The Ghosts of Stanton Hall

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The Ghosts of Stanton Hall Page 4

by John Simpson

  “Great, that’ll work.”

  After watching television for a couple of hours, Ryan decided to turn in. He said good night to Scott and went to his room with the laptop. There was a chill in the air, and he lit a fire in the fireplace before changing into sweat pants and a long-sleeved T-shirt. He picked up his uncle’s journal and stretched out on the sofa.

  Skipping ahead in the journal to September 8, he found a longer entry.

  I’ve had a strange feeling all day that someone is watching me. I just can’t shake it. Wherever I go in the house, I sense eyes on me. It’s now 8 o’clock in the evening and I am going to bed early so that I can find some peace. My nerves seem to be on edge for some reason and I can’t imagine why!

  There was a second entry for the same day, with a time noted of 11:46.

  Rosemary was in town tonight and I was alone. I was awoken from a sound sleep by a man screaming. I jumped out of bed and ran out into the hallway to see where it had come from. I went down the staircase to the first floor and looked around but found nothing out of place. After checking all the doors, I decided it must have been a dream and I just needed to go back to sleep.

  As I walked up the staircase, I was pinched on the ass! At first, I thought it was an insect bite of some sort, but the more I think about it the more it felt like fingers pinching me. Am I losing my mind? I went back to bed and pulled the covers up tightly as if that would protect me somehow.

  Ryan smiled as he read his uncle’s account of an unseen hand pinching him on the ass before he read on….

  September 9, 2000

  When I went into the bathroom this morning, I looked at my ass in the mirror and found a black and blue mark! It was an ugly bruise that was just starting to show. I hadn’t imagined it! This reminded me of a story my father once told my mother about his being tickled as he was drying off from showering. Did I have a ghost? Was Stanton Hall haunted?

  Haunted? His uncle was either losing touch with reality or smoking pot! Who in the year 2000 believed in ghosts? Ridiculous, Ryan thought as he continued to read new entries that seemed to indicate normal life around the house. Various maintenance projects were recorded in the pages of the journal, but no more talk of ghosts through the rest of the year.

  Ryan closed the book and turned off the light by the bed. As he lay there in the dark, he thought about what it would be like if the house really were haunted. He wasn’t worried and turned over and went to sleep.

  SATURDAY evening arrived, and Mark knocked on the front door. Ryan answered it himself.

  “Hello! Good to see you; come in, please,” Ryan greeted him as Mark entered the house and took off his coat. Ryan hung it up and escorted his guest into the living room.

  “Would you like a drink?”

  “Yes, thank you. I’ll take a scotch on the rocks, if you have it.”

  “Of course I have it,” Ryan replied with a smile.

  “So how are you settling in?”

  “Very well, actually. In large part, no doubt, due to you. I can’t thank you enough for finding Scott. He’s marvelous in the kitchen and handy around the house as well. He’s everything that I was hoping for in a butler.” As Ryan handed Mark his drink, their fingers brushed.

  “Good, I’m relieved that you’ve found him to be everything that you wanted. How’s his cooking?”

  “Outstanding. The food is beyond what I had hoped for… as you’ll find out soon.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. Have you gotten used to living in this big old place yet?”

  “I’m comfortable but still finding my way around. Listen, did you know that there’s an old crematorium on the property?”

  “No, I didn’t. Where exactly?” Mark asked.

  “If you follow that old dirt road that goes back into the woods, you’ll come up on it. I had no idea what it was until I went in and found the furnace and some old coffins. I’m trying to decide whether to tear it down or just leave it.”

  “Well, should you decide to get rid of it, I’d be happy to locate a company to demolish it and haul away the debris.”

  “Thanks, I’ll take you up on that. Did my uncle ever mention anything strange going on here in the house?”

  “Strange? In what way?”

  “Oh, I don’t know; say something like his hearing or seeing things that might have upset him?”

  “No, I can’t recall any conversations of that nature,” Mark replied with a small laugh.

  “Okay, I was just wondering. I stumbled across his journal, and he mentioned a couple of things. I’m sure it’s nothing, but he seemed bothered.”

  “Excuse me, gentlemen; dinner is served,” Scott announced.

  “Shall we?” Ryan asked Mark.

  Dinner was outstanding, as Ryan had anticipated. Scott did not eat with them, as he thought it would be improper for Ryan’s first dinner with a guest. Ryan didn’t wish to argue about it, so he let it go.

  After dinner, they sat on the sofa with a couple more drinks and watched a movie. Mark’s company was pleasant and more than once, Ryan found himself looking at the attorney and wondering what he would be like in bed. Little did he know that Mark was looking him over with the same thing in mind.

  As the clock struck eleven, Mark stood up to leave. “It’s been a very enjoyable evening, which is rare for me. There isn’t much to do in these parts, and pleasant company is a rare commodity,” he said.

  “Thank you, it’s nice of you to say so. I, too, enjoyed spending the evening like this and hope it won’t be long before we’ll do it again,” Ryan replied with a smile.

  When Ryan had given Mark his coat, he put his arms around the other man and hugged him. When he started to let go, Mark held on, and they stood like that for a few more moments, hovering between awkwardness and delight.

  “Good night, and please drive safely,” Ryan said when they parted.

  “Thank you, I will. Can I call you later in the week?” Mark asked.

  “Of course. In fact, if you like, I’ll drive into town one day, and we can have lunch somewhere.”

  “That’s a terrific idea; I’d like that. Good night.”

  Ryan watched Mark walk to his car and waved goodbye as he drove off. He closed the door and leaned back against it with a sigh. How nice it would have been to take him by the hand and go upstairs.

  Chapter Four

  THE next morning, Ryan went down to breakfast and heard Scott in the kitchen. As he neared the door, he heard, “I know damn well I put that knife in the dishwasher!”

  “Good morning. Anything wrong?” Ryan asked, as he entered the kitchen.

  “Hi. Oh, nothing. I’m just losing it already,” Scott said with a loud laugh.

  “Why, what’s wrong?”

  “Last night after dinner, I cleaned up and put everything in the dishwasher so I could run it after breakfast. The kitchen was spotless as always, but when I came down a little while ago, I found this carving knife sitting on the counter when I know I put it in the dishwasher. And there’s a Mason jar sitting in the sink. You didn’t come down last night for something to eat and use the knife, did you?”

  “Nope, went upstairs and went to sleep. You were probably just tired and forgot to put it in the dishwasher; I wouldn’t worry about it. What’s for breakfast?”

  “What would you like?”

  “Well, on the weekends, I like to have eggs and bacon with toast, OJ, and coffee. Can do?”

  “Yep, can do. The paper is on the table if you’d like to take a seat. I’ll pour you some coffee and then get to cooking.”

  Ryan sat down at the table thinking about what Scott had said. Knives and jars that moved by themselves? No, it couldn’t be Uncle Benjamin’s ghosts; Scott was just tired and thought he had put the knife in the dishwasher. As for the jar, he’d just missed it.

  As Ryan was finishing breakfast, the phone rang, and Scott answered it. “Ryan, telephone for you, it’s Mark Salisbury.”

  “Thanks, Scott. I’ll get it i
n my office.”

  As Ryan picked up the phone, he wondered why Mark was calling so soon after last night. “Good morning, you make it home safe and sound?”

  “Yes, I did, thank you! I just wanted to call and thank you again for a marvelous dinner and very enjoyable company last night. How can I repay you?”

  “Repay me? You don’t have to repay me, you silly goose!” Ryan replied.

  Mark laughed. “I know, but I didn’t want to wait until the middle of the week to see you again. Could I take you out for dinner tonight? That is, if you have no plans?”

  Ryan thought quickly. “No, I have no plans. I just need to let Scott know that I won’t be here for dinner. Sure, I’d love to go. What time?”

  “I’ll pick you up at, say, six o’clock? Would that be all right?”

  “Yep, perfect. How should I dress?”

  “Casual, nothing fancy, but it isn’t a greasy spoon. We have a nice Italian restaurant just outside of town that I think you’ll like. I’ll see you at six then?”

  “Looking forward to it. Thanks for asking,” Ryan said, smiling as he hung up. Hmm, was this a date? Mark was even picking him up! Ryan went back to the kitchen and told Scott that he was going out for dinner. He said Scott could take the rest of the day off and got no argument.

  “Can I ask you something, Ryan?”

  “Sure, what is it?”

  “Are you and Mark a couple?”

  “A couple of what?”

  Scott smiled broadly. “A couple as in dating?”

  “I only met Mark three weeks ago! Even I don’t move that fast, and I’m not even sure he’s gay. What do you think? Is he gay?”

  Scott wrinkled his face in deep thought. “He has to be. He’s too handsome and dresses too well not to be gay. He positively sparkles when he looks at you, but the real telltale sign is that he’s single. If he was straight, some lady would have snatched him up by now, especially since he’s a lawyer!”

  Ryan laughed and headed to his office.

  MARK was on time, as Scott expected of a professional man. When he opened the door, he was blown away by the now very hot man who was calling on his employer. “Won’t you come in, sir?” Scott said. Scott loved the way Mark looked in clothes other than a grey business suit, and if he wasn’t mistaken, Mark was wearing designer clothes from New York’s newest and brightest young designers.

  “Hello, Ryan is expecting me.”

  “I’ll tell him that you’re here. May I also say that you look good tonight?”

  “You may… anytime you like,” Mark said with a laugh and a raised eyebrow.

  Scott pressed an intercom button to tell Ryan that his “date” had arrived. Ryan was down shortly thereafter.

  “Hi. Would you like a drink before we leave?” Ryan asked.

  “No, I’m fine, thank you. Shall we go?”

  “By all means. Scott, I’ll be back tonight,” Ryan said on the way out the door.

  As they walked to Mark’s car, Scott peeked out the window and smiled when he saw Mark open the car door for Ryan. A straight man does not open a door for another man, unless the other man is incapacitated. He’s gay, thought Scott with another smile and a little envy. That’s what I need—a good-looking man to take me out once in a while!

  The dinner was excellent; Italian food was one of Ryan’s favorites. Toward the end of the dinner, conversation became more hushed.

  “So tell me, are you gay by chance?” Ryan asked.

  “Wow, you don’t mess around, do you?” Mark replied with a warm smile.

  “Well, this feels kinda like a date rather than an attorney and client dinner. Am I right?”

  “Would that upset you? I mean, if this was a date?”

  “Not at all. In fact, I was hoping it was a date.”

  “I was very attracted to you the moment you walked into my office, but I didn’t allow myself to wonder if you were gay or not. When you asked me to find a gay butler, I let myself hope that you were gay.”

  “I guess I outted myself with that whole gay butler thing, didn’t I? Scott asked me if I was gay for the same reason.”

  “Well, you have to admit, it was an unusual request and one I wasn’t sure I could fill for you. I’m glad Scott is working out for you.”

  “So, you’re single and looking, I take it?” Ryan asked.

  “Well, I’m definitely single, but as for the looking part, there isn’t much to look at around these parts. Your arrival was like the proverbial breath of fresh air. You’ve turned all the ladies’ heads, as I’m sure you’re aware.”

  “Well, I’m not unhappy that I apparently turned your head. Would you like to come in for a drink when we get back to Stanton Hall?”

  “I’d love it,” Mark said, patting Ryan on the leg under the table.

  They arrived back at the house a little after ten o’clock, and Scott was still up. He smiled at Ryan and Mark as they came in. “Back already?” he asked.

  “Yep. Good dinner and now it’s time for a drink or two,” Ryan responded.

  “Can I get you something?” Scott asked.

  “That’s okay; I’ll fix them. You’re off the clock.”

  “In other words, get lost,” Scott said. He smiled and headed upstairs to his room.

  Ryan and Mark entered the living room, where a fire burned. After fixing drinks, Ryan sat down next to Mark on the sofa. Ryan flipped on the television and sat back, taking a sip of his drink.

  “May I kiss you?” Mark asked.

  “It’s about damn time you made your move!”

  Mark took off his jacket and tie and put his arm around Ryan. Gently, he pulled him into a long, deep kiss. Ryan responded to the kiss by making it even deeper as he ran his hand through Mark’s beautifully soft hair. A tiny moan escaped his throat, which encouraged Mark to be a little more aggressive.

  “Wow, you’re a damn good kisser—I like,” Ryan said with a smile and a glint in his eyes.

  “You’re a very handsome man, Ryan, and I confess I want more than just kisses. I know this may seem a little fast, but I’m a man who has just come out of the desert and I’m parched,” Mark said. “In Los Angeles, you probably had your pick of men anytime you wanted one, but someone like you doesn’t come along very often here in Audubon. Can you forgive me?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive. I want you as much as you want me.”

  They spent another ten minutes making out on the sofa, and then Ryan took Mark by the hand and led him up to the second floor. “Do you have to be at the office bright and early tomorrow?” he asked.

  “I have a very light day tomorrow, and I don’t really have to be in until noon,” Mark replied.


  As they reached the top of the stairs, they bumped into Scott, who was heading back down. The butler smiled and continued down the stairs without saying a word.

  When they got into Ryan’s bedroom, Ryan lit the fireplace and turned to kiss Mark again. As they stood before the bright, warm fire, their hands began to roam over each other, feeling, kneading, and rubbing until both were fully aroused. Mark began removing Ryan’s clothes as Ryan reciprocated.

  When they finally stood naked in each other’s arms, they luxuriated in the feel of bare skin on skin as they edged their way over to the bed. Mark pulled Ryan down onto the mattress as he nuzzled Ryan’s neck while rubbing his nipple. Ryan let out another moan. “God, that feels good. I was beginning to wonder if I’d ever have sex again living here in the middle of nowhere.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that ever again,” Mark said, as he looked into Ryan’s eyes. He pushed Ryan onto his back and began to kiss all over his chest as he worked his way down. The closer he got to his goal, the more Ryan squirmed. Alternating between gripping the sheets and running his fingers through Mark’s hair, Ryan shuddered as Mark continued to lavish attention on his dick.

  Ryan could take it no longer, and pulled Mark down next to him where he could kiss him. As he did, his han
ds traveled over the man’s well-defined chest, moving down until his fingers felt hair once again. Ryan worked his tongue over Mark’s nipples, sucking and nibbling on each with care, as he slowly pumped Mark’s hard-on.

  “Damn, that feels good,” Mark moaned.

  Ryan’s response was to step up the intensity of his kisses as he began to slide down Mark’s body. Before Ryan could capture Mark’s dick in his mouth, Mark flipped Ryan over into a sixty-nine position so that they could both enjoy some oral action. It felt so good that Ryan found himself driving his dick eagerly into Mark’s mouth. Wanting to return the pleasure, he sucked hard as he went up and down, taking Mark’s cock all the way to the root.

  Mark saw Ryan’s balls tighten and move up, and he shifted around to kneel next to Ryan’s chest. “Let’s finish by hand together,” he urged. They jerked each other off, climaxing almost simultaneously amidst much heavy breathing and mutual loud moans. Their orgasms seemed to last forever, and then Mark collapsed onto Ryan’s chest with a contented sigh. Neither man moved for several long moments until Mark got up and went into the bathroom to retrieve a towel.

  After cleaning up, they lay in bed watching the fire dance across the logs. Ryan invited Mark to spend the night and Mark gladly accepted.

  THE next morning, they went downstairs for breakfast. When they entered the kitchen, they found a smiling Scott standing by the stove. “Well, I guess you two worked up an appetite; am I right?”

  Mark and Ryan looked at each other and smiled. Ryan was charmed to see a blush rise to Mark’s cheeks. “Could we get some breakfast without the colorful commentary?” Ryan asked.

  “You’re the boss; what’ll it be?” Scott answered.

  “I’ll have eggs, bacon, toast, and coffee again,” Ryan responded.

  “That sounds good; I’ll have the same,” said Mark.

  “Okay, guys, have a seat at the table, and I’ll bring it all in as soon as it’s ready. Coffee will be right out.”

  As they sat down and waited for breakfast, Mark looked over at Ryan and smiled. “I find myself thanking you once again for a great night. I really enjoyed myself and not just for obvious reason.”


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