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Need Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  Going to his knee, Crazy pulled the ring that had been burning within his pocket.

  “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  “You did all of this for me?”

  “Yes. I did it for us. I didn’t think you’d want a church filled with strangers from town. The club is our family.”

  Tears fell from her eyes, and he hoped they were tears of happiness.

  “You want to marry me?”


  Leanna glanced down at herself. She was dressed in a blue summer dress, plain black pumps, with her hair tied behind her head.

  “I look a mess.”

  “You look beautiful to me. Look at them, Leanna. They don’t expect a perfect wedding. This is between us, and what we think is perfect.”

  “Yes,” she said.

  “You’ll marry me.”

  “Yes. Today, right now, I’ll marry you. I don’t want to waste anther second.”

  Getting to his feet, he wrapped his arms around her, and took possession of her lips. “I’m going to make you the happiest woman in the world,” he said.

  “I look forward to you keeping that promise.”

  “It’s not going to be hard.” Rubbing his nose against hers, he ignored all the catcalls, and whistles from the club. “I can only get them to behave for so long.”

  “It’s okay. I like it.”

  They made their way down the aisle, and he quickly handed Strawberry the keys. He’d gotten the priest to come and marry them away, while providing a huge donation to the local church.

  The ceremony was straightforward, and neither of them had spent any time with their vows. What they spoke came from the heart.

  “Leanna, I intend to love you, cherish you, and be with you through all the failures and successes. I will not leave you alone again. You’re my life, my love, forever. There is no end for us.”

  “Crazy, I love you with my whole heart, and I love your daughter. I will try to be the perfect wife that you need, and be with you in everything that your heart desires.”

  He smiled, and touched her cheek. In no time at all, they were pronounced husband and wife, and he could finally kiss his bride.

  The priest left his home after the ceremony, and Crazy thanked him for taking the time to stop by.

  Leanna was embraced by the women, and he saw that Beth and Maria had come to the service.

  Moving to the men, Duke slapped him on the back, Pike embraced him, Russ kissed him on both cheeks.

  “Twice down the aisle, you think this is the one?” Daisy asked.

  “Leanna was the only one. The other, she was the mistake.” He looked over his shoulder to see Leanna smiling back at him. Tonight he was going to make to love her as his wife.

  “Stop the dirty thoughts,” Knuckles said. “Children are present.”

  “You’re still good to watch Strawberry tonight?” he asked, directing his question at Duke.

  “Of course.”

  “Good.” It had been a month without touching his woman, and he intended to make sure tonight was special.

  He took a bottle of beer that was passed to him. The music was turned on, and he took claim of his wife, tugging her away from the group of women, cooing over her.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he rested his hand against her ass.

  “I can’t believe you did all of this for me.”

  “I wouldn’t do it for anyone else. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. There’s a sweet side to you that you keep hidden.”

  “Sh, I don’t want the guys to know. I’d never live it down, and they would make my life a misery.”

  She threw her head back laughing. “I know, and I’m going to keep it to myself, and Strawberry.”

  “You do that.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Leanna looked around the kitchen, taking a sip of her orange juice. It was a beautiful house, and Holly had offered to come back tomorrow to clean up the mess. She couldn’t believe this was her house. The house was so big, spacious, and as she moved from room to room, she fell in love with it.

  Walking into the sitting room, she closed the curtains, and gasped as Crazy’s arms went around her waist.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, chuckling.

  “The last of the guests have gone. I want you, Leanna. It has been too long.” He kissed her neck, at the same time, his hand slid up the inside of her thigh. “Tonight is our night.”

  “I want you, too.”

  She moaned as his hand landed over her pussy. He slid his fingers beneath the fabric of her panties. Closing her eyes, she released a moan as he touched her clit, circling the bud before moving down to press inside her.

  “You’re wet, baby.”


  “This is how it’s always going to be between us. You’re going to be soaking wet, and I’m going to love every second of it.”

  In answer, she moaned. There was no other response as he plunged two fingers inside her.

  He removed his fingers, and she turned to watch him sucking the cream from his digits.

  “You taste perfect. Remove your clothes.”

  “You’re always telling me to remove my clothes.”

  “Get used to it. I like getting my own way.”

  She took her dress off, and at the same time, Crazy got naked. The moment they were naked, he took her hand, and led the way toward the stairs. She hadn’t been upstairs yet, and she couldn’t wait to see their room.

  Crazy picked her up when they were outside of their room, and she squealed as he picked her up, carrying her over the threshold.

  “Our room awaits, baby.”

  He placed her down on the large bed, and Leanna loved what she saw of the room. Crazy didn’t give her the chance to take anything in. His lips were on hers, but not for long. He kissed down her neck, to the top of her breasts. She moaned, wriggling underneath him, and begging for his touch.

  “Please, I need you, Crazy.”

  There was no rushing him, and he kissed over each one of her bandages, which she found incredibly sweet. She sank her fingers into his hair.

  He caught her hands, pressing them down beside her, holding her down. Watching his kiss down her stomach, he moved toward her side, placing a kiss to the final bandage. Crazy didn’t stop him there, and moved to her stomach, going to her pussy.

  “Open your legs.”

  She spread her thighs, and cried out as he took her clit, and sucked it deep into his mouth, using his teeth to create a small bite of pain. It was everything she wanted, and more. He moved down, fucking his tongue inside her.

  Biting her lips, she thrust up to meet him, and he kept hold of her, keeping her exactly where he wanted her. His grip tightened around her wrists, turning her on.


  “Tell me to lick your pussy.”

  “Lick my pussy, Crazy.”

  Fucking his tongue back inside her, he moved up, gliding over her clit, then back down again. Over and over, he created more and more pleasure, heightening her arousal to the point of orgasm.

  He released her and took a step back.

  “Why? I was so close,” she said, pouting.

  Crazy wrapped his fingers around his dick, and slid his hand up and down the length. “Come and taste me.”

  She didn’t need to be asked twice. Sinking to her knees, she crawled toward him, seeing the move had aroused him even more. Smiling, she wrapped her fingers around his length, and Crazy released his own dick. Taking over, she worked her fingers up and down his dick, tasting his pre-cum as she licked the tip. She didn’t make him wait long before she took the whole length of him to the back of her throat.

  He cursed, and his fingers were once again back in her hair. She swallowed him down, bobbing her head, and loving how she was able to give him the kind of pleasure that he loved.

  “Fuck, baby, your mouth is so damn good. I’ve missed you. This last month has been a nightmare. I need you, an
d I want you.” He thrust into her mouth, and Leanna opened her lips so that he could go as deep as he wanted. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  Crazy tugged on her hair, and she pulled back, thrusting her chest up.

  “I’ve got to have you.”

  She moved onto the bed, and Crazy made her pause. “Open your thighs.”

  Frowning, she opened her legs.

  “Today, I want to come in your pussy, and watch as it fills it up.”


  “I love you, Leanna. I love you so damn much, and I’m not going to change who I am. I’m going to piss you off, probably upset you, but I will always come back to you.”

  Biting her lip, she opened her thighs. “Are you really ready to take the risk of having sex?”

  “I want more kids with you. You’re my life, and I know what I want. Trust me.”

  She did trust him. “Okay.”

  Leanna had been on the pill, but she didn’t know how effective it was going to be with the pain medication that she had taken.

  He ran his fingers against the inside of her thigh, and he touched her pussy, sliding two fingers inside her. “You’re wetter, Leanna.”

  “I want you. It has been too long.”

  Crazy tugged her to the edge of the bed, and she watched him grab his cock, pressing the tip to her core. She gasped out as he pressed inside her, spreading her pussy wide. It had been too long since he’d been inside her, and she didn’t know how she’d survived the last month.

  “Look at us, Leanna, look as I take you.”

  She stared down at his cock as it slowly filled her pussy. Crying out, she couldn’t look away as his length disappeared. He stretched her around his length, and she opened her thighs to accommodate him better.

  Tonight was going to be the night of her life, her true wedding night.


  Crazy was so close to coming already that he didn’t know how he kept control. Leanna was so wet, and he felt every inch of her perfect pussy as he slid inside her. The walls of her cunt gripped him tightly. Staring down at her tight pussy, he groaned. She was so perfect, and beautiful, and now she belonged to him. He was never giving her up.

  “Please, Crazy.”

  “You want me to fuck you?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She screamed the one word at him, and he chuckled. Pulling out of her sweetness, he saw her cream had slicked his cock. When only the tip remained inside her, he slammed right up, and she groaned. He tugged her up so that her hands were wrapped around him. Her nails sinking into his shoulders, and he growled against the flesh of her neck, flicking his tongue against her pulse.

  “I love you, Leanna. You belong to me.”

  It had been too long since he was inside her, and he didn’t know how much longer he could hold off. Reaching between them, he fingered her clit, and fucked her at the same time.

  She moaned, and with a few strokes of his fingers, she came around his length.

  “I’m not going to last, baby. Fuck. This is fucking perfect. I need you. I’m going to fuck you again. I can’t wait.”

  “Come inside me, Crazy,” she said, whispering the words against his ear. “Fill me up with your cum.”

  Those words set him off, and he came, filling her up, and doing exactly what she said. When it was over, he rested his head against hers, and stayed inside her.

  “That was short but amazing,” she said, breathlessly.

  “The night’s not over. I’m going to be taking you again, and again. This is just the first one of many.”

  “What do you want me to do now?” Leanne leaned back staring into his eyes. “I want you to have everything you want. I don’t want to ever worry about you running off to create your fantasies with another woman.”

  Crazy pressed a kiss to her lips, wanting more than anything to see her pussy leaking his cum, but he wanted to understand Leanna’s change, so he asked.

  “I almost died, Crazy. I could have died, and I’d not done half the stuff we were going to do. This is one of those things you want, and I want to know what it’s like for you to claim every hole.”

  He burst out laughing at her delicate way of saying she wanted him to fuck her in the ass. Crazy was more than happy to oblige.

  “When I woke up, I realized that I didn’t want to die regretting all the things I hadn’t done, especially when I can experience them now, with you. I love you, Crazy. I think I have from the first moment I saw you. I was scared. No other man has left me feeling the way you have.”

  “I’m the lucky son of a bitch who got to have you.”

  Releasing her arms, he lowered her back to the bed pressing a kiss to both of her tits. He pulled out of her pussy, and he watched as his white cream leaked out of her. Coating his fingers in his cum, he pressed them back inside her.

  “I want you pregnant with my kid. I need to make it so that you can’t walk away from me.”

  “I’m not going to walk away.”

  “Good. I’m going to fuck you until you’re pregnant.”

  She chuckled. “You’re not listening.”

  “I’m listening, but I’m going to do what I want.”

  He moved to the bathroom, grabbing a cloth, and returning to wipe away the excess. Crazy took care of her, and when he was finished, he took her hand.

  “Time for that tour before I bring you back, and fuck you all over again.” He tugged her to his side, resting his hand on her full, rounded hip.

  “Did you and the guys decorate?”

  “Yes. I wanted everything perfect.” They left their room, and he led her toward the main family bathroom.

  “It’s big.”

  “You’re going to be saying that a lot tonight.”

  Laughing, she rested her head on his.

  “Strawberry called this room.” He opened the door to reveal a pink, princess-covered bedroom.

  Crazy had been the one to decorate it, and Strawberry had picked all the furniture she wanted.

  “This is her dream bedroom. She talked about it all the time. What did happen to my apartment?” Leanna asked.

  “Holly, Mary, Zoe, and Sheila helped us move all of your furniture out, and I paid the landlord the last of the rent. You’re a wealthy woman, and you pay rent?”

  “I didn’t want to buy the apartment. I liked living there.”

  “I’m never going to understand you, am I?”

  “I don’t know. Do you want to?”

  “Yes, I want to understand you. You’re my woman, and I want to know what you’re thinking and feeling.”

  He heard her sigh. “I guess, I was renting month by month in case I wanted a reason to leave quickly. I didn’t want to deal with selling the apartment, and renting the space meant I could go whenever I wanted to.”

  “You became attached to Strawberry?”

  “Yes. She’s a sweet girl, and I cherished her. Suz, erm, Suz didn’t seem to realize what an amazing daughter she had, and when she came to me, I wanted Strawberry to know what it was like to be loved.”

  “She does know. Believe me, she does.”

  Leanna nodded, resting her head against his shoulder. “Does she have a problem with me living with you two full time?”

  “Are you kidding? Strawberry can’t wait.”

  He took her hand, and kissed her fingers. “Don’t be mad at me.” Taking her to the next room, he opened the door, and flicked on the light.

  She gasped, and he entered. “I went for neutral colors. I hope you don’t mind.”

  It was a nursery, and he’d taken a lot of time to make sure it was perfectly done for either a boy or girl.

  “You did this?”

  “Yes. I wouldn’t let anyone else into the room.”

  “I love it.”

  “I was hoping you’d like to start filling it as soon as possible.”

  “Yes, I will. I want to.” She went into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck, and kissing his lips. “Let’s make a start tonight.”

Gripping her ass, he chuckled. “We already have.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Three weeks later

  Leanna was nervous as she paced the kitchen of the clubhouse. It was one of the final barbeques of the summer. It was the last weekend for Beth and Maria before they went back home, and next week Strawberry started school. Leanna had gotten the all clear from the hospital yesterday, but it wasn’t that which had her nervous.

  It was a clubhouse party for the Trojans MC, and Crazy had told her tonight he was going to make her an old lady. She stood in the kitchen with Holly, Mary, and Zoe. The other women were spread out either in the clubhouse or outside enjoying the barbeque. Leanna was pacing in front of the oven where she was waiting for her lasagna to finish baking.

  Maria and Beth left the kitchen to take out some of the drinks that had been left on the table.

  “How are you handing the wait?” Mary asked, coming to stand beside her. Holly was icing the cupcakes that had been made, and Zoe was eating the frosting. It was a battle between Holly and Zoe to see who could get the frosting finished first. There were a lot of cupcakes, and Holly was glaring at Zoe, who shrugged. “You shouldn’t make good frosting. If it tasted bad, then I wouldn’t be eating it.”

  “It’s supposed to go on the cupcakes. The men will come after your ass, spanking it if I don’t have enough to frost.”

  “Raoul will protect me.”

  “Ignore them. It always happens when Zoe’s in the kitchen. She can’t cook, so she eats everything we cook.”

  Leanna nodded. “I noticed.”

  “You’re nervous.”

  “Weren’t you?”

  “Pike tried to claim me in front of the club without me knowing it.”

  She frowned. “How is that possible?”

  “By making me so aroused that I wouldn’t realize that I was about to be fucked in a club full of men. I ran out on him, and wouldn’t talk to him for so long. He apologized, and it took me time to realize that it was a club thing for the men.”

  “Crazy explained it to me.”

  “It’s not dirty,” Zoe said. “The men don’t look at you as if you’re a tramp. None of them stare at you as if they’ve seen you naked either. It’s a man club thing. I don’t know why they do it.”


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