Past Forgiven

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Past Forgiven Page 5

by Jesse Lorenzo

  They’d all observed how her visits turned Giddeon’s behavior completely around. So it was decided that, once a week, he would be gifted with one uninterrupted hour of bliss with his golden-haired Angel. It was the one thing he looked forward to all week. It helped the broken man focus on that instead of his inner demons that screamed to be let loose.

  “There’s my mighty destroyer.” Eva scrunched her perfect nose teasingly.

  “I’ve been waiting, counselor. You didn’t have to get all dolled up on my behalf.”

  Stalking over to the owner of his wounded heart, he lifted a menacing brow as he slowly approached. Right off the bat, Giddeon noticed something different about her. The glint in her eyes screamed of the electrically charged lust they both felt, but due to monitored surveillance had to keep at bay.

  Giddeon studied her to-die-for outfit that woke up certain parts of his anatomy. Her dress of choice intimately hugged every delectable curve. Once the door slammed closed behind her, Eva sprinted toward him and leaped into his waiting arms.

  All his numbed nerves awoke inside of him at the feel of her soft body pressed against his, firing off like gunfire. The marked man shuddered as she ran her hands up his arms, over his shoulders, and wrapped around his neck. Giddeon pulled in a deep cleansing breath, filling his lungs with her scent.

  “Oh, Eva.” Without hesitation, his arms wrapped tightly around her, pulling her impossibly closer, needing to feel every part of his Angel against him. After a punishing year of being at arm’s length, this moment in time was heaven on earth, pure bliss personified.

  Giddeon nuzzled her neck, reveling in the sensation of her golden locks. They brushed across the roughened stubble of his unshaven growth as if they were flirting with the hidden skin underneath.

  Unable to stop himself, Giddeon brushed his desperate, hungry lips against hers. Eva’s knees buckled as her tiny frame shuddered after every wet kiss and graze of his teeth as he nipped on the exposed flesh. Each well-placed kiss forged a tender path down her elegant neck, to the collarbone that all but begged for his attention.

  “Oh, Giddeon, I’ve waited so long to touch you like this.”

  The man fighting within himself to stay in control felt his heart constrict hearing her voice break with those words. This forced distance was killing them.

  “I’ve got you now, Angel. How long do we have?” Giddeon thumbed away the tears that snuck their way out of the eyes that tried to hold them back.

  “I brought them a loaded meat-lovers pizza and the messiest wings I could get my hands on. I turned the cameras off while they’re digging in. I’d overheard them last week bragging about this pizza shop.”

  “That’s my good girl,” he purred into her ear. The vibration flipped her stomach. Neither one wanted to waste time talking about the sloppy security guards.

  Giddeon dove into the kiss he’d been dreaming of every night for a year. Gripping the hair on the back of her head, he tugged, pulling her head back. His lips crashed into her all too willing mouth. A deep breathy moan escaped her the moment his eager tongue broke past the seal of her wetted lips.

  Eva arched into Giddeon’s irresistibly solid as steel body, weaving her fingers into his thick dark hair. A groan escaped him when she tangled her hands into the floppy strands and pulled.

  His erotic Angel captured his bottom lip between her teeth and sucked it into her mouth hungrily. Giddeon hissed out her name with the explicit sensations of pleasure and pain she was feeding him all at once. Her aggressive pulling, sucking, biting, and yanking nearly sent him over the edge.

  Giddeon’s over stimulated body quaked. Every muscle twitched under her erotic punishment, fighting against his diminishing restraint. She was only moments away from having every scrap of fabric that covered her delectable body torn off.

  More than anything, Giddeon wanted to feel her legs wrapped around him once again… Needed to feel Eva underneath him as he pushed inside the heat of his addiction, tangled together all night long. Those thoughts were his constant companion and nearly drove him into madness.

  “Oh, Giddeon, we have to stop before we’re caught.”

  Unable to restrain the irresistible impulse for his Angel, the marked man gripped her hips with bruising force, clinging to the only source of his happiness for all he was worth. Eva placed her hands on Giddeon’s marred chest and gently pushed.

  Snarling against her neck, he called upon all the strength he could muster to force the rest of his body to pull away.

  Eva laughed, winded from their spontaneous interlude. Their breaths mingled together as the couple fought to breathe.

  “I know. I don’t want to stop either. Oh, God, I want you so bad right now. It’s killing me not being able to have you whenever and wherever I want. But, they’ll kick me out of your rehabilitation and tarnish my reputation if I’m caught with you like this.”

  That is the last thing Giddeon wanted. Reluctantly releasing her from his stronghold, he dropped both hands to his sides. Fisting his hands, the proof of his sexual frustration showed in the impressive bulge straining to be set free and the ticking of his clenched jaw.

  For a moment, Eva thought he’d be upset with her for turning him on then backing away. But, she couldn’t help herself. She hadn’t touched him for far too long. Just as she was about to apologize for her brazen act, Giddeon’s eyes fell shut, a blissful, serene expression passing over his dark features.

  His trembling, marked-up hand drifted to his lips, brushing his calloused fingertips across the flesh she’d had between her teeth only moments before. Eva’s heart nearly broke, watching her mighty warrior show his vulnerability.

  This dangerous and sometimes terrifying man had been deprived of love and affection the entirety of his life. When glimpses of the broken, scared little boy surfaced, Eva had to fight to keep from falling apart in front of him. Knowing what he’d suffered sucked the air from her lungs, and for a brief moment, Eva could almost feel the hollowness Giddeon felt.

  Eva swore to him that she’d never leave his side. That was a promise she planned on keeping.

  “I came here to tell you the good news.”

  The dark man lifted his lids at the beautiful sound of his Angel’s voice and struck her with the powerful force of his eyes. The intensity of his gaze slammed into her like a wrecking ball, nearly knocking the wind out of her. It was the unmistakable look of unconditional love and adoration.

  The pull from Giddeon’s stare physically drew her toward him, and it took a minute before she was able to speak again. Eva’s breath hitched as the intense man stalked over to her, closing the remaining distance between them. Approaching the trembling girl, Giddeon loomed over her searing into her that look with his eyes.

  Skimming his fingertips down the soft skin of her bare arm, the devilish man smirked when he heard a quiet moan escape Eva’s throat. Lacing his fingers with hers, Giddeon brought their joined hands up to his swollen lips. Once his mouth brushed over her knuckles, Eva’s knees buckled.

  Only Giddeon possessed the power to have her come undone from such a simple kiss.

  “What’s the good news, Angel?”

  Eva lowered herself into the hard metal chair, unable to stay standing on her unstable legs.

  “You’ve done such an amazing job on your rehabilitation here. Your attitude has changed for the better… so significantly, according to your therapists, you might be able to get out early. Your mental health doctors just have to approve that you’re ready to re-enter society. They will be evaluating you closely to make sure it is the right decision. If they sign off, it will go to the parole board to decide if you’re eligible.”

  The brilliant smile unleashed by the dark man hit her like a solid blow to the chest. Eyes of a predator roved over her suggestively. The thrilling thought of what this man intended sent chills racing down her spine.

  “When I am out, I plan on locking you in my room for a week… with nothing but your mouth-watering body to feed on. Even t
hat might not be long enough to satisfy me. Just a bed and my Angel, that’s all I need.”

  Eva wasn’t one to blush, but the promise behind his words caused heat to stain her cheeks. She wanted nothing more than to be locked up in a room alone with Giddeon and couldn’t wait for that fantasy to come to fruition.

  “We need to talk about your plan once you are released. You’ll need a job lined up and a place to stay. The parole board prefers a set plan in motion beforehand.”

  The devilish smirk that snaked its way across his lips caused her to stammer. “I… I’d love nothing more than to have you stay with me, Giddeon, believe me. But it won’t look good for either of us if it is presented to the parole board, or the judge in charge of your release, that you’ll be living with the female counselor who’s been helping in your treatment.”

  Giddeon’s dark brows dipped in disappointment.


  He hadn’t thought about that. “I’ll think about that, Angel. I don’t have anywhere to go, but I can’t wait to get the fuck out of this place already.”

  Eva laughed at his characteristic outburst. The melodic sound echoed off the stark white walls. There’s her Giddeon. Pointing an accusing finger at him, she said, “Yeah, well, you’d better stay on your best behavior. Don’t blow it so close to the finish line, okay? Or else, I can't use your body in all the ways I’ve dreamed up over the course of this past year.”

  “Oh, Angel… you’re in so much trouble. Just wait until I get my hands on you, counselor.”

  Eva stuck out her tongue teasingly. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”

  Without warning, Giddeon snatched the blonde up out of her chair, forcing her to meet his lust-filled eyes, and gripped her chin with his hands. “One thing I never do, Angel, is make idle threats. I will have you screaming my name in the near future, this I promise you.”

  Portree Harbor

  Isle of Skye

  Behr and Gavin searched through the ‘For Sale’ section of the West Highland Press for an acceptable replacement for Behr’s Sea Witch that Dalton had destroyed. The men had several pages scattered across the front counter of Ellora’s easy fix-it and contractor-for-hire business. Ellora rounded the counter to approach the hard working men who’d completely taken over her shop. A giggle worked its way out of her at the sight of Xs and Os marking up dozens of ads. It would be tough for Behr to replace The Sea Witch. It had been his ticket to freedom in his younger years.

  It represented a future filled with possibilities and his fresh start in life. She was his baby. Ellora shook her head as guilt resurfaced. If it wasn’t for her, Dalton would’ve never destroyed it in the first place. Behr had almost been killed in the process, and she felt responsible for it all. She led him right to their door.

  But that was in the past, and she had to keep reminding herself of that. Ellora pushed the thought far from her mind. “Hey, guys, you’re going to keep me from my clients with your hostile takeover of my shop.” She laughed with delight as Behr snatched her with quick hands before she could escape him, pulling her easily onto his lap and caging her inside his protective arms.

  Behr continued his inquiries even as she sat in his lap as if she was a part of him. “I think we should check out this one. Aye, we’d be fools if we dinnae give ‘er a look.”

  Gavin crossed his arms over his chest. “I still think it’s a bargain too good to be true, brother. If that be the case, it’s sure to be a big waste ‘o our time. But since we donnae have much else to do today, let’s feed the hunger of your curiosity and ‘ave a look. All I’m sayin’ is keep these other vessels in mind, a’right?”

  Behr squeezed Ellora, kissing the spot on her neck just below her ear. He’d let his excitement show, and she was happy for her future husband. After all, he was a man of the sea and it was about time to get him back out there where he belonged and could get reacquainted with a brand new boat.

  “Will do, ‘ol friend. Aye, let’s give ‘em a call and head down there now. I donnae want another to jump on this deal.” Gavin clapped his friend on the back. Pulling out his cell, he punched in the number listed in the vague ad.

  Turning toward his beloved future wife, Behr addressed her sternly. “Now, listen ‘ere, Mrs. Buchanan. You will do me the favor of keeping your cell on you at all times, fully charged and the volume up. Do you ‘ear what I’m tellin’ you?”

  Ellora couldn’t stop her eyes from rolling inside her head. He hated leaving her side after everything that had happened but was finally loosening the tight grip he’d held on her life. She understood his apprehension, but it still bugged her all the same. Saluting him like a dutiful soldier, Ellora blurted out, “Sir, yes, sir!”

  Without warning, Behr whirled Ellora around, grabbed her underneath her thighs, and lifted the stunned girl up. She wrapped her legs around his iron waist automatically. “You’re a wild one now, love, but remember, our weddin’ night is almost ‘ere…”

  Ellora’s face flushed an impressive shade of red at his mention of what awaited her on their wedding night. The idea of finally giving herself over to Behr both excited and scared her to death. It was times like this she wished she could speak to her mother. She had no one to go to for advice or to ask questions about her wedding night without feeling humiliated.

  “… Soon, I’ll get my chance to claim you in every way a man can claim the woman he loves. Mind, body, and soul. Soon enough, I’ll tame the wild beast in you, Ellora. N’ I cannae wait.”

  Ellora trembled in his arms at the thought of Behr dominating her, possessing a part of her no one else ever had. She smiled shyly up at him as he grinned, knowing exactly what she was thinking about. He’d thought of little else since her verbal promise… I Do.

  “Cat got your tongue? Now I know exactly how to silence your stubborn, smart aleck backtalk in the future… talk dirty to ya.” His voice rumbled deep in his throat as he nibbled his way up her neck and claimed her mouth in the same way he wanted to claim her body.

  His tongue gently pushed past the seal of her trembling lips and slid into the heat of her mouth, probing every inch with slow purpose. Their tongues moved together like an exotic dance—sliding in, dragging out, and coiling together. The sexual tension between the needy pair grew with each erotic thrust Behr gave his future wife… hinting at the promise of what she could expect in the very near future.

  The bell chimed over the door, pulling them out of their lustful haze. Gavin stood half-in, half-out of the door. “We goin’ to see a boat today or deflowering girls? I’m down for either one, lad.” Gavin gave Behr a lop-sided grin when the larger man sneered at his crass friend.

  Turning to Ellora, he placed a soft kiss on her swollen lips, signaling his reluctant goodbye. “To be continued, love. I’ll see ya later.”

  Untangling her limbs, Ellora begrudgingly let Behr go. “I can’t wait for that day, Mr. Buchanan.”

  Gavin had to drag the love-struck man out the door or they’d never get to look at the boat.

  Behr and Gavin pulled up to the edge of Ardmore Bay in Truman. Their mouths dropped open when they saw the massive beat up vessel anchored a few yards out. This was no boat. This was an impressive-sized ship.

  “This cannae be the one.” Gavin checked the address that had been sent through text message.

  “Aye, this be the very same one, lad.”

  The vessel had seen better days, and it was obvious in its current state that she had been used regularly for decades. Behr ran his hands through his windblown hair. “She’s in need of some repairs. I cannae help but wonder how long she’s sat ‘ere. Will she even start up right?”

  Gavin’s expression didn’t hide his dislike for the aging ship. He’d wanted to look at newer, more modern boats. This one looked like a rusted tin can. But Behr could see past the crud covered exterior to all of its potential. It was quite a find.

  “I’d run far n’ fast away from this junkard, brother, before it sucks away all your hard earned savings. Sh
e’s a money pit.”

  Behr’s eyes scanned the vessel from afar with careful scrutiny. “Nae, brother, I’d be a fool to pass this up. All she needs is time, patience, and a knowing hand to get ‘er back in working order. N’ I ‘ave nothin’ but time and unlimited patience at my disposal.”

  Footsteps crunched the gravel behind them as someone approached. “What do ya think, lads?” The voice boomed rough and scratchy from behind them. Behr turned to the sound and froze. There stood his father. The hard years at sea and his failing health had aged him faster than the average man. He was almost unrecognizable, except for his voice. Behr stiffened, clenching his jaw as bitterness took over his otherwise cool composure. The man didn’t utter a sound, unsure of what to say to the man who’d disowned him as a young boy.

  Behr did what he always did best by assessing the situation before blurting out a decade’s worth of pent-up anger, hurt, and betrayal.

  But right on cue, Gavin opened up his unstoppable mouth, “Why, lookit what the tide dragged t’ shore… Mr. B, is that you? How long’s it been, ‘ol man?” Gavin stopped his light-hearted inquisition with the not so subtle growl rumbling out of Behr’s heaving chest.

  “What brings you out this way, Mr. B?”

  The withering old man ran calloused hands over his graying beard, sweeping the other out to gesture to the ship anchored ashore. Before the man could even open his mouth, Behr interrupted with a sleuth of curses. “That is the very same boat we came ‘ere to see, Gav. Aye, it belongs to m’ father. What’re the odds?”

  Folding his tense arms over his flexing chest, Behr stood imposingly, glaring back at his father. Gavin awkwardly stood in between them, eyeing them both as they fought silently in the battle of stubborn wills. Behr’s expression was a mixture of hurt, anger, and hard bitterness. His father’s revealed a softer kind of pain and a lifetime of regret hidden behind his eyes.


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