Colorado Cowboy

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Colorado Cowboy Page 12

by C. C. Coburn

  Megan shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t know we were supposed to be visiting you today. Otherwise, I would’ve made sure Luke included me rather than let me sleep in.”

  Beth laughed. “I doubt you’d call it visiting. Our house isn’t built yet. All the boys come over on weekends and work on it. We don’t have a phone, and cell coverage isn’t great over there, or one of us would’ve called you.” She grinned. “You should see the guys. They’re all so busy trying to show us women how macho they are. Anyway, when I asked Luke where you were, he suggested I come by. Hop in and I’ll drive you.”

  Megan climbed into the truck, then got down again.

  “Where are you going?” Beth called as she ran to the front door.

  “To lock up.” She stopped and bit her lip. She didn’t even have a key to the house. Some wife!

  “Don’t worry about it,” Beth said. “Luke never locks up.”

  Megan climbed back in. “I guess there are a lot of things I need to learn about living in the country,” she said.

  Beth reversed the truck and headed toward the gates. “You’ll learn quickly enough. I came from L.A.—lived there all my life. I’ve been here less than two years and yet I feel so much a part of the place that L.A. seems like a distant memory.”

  “Did you meet Matt in L.A.?” Megan asked.

  Beth turned out of the gate and gunned the truck down the gravel road. “No. I was pregnant with Sarah when I moved here. I met Matt the night I had her.”

  “You’re kidding!” Megan faced her. “You mean to tell me he isn’t Sarah’s natural father? That’s hard to believe.”

  Beth concentrated on the road as she took a left turn and entered another valley. “I know. But I was actually widowed. I crashed my car into a snowbank on the way to the hospital. Matt rescued me, drove like a maniac to the hospital and stayed with me while Sarah was born.”

  “That’s so romantic!”

  Beth smiled at her. “Matt doesn’t remember it quite that way!”

  For the rest of the trip Beth told Megan about how she and Matt had ended up getting married. Megan was enchanted with her story. She could tell from the first moment how much Matt adored his beautiful wife and their daughter. Oh, to have a love like that, Megan thought, not for the first time.

  “Give him a chance, will you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Beth looked across at her, eyes full of compassion. “I know it’s not going so well between you two. In spite of that hot kiss on the back porch last night.”

  Megan slumped in her seat. “Does everyone know that was just for show?”

  Beth patted her thigh. “Relax. In spite of Sasha’s little routine, everybody—except Matt and me—assumes that things are fine between you.”

  “In that case, the others will start picking up clues pretty soon, too.” Why had she thought they could make this marriage work?

  For Cody, she reminded herself.

  Beth turned in at another gate, and as they made their way along the drive, Megan could see the frame of a substantial log home coming into view. Children were running through the fields chasing one another while the men worked. Becky was setting up lunch on long tables in the sun. “Oh, it’s lovely,” she breathed. “What a magnificent setting…and home!”

  Beth pulled up beside the other vehicles. “Thank you. Will owned this ranch land. He carved it into ten-acre ranchettes and sold it off to save some old buildings in town. I’ll have to take you down there to see what they’ve done. I’m sure you’ll find it interesting. Will and Jack have really performed a miracle restoring the old buildings.” She got out of the truck. “Matt decided to invest in one of the lots here.”

  Megan nodded approvingly. “Then he has exceptional taste in land—as well as wives.” She smiled across at Beth. “I can imagine how it’ll look, with lots of glass on this side to take in the views.” She nudged Beth excitedly. “Walk me through it, okay? Tell me where everything’s going to go. But who designed it?”

  “Matt…with a bit of help from me. I’m an architect.”

  Megan realized she knew so little about her in-laws. If nothing else, she intended to make it her mission over the next couple of days to learn as much as she could. Maybe then she’d feel more like part of the family. “Hey, there!”

  Megan turned to see Luke approaching with his arms outstretched. He threw them around her and pulled her into a hug.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said, placing his hands on either side of her face and kissing her thoroughly.

  Beth’s words swirled in Megan’s head. She and Matt knew it was just a performance. Well, she was going to make damn sure no one else did. Wanting to make up for rejecting his advances the previous night, she returned his kiss, her hands sliding up Luke’s muscled back to hold him close. Only his T-shirt separated them and she wished it wasn’t there. Wished her hands were gliding over his bare skin…

  “Mom, stop it,” Cody hissed from behind her, and Megan broke off the embrace.

  “Cut it out,” he muttered angrily. “You’re embarrassing me!”

  Feeling slightly unsteady on her feet, Megan held on to Luke as they both turned to face their son. Luke’s hand rested possessively on her waist and Megan was pleased to note that he was as breathless as she was.

  Luke found his voice first. “Cody. Your mom and I are newlyweds. No one else is embarrassed about this. Look around you.” He raised his arm to encompass everyone who’d politely returned to their business.

  “They were all staring before and I don’t like it.”

  “Then get over it,” Luke said harshly. His arm still around Megan, he led her toward the house.

  Megan was surprised by Luke’s tone. She halted and placed her hand on his chest. “It’s not necessary to speak to him like that. He has a right to express his opinion.”

  Luke glared down at her. “He only talks to me when he wants to criticize or tell me not to do something that might offend him. I’ve had a gutful of it. It’s about time he learned not to be such a spoiled mama’s boy.”

  Megan’s couldn’t believe she’d just heard that. “Spoiled mama’s boy? How dare you!” she said, and turned away so the others wouldn’t see her stormy expression.

  Luke caught her elbow and started walking with her down the driveway, away from everyone else. “Look,” he said, and she could hear the exasperation in his voice. “I’ve had nothing but grief from that kid since he got here. He’ll talk to my brothers, but whenever I try to talk to him, he clams up.”

  “Then maybe you’d be better off if I took my mama’s boy and we got out of your li—”

  Luke spun her around to face him. “Don’t you even think about it,” he said through clenched teeth. “You try to deny me access to my son like you have for the past fourteen years and I’ll pursue you through the courts and get sole custody of him.”

  Fear tightened Megan’s chest. “No!” she managed to gasp as tears spilled from her eyes. What hope would she have against Luke and his money? He could hire the best attorneys, who would immediately point to the fact that she was such a bad mother their son had almost ended up in juvenile detention.

  Luke released her arm and ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. I was letting off steam. Cody seems to be going out of his way to make my life hell and then rubbing it in by being nice to my brothers.”

  “And with your caveman tactics, who can blame him?”

  “Megan, I’m trying here, okay? I want to be his dad, but it’s damned hard when he keeps pushing me away.”

  “Just like Sasha keeps pushing me away,” Megan said. She saw the deep frown lines across his forehead and ached to reach up and smooth them away. She believed Luke genuinely wanted to be a dad to Cody, but he was going about it all wrong.

  Aware that they had an audience now that everyone was gathering around the tables for lunch, she stepped back, gesturing in her son’s direction. “Don’t try so hard, then. Let him come to
you. You don’t have to put up with him criticizing you, but don’t bite back. Turn it around and maybe ask him how he feels something should be done.” She smiled. “That’ll shock him, because the truth is, he’s in an environment that’s so foreign to him, he’s rebelling against it, by taking it out on you.”

  Luke caught her hand and brought it to his mouth, placing a gentle kiss on her palm. As warmth spread through her, she couldn’t help thinking, If only he meant that kiss, instead of playacting for the benefit of his family.

  “Okay,” he said hoarsely, as though the kiss had affected him as much as her. “Just promise never to threaten me with leaving.”

  Megan studied him for a moment. She’d never seen Luke so vulnerable, never considered it possible that he’d fear her walking out.

  She squeezed his hand in reassurance. “Don’t call him a mama’s boy, okay?”

  Luke nodded. “I know. That was unfair.” She could see in his eyes the love he had for their son. “It can’t have been easy for you, being both mother and father to him, and it can’t have been easy for him, either, and I’m sorry about that. But I think you’ve tended to indulge him rather than take a firmer stand.”

  She felt her anger flare, but before she could vent her feelings over that comment, Luke took her in his arms so it looked as though they were sharing lovers words rather than angry ones. “Let’s not get into this now,” he said, “but we need to talk when we get home, okay?”

  Realizing that arguing would get them nowhere—other than into a potential full-scale argument in front of a dozen curious onlookers—Megan nodded and smiled, the kind of smile a woman would give her husband if they’d shared a secret. Luke smiled back and kissed her on the lips, then turned to walk her back to the rest of the group.

  The children collected their lunches and went to sit on blankets spread beneath the trees on the other side of the house. The adults sat at the table Becky had set.

  “Where were you, Megan?” Will asked. “Luke thought you must still be sleeping and sent Beth to get you.”

  Megan flushed. “I…I don’t have a driver’s license. In fact, I haven’t driven a car for nearly fifteen years. I’m not sure I’d remember how.”

  Jack laughed heartily. “You’ll remember! Or put it this way, you’d better remember. Those little princesses need transport to dancing lessons, swimming lessons—”

  “Don’t forget Daisy’s tae kwon do,” Becky threw in.

  “And all those birthday parties and sleepovers they get invited to,” Matt said, rolling his eyes. “You’ll feel like you’re running a taxi service,” he warned.

  Megan fretted. What if it took her ages to be good enough to take her driving test? “I didn’t need a car in New York,” she explained, “so I let my license lapse.”

  “I’ll give you a lesson after lunch if you’d like,” Beth offered. “The roads around here are deserted. You’ll be fine.”

  The rest of the lunch passed pleasantly, and when the men went back to work, Beth walked Megan through the house, pointing out the various rooms and discussing decor.

  They returned to the living room, where Jack and Luke were creating a rock fireplace. “It’s absolutely enchanting,” she said. “I can’t wait to see it when it’s finished.”

  “Neither can I!” Beth said with a laugh. “We’re living in a tiny cabin up on Blue Spruce Drive, and although it was cozy at first, now that we’re accumulating furniture for this house, it’s getting a little too cozy!”

  Matt appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Beth in a bear hug, complete with bearlike noises. “What’s the matter, wife? Complaining about my need to nest?”

  Beth turned, slipping her arms around his neck, and Megan moved away to give them privacy. As she did, she was confronted by the sight of Luke, who’d removed his T-shirt. His back muscles, sheened with sweat, rippled as he lifted the slabs of stone and his biceps bulged with the effort.

  He didn’t seem to be aware of her but Megan couldn’t stop staring….

  This wasn’t good. She could no more control her body’s reaction to Luke than change the tides.

  Beth saved her from drooling by suggesting they take that driving lesson now.

  BETH WAS A PATIENT teacher, and by the time they drove back to the house two hours later, Megan felt her confidence returning.

  “You should apply to take your test this week,” Beth said as she climbed out of the vehicle. “I’ll get the sheriff to set it up with the DMV if you like.” She winked at Megan and they went to join the others. “If you’ll excuse me, I think my little darling is hungry,” Beth said as Matt met them, Sarah fussing in his arms.

  After arranging with Matt to do her test later in the week, she went in search of Cody. He was behind the house digging a trench, working alongside his father. As if sensing her presence, Luke looked up and smiled.

  “How’d it go?” he asked, jumping out of the trench.

  “Matt’s going to arrange for me to take my driving test. Beth says I’m ready and all I need to do is study the rules of the road. If all goes well, I should be driving the girls around in no time.”

  “That’s great,” he said, drawing her away. “Because we haven’t had a chance to talk about the Cattlemen’s Convention in Wyoming yet. I’ll be leaving in the morning.”

  Megan folded her arms. “Leaving me stuck in the middle of nowhere with no way of getting around? What if something happens to the children?”

  “Relax. One of the hands will be here to take care of you. He and Cody are switching places.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Cody’s coming to Wyoming with me. He’s looking forward to it.”

  Megan could feel her throat closing up with fear. “But he’s never been anywhere without me before!”

  Luke nodded. “In that case, isn’t it time he did?”

  “I…I need to think about this.”

  “What’s to think about? We’ll be back Saturday. It’ll be a terrific opportunity for my son and me to get to know each other without you around.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Ah, let me rephrase that—”

  “Don’t bother!” Megan stormed over to where Cody was in the ditch. “Cody, you won’t be going to Wyoming. I’ll be enrolling you in school first thing in the morning.”

  “But I wanna go, Mom. School’s dumb.”

  “School is not dumb, young man! You need to get your grades back up. You’re going to school in the morning, whether you like it or not.”

  Megan was so enraged that Luke had taken over without talking to her first, she was trembling. And as for telling Cody he didn’t have to go to school! Wasn’t this one of the reasons for moving to Colorado? To make sure he did attend school? She felt Luke’s hand on her shoulder and shrugged it off.

  “Megan, if you’d let me finish… I was going to give you the good news that Cody’s agreed to go to summer school to get his grades up. There’s only a week of school left here in Colorado before summer vacation. He won’t achieve anything much in a week, but he’d gain a wealth of experience from coming to the Cattlemen’s Convention with me.”

  Megan’s shoulders slumped. Luke was right, but she wasn’t happy with the way he’d gone about it without consulting her first. At least no one else had witnessed the humiliating exchange between them. The rest of the O’Malleys had made themselves scarce.

  She turned to face him. “If you’re sure it will be of more benefit to him than school and that he’ll really go to summer school, then I guess I can’t object. But I don’t like the sound of this arrangement of yours about the hand ‘taking care of’ the girls and me.”

  “Don’t worry. Ben’s been with our family for longer than I’ve been alive. He’ll keep an eye on the ranch and your safety. Mrs. Robertson, our housekeeper, will be in every morning. She’ll take the girls to school and pick them up, do any shopping, cook the evening meal and clean.”

  Megan felt completely redundant and couldn’t help her sa
rcastic retort. “And what am I supposed to do while Mrs. Robertson has all the fun? Play the lady of the manor?

  Luke looked shocked for a moment, then threw back his head and laughed. He hugged her to him and murmured, “You know, I think we’re gonna be all right.”

  Megan enjoyed being held in his arms.

  “It’ll help Cody and me bond, and I thought you could use the time to find out how to continue your studies. I’ll support you fully, whatever you decide.”

  Once again, Megan felt the protective cloak of Luke surrounding her, shielding her from all the concerns she’d had to face alone just a few days ago. She placed a hand on his arm and said, “You make sure you bring my son back to me in one piece, okay?”

  “No, I’ll bring our son back in one piece. And furthermore—” he dropped a kiss on the end of her nose “—I plan to bring him back as a man.”

  Chapter Nine

  Luke and Cody spent the evening packing for their trip. Megan hadn’t seen her son so animated in a very long time, probably not since she’d taken him to Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey years ago. They’d gone by bus and stayed at a nearby B and B. The weekend trip had cost her a week’s pay and put her behind with the rent, but had been worth every penny.

  “You’ll call to let me know you’re there safely, won’t you?” she implored.

  “Yes, Mom.”

  “And you’ll call me every night, too?”

  “Yes, Mom.” Cody’s voice held a touch of irritation as he continued packing.

  “And you’ll call if you don’t feel safe?”

  “Mom!” Cody looked up and sighed. As if sensing her fear, he came and placed his hands on her shoulders. The relief she felt at their warmth allowed her to release her pent-up breath. “You gotta let go, okay? I’ll be fine. You know Luke won’t let me out of his sight.”

  Megan was still trying to think of excuses to get Cody to change his mind about going. “I know this is a big adventure for you, honey. But I’m scared. We’ve never been apart this long before.”

  Luke chose that moment to enter Cody’s room and ask, “All set, son?”


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