The Countess and the Rake: A Super Hot Historical Romance

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The Countess and the Rake: A Super Hot Historical Romance Page 1

by Georgette Brown



  & THE




  Table of Contents

  Free Book Offer

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Titles from Georgette Brown



  You won’t believe what this rakish nobleman proposes for a wager!

  Get your FREE copy of An Indecent Wager



  Chapter One

  “WHO IS SHE?” marveled Phineas Barclay, adjusting the silken mask he wore to better view the masked woman overlooking a couple in the throes of pleasure. He wished Penelope, the proprietress of Madame Botreaux’s Ballroom of Pleasures, would add more lighting to the dim underground assembly hall where men and women gathered to indulge their prurient appetites. While he understood the darkness helped to conceal the identity of the patrons, it hindered one’s ability to fully admire the form of one’s partner—or partners.

  “Lady Athena,” supplied Lance Duport. A longtime patron and friend of Penelope Botreaux, Lance had ceased to wear a mask many years ago. He eyed Phineas through a quizzing glass. “My dear fellow, that is a bang-up cravat. Do you think your valet could teach mine?”

  Phineas smiled. “You have changed little in the years, Duport.”

  “As have you,” Lance responded.

  Phineas leaned over the rail of the balcony to observe the patrons who had gathered on the ballroom floor below to indulge in an evening of debauchery. Though she did not possess the sloping shoulders or slender arms admired by most, she was nonetheless a captivating figure—and for reasons beyond her strange costuming. Black leather boots, of the kind worn by men in the military but for the curvaceous Louis heels, encased her legs well past her knees. Her thin chemise fell over swelling hips, and Phineas believed that if a candle were held to it, the material would prove sheer enough to reveal her full and supple thighs. Her corset, an unusual black damask with gold floral embroidery, was loosely laced in the front, revealing the paleness of her breasts, two swollen mounds with nipples peering over the edge of the chemise. Phineas felt a tug at his crotch as he drank in the scintillating curves of her body.

  “How droll it is to have you back from your exile, Lord Barclay,” commented Penelope, whose rounded figure gave evidence of her affinity for one too many glasses of port.

  “Barclay is sufficient,” Phineas replied, feeling his jaw tighten as he recalled the five years he had spent on the continent. Devil take it, he had never thought he would miss Yorkshire pudding, but he had. “My brother is his lordship.”

  “Not with your return. The barony was granted to him only because you were thought dead.”

  “When you first walked in,” Lance added, “I thought I looked upon a bloody ghost.”

  “Indeed, as you are most certainly not dead, whose body, then, is interred at the Barclay crypt bearing your name?”

  “I haven’t the foggiest,” Phineas replied. “I went into hiding after two attempts were made on my life. I had no notion that the Comte Le Sur had proclaimed me dead—with feigned proof.”

  “Which of his daughters had you seduced?” Lance asked.


  Penelope waved a dismissive hand. “It matters not. It is more than wonderful to have you alive and returned. I have not had much in the way of an Adonis to feast my eyes upon—not since Vale. Alas, he has not graced our company for nigh on two years.” She sighed wistfully. “He used to stand right where you are.”

  “The Marquess of Dunnesford?” Phineas inquired, turning around to face Penelope. “What induced him to take his leave?”

  “He fell in love,” Lance answered with a sigh to match Penelope’s.

  “Dunnesford? In love?” Phineas repeated, incredulous.

  Penelope and Lance both nodded. “With his wife.”

  “The deuce.” Phineas shook his head, wondering what other surprises lay in store with his return to England. He turned his attention back to Lady Athena, who carried a crop as if she were the headmaster of a school for truculent boys.

  “Does this Lady Athena do naught but watch?” he asked Penelope.

  Penelope aimed her quizzing glass at the woman in question, then brought it back towards Phineas, her preferred subject.

  “She is my assistant,” she replied. “I have delegated most of my duties to her, but she is not the sort to intrigue your attentions.”

  “All manner of women intrigue me,” Phineas responded with a rakish grin.

  “You are incorrigible,” Lance commented with a shake of his head. “Was it not your entanglement with a married woman that forced you from England in the first place?”

  Phineas remained quiet. He had no desire to revisit the past. Nor did he know or trust Duport well enough to divulge the entire truth of the affair.

  “What does it matter?” Penelope admonished. “From what I heard the duel was more than fair. That Jonathan Weston was killed...”

  Phineas turned around to see Penelope clearly wishing she could have swallowed her words. He crossed his arms over his chest. “Who is this Lady Athena?”

  She shook her head quickly. “I do not name the identity of my patrons, and Lady Athena has never indicated a desire to reveal herself.”

  Lance added, “She is one that even you, my friend, will find difficult to conquer.”

  Phineas raised his brows. “My reputation as a lover must have diminished greatly in my absence.”

  “Your skills in that vein are of no use with her. She rarely chooses a partner for herself, though there will be a Presenting for new members shortly. In the twelvemonth she has been here, she has selected a man for herself no more than thrice, and allows no one to bring her to climax.”

  “Odds fish.” Phineas had never heard of such a thing. What was the purpose of coming to Madame Botreaux’s if one could not attain that sublime euphoria? This Lady Athena was the most peculiar woman. He looked over the balcony to see Lady Athena circling the couple. Was it the boots that lent her stalking such an erotic quality?

  “I can see your thoughts, Lord Barclay,” Penelope said with a small grin. “I will lay you a wager that what you contemplate cannot be done.”

  Phineas unloosened his cravat with slow deliberation.

  “Alas, a work of art gone in a moment,” Lance murmured, but his dismay was easily replaced with a new interest as Phineas began to untie his shirt.

  Both Penelope and Lance nearly drooled as the shirt was pulled overhead to reveal a chiseled chest.

  “My—my word,” Lance stammered. “Have you taken up pugilism?”

  “I have. I also spent a good deal of my time on the Continent in Italy, perfecting the art of the sword. Your stakes, madam?” Phineas asked.

  “You,” Penelope pronounced. “I wish you to be mine for a night.”

  “And if I can seduce the Lady Athena, what is my prize?”

  Penelope smiled, envisioning her win already. “Name your price.”

  “Her name,” Phineas answered. “
I want to know who she really is.”

  Penelope glanced down in consideration, but after a brief hesitation, she lifted her chin. “I have witnessed Lady Athena for a year now. As delectable as you are, Barclay, she will not change her ways.”

  “You wound my pride, madam,” Phineas replied, covering his heart in mock pain.

  “If she selects you, you will have such time until she casts you aside.” Penelope sidled up to him and tapped his chest with her quizzing glass. “At which time, you shall be mine, dear Barclay.”

  He captured her hand and brought it to his lips. “I adore a wager that knows no loss for me.”

  Penelope trembled at his touch and had to take a step away from him to breathe.

  Phineas bowed.

  He turned his attention back to Lady Athena. No woman had yet proven impervious to his charms. His conquests reflected all manner of women from a shy rector’s daughter to a frosty matron who disapproved at first of his attentions upon her daughter, then became increasingly envious of her own progeny. Lady Athena possessed the one quality he needed: she was a woman.

  Invigorated by the impending challenge, he descended the balcony and prepared himself for the Presenting.

  GERTRUDE “GERTIE” FARRINGTON appraised the men and women in the Presenting, a ritual in which new guests and those wishing for a new lover presented themselves for selection. She felt formidable in her new garments. Of particular pride were the boots she had designed herself. The mask she wore was cut from the same fabric as her corset. When first she had donned the name and character of Lady Athena a year ago, she had favored a gold mask. Now black was her preferred color.

  Her favorite crop, a symbol of her authority, rested atop her shoulder at a smart angle as she strode down the line with the air of a general inspecting his troops. Senior patrons selected first, but many of them deferred their position to Lady Athena. Out of pity or respect, Gertie knew not. Nor did she care.

  She eyed a slender young man of fine form. He had thick lips, and she imagined what it would be like to kiss him. But it had been some time since she had last chosen a patron for herself. She wondered that she would know what to do.

  And then her gaze met a pair of intense eyes behind a silver mask. In the dim lighting, she could not discern the color of the eyes, which seemed to capture what little light existed and reflected it back twofold. They stared at her with unnerving intensity. Feeling as if she might drown in their pools, she pulled her gaze wider and contemplated the whole of the physiognomy. Though his mask covered half his face, the shadows suggested a striking appearance.

  The body, too, was beautiful. He stood a head taller than she, and had a pleasing proportion, neither wide and brawny nor long and lanky. She imagined running her hands over the ridges of his chest and caressing his strapping thighs. His muscles, sleek but not burly, exposed an aristocratic background full of sport. His calves were well defined, as was the bulge in his breeches.

  Conscious that he was still staring at her with unabashed impudence, she raised her brows at him. She had never seen him before, though she could not be certain as most of the patrons hid their identity behind masks. He did not seem to understand the position of authority she held here or he would have assumed a more deferential air.

  Strange, but he seemed to read her thoughts in the way that he looked at her. For the first time since becoming a regular at Madam Botreaux’s, she felt herself faltering. Her heart seemed to palpitate unevenly. Walking past him, she spotted a more callow fellow who puffed his chest forward in a display of undue confidence. Just as she was about to pass on selecting anyone for the evening, she heard a voice behind her. His voice felt like velvet, if such a thing were possible, its resonation low and comforting.

  “Afraid, my lady?”

  Gertie could feel the blood pounding a warning in her ears. She turned slowly towards the man with the bright eyes. “It is customary that those in the Presenting line not speak lest spoken to.”

  “Am I to be punished for it?”

  His response startled and puzzled her.

  “It would seem you are new here,” she replied, trying not to appear nettled. “As such, your transgression may be forgiven.”

  “Are you afraid to administer the punishment?”

  She stared at him in disbelief. Had he twice called her afraid? Rising to his challenge, she responded, “Consider yourself spared.”

  “That fails to answer my query.”

  She sucked in her breath, then enunciated the difference. “Not afraid. I am disinclined.”

  The corner of his mouth curled. “Ah. Of course.”

  Of course? What the devil did he mean by that? Did he presume to know her better than herself? Realizing her vexation growing, she took a deep breath and eyed him more keenly. Who was this stranger and why these attempts to insult her?

  “Is it punishment you be wanting?” she asked him imperially.

  At last he displayed deference by bowing his head. He said in a low baritone, “If you would give it, my lady.”

  She shivered for it felt as if his words had caressed her skin. No man in recent memory had provoked her with such efficacy. She straightened in triumph, but he dashed the cup of victory as quickly from her lips.

  “And if you dare,” he added. When he looked up, there was a glimmer in his eyes.

  If she selected him, then his stratagem prevailed. If she did not, she risked validating his accusations. The great Lady Athena feared no one—even if this man, with his uncanny ability to unsettle her, possessed an air of danger.

  Her pride carried the day.

  She put the tip of her crop upon his pectoral. He did not flinch.

  “You will rue your words,” she informed him. “Towards that end, I would be much inclined.”

  He bowed his head in acknowledgement. “I am yours, my lady. At your disposal and your command.”

  The words rang with heady promise, but she tried to ignore their echoes. She stalked towards one of the many arched alcoves that lined the main assembly hall. The stranger followed behind her.

  Located at the far end of the ballroom, her alcove looked upon the length of the assembly hall. On the opposite end wound the large staircase that led to the balcony of Madame Botreaux. She had once been invited to join Penelope on the balcony but had declined. She preferred proximity to the patrons, which allowed her to catch every gasp, every furrow of the brown, every moan of pleasure—all experiences that she might never know for herself.

  The furnishing in the alcove consisted of a table, chair and wide chaise. The dim lighting came from a lone candelabra. Gertie indicated the stranger should stand in the center. To her relief, he did as she directed without word. She took a deep breath and began to circle him. She knew not what to make of him. He had successfully provoked her into selecting him, inviting her to punish him of all things. Perhaps she would. His behavior certainly merited a set-down.

  “What brings you here?” she asked at last.

  “I presume the same raison d'être that brings you here,” he replied without wavering his gaze. “Lady Athena.”

  The smoothness of his voice made her shiver, but the tone irked her. She sensed a veiled taunt.

  “Who are you?”

  “I would trade my identity only for yours,” he answered.

  “Then I shall call you Hephaestus whilst you are mine,” she pronounced with a deliberate smirk for Hephaestus was a lame and therefore grotesque god in Greek mythology, but he only smiled as if he shared in her mirth.

  Walking behind him, she eyed the curve of his rump—round, hard and smooth beneath his tight breeches.

  “Is my lady pleased by what meets her eye?”

  The devil...Gertie stared at him in disbelief. Who was this man and how did he seem to know her thoughts?

  “You are forward,” she informed him.

  “I prefer it to pretenses.”

  Did he mean to accuse her again? She began to relish the opportunity to lord over him
. For the night only. She had never committed herself to any man for considerable length of time—save for the one that she was bound to by law and vow—her husband, the Earl of Lowry. The reason for her patronage at Madame Botreaux’s. The stranger before her had presumed that they possessed some shared interest in coming to the Ballroom, but he knew nothing of her situation.

  “Modesty and manners are not the same as pretenses,” she said.

  “And what purpose do your modesty and manners serve? I find them rather strangely placed in an establishment such as this.”

  Once more she was taken aback by his audacity.

  “By the quality of your speech, one might presume you to have been born into breeding,” she said, “but you display a great lack of it, sir.”

  “Hephaestus,” he reminded her.

  She felt the color rise in her cheeks.

  “I freely own that my governess had more than one occasion to reprimand me,” he said. “I give you leave to do the same if you are so inclined and if your modesty and manners would allow it.”

  “I am inclined!” she snapped before she could think of aught else to say.

  “Then shall we commence? What manner of punishment would you like to administer?”

  She was at a loss. She had never punished anyone before, but Lady Athena would have no qualms. She would make Hephaestus rue his impudence.

  “The headmaster at my school for boys would—” he began.

  “Yes, I think that a fitting place to start.”

  Her response surprised him for a change.

  “Brace yourself against my writing table,” she directed.

  As he did so, she felt herself growing warm, an uncommon occurrence. In her time at Madame Botreaux’s, she had observed many an arse, perhaps few as beguiling as his or accented so well by such tight fitting breeches, but certainly enough agreeable ones. Why did this one call to her, tugging at some primal urge embedded deep within her body?

  “Let fall your breeches,” she commanded. A tremble went through her.

  He did as instructed without the least bit of timidity.


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