Past Forgiven

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Past Forgiven Page 17

by Jesse Lorenzo

  “The paramedics said that I flat-lined twice on the ride to the hospital. After they pumped the toxins out of my veins with a saline solution, I stabilized. My system was flushed out several times over last night to rid me of my lethal overdose, but I still have a long, hard road ahead of me. I’ll be battling through the withdrawals for a while. I haven't had that shit in my system for so long… and now, all I can think of is another hit.”

  Eva looked down at her fidgeting hands resting on her lap and whispered, “I was doing so good…”

  Giddeon quickly changed the subject and spoke up with pride at the strength of his Angel. “She’s weak as a kitten and shouldn’t be out of bed, but insisted on seeing how you’re holding up.”

  Dominick laughed as Eva puffed up her chest at winning that argument. “I told him that technically, I wouldn’t be going anywhere… the chair would be.”

  The two men shared a look, realizing these two women had them wrapped around their fingers. What an odd group they made up. Dominick looked up at Susan, who was gazing down at him lovingly, and smirked at her. “Sweetheart, think you could go and confiscate one of those wheelchairs for me?”

  Lifting a curious brow, she waited for an explanation.

  “Hey, counselor, I’ll race ya.” The laugh that belted out of her sounded like airy wind chimes.

  Giddeon shook his head. “And I thought I was the criminal element in this room. You’re a terrible influence on these young ladies,” he taunted, rousing Eva even more.

  “Oh, you’re going down, Detective!”

  Portree Harbor Cathedral

  Kristy weaved the handcrafted, silk ribbon through the corset of her delicate, lace-overlay gown, trying with all her strength not to shed a tear… again.

  “Oh, m’ dear Ellora, how’d ya get it t’ look just as your mother’s did? The similarities… Oh, sweeting, you’re breathtaking. I know your mother is looking down on ya from above, and there isn’t an angel in heaven that can compare to your beauty on this day.”

  It was Adelle’s idea to incorporate pieces from her parents’ past into her wedding; that way it’d feel as if they were really there with her. Their presence, wrapped intimately around the ceremony, would forever be a part of Ellora’s special day. The white ribbon was the hem of Bonnie’s prom dress that she’d left behind during their move. A trunk filled with other articles Kristy knew Bonnie would never come back for was packed away in the B&B’s attack. Matching pearl earrings, a necklace, and charm bracelet were found nestled inside a jewelry box.

  The old-fashioned clasp holding back Ellora’s river of black hair had been the original Celtic knot medallion that adorned the antique door of Joseph’s hardware store. She wanted to wear something from each parent that represented them. The dress itself, Ellora had custom made to match her mother’s on her wedding day. All Ellora had was a photo for the dressmaker to go on, but by the way Kristy had been crying all afternoon, she knew it was close enough.

  Her mother had classy taste; her gown was timeless in its style. The soft, delicate satin fabric and breathtaking sheer lace overlay were nothing short of spectacular. Ellora truly felt like a princess.

  “Kristy, I know my mother is celebrating the fact that I’m actually wearing a dress and heels, instead of walking down the aisle in jeans and boots.”

  Ellora kissed Kristy on her tear-stained cheeks as she laughed at the ridiculous suggestion. The two women gazed at each other, both reminiscent of the two unforgettable people that weren’t there in this most important moment in Ellora’s life. Fighting back the tears that were desperate to fall, Ellora’s chin trembled.

  Adelle rushed to her friend’s side, blotting away the stray tears that found their way out, scolding her as tears of her own fell.

  “Donnae you dare shed another tear, Lor. It took me all morning to apply your face. Aye, you donnae want Behr to see you with smudged raccoon eyes, do ya?”

  The three emotional girls laughed as Adelle patted the bride’s cheeks with white linen cloths, careful not to smudge her makeup. Grady popped his head in, shielding his eyes with his hand, just in case.

  “Are ya decent n’ ‘ere, lass?” Ellora giggled at the man who’d been like a surrogate father to her.

  “All good. No naked girls running around in here… try next door.” Grady hesitantly removed his hand, smirking as he shook his head.

  “Oh, Ellora, you’re the picture of grace and elegance. Aye, you look just as your mother did. It’s incredible.” The awestruck old man shuffled over in his fancy new, yet extremely uncomfortable, shoes. “It’s time, Ellora. Behr is on the verge of coming back ‘ere himself to retrieve ya’.”

  Ellora beamed at the thought of Behr anxiously waiting for her. All the sorrow she’d felt moments ago melted away. An overwhelming need grew deep inside of her as if Ellora could feel his soul pulling her to him. She wanted nothing more in this world than the weight of her husband’s arms wrapped tightly around her.

  “I’m ready.”

  Grady grasped hold of Ellora’s hand, tucking it in the crook of his elbow. Lifting his head up high, he announced, “It’s my honor to walk you down the aisle in your father’s stead.”

  The kind old friend of her father placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. The double doors opened into the grand cathedral, and Gavin and Adelle walked down first hand in hand. The pair had officially come out as a couple and had been inseparable ever since. It was about damn time. Everyone in Skye knew that they were meant to be together. They’d finally caught up and took the leap.

  Ellora tried to look past them, needing to see Behr, but she was too short. Frustration grew inside of her with their agonizingly slow pace down the aisle. Time seemed to stand still as her eyes searched for her love.

  “Don’t rush it, Ellora. Take it all in and enjoy every second of it, for moments like these only come once in a lifetime.”

  Ellora’s heart raced as she realized the truth in his words. The March of the Bride ballad sounded, signaling her turn to walk down the aisle toward her destiny. Tears collected in the corner of her eyes once Behr stepped forward and locked his gaze on hers. The unconditional love and adoration he felt for his beloved Ellora couldn’t be contained. Everybody in attendance could feel their connection pulling each other closer. The presence of true love was overwhelming and poured out in waves of emotion throughout the cathedral.

  Her chest heaved. She was short of breath, her slow march toward the only man she ever loved feeling like an unattainable dream that she would soon awake from. Ellora’s vision tunneled as she watched him watching her in this surreal fairytale every girl dreamed of. Behr fought with his rebelling body, his eyes glistening with tears of pure joy. His legs moved against his will down the altar steps, wanting to meet his bride and unable to wait any longer.

  Gavin stopped his descent, whispering low in his ear, “Let her come to you, lad. This is her moment of grace. Let her complete her path.” Behr ran his hands through his neatly styled hair and brought them to rest over his mouth, refraining himself from calling out her name. He desperately wanted to run to her, gather her up in his arms, and never let go.

  She was about to be his wife. His forever. His everything. And he found it nearly impossible to wait for her approach.

  Ellora pinned him with her emerald eyes, mouthing, ‘I love you.’ Behr fought to swallow, the overwhelming feelings that’d built up inside of him choking him up. In this moment, his heart ached at the sight of his bride walking toward him. Cocking his head to the side, he mouthed, “I love you, little wife,” in reply.

  At long last, she made it to the front of the cathedral. Grady walked her to the front row, where two chairs were reserved in honor of her parents. Two black and white framed portraits sat grandly on the padded seats, looking on at their daughter’s special day.

  “I love you, Mom. I love you, Daddy.” Ellora plucked two white roses from her bouquet and laid them on each seat. Turning, she addressed Behr’s parents sitting besid
e the memory of her parents, kissed them both on the cheek, and winked.

  The preacher’s voice rose, echoing all around them. “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

  Grady stepped forward with pride. “I, Grady McAndrews, give Ellora Belle Sutherland away on behalf of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Michael Sutherland.”

  Ellora’s eyes fell the moment Grady placed her tiny hand inside of Behr’s. A jolt of electricity jump-started her heart. The emotionally charged connection they’d always shared sparked to life as their hands were joined. Behr laced his fingers through hers, binding them together, running his thumb in circles on the back of her palm. Lifting their joined hands, he placed a kiss on her knuckles and laid them to rest over his heart.

  The whole world fell away as they gazed at one another, with only the faint murmurs of the priest heard in their bubble, reciting ceremonious words of the old world passages, binding their union.

  “Do you solemnly swear to love, honor, and cherish Ellora in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, for all the days of your life, until death do you part?

  Behr drew both of her hands up to his lips, piercing her with his ice blue eyes. Stepping closer, Behr spoke as if only the two were in the room. “Even after death, I will cherish you, love. I do.”

  Ellora’s heart constricted inside her chest. She could feel the powerful words he’d spoken binding them together even before the priest made it so. Her heart was now dependent on Behr’s love to keep it beating. They were now one heart and one soul.

  “…And do you, Ellora Belle Sutherland, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, in good times and bad, in sickness and health, all the days of your life, until death do you part?”

  “Yes. A thousand times yes. I do, now and always.” Ellora choked on the words as fresh tears collected in the corner of her eyes.

  “I now pronounce you Husband and Wife…”

  Before the priest could give his blessing, Behr pulled Ellora into him, bent low, cradled her flawless face in his large hands, and melted into her waiting lips. This kiss, their first kiss as husband and wife, was the one he’d been dying to give since that very first night she’d stumbled into Grady’s Pub. His eager lips explored her mouth as if tasting them for the very first time. The deep soulful kiss Behr gave stole her breath away.

  The gang whooped and hollered as the priest laughed, granting his late blessing, “You may now kiss the bride.”

  Ellora leaped into his strong, steadfast hold and crushed her lips to his in playful eagerness.

  “I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Behr Mathew Buchanan.” Lifting his wife off her feet, Behr twirled her around.

  “You’re my wife… mine, forever,” he whispered in awe, nuzzling against her neck.

  Unwilling to wait any longer, Ellora placed a soft kiss on his earlobe, murmuring, “Take me home, Behr. I want my husband all to myself. Right now.”

  Behr’s hoarse voice cracked as he told her, “Oh, my dear sweet Ellora… I want nothing more than to be alone with my wife.” His arms tightened around her. Lifting his bride, he cradled her body as he marched down the aisle. “Have fun at the reception, lads. It’s time for me to take my wife to our honeymoon and end her suffering. She’s worn a dress for far too long. Best if I get her out of it straight away.” Ellora giggled against his chest, slapping him for good measure.

  Gavin waggled his eyebrows and rooted for his friend. “Go get ‘er, Grizzly. Donnae worry about us, lad… We’ll have plenty o’ fun in your honor, eating up all your food and drinking up all your booze in your absence.” Adelle nudged him with her hip but didn’t disagree. That was all the permission Patrick needed. Hustling out of the church, he made a bee-line for Grady’s Pub for the reception. Minus the bride and groom.

  Behr opened up the back door to the town car and helped gather Ellora’s unending fabric from her dress before he climbed in after her. The back was spacious and luxuriously upholstered. Behr murmured to the driver where to go then pressed the button to lift the partition for privacy. Finally, after a year of waiting, tonight was finally the night. Ellora would give herself to Behr. His weight sunk into the cushioned seat as he sat back.

  The newlywed couple was finally met with silence, the only sound remaining the rustle of Ellora’s gown and the hum of the road as the car’s tires sped toward their destination. Reaching out, Behr grabbed hold of his wife’s waist and moved her over onto his lap. Ellora settled into him, her gown billowing out all around them like a mushroom cloud. Running her hands up his massive chest, she trailed soft kisses up the side of his neck.

  Behr tightened his grip on her hips, drawing her in closer to his body, and tilted his head, enjoying the soft touch of her lips. Ellora felt in control in this moment—powerful, as her husband melted into her touch. He was putty in her delicate hands as they roamed up his chest, over his broad shoulders, and tangled into his hair.

  They didn’t feel the need to fill the silence with mindless talk or spend the trip inside the car professing their undying love to one another. They already knew how the other felt, and the quiet, intimate moment was more than just romantic. Their solitude was long overdue.

  By the time her kisses reached his lips, Behr was groaning against her mouth, waiting for her. Ellora pulled back teasingly, enjoying his growing need for her and abusing the power. Growling back in warning, her brutish man held her head in place with his hands and bit her bottom lip in playful warning.

  Ellora’s surprised gasp halted his assault, and he sucked the pouty lip into his mouth instead. His tongue swirled over the bite he’d given and dove into her awaiting mouth. Their tongues crashed together, and Ellora tilted her head for a better angle, desperate for him to go deeper still. Breathy moans escaped her as Behr pressed her hips down onto his lap. Butterflies fluttered nervously in the pit of her stomach.

  This was usually the moment when someone would burst in and interrupt them. That’s when she realized that wouldn’t happen, not tonight. This time, they wouldn’t be stopped. Ellora found herself growing anxious, waiting for the moment when she’d finally give herself over to her destiny. The wait was worth it. He was worth it.

  The town car pulled up to the pier, and the driver opened up the door to let the couple out. The moment Ellora stepped out, Behr lifted her up into his strong arms, cradling her tightly against his body. He strolled down the port and onto the dock as if she weighed nothing at all.

  She marveled at the massive ship that Behr and his father had finished just in time for their honeymoon on the water. The vessel had turned out breathtakingly beautiful. Climbing up the steep ramp, Ellora smiled as the new name came into view.

  Raven’s Beauty.

  Behr had told her at the christening that he’d named the ship after the nickname he’d given her… His raven-haired beauty.

  Stepping up onto the newly polished floors, Behr set her firmly on the ground. Her heart skipped a beat as she took in the scene around her. Ellora kicked her heels off and took in the finished product. The entirety of the cabin, deck, second-floor loft, railings, and upper deck were covered in twinkling white lights. A small round table blanketed with white linen, jarred candles, and white roses were positioned at the stern of the boat. Soft music filtered through speakers positioned at the bow, and the large boat deck was perfect for dancing. Ellora’s face lit up at the splendor he’d created for her.

  Behr readied the ship to cast off. Entering the bridge in the control room, he set their course. Heading north along the Isle coast, she watched as Portree Harbor’s lights faded into the distance. Behr cut the engine and dropped anchor. Her smile widened as she stared at the mystical waterfall that crashed down into the sea in front of her. This was the very same spot he’d taken her on their first date. Even though it seemed closer, they were a nautical mile out.

  “There will nae be a soul out ‘ere at this time of night. We’ve got our spot all to ourselves, love.”

  She reminisced for a
moment on their first date at this very same spot, eating a packed lunch on Behr’s ferry. A heated blush stained her porcelain skin at the mention of being out in the middle of nowhere, with not a soul in sight, and drifting on a luxury boat with a waterfall as the backdrop. This had to be the most romantic setting for their honeymoon, hands down. She would’ve never thought of this in a million years if she had been in charge of the arrangements.

  It may not have been the most lavished, expensive, or exotic honeymoon spot by other brides’ standards, but this low-key spot, with its breathtaking front row views and emotionally romantic significance, was more than perfect to her. Behr had thought of everything.

  Exiting the control-room, Behr marveled at the sight of his wife leaning against the grab rail. A look of awe glistened in her eyes as she stared up at the clear, star-lit sky. The roar of the waterfall’s powerful current kicked the sea breeze back in their direction, as mist from the falls carried out to them on the breeze and caught in Ellora’s pitch black hair. The droplets shimmered by the light of the moon that shone bright overhead, creating an iridescent glow.

  Stalking up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist, nuzzling into her neck. “Mrs. Buchanan,” he murmured into her ear, “you look good enough to eat.” Capturing her soft lobe with his teeth, Behr’s deep baritone vibrated against her throat.

  “Oh, Behr, it’s so beautiful out here.”

  The tide rippled against Raven’s Beauty in a soothing rhythm as the ocean breeze fanned her face. A tranquil melody poured out of the speakers, and Ellora leaned back into Behr’s hold as he hummed into her ear.

  “I hope it’s everything you’ve ever dreamed of, love.”

  Turning into his hold, Ellora weaved her arms around his neck. “It’s more.”

  The boat bobbed up and down with the waves as if dancing to the music that echoed around them. The masculine scent of Behr’s cologne beckoned her closer. Brushing her lips up the inside of his neck, she was encouraged with his deep throaty moan and traveled down along his jawline.


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