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Finding Fate (Playing it Safe Series Book 1)

Page 13

by Lisa Gerkey

I get up and go to her. Using my foot, I spread her legs further apart.

  “The pussy must be on display at all times. When I’m here, I own your pussy, Madison. I own every single one of your holes. I can put my cock in any one of your tight little holes, and all I expect to hear from you is, ‘Yes, sir,’ or ‘More, sir.’ Am I clear?”

  I look down. I can see her skin is flushed. I can’t tell if it’s nerves, or if I’m having a different effect on her.

  “Place your arms behind your back and push your tits out, offer them to me.”

  I look down and see she’s following every order.

  I don’t know if I’ll be able to get Madison to admit she’s still attracted to me, but things would go much easier for the both of us if we could find some mutual pleasure while we do all this shit. Even though I can act the part, dishing out pain or humiliation isn’t a fetish of mine. I’d much rather make a woman writhe beneath me, overwhelmed with pleasure.

  “Get up, go to the bed. Facedown and feet on the floor.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  She’s watching me. She’s scared.

  “You don’t get to ask me that, Maddy. I’m in charge. I do whatever I want to do.”

  I pull her arms behind her, quickly wrapping the piece of rope I picked up from the table, around her wrists. I check to make sure it’s snug enough she can’t get out, but not tight enough to leave any permanent marks on her soft creamy skin.

  I watch her look over her shoulder, trying to keep her eyes on me. She looks scared, but curious at the same time. She reminds me of the way she looked at me before, when we first met. Always so innocent.

  I watch her beautiful face and see her watch me be a complete asshole. It’s more than I can take.

  “Close your eyes, Maddy. If you open them, I’ll blindfold you.”

  When I see she’s followed the orders, I go to find the items I need. I reach down to adjust myself. There’s no way to prevent my reaction to her.

  I trail my fingers across her shoulders and down her back until I get to her ass. I run my finger between her cheeks. When I pause over her little puckered hole, I feel her flinch. I remember the same reaction before. I also remember how fucking hard she came when I applied light pressure there.

  “Has anyone been here, baby?”

  She shakes her head from side to side.

  “No one, Jensen, it’s only been you.”

  What’s she saying?

  “What do you mean, Maddy? It’s only been me?”

  “I haven’t been with anyone else.”

  Well, fuck me.


  Only mine. Fuck, I need to work hard and do everything in my power to protect her and make sure no one else touches her. I can’t believe in all these years, she hasn’t been with any other man.

  Does that change things here?

  I can’t blow my cover. Grant got me in here, and even worked some magic so I can be the one to train Madison. He made sure I was aware the time might come when I have no choice but to watch some bastard touch her, or even fuck her. Ultimately, whatever happens to Madison is up to Malcolm.

  I have told myself, for our little girl’s sake, I would do whatever it takes. I just pray I don’t have to blow my cover and kill some sick bastard when he puts his hands on her. After hearing her confess I’m the only man she’s been with, I’m more determined than ever to make certain no one else touches her.

  I wish I could confide in Madison and tell her I’m here to help her, but I can’t do that. Instead, I must force her to submit to me. I must break her, and prepare her for whatever Malcolm has planned.

  “Part of the training, Madison, will consist of me preparing you, preparing your body. Do you understand that?”

  I ask her, knowing full well she doesn’t understand why I’m being an asshole to her.


  I bring my hand down on her ass. Not too hard, just enough to shake her.

  “No, Jensen, I don’t understand. I don’t understand why you want to hurt me.”

  I throw some clothes down on the bed beside her, and I do my best to not watch her while she gets dressed.

  “Why did you stop?”

  She’s trying to figure me out.

  “I have to keep you guessing. Are you disappointed today isn’t the day I’ll be taking your ass?” I know my words are cruel, but I need to stop the questions.

  She stares at me for a few minutes, trying to read me, I’m sure.

  “What are you doing here, Jensen? Did you know who I was back then?”

  The tears threaten to spill again.

  Here’s the tough part. Do I make her think I was playing her back then? That’s what Grant suggested I should do to help with my cover, but when I look in those pretty eyes I’ve spent years dreaming of, I’m not sure I can go that far.

  Chapter Twenty


  Jensen can say whatever he wants, but I don’t think he hates me quite as much as he’s trying to make me believe.

  “Jensen, I don’t understand. After all this time, why is it here, in this terrible place I finally get to lay eyes on you again? Do you know how many times I’ve dreamed of seeing you again? I don’t understand…this can’t be…”

  “It can’t be what, Madison? Isn’t it possible we’re both liars? Huh?”

  “I don’t believe this is the person you really are. There’s no way.”

  “Have you forgotten South Carolina, Madison? I chased after you for days with my dick in my hand. It was all about getting the pussy, sweetheart. Don’t try to lie to yourself, and convince yourself I had feelings for you. I didn’t feel a damn thing except for how fucking wet you got every time I touched you.”

  “You didn’t chase me, Jensen. I came to you every time we were together. I don’t care what you say now. I don’t believe this is the person you were back then. What happened to you?”

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you… Come on. Take a walk with me.”

  He doesn’t give me time to go with him willingly. He grips my arm tightly and forces me to move along with him, taking me out into the hallway. When we notice Malcolm headed right toward us, Jensen pushes me behind him. I stay there and keep my head down. I remember Master G’s instructions the first day he took me from my room.

  “What the hell is this?”

  Malcolm is standing over me, an angry scowl on his face as he questions Jensen.

  “Why is the slut gracing my halls dressed like this?”

  Two other men, some I haven’t seen before are standing behind him, and then I see the creepy one, Jayson, lurking further back. He doesn’t take his eyes off me.

  Malcolm is focused on Jensen. He seems to have forgotten I’m even standing here.

  “Is this some of your doing? The sluts around here learn rather quickly wearing clothes is something they must earn. Cinderella hasn’t earned a damn thing, and disobeying the orders always leads to a harsh punishment.”

  Malcolm turns his attention back to me.

  “Strip!” he bellows, making my hair stand on ends. I’m terrified of this man.

  “But, sir, I…”

  I look to Jensen. He’s the one who gave me the clothes to wear. Is he setting me up to be punished on purpose?

  “Malcolm, sir, we had a rather intense session earlier. The little slut did a good job following the orders, and she did everything I asked of her. I thought it would be appropriate to reward her with clothes, sir.” Jensen finally speaks up.

  “Bring her to dinner tomorrow night. I want to see this progress you speak of. I expect to see results.”

  Malcolm smirks. I have a feeling he knows Jensen hasn’t gotten very far with the stupid training.

  “No problem, sir, we look forward to it.”

  Jensen doesn’t waste any time. He grips my arm tight and forces me to walk in front of him down the long hallway. I look back one last time and see the eerie way Jayson is looking at me. I really
need to watch myself around him.

  “What’s he talking about, Jensen? What’s this dinner all about? What’s he expecting to see?”

  I’m not stupid. I know, sooner or later, people are going to want to do awful things with my body.

  “Don’t ask questions. You won’t like the answers.”

  Jensen refuses to look at me while he speaks. I’m getting the feeling he isn’t much more comfortable with this than I am.

  We come to stairs that lead us up to another floor. Jensen doesn’t give me time to keep up with his long strides. He’s not really hurting me, but he’s not being gentle either.

  When he finally stops us in front of a door, he opens it and pushes me inside. This is much nicer than where I’ve been kept. It’s set up like a tiny apartment. A large room is divided with one half being a little kitchen, and the other half a living room. There’s only a sofa, a coffee table, and two end tables sitting at each end of the sofa with lamps on them.

  In the kitchen is a small breakfast set designed for two people. Visions of what Jensen did to me on a table when we were in South Carolina flash through my mind.

  “What are you thinking about, Maddy? Don’t tell me it’s nothing, because I didn’t imagine the sudden change in you.”

  A knowing smirk plays on his handsome face. Even with the beard, I can tell he’s even more handsome now than he was four years ago.

  “I wasn’t thinking about anything.”

  I’m not about to tell him how my body still reacts to him just like it did back then. If things were much different, I would be begging him to take me the way he did four years ago. My body aches to be filled by him. Only this man. Deep down, I want to believe he’s the same Jensen I knew.

  “Have a seat on the sofa while I fix us something to eat. I’m going to trust you to listen to me, and do what I say. Just remember, if you try to run out the door, some of those men won’t be as nice to you as I am. I wouldn’t tempt them.”

  I don’t bother answering him. I just kick my shoes to the side, and sit down on the large couch, tucking my feet under me.

  As I watch him work, my thoughts drift to Jenny. I want nothing more than to tell him about our little girl. There is no stopping the tears when I think about her. I know my parents are taking good care of her, but she needs her mommy… and I need her.

  I’m so lost in my head I don’t realize Jensen is standing in front of me with a sandwich on a plate, and a soda, until he nudges me with his knee to get my attention. When my eyes meet his, I don’t see the cruel man I saw earlier. He can try to hide it if he wants to, but I know I see something in there. He doesn’t hate me as much as he wants me to believe.

  “Here, blondie, you need to eat.”

  I wipe the tears from my eyes with the back of my hand and take the plate of food. As much as I want to deny him, I can’t deny how hungry I am.

  Once I’m finished, I don’t say anything, I take his plate along with mine to the kitchen. I look around until I find the dish soap, then I wash the dishes and place them on a towel to dry.

  “Stop stalling, Madison, and get in here.”

  His demanding tone is back.

  “I’ll show you the bathroom. You can take care of anything you need to. When you’re finished we’ll resume your training.”

  I start to speak but he stops me.

  “It has to happen. We should be prepared to show Malcolm something tomorrow night. There’s no use in arguing about this.”

  He places a hand on my lower back and guides me through the tiny space to another door. When he opens it, I see a large bedroom. I look around at the contraptions he has in here. Now I understand why it’s so big.

  When I’m in the bathroom, I’m afraid to ask if he’s going to stand and watch while I do my business.

  “Do what you need to. When you’re finished, put your clothes in the hamper,” he points to a clothes hamper by the door, “and come back to the living room. From now on, you won’t need any clothes.”

  His features stay hard, and his voice is devoid of any emotions as he gives me his orders.

  I take as much time I can in the bathroom. I know, sooner or later, I’ll have to face what Malcolm has planned for me. I think of Jenny. I can do this. I have to do this. I have to play along until I can find a way out of here, so I can get back to my precious little girl.

  After I undress, I look at myself in the mirror. I wonder if Jensen still sees me the same as he did four years ago. My body doesn’t look much different. I was one of the lucky few who didn’t end up with a lot of stretch marks. I run my hand across my lower belly to touch the scar that sits just above my bikini line. I wonder if Jensen will ask questions about it.

  I’ve always eaten healthy and exercised most days, so my body is fit, even after being pregnant. Maybe I should’ve just let myself go. Maybe if I’d turned into a slob they wouldn’t have wanted me. Knowing I can’t keep putting him off, I bow my head in shame and walk out of the bathroom. When I’m near him, I’m almost certain I hear him make a growling sound.

  He’s seated on the couch, so I walk until I’m standing in front of him.

  “What do we have here, blondie?”

  He smirks when he tugs on the fine hair covering my sex.

  “We’re going to have to do something about this. We can’t have this pretty pussy hiding, now can we?”

  He glides a finger over my seam.

  “Miss me, sweetheart? Has this pussy thought about me, the way I’ve thought about it? Huh?”

  His finger is still playing with me, teasing my pussy. He refuses to touch me where I need it the most. He just moves his finger down one side and then the other, over and over. Then suddenly, he stops and reaches for his belt. He opens the buckle and slides the belt from his jeans, tossing it on the sofa.

  “Take me out.”

  Even though I should be disgusted, I drop to my knees, and I scramble with both hands to unfasten his jeans. I push the button through the tiny hole, and ease his zipper down. His hard cock falls free into my hands.

  I’m overcome with the urge to taste him. I’ve dreamed of pleasing him this way again. I remember his reaction when I did it before, when we were in South Carolina.

  I swipe my tongue across the head, I love the way he tastes, salty and sweet. I grip him with one hand and pump up and down. He once said I was so good with handling his cock. My memories drive me harder, making me want to please him even more.

  “Hands behind your back. Now.

  He stands up, causing his cock to fall from my grasp. He grips my hair with both hands and holds me steady.

  “I’m going to fuck your beautiful face, Maddy, and then I’m going to come so fucking hard down your throat. Do you want that, Maddy?”

  He grunts and moans his pleasure as he pumps his cock in and out of my mouth.

  I swirl my tongue around the head a few times, and then I lick up and down his length. He grips my head and pushes in deep, until I can feel him in the back of my throat.

  “Breathe, Maddy. You can take it. Breathe through your nose.”

  I try to listen and do what he says when he thrusts in again and again. He applies more pressure to the back of my head and holds me there. I can feel his fine pubic hair brush the tip of my nose.

  I can’t control the gagging sound I make as I struggle against his massive cock to find a breath of air for my lungs. Finally, he pulls back, spit and drool runs down my chin. He slams back in again.

  “Take it, beautiful. Fuck. Goddamn, Maddy.” He explodes. His come streams down my throat, and I manage to swallow it all as I look up at him.

  Chapter Twenty One


  Madison’s beautiful green eyes look up at me.

  Tears stream down after the way I fucked her gorgeous face just now. I know after these intense few minutes, I need to find a way to go easy on her. Today was supposed to be about her. This is her training, after all.

  She doesn’t know it, but th
e tables just got turned. It was me who just got trained.


  “Come here, Maddy.”

  She’s still dazed and disoriented from what just happened. I sit back on the couch and pull her on top of me, so she can straddle my lap. I don’t stop her when she lays her head on my shoulder.

  When I graze my hands down her back, I feel her shiver. She wiggles her perfect ass around until her clit connects with my cock.

  “Ah, does my girl need some relief?”

  I know this is where I’m supposed to tell her she’s only here to please me, but fuck if I can deny her. I grip her hips and slide her back and forth a few times, feeling her juices as they coat my dick. It would be so easy to slide into her right now. I know she’s on birth control. I shouldn’t need to worry about protection, but I remember how she said she was on birth control right after we screwed up and fucked without a condom when we were in South Carolina.

  “Jensen, this is…so wrong. I don’t know why my body is doing this to me. I hate you. I should hate you for tricking me. I thought I knew you…”

  “Don’t, Madison. I don’t want you to hate me, but I can’t stop what’s happening here.”

  That’s a loaded statement. I can’t stop the way I feel about her, and I can’t stop this mess she’s tangled up in. The minute the feds bust these fucking doors down to take Malcolm and his fucked-up business down, that’s when I can get Madison out of here.

  Until then, I have to play mind games with her.

  Madison raises her head from her resting spot.

  “Do you need to come, baby?”

  I take one plump breast in my hand and knead gently.


  Madison blows my fucking mind when she leans forward and puts her soft lips against mine. I take what she’s offering. I claim her sexy fucking mouth with my own. I take the kiss as deep as I can go, while Madison rocks her body against me.

  I lean down and take a perfect hard nipple between my lips. I suck and roll my tongue around it and then I switch to the other one. I reach a hand down between us to find her wet pussy.

  “Fuck, Madison.”

  I slide two fingers into her and thrust them in and out while the palm of my hand rubs against her clit.


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