Rose of Thorne

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Rose of Thorne Page 13

by Mia Michelle

  “So what makes you different from him?” I hesitantly ask him.

  Lucas takes my hand in his and leans toward me before replying.

  “The difference is that if I ever find something special, I don’t think I can let it go,” he says as his emerald eyes stare intently back into mine. This man is everything any woman can possibly desire. Not only is he devastatingly handsome, but he is also a hopeless romantic at heart. I find myself drawn to him in every way except the way I want. Truthfully, the only man I want just walked out that door with another woman on his arm who is probably now in his bed.

  Overall, the rest of my date with Lucas is absolutely spectacular. After we leave the restaurant, he drives me to out to Lake Travis to show me his boat, La Bella, named after his grandmother, Isabella. I can tell from his stories that he was much closer to his grandparents than he is with his own parents.

  The outside deck of the boat is strung with all kinds of white fairy lights, and their reflection dances off the rippling water. He playfully pulls me onboard and starts showing me around. This boat is simply incredible, and you can tell that Lucas really enjoys coming out here. He tells me that he has a special place on the lake not far from there, and promises to show it to me one day soon. The night sky above is brilliantly clear, and from where we are, I can see the universe for miles.

  And there, that night on that boat… under the stars, Lucas Drake kisses me for very first time.

  “I’ve had one of the best times ever tonight, Skylar. I hope you’ll let me take you to lunch soon. Perhaps even tomorrow, since I admit I’m not a patient man,” he jokes as he plays with a curl of my hair.

  My body hums from his close proximity. His unique cologne fills my nose, and I can feel myself drawn into his hypnotic emerald stare. Cupping my cheek, Lucas leans in and gently swipes his lips across my mouth. It’s intoxicating, and I find myself pressing forward and giving in to his kiss. Our tongues collide, and I pull on his long sandy hair as he begins drawing our kiss even deeper. A few minutes later, he slows the kiss down and once again swipes his lips across mine. He takes my face into his hands and looks down deep into my eyes. His eyes are of someone who cares about me. These eyes are of someone who hasn’t hurt me. Yet, they are also not the eyes of the one I really want.

  Why does my life have to be so difficult?

  I agree to have lunch with him the following day, and to be perfectly honest, I’m hoping it will serve as a good distraction from seeing Sebastian at the office. It’s time to open up my heart for someone new. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not stupid. I have heard all about Lucas’ past love life, but the man that I have come to know is always the perfect gentleman. Tonight, as I fall asleep, I think of so many different things, but amber eyes fill my dreams.

  My morning, so far, has been a long and busy one. I am staring intently at the monitor and adjusting new design layouts when I look up to find Lucas’ beautiful face smiling back at me.

  “Hey, gorgeous, are ready for lunch?” Lucas cheerfully asks and then winks at me.

  “Oh, my gosh! I’m so sorry! I hadn’t realized what time it was!” I quickly apologize to him and begin pulling the pencils out my hair. I am mortified for him to see me like this, and I frantically start fidgeting with my clothes. Lucas stands against the wall with his arms crossed. His emerald eyes sparkle with amusement.

  “Sweetheart, you look INCREDIBLE, pencils and all! To be honest, I hated to disturb you while you were working so hard on your computer.”

  “Oh it’s fine. I tend to get that way when I’m working on a new project. Let me grab my purse and I’m ready,” I say as I gather my things and stand to leave.

  We are just about to leave when Sebastian barrels out of his office carrying a handful of files. His face immediately strains when he sees Lucas place his arm around my waist.

  “Sebastian, it’s good to see you again, bro. I’m just taking my best girl here to lunch. We’ll be back in a bit unless I can convince her that I would be a better choice for her employment,” Lucas teases as he extends his muscular arm to shake hands with him. I see Sebastian’s brows furrow, and then he hesitantly reaches out to shake Lucas’ hand.

  He places the files on my desk and extends his hand back to Lucas. “Drake,” Sebastian replies as they shake hands. He then turns and speaks to me for the first time today.

  “Have a good lunch, Ms. Rose. When you return, I need all these files reassigned to the appropriate departments,” he coldly orders while pointing at the tall stack of files.

  “Yes, sir,” I quickly reply. He nods and returns to his office, and closing the door behind him.

  After a nice quiet lunch, Lucas drops me back off at my office. Another large bouquet of flowers waits on my desk for me. I pull the card out and read the familiar handwriting.

  Wishing I could see your gorgeous smile right now! Looking forward to spending more time with you very soon!


  Of course, I’m smiling after that. Who wouldn’t be? Pulling out my phone, I take a quick picture of me smiling with the flowers behind me and attach it to a text.

  ME: Smiling from ear to ear at the beautiful surprise on my desk. THANK YOU! 

  LUCAS: My pleasure, gorgeous!

  I tuck my phone back into my purse and distribute the files as Sebastian has asked. It is past 5:30 when I finally complete the assignment, and I turn to see a tall, confident, beautiful blonde make her way down the hall. She nods at Sara as she continues walking toward Sebastian’s office. The mystery woman doesn’t bother to knock, but goes straight in. I swallow the lump in my throat and bid Sara a good night.

  I guess she is yet another of his infamous bedroom conquests that I’ve heard so much about. I won’t lie. The mere thought of how many women both he and Lucas have been with makes me beyond sick. The pain fills my chest, and I can feel the threatening tears burn my eyes. I keep punching the door close button and silently beg the doors to shut.

  Come on. Please close! I just want to get the heck out of here!

  Suddenly, a hand grabs the closing elevator door and horror fills me as I watch Sebastian lead the beautiful blonde inside. I zone in on his hand on the small of her back and jealousy surges through me. The moment I brave a glance up, I notice him staring straight at me. I instantly turn away so that he doesn’t see the pained look on my face. From the corner of my eye, I witness the bubbly blonde lean in and whisper something in his ear as she rakes her hands seductively down his chest. Sebastian seems annoyed by her affection, and removing her hands from his chest, he shakes his head. I see the pout form on her lips, but she remains plastered to his side.

  Memories of our time together seem to hit me all at once, and I can’t take it anymore. All I can think about is his hand on her back, and the images of him holding hands with the other girl at the restaurant. I am a fool to have believed he ever cared about me. The only thing he is after is a good fuck, and I am not giving myself for the first time to someone like him. He can have all the women he wants, including this blonde skank.

  I watch the floor level continue to drop, and when I see it stop on Level 18, I bolt out of the elevator. I wouldn’t have cared it was the 88th floor. Right now, I will gladly take a long climb down the stairs as opposed to staying in that elevator one second longer with the two of them. By the time I reach my car, I am completely exhausted and in tears. I just want to go home, crawl into my bed, and sleep through the rest of the weekend, but more than anything, I want to forget the hurt I feel from loving Sebastian Thorne.


  It’s late Friday evening and the last damn thing I want to deal with is seeing Tiffany again. Earlier today, her father and I discussed changes in a contract, and she eagerly volunteered herself to show me the building they want redesigned. Without even knocking, she barges into my office and struts her way across the room. When I see her, I cringe at her outfit. She’s wearing a tight red dress that shows off her huge, fake tits and fake orange tan. Studying h
er now, I don’t know why I ever thought she was attractive. She wants her claws in me and makes damn certain to sink them in every chance she gets. I regret my one night with her, and I can promise it will never fucking happen again.

  The last thing I expect when I make a mad dash for the closing elevator doors is to see Skylar’s beautiful face staring back at me. FUCK ME! I can only imagine by the pained look in her eyes what she must be thinking. Tiffany giggles at my cold hand when I pushed her into the elevator. I immediately move us to stand at the opposite side of the car from Skylar. Tiffany clings to me like a damn leech and keeps pushing her tits up against me. I catch a whiff of her strong perfume as she leans in to whisper how much she misses my cock in her, and I fight the urge to gag. I can’t tell you anything else she says because I am too busy looking at my heart that is standing across from us. She’s looking down at her feet while clutching her old worn satchel to her chest.

  My beautiful girl should never be looking down. I want to pull her into my arms so badly.

  When the car stops on the 18th floor to pick up another person, she runs out before I can say anything or go after her.

  Where the hell is she going?

  For the next hour and a half, I walk through the old warehouse where Tiffany has brought me. She takes every possible opportunity to put her hands on me as she guides me around the empty space. I am relieved to find some members of my design team there taking measurements. From the way she is eyeing me, if we had been completely alone, she would have ripped my clothes off and thrown herself at me. Wanting to get the fuck away from her, I tell her I will be in contact with her father, and thank her for showing me the building. She insists I have drinks with her at the bar across the street, but I politely make my excuses and leave. I want to go back to my place and burn these fucking clothes that now reek of her perfume.

  After stripping out of my clothes and scrubbing my skin in the shower, I put on my workout gear and head downstairs to my gym. Exercise has become my only solitude. My weekends blend into the week nowadays, and I have no desire to hit clubs or attend social functions. Sleep is a complete and utter joke, so exercising seems to win. I will be the fittest son of a bitch in Texas if I keep this shit up. In reality, nothing I do can keep her out of my mind… She is there, branded inside my head. So much I want with her, but so much I can never have. One horrific night of misjudgment will haunt me for eternity. It has ruined any chance at happiness, but more than anything, it has stolen a future with her.


  Over the next month, I continue seeing Lucas. I am determined to get Sebastian out of my head and focus on someone who seems to actually want to make me happy. Lucas is so carefree and spontaneous; he’s the complete opposite of Sebastian. He makes me see that life is not something to fear, and that it holds endless possibilities when you aren’t afraid to try new things. His dates are always romantic and magnificent, and he has even surprised me with a weekend of rock climbing and hang gliding. He makes me laugh unlike anyone I have ever known, and makes all the stress of the world ease away. Really and truly, he is simply perfect… but he is not Sebastian.

  Even though we have been dating for almost six weeks, Lucas and I have done nothing more than share passionate kisses. Each time, it grows harder and harder to not go further because I know that’s what he wants. Part of me thinks that I should just give in and sleep with him because after all, I do care deeply for him. The other part of me still believes I should wait until I am with someone I love, but right now, the one I love will never love me back.

  Lucas and I are eating a late dinner at Congress when he receives an important phone call. Kissing me tenderly me on the lips, he excuses himself to take the call. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart, I won’t be long,” he promises lovingly.

  I smile back at him and continue to drink my wine. A few minutes later, I see him enter the room with an angered look on his handsome face, and I assume the phone call didn’t go well. When he sits back down at the table, I see the tension in his jaw, so I take a deep breath and place my hand on his.

  “Are you okay?” I ask with a concerned look on my face. I’ve never seen him so worked up about something.

  “No, gorgeous, I’m not. Let’s talk about it after dinner, okay?” he says and begins picking at his food.

  “Oh, sure,” I reply, and we finish the rest of our dinner in uncomfortable silence. I know whatever that phone call had been about it certainly couldn’t be good. Lucas links his fingers with mine, and leads me out of the restaurant. Once we reach his car, he turns and pulls me against his hard chest, and then backs me against the car door. His usual carefree nature is now replaced with a grave and serious manner.

  I peer up into his serious face and watch his long sandy blonde hair dance in the wind. I lift my hand and press it against his cheek, and he envelopes my hand in his. My long waves blow softly across my face, and he tenderly brushes my hair away. He seems to be in deep thought as he stares into my eyes, and I search his crisp green eyes for answers to his sudden change of demeanor. He kisses me, and it deepens passionately until we are breathless. He studies my face as if he is memorizing every detail.

  “Angel, I don’t know how to say this, but I’m going to have to go out of town for business. That call earlier was one of my most important European clients. They are facing a major financial crisis, and apparently, my firm can’t handle the situation without me being there. To be honest, I have no idea how long it will take. All I know is that this just got started going for us, and now I have to go away. I would bring you along with me, but I know you can’t leave your internship or your sister right now.”

  “When do you have to leave?” I ask him sadly. Even though it’s obvious he cares for me much more than I do him, I will still miss him terribly.

  “I leave tonight, I’m afraid. My jet is fueling right now, and I still have to go home and pack. Fuck, Skylar, I am so sorry!” he says as he pulls me back into his arms.

  I inhale his spicy leather scent and try to will my heart to him.

  “Don’t be sorry, Lucas. I completely understand. Please, just promise me you will be safe, okay?” I smile up at him, and he crashes his lips to mine. This time his kiss is very different. There is such desperation in every stroke of his delicious tongue. I feel the warmth radiate over my body as his firm hands slide down my hips. When he breaks the kiss, his presses his forehead against mine and holds me in his arms.

  “Want me to bring you something fancy from Paris?” he sweetly asks me.

  “Nope. Just bring me the cheapest, tackiest souvenir you can possibly find.”

  He throws his head back and laughs at my request.

  “You got it, gorgeous!” he says and pulls me into his strong chest for a hug.

  After kissing me at least a dozen more times, he drives me home. Now, I stand waving goodbye as he pulls away in his small silver car.

  Thanksgiving comes and goes, and I survive yet another holiday on my own. Marie insists that I come to her house for dinner, but I don’t want to intrude. She surprises me by dropping by a huge plate of leftovers at my house. I eat my delicious meal in front of the television while watching reruns of I LOVE LUCY. With my sister spending Thanksgiving with her friend’s family in Arkansas, and Kylie and Lucas both out of town, I have never felt more alone.

  The Monday after the holiday is a busy one. We are all trying to finish team proposals for several new clients. Sebastian is in and out of the office so much that I barely have spoken two words to him in almost five weeks. I have mastered the art of keeping my head down and just doing my job.

  Lucas sends me daily texts and calls me several times a week. With the time difference and his hectic work schedule, we rarely have more than a few minutes to speak. He hopes to be back before Christmas, but things don’t seem to be looking good at the moment. I throw myself into keeping busy, and try like hell to forget the tug in my heart every time I see Sebastian’s beautiful face.

  I’m halfway around the world trying to help my biggest client avoid a financial catastrophe, and all I can think about is her. I think I’ve looked at the pictures of her on my phone at least a thousand times since I have been here, and it still isn’t enough. With the crazy time change and all of the emergency meetings, I haven’t gotten to hear much of her sweet voice that I crave so badly. Voicemails and text messages have really been our only contact lately, and it is absolutely killing me. I hate so much that I missed Thanksgiving with her, and from the looks of this financial mess, it appears that I won’t be going home anytime soon. I just hope she didn’t spent the holidays alone. I don’t think I can bear the thought if she did.

  With Christmas right around the corner, I am going to try to move Heaven and Earth to be able to spend Christmas Day with my angel. The short time I have spent with her has been sensational. When I look at her, I see the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. Closing my eyes, I can picture her on our wedding day, and one day holding a beautiful little angel of our own. Yes, there is no doubt that I love her that much, but I have yet to tell her. Not wanting to scare her off, I decide to wait to tell her how I feel until it’s the perfect time. The perfect time has yet to happen because I am here dealing with this fucking mess.

  Paris is supposed to be the city for lovers. Six months ago, I would have happily slept with every beautiful Parisian creature that came my way, but that is no more. Now, only one woman holds my heart, and I am hers completely. From the moment I met her, I have wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around her beautiful body and make slow, sweet love to her. But as much as I want her, I want her to love me first. I need to hear those words from her mouth and feel that she means them. I want her heart to be completely mine when we finally became one. I don’t want bits and pieces of her… I want all of her. Right now, she is holding back from me, but I will stand my ground until she is truly mine. I am a very patient man, and she is worth a lifetime of waiting.


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