Ritual Gangbang (a virgin secret society group sex paranormal erotica)

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Ritual Gangbang (a virgin secret society group sex paranormal erotica) Page 1

by Rose Black

  Ritual Gangbang

  By Rose Black

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Ritual Gangbang (a virgin secret society group sex paranormal erotica)

  Book Two: Ritual Sex Pact

  Book Three: Ritual Demon Breeding

  Book Four: Ritual Lactation

  About The Author

  My hand shook as I applied a coat of blood red lipstick. I stopped, took a deep breath.

  It's alright, Jess, I told myself. Even though that was ridiculous. Things were most certainly not alright.

  But I managed to get the lipstick on without smearing it all over my face, which was something. I met my own gaze in the mirror of the beautiful antique vanity, and I hardly recognized myself. I looked the same as I had yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that. Aside from the lipstick, of course. They'd requested that.

  But my blonde hair, my blue eyes, the sprinkling of light freckles across my cheeks. They were just the same as always, but somehow, I looked different.

  I studied my reflection, trying to commit it all to memory. Because after tonight, I really would be different. And there was no going back.

  I had to admit that I was scared. Terrified. But this would be worth it in the end. Right?

  There was a knock on the heavy wooden door, and then Eve popped her head in.

  "It's time." She said, her pale eyes sparkling. She was clearly excited.

  I nodded, and rose from the vanity. The towel that I'd had draped around me fell to the ground, and I stood naked in the beautiful, unfamiliar room. I tried to hide the shiver that went up my spine. I didn't want Eve to know just how scared I was.

  She picked up the thick blood red robe that was laid out on the bed and carried it to me, then draped it over my shoulders. The robe was even heavier than it looked.

  Eve fastened the tie around my neck and pulled the large hood up. I could barely see from under the heavy material, but when I moved to adjust it, she swatted my hand away.

  "There." she purred, taking a step back to examine me. Her lips curled into a wolfish smile. "Aren't you just the perfect picture of a virgin sacrifice? They're going to eat you right up."


  My week had started out the same as always, with no indications that by the end of it, I’d be offering up my virginity in a ritual gangbang.

  I woke up on Monday morning, exercised before breakfast, attempted to make myself look like I belonged at a high fashion magazine (which, as always, wasn’t exactly successful), and headed to work. Once there, I sat in my cubicle, wrote copy for the latest eyeshadows and the newest high heels, and drank too much coffee.

  When Nicholas James strolled into the office at ten thirty, with his assistant Eve trailing behind him, I stopped what I was doing to watch him.

  Nicholas was kind of my idol. He'd been named editor in chief of Haute magazine three years ago, when he was only twenty five years old. He managed to resuscitate the failing publication, turning it into the hottest fashion magazine in the country, possibly even the world, within six short months. And the magazine continued to become more important and influential with each issue.

  No one had ever been able to figure out exactly how he’d done it, but everyone agrees that it's one of the most major success stories in magazine history.

  And as if being a publishing legend wasn’t enough, Nicholas was also startlingly attractive. He was just as handsome as any of the world class male models that had graced the pages of Haute. Six feet tall with the lean, muscular body of a statue carved by an old master. Dark hair that was always perfectly styled, and vivid emerald green eyes.

  Every woman in the office was in love with Nicholas James, and I was certainly no exception. He was brilliant, gorgeous and wildly successful. How could I not be head over heels for him?

  But I knew that my crush was hopeless, and I'd never stand a chance with a guy like him. I was just an intern, after all. And far from the most attractive or stylish intern at the magazine, at that. I was sure he'd never noticed me, and probably never would.

  I shook my head, breaking myself out of my Nicholas James fixation, and went back to writing about handbags.


  Eve led me through a long hallway to the grand staircase of the old mansion. I could see from the top of the stairs that the great room below was lit with hundreds of glowing candles, and there were at least a dozen figures standing around.

  A raised platform was the centerpiece of the room, with one hooded figure standing on it. Behind him, there was a large, sturdy looking frame made of thick, dark wood. At each corner of the frame, there was a heavy chain with a black leather cuff attached.

  Oh my god, I thought to myself, as I realized their purpose. They were for me. I was going to be tied to that solid frame.

  My heart was pounding in my chest so loudly that I was sure Eve could hear it. Maybe even the people in the grand room at the foot of the stairs.

  I gulped, trying to fight the fear that was washing over me. But it was no use, I could feel the terror creeping through me, making my head spin.

  "I can't do this."

  "You don't have a choice." Eve hissed at me. I didn't even realize that I'd spoken the words out loud. "Do you even realize how tremendously lucky you are? There are people who would kill to be brought into the coven like this. After tonight, you'll be one of them. You're standing at the brink of more wealth and success than you could even imagine." Her voice was low, but surprisingly full of bitterness.

  And it suddenly dawned on me. Eve was jealous. Beautiful, confident, strong Eve wanted what I was about to receive. But she would never have it. For whatever reason, Nicholas had never invited her to the inner circle. She could be present, she could assist, but she'd never be a part of it, not really.

  And here I was, about to have it all.

  This realization gave me a new resolve. I could do this. I would do this. I squared my shoulders, stood up straight.

  And then it was time. The figure on the middle of the platform motioned to the top of the stairs, to me, and all of the hooded figures surrounding him turned their gazes to me.

  My heart was pounding again, but I was ready.

  "Go." Eve hissed.

  I started my descent, taking each step carefully, making sure not to trip over my long blood red robe as it trailed along the stairs. I could feel each and every pair of eyes in the room fixed on me as I forced myself to continue.

  When I reached the bottom of the grand staircase, I made my way to the platform. Robed figures shifted aside, making a path through the crowd for me.

  The hooded figure on the platform held a hand out, and helped me step up. He kept my hand in his once I was standing next to him.

  "My brothers and sisters," He began, his deep voice filling the grand parlor. "I present to you, our fair maiden. Tonight, we offer her, body and soul, to the Ancient One. Her purity will be exchanged for our continued wealth, success, power."

  I looked at the black robed figures from under the hood of my heavy cloak. Their faces were obscured by their own dark hoods, but I could tell that all of their gazes were fixed on the platform, fixed on me.

  "We will violate this virgin, taking nine orgasms from her for the Ancient One. And in return, we will be blessed with ninety days of the Ancient One’s glorious gifts." The leader continued, his hand tightening around my wrist.

  The fear began to creep over me again. A voice in my head was screaming that this was wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

  But I ignored it. I was
doing this. There was absolutely no turning back.

  "Brothers. Sisters. Let us begin." He said. "Ancient One, we do this in your name."

  "In your name!" The hooded figures replied, their collective voices strong, bouncing off of the stone walls. The flames of the candles flickered, casting golden shadows.

  The leader moved, stood in front of me. His hands went to the ties at my neck and unfastened them. With a flourish, he pulled the robe from me. I gasped as the robe fell to the floor and the chill of the room washed over my naked body.

  I fought the instinct to cover myself, forcing my hands to remain at my sides. Instead, I stood as straight as I could, ignoring the goosebumps that were springing up over me. I felt every pair of eyes in the room devour me, taking in each and every inch of my body.


  I was having lunch at my desk on Monday, writing about the latest platform sandals over a sandwich, when Nicholas’s assistant, Eve, popped her head into my cubicle.

  “Jessica, do you have a few moments?” She asked, cocking her head to one side.

  Eve was very striking. Her black hair was glossy and always pulled back in a perfect chignon. Her makeup was flawless, with inky black accentuating her cold, pale eyes. She was tall and thin, and her perfectly tailored black clothes always looked just as good on her as they did on any of the models on the pages of Haute.

  But even though each part of her was perfect, the end result was somehow a little bit unsettling. Sure, she was sleek, stylish and beautiful. But she was also cold, closed off and unapproachable.

  I couldn’t believe that she was in my cubicle. I didn’t even think she knew my name. We’d never had any interactions before, and I couldn’t imagine why she’d want to speak with me.

  My heart started beating quickly. Had I done something wrong? Was I about to be fired?

  “Um, sure Eve.” I set my sandwich down and closed the window on my computer. “What’s up?”

  She leaned against my desk, and the casual pose couldn’t have looked more unnatural on her. She ran a perfectly manicured fingernail across the surface. “Well, Nicholas needs someone for a special project this weekend. He’s given me the task of feeling out the interns, to see if I can’t find someone appropriate.”

  “Special project?” I asked. That was not what I expected. But if there was a special project, I wanted it. I was definitely ready to move on from writing copy. “I’d love to do it, whatever it is! I am so ready to take on more responsibility.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. This isn’t a project for Haute, strictly speaking. Although I can say that doing it will almost certainly lead to career advancement of some sort or another.”

  “Oh,” That was vague. But still, whatever this was, it would surely get me noticed by Nicholas, which could only be a good thing. “Well, what is it, then? I’m sure I’d still-”

  Eve held up a hand to interrupt me. “Why don’t we let me ask the questions here. Do you live alone?”

  “Um, I have a roommate. But she travels for work, so she’s barely ever home.” I said, and Eve nodded.

  “Do you have a boyfriend? Or girlfriend, maybe?”

  “What?” I asked, surprised by the personal questions. “It would be boyfriend, but no. I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  “Have you had them previously?” She asked.

  “Boyfriends? Yes, but I don’t see why you need to know that.”

  “Of course you don’t. Were any of them serious?” She continued, her face an unreadable mask.

  “Not really, no.” I shook my head.

  “Are you a virgin?” Eve asked, her pale, icy eyes studying me.

  “What?” I asked, incredulous. “That’s absolutely none of your business!”

  Her face remained smooth and passive. “Can I take that as a yes?” She asked, and gave a small, humorless smile when I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. She nodded to herself.

  “Look, I don’t know what this is all about, but-” I began, but Eve held up her perfectly manicured hand to interrupt me again.

  “Don’t worry yourself about the details just yet. I have the information I need from you. If Nicholas thinks that you’re the right one, you’ll learn more.” She said, and turned on her black patent leather stiletto heel.

  I watched her as she went, moving gracefully down the row of cubicles towards Nicholas’s office.

  What the fuck was that? I wondered to myself.


  “Ancient One,” the leader’s voice boomed. His arms were raised as he spoke. “To show that our sacrifice is prepared to give all of herself completely, to show that she is eager to please you, Your Greatness, this virgin’s first orgasm will be brought about by her own hand.”

  He turned to me, and I could tell that all eyes in the room were on me. Expectant.

  My heart began to pound with a new fear. I had no idea that this was part of the plan!

  If I was being totally honest, the idea of masturbating in a room by myself still made me a little bit uncomfortable. I hadn’t done it more than a handful of times, and I’d only brought myself to orgasm once.

  But masturbating here? In a room full of a dozen or more people? My head was spinning at the thought.

  A robed man placed a sturdy antique chair onto the platform, then slipped away.

  I stood, motionless. After an extended moment, the leader put his hands on my shoulders and guided me to the chair. I sat down under his guidance, moving mechanically. His hands went to my knees, and he pushed my legs apart before stepping aside.

  There I was, spread open for the entire room to see. My heart was pounding so loud that I was sure that everyone in the room could hear it.

  The leader began to chant, his voice low and droning. I tried to make out the words, but I realized that he was using a language I’d never heard before.

  Breathing heavily, I brought a hand to my lower abdomen. With a spinning head, I began to slowly massage myself, tracing light circles as I moved my fingers down.

  Other people began to chant, joining the leader. Their hypnotizing voices filled my ears, drowning out the sound of my own heartbeat.

  I moved my hand even lower, running a finger along my slit. I was surprised to find that I was already a little bit wet.

  My fingers became slick with my juices as I rubbed myself. I slowly spread my folds, and let out a sharp gasp when I grazed my own clitoris.

  My nipples began to go hard, springing to attention as a warmth began to spread through my body.

  The feeling of arousal was still so unfamiliar to me, but coupled with the audience, the feel of all those eyes on me while I was so utterly exposed, was completely overwhelming.

  I moved my fingers again, circling my clit, and a jolt of electricity shot through me.

  These first tentative touches left me more turned on than I’d ever been before. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wondered how that was possible. Before tonight, just the thought of touching myself in front of a room full of people would have left me mortified.

  Yet here I was, not only doing it but enjoying it in some strange way. Knowing that everyone here had their eyes on me, wanted to see me get myself off, was intoxicating.

  I dipped a finger inside of my tight, virgin hole, slicking it with my fluids. My wet finger moved back up to my clit, gliding smoothly.

  A moan escaped my lips as I felt my body grow warmer. I spread my legs wider as my hips began writhing against the wooden chair, pressing my crotch against my fingers.

  The atmosphere of the room mirrored how I felt. Excitement, arousal, anticipation all melted together in a heady mixture, and intensified more and more with every second, with every stroke of my fingers.

  A tingling sensation began to creep through me. It radiated out from where my fingers were on my clit. I tossed my head back, breathing heavily as my fingers moved with more urgency.

  I drove myself closer and closer to my second ever orgasm, the pressure building within my bod
y and aching for release. I felt like the room was holding its collective breath, eagerly awaiting my impending ecstasy.

  “Oh my god,” I panted in between heavy breaths, grinding my pussy against my hand. My toes were curling, bare feet pressing hard into the wooden platform. My free hand traveled to my breast, and I took my hard nipple between my fingers as my other hand urgently worked my clit.

  And then I went over the edge.

  A long, wordless cry escaped my lips as I was overwhelmed by a wave of pleasure more intense than I’d ever felt before. My fingers continued to glide against my slick pussy as my orgasm left me quivering.

  Once I’d ridden the waves to their end, my breath shallow and my body still spasming slightly from the aftershocks of my powerful release, I looked up.

  Every single eye in the room was on me, and the air was thick with carnal desire.


  "You wanted to see me, Mr. James?" I said, standing in the doorway of Nicholas's office. Eve had let me know that he’d requested my presence about an hour after our confusing and mildly uncomfortable chat in my cubicle.

  "Ah, Jessica," He said, looking up from a stack of papers on his desk, giving me a dazzling smile. "Please come in, have a seat, and shut the door behind you."

  I did as I was told, and Nicholas crossed the office to a bar by the window. He poured himself a glass of something clear, vodka or gin, I'd guess. He waved a glass at me, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

  "Oh, no thank you. I don't drink." I said, and he chuckled.

  "You don't drink? I love it!" He said, and took a long sip from his glass. He settled back at his desk, and studied me for a long moment. I felt beyond self conscious under his gaze.

  "So, Eve tells me that you might be the girl for my task."

  "Well, I'd certainly like to be. But she didn't really give me any details. What exactly are you looking for? What's the project?" I asked, still confused by my talk with Eve.

  "I was looking for a virgin, plain and simple." He said, completely nonchalant, with a shrug of his perfectly muscled shoulder. "But for it to be you, well, that adds a whole new, interesting dimension to things."


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