Rose of Thorne

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Rose of Thorne Page 7

by Mia Michelle

  “Want to go celebrate over pizza? I’m off tonight,” I ask her, but her face frowns.

  “Crap, I promised Rylan and the gang we would go out after the game. You want to join us?” She offers, but I shake my head at her. Although my life is pathetic, I don’t feel up to hanging with a bunch of giggling high school girls. I hug her and tell her I’ll catch her later at home.

  I decide to take a long walk to try to clear my head. I can’t wrap my mind around what happened today. He was so cold and different when I saw him earlier, and I realize that perhaps I never knew him at all. What I thought of as something magical between us turned out to be nothing but a lie. His words were all lies. Shit, even his damn name was a lie. There was no warm look in his amber eyes today; they were nothing but cold and harsh. Obviously, I have been played, and I am just glad I hadn’t let the game get too out of hand. Thinking back, I must have been some sort of charity case, some innocent girl to swoop in and rescue so he could boost his ego.

  Well, FUCK YOU, Sebastian!!! I am no one’s charity case.

  No, I simply don’t know the arrogant asshole that stood in front of me today, and I sure as hell don’t want to get to know him. When I stared into his eyes as I was leaving, I thought I saw a brief softening in them. It is as if he is fighting against himself, but I will not be a part of the battle. My Sebastian is gone, and I am left with Mr. Thorne, my new boss. I just have to learn how to separate my feelings for the two.

  I don’t realize how far I’ve walked, and the late evening air is becoming chilly. I see that I’m not far from Marie’s bakery, so I decide to head there to warm up next to the fire. The pedestrian light indicates for me to cross, and I only make it halfway when the bright lights of a silver sports car come to a screeching halt. My hand hits the hood of the car, but I lose my balance, fall back on my ass, and sitting on the ground, the bright lights blind me. As I try to stand, I lose my balance again, but this time two strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me up.

  “SHIT! Are you okay?” A warm deep voice asks. I shield my eyes from the light with my forearm. I’m now staring into sparkling emerald eyes. His handsome face is full of panic and concern.

  “Are you okay? Did I hit you?” He asks as he looks me over. Suddenly he presses his finger in the hole of my newly torn black skirt. The feel of his finger sends fire throughout my leg.

  Good grief, why is my body doing this again? Get a hold of yourself Skylar; you act like you’ve never seen a gorgeous man before.

  “Damn it, I’ve caused you to rip your clothes! I am so sorry! I missed my turn, and I am not familiar with this street. I was fumbling with my GPS and didn’t see you crossing until it was too late. Are you sure you are okay? I can take you to a doctor if you like,” he asks as I brush myself off.

  “Really, I am fine. No worries, okay?” I say, and he follows me as I walk to the sidewalk.

  “At least let me buy you a new skirt. I feel terrible,” he says as he hands me his business card.


  “Anywhere you go just give them this and it will be taken care of. Hell, buy a whole outfit, shoes and all and spare me no expense,” he says as he winks at me.

  I smile and shake my head as I handed him back his card.

  “Thank you, but really, it’s fine. This skirt is old anyway. Besides, I am sure I can fix it,” I lie to the hot stranger.

  What is it with me and gorgeous men today?

  “No, I insist you keep the card and reconsider my offer,” he says, slipping the card back into my hand and squeezing it.

  “Can I give you a ride somewhere?” he asks me with hope in his beautiful green eyes.

  Good grief. He is hot as hell!

  “No, I was just out enjoying a nice walk until I was nearly run over and killed,” I tease and he throws his head back and laughs an incredibly sexy laugh.

  Sexy is the only way I can describe him. Every single inch of him is beyond sexy as hell. Standing at least 6 feet tall he towers over me. He is wearing a black sweater that snugly fits his broad shoulders and shows off his athletic frame. Dark jeans fit tightly against his legs, and I can’t help but notice how they perfectly hug his ass.

  Geez, you would have thought I had hit my head and not my ass the way I am thinking.

  “Can I at least have your name and number? You know, so I can call and check on you tomorrow and make sure you don’t want to sue me, or anything,” he jokes, but I frown at his words.

  “I would never do something like that,” I spit at him and start to walk away, but he grabs my arm.

  He laughs as he pulls me back around. “I am only joking there, little tiger. But I would like to check on you if that is okay,” his voice softening as he speaks.

  “Thank you, but I’m fine. I really need to be going,” I say, and I walk away as he stands there illuminated by his headlights. He smiles his own ‘panty dropping smile’ and shakes his head as I quickly turn and keep walking. He stands there for a while watching me as I make my way down the street. I notice his silver Aston Martin zoom past me as I step into the warmth of Marie’s bakery.

  Marie greets me with a warm hug and takes my coat. She pulls me back to examine me as she sees a trickle of blood run down the side of my leg.

  “Bellissimo! What happened? You’re hurt. Sit down and let me look at you,” she insists and pushes me into the nearest chair. As she opens her first aid kit, I explain the drama of my evening. I don’t believe it myself as I begin hearing the words come out of my mouth. I can totally write a Lifetime movie on the stuff that keeps happening to me.

  “That’s a nasty cut, but I don’t think you will need any stitches,” she says as I wince at the pain of the antiseptic. Marie places a small bandage on my leg and pats the hole in my skirt.

  “Your skirt, it’s ruined is it not?” she asks, and I shrug my shoulders.

  Marie knows my situation better than anyone and knows I don’t have many dressy clothes.

  “He offered to buy me a new one, but I’m not like that, Marie. I’ll manage to figure something out. Kylie says she has some stuff that I can try to alter for my internship,” I explain. It is a shame we don’t wear the same size. I’m bustier and curvier than she is, so it is rare we can wear each other’s clothes.

  “Well, you just stay right there and relax. I’m going to bring you my newest creation. I know that you will absolutely love it! Let me finish with these customers and I’ll be right back,” she says, and I close my eyes and enjoy the warm fire. She returns a few minutes later with a plate full of chocolate filled pastries.

  “Okay, now keep them closed until you finish the last bite and then I will tell you the name of them,” she says smiling down at me. I close my eyes, and she places the mini pastry in my mouth. It is beyond heavenly. As the caramel and chocolate swirl in my mouth, I can’t help but groan in appreciation. I hear the familiar chime of the door, but I keep my eyes closed and kept chewing.

  “I’ve named that one the ‘orgasm’,” she says, and I giggle at her crazy title. I pop another one in my mouth without opening my eyes and savor every bite of the delicious treat. If I lived with her, I would be the size of this building. Her cooking is simply out of this world.

  “Enjoying that orgasm there?” A familiar sexy voice speaks and I shoot up off the chaise lounge, becoming strangled on the chocolate. His smile turns to horrified concern as he sees me coughing, and he slaps me on the back so hard that I fall on the lounger and back onto an already sore bottom.

  “SHIT! Are you okay?” He kneels before me, and I grab for my glass of water. I give him a thumbs sign to indicate I am okay while I drink and clear my throat.

  “Yes, but please tell me you aren’t going to try to kill me again today. I can’t take much more I’m afraid,” I joke.

  “I don’t know… death by orgasm doesn’t sound so bad to me. Although I have to admit, I am a little jealous of this little thing here,” he teases as he lifts one of the chocol
ate treats and pops it in his mouth.

  “Mmmmmm! Now that’s one fucking awesome orgasm!” he exclaims as Marie returns into the front of the bakery.

  “I’ll take all of these you have, miss,” he says, and Marie’s eyes nearly pop out of her head.

  “ALL of them? I have some cooking for tomorrow too,” she says astonished.

  He pops another one in his mouth as he winks at me.

  “Definitely all of them! Consider yourself sold out of them tomorrow already.”

  Marie beams a bright smile and heads to the back to finish up his order.

  He pulls a chair over to sit next to me and frowns as he sees the bandage on my leg.

  “You are hurt! Why didn’t you tell me?” He asks as he gently strokes the bandage.

  “I didn’t even know it until I got here. Besides that it’s just a tiny scratch. Marie makes a fuss over nothing,” I say.

  “I really feel horrible about this,” he says as he gently brushes the bandage again. “I tried to drive away, but I couldn’t leave without knowing the name of the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he says softly, and I feel my face blush.

  “What a great pick up line,” I joke but he frowns at me.

  “Trust me, gorgeous, I have used lots of lines in my day, but there is no line here. I mean every word. Come on, surely you know just how stunning you are,” he says as he studies me closely.

  “Um… no, but thank you,” I say blushing and looking back down at the old wood floor.

  He lifts my chin and raises my face to his.

  “Don’t do that, gorgeous. Hold your head up,” he says and I slowly lift my eyes to meet his.

  His eyes are seriously the color of Sophie’s emerald birthstone!

  “So, you have me to a disadvantage,” he says leaning back into his chair. “You know my name and number, but I still seem to be lacking yours,” he teases, and he pulls out his phone. “I promise I am not a stalker or some psycho serial pedestrian killer. I need your number for very important reasons,” he says as he smirks in my direction.

  “Oh, really, and what important reasons would those be?” I ask, smirking right back at him.

  He leans into me, and I get a whiff of his rich leather and spice smell. He stares at me for a minute and seems to be studying my face intently.

  He grins and leans in a little closer to me before responding.

  “So I can ask out the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.”

  My breath catches at his words, and before I can open my mouth, Marie speaks for me.

  “Skylar Rose 893-0517,” Marie chants out as she places the large white box on the counter.

  “Why thank you, Miss Marie,” he says and winks at me before typing my number in his phone. Once he has entered the number he stands to walk to the counter. He pays for the giant white box of chocolate treats and makes his way back over to me.

  He opens the box and places a chocolate treat in my hand and leans down to kiss my cheek.

  “Enjoy your orgasm from me, gorgeous,” he whispers in my ear and then he walks out the door.

  I am speechless… completely speechless. I should be offended, but then why do I have a massive grin plastered on my face right now?

  “Who was that fine specimen of a man?” Marie says as she fans herself.

  “Lucas Drake,” I reply as my phone chimes.

  LUCAS: Hello, Gorgeous. Tonight proved to be one of the most fantastic surprises of my life. Thanks for letting me run you over!

  I smile as I type in my reply.

  ME: Thanks for not killing me

  LUCAS: Trust me, gorgeous, walking away not knowing your name nearly killed me.


  LUCAS: Sleep well and be careful crossing busy intersections at night.There are some real crazy drivers out there you know!

  ME: HAHA. Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.

  I help Marie lock up the bakery and she insists on taking me back to my car. I can’t help but think about how crazy my day had been. Not only had I found out that I had landed my dream internship and seen Sebastian again, but for the next six months he would now be my boss. As if that weren’t enough, I’m nearly run over and killed by another sexy CEO. Could my life get any more soap opera-ish? No, I don’t think it is humanly possible.

  Note to self, contact the Lifetime network.

  I am curled underneath a blanket watching Scarlet O’Hara profess her undying love to Rhett when my sister comes in. She smiles widely at me and slides beside me making a grab for my uneaten popcorn. I laugh as she lays her head on my shoulder and crams the handful in her mouth.

  “Good grief, how many times have you seen this movie, Sky?” Sophie jokes as she reaches for another handful. I roll my eyes as I hand her the bowl.

  “Not nearly enough,” I joke as I stand and stretch watching the credits roll on the screen.

  “Did you guys have fun tonight?” I ask her as I fold up the blanket on the couch.

  “Yes, we went to see that new scary movie The Darkness, and it was SO good even if I did spend most of my time with my eyes covered and on Rylan’s shoulder,” she laughs.

  “Hmmm…I’m sure he didn’t like that one bit,” I tease her as I jab her in the ribs with my elbow.

  “HAHA… yeah, he didn’t seem to mind too much,” she winks and stands to go to her room.

  “I’m going to go ahead and turn in, sis. I have to work a double shift tomorrow. I am sorry I am going to miss your Saturday game,” I say sadly as I make my way to the kitchen to lock the doors.

  “It’s cool, sis. I’m just so happy you made it today! I just hate you are working all day again tomorrow. You promised me you’d slow down. You’re going to kill yourself at this rate.”

  “Hey, listen to me,” I say as I pull her into a hug. “We’ve made it this far and it won’t be much longer, and you and I will be graduating. We just have to hang on a little longer, okay? You don’t worry about me. I’ll be okay, honey, I always am,” I reassure her and kiss her forehead.

  “Oh, Sky, I love you. You just don’t know how much!” She says as she hugs me tighter.

  “Trust me, babe, I know, if it’s half as much as I love you. You’re kinda stuck with me anyway, kid,” I say, winking at her beautiful face.

  “And I can’t think of anyone better to be stuck with,” she replies as she swats my butt.

  “Even Rylan? I’ll have to tell him that next time I see him. Oh and I’ll have to tell him you were grabbing my ass just then,” I tease and she giggles as she heads to the bedroom. “LOVE YOU, SIS!” She yells.

  “Goodnight, sis, I love you, too” I yell back as I head up the stairs to my room.

  I fall asleep thinking about Sebastian and Lucas. My heart hurts at the thought of Sebastian and how he was so cold and arrogant to me today. Had I really known him at all? Why, even now, does it hurt to not be around him? He is now my boss, and that can never happen. Then, I thought of Lucas and how incredibly sexy and romantic our meeting had been today. Even through it all I didn’t have the same spark I feel for Sebastian. What is wrong with me? I don’t have time for my head to get clouded up with men. Especially the kind that spell nothing but T-R-O-U-B-L-E! I toss and turn until time for me to get ready for my shift. Great, now I will be dead on my feet all day.


  From the moment I see her, something inside of me changes. After the hellacious day that I’ve just experienced, it is as if God himself drops an angel out of the sky, right in front of my new silver Aston Martin. When my eyes lock with her haunting blue-green ones, I think my whole universe shifts. Thankfully, I stop in just enough time, but curse my stupidity for failing to pay attention to where I am going. I am so terrified as I watch her slap the hood of my car and tumble to the ground. When I rush out to her, I never expect to be affected the way that I am. The moment my hand caresses her soft silky skin, I know she is different, and I’m not about to let her go.

  She insists she is fine, but eve
n after inspecting her for injuries, I search for excuses to spend more time with her. When she smiles and continues walking down the street, I sit there at the intersection and watch her from my car. I notice she walks into a little shop named Marie’s Bakery. I immediately turn the car around and search for a place to park.

  As I walk down the old pebble stone sidewalk, the heavenly smells coming from Maries’ Bakery drift by in the air. I spot the beautiful creature sitting on the red chaise lounge by the fireplace, and I can’t help but wonder what she is thinking about. I find myself as nervous as a teenage boy as I make my way into the shop and beside her. She is eating some sort of pastry and has a huge smile on her face. Her eyes are closed and I hear a soft moan come from her body.

  Dear Lord, if she only knew what effect that sound is having on me right now.

  I nearly have to bolt out of the bakery with a massive erection. She is truly enjoying these little treats, and I debate on buying the whole damn bakery right there on the spot just so I can watch her eat them all the time.

  An older Italian woman smiles at me and holds up one finger letting me know that she will be right back. I hear the beautiful girl’s voice ask the name of the pastry she is eating and I hear the older woman reply, ‘the orgasm’, as she winks at me. Smiling, I can’t resist walking up to mess with her a bit. I stand above her looking down into her flawless face. Her eyes remain closed as she continues savoring the treat in her mouth.

  Fuck me, she is stunning!

  “Enjoying that orgasm there?” I tease her.

  My words startle her and she looks at me with surprise and humor. I reach down and take one of the chocolate treats into my mouth and smile as she locks eyes with me again. I know in that moment that I will do anything in the world to make this woman mine.


  I am so incredibly tired as I wiped down the sticky counter with the damp cloth. Tonight will be my last double shift at the café and I try not to think about what I am going to do when the money runs out. Starting the internship means I could only work the evening shift. It also meant only half the money. Staring up at the clock I wipe my forehead in relief. Twenty five more minutes and my shift will be over, thank heavens.


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