruined me, you piece of shit. You and that club. You’re nothing, you’re fucking scum, and she’s an ugly fat bitch who is taking what belongs to me. It’s mine.”

  He saw her lose control, and before he could stop her, she fired three bullets. Crazy expected to feel the pain, but it was nothing. Suz gasped and stared past his shoulder. Leanna was no longer standing, and when he looked at the ground, his world fell apart.


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