Rose of Thorne

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Rose of Thorne Page 15

by Mia Michelle

  As I sit peering out at the rising sun, my thoughts drift to my beautiful girl. She will never understand just how much she means to me or how hard it is to know that I caused her all the pain and suffering she has lived through. I hope she is sleeping peacefully right now and I will do everything in my power on this trip to make sure she never has to fear this fucker ever again.

  We have just landed in New Orleans to meet with Harrison’s contact, so I take the opportunity to send Skylar a message to let her know that I will be out of town indefinitely on business. I will make damn certain that she will never know about any of this, but I will make even more damn certain that this son of a bitch never touches her again.

  We stay in New Orleans for three days following up on lead after lead, but every single one of them is a dead end. Trevor seems to have been tipped off by someone and we are always two steps behind him. Harrison assures me that he will continue the extensive search on him, but I can’t help but feel outraged. I will stop at nothing until I have my bare hands wrapped around his throat, and watch him take his last breath.

  I am relieved it is only a week before Christmas so we can get this damn holiday over with. The greed of the nation pisses me off and people seem to be all about the receiving part and not so much about the giving. I may be an arrogant son of a bitch, but I am a damn generous one.

  Normally I don’t shop because I don’t have anyone to buy for. I give all my employees a nice bonus and always give Sara a nice certificate somewhere, but that’s as far as it goes. But this year… this year I want to give Skylar something special. She doesn’t know it, but I have already paid off her student loans, along with all the medical bills that she is still paying. She deserves something special and I can’t wait to give it to her.

  Sara calls to update me on Charles’ condition and says that she will be able to return after Christmas. I am both relieved and saddened by this news. On one hand, this means that I won’t be working so closely with Skylar, and on the other, it means that I won’t have to hold back my feelings when I am near her. Right now, I just need to get through the annual Christmas party, and then things will resume as normal… or at least that’s what I am hoping.


  I don’t like this time of year. Christmas used to be my favorite holiday, but that was when I still had everyone I loved here to share it with. I’ve tried to make damn sure that Sophie always has a decent one, but I do it with the biggest fake smile and a lack of true Christmas cheer. My mom and dad always made such a big deal about Christmas. We would decorate every square inch of our house and front yard in décor and colorful lights. I never cared whether or not it looked tacky or stupid. I just loved the way it all glistened when we sat in front of the tree at night drinking our hot chocolate together.

  Nowadays, I manage to put up a small tree with a few lights and ornaments, but that’s it. I am not one to get all giddy, and hang on to every possible holiday moment. I always put it up late and take it down immediately after Christmas. People are horrible this time of year, and it disgusts me how they so easily forgot the true meaning of Christmas. As much as I have struggled over the years to make sure Sophie has a good one, I know that there are people out there who need a place to lay their head and food to eat. I have always felt blessed that at least we have that, even when it feels like we have nothing at all.

  Over the years, I have sold things, worked overtime, and budgeted like crazy to make sure that she has at least a few nice things to open. My present is just the smile on her face Christmas morning. I still love seeing that excited face even though she is now practically grown. This year things have been easier and I’ve managed to put back enough to buy her the new leather jacket and boots she is so in love with at the mall.

  The moment she stopped believing in Santa, I had come up with the idea of doing a fun scavenger hunt around our house. I always have such fun coming up with crazy new clues and sending her searching all over the place for her gifts. I mischievously plan to make her search long and hard this year for her stuff, and when she finally does locate all of her presents, she will simply flip out!

  I’ve bought Marie a gift certificate to a popular salon for a manicure and a pedicure, and Kylie’s parents a certificate to their favorite restaurant. Kylie will be thrilled with the concert tickets I purchased for her. She was so upset that they sold out before she had a chance to buy any. This year, I’ve bought Sara a really pretty cameo that I found at an antique shop. She is so wonderful to me, and I wanted to give her something to show my appreciation.

  This leads me to the hardest person I have on my list… Sebastian. I want to give him something that shows him just how much I appreciate him, but what do you get the man who has everything and also has enough money to buy anything he desires? That has been a damn good question and I only hope that I managed to hit it on the mark.

  As I finish taping the bow on Sebastian’s gift, I stare at it for a few moments. I remember him talking about losing his mother at such a young age. He told me about walking along with his mother while they fed the ducks in the pond beside their house. It’s evident how much he loves her, and you can see the pain that still lingers from her absence. For his gift, I chose to bring the image to life. When I finished sketching it, I place it in a special frame. I know it wasn’t much, but I hope I have done his childhood memory justice, and that he doesn’t completely hate it.

  The annual work Christmas party is tonight, and I know I won’t see him again until after the holidays. He has been so generous to everyone at Thorne Enterprises, giving us all nice Christmas bonus. I am thrilled at being included in this since I am only an intern there; that bonus has helped me more than he will ever know.

  I am wearing the new red silk wrap dress that Kylie gave me as an early Christmas present, and I pair it with my knee-high, black stiletto boots. I pin my curls up, and spend extra time on my makeup. Maybe it’s pointless, but I want to look extra nice tonight. I place my gifts in the car and head to Thorne Enterprises for the party.

  Laughter and music fill the air as I enter the room. I hand the attendant my coat and head to the large banquet hall on the lower level. I spot Sara immediately, and make my way through the crowd to her. When I reach her, she gives me a huge hug and a kiss on my cheek. Charles is now doing very well, and I am happy that she will be returning to work after Christmas. Sadly, this means that I will no longer be working closely with Sebastian, but maybe that is for the best.

  She absolutely loves her cameo, and even cries when I pin it on her blouse. She surprises me with a beautiful leather satchel with my initials engraved on the front. I insist that it is too much, but she waves me off and tells me that I am being silly.

  “Now, you will take the world on in style,” she says and I immediately throw my arms around her neck. We eat a bite and mingle with others that work in our building, and she introduces me to several people that I have never met. It blows my mind to know just how many people work in our building. Sebastian finally emerges about an hour into the party, but seems to disappear as soon as he appears.

  I feel it will be best if I leave his gift on his desk before I go home. I make my way up to our office floor and down the long hallway to his office. It’s massive, and although the lights are out, the illumination of the city twinkles through the glass behind his desk. I place his gift and card in the center of the large desk and make my way over to admire the glowing lights of the city. I will never tire of this incredible view.

  The sound of the door opening behind me startles me so much that I nearly jump out of my skin. I can feel him before I even turn and see his gorgeous face. He never bothers to turn the light on as he moves toward me.

  “What are you doing in here?” Sebastian asks me softly.

  “I am, um… I was leaving you a gift on your desk. The lights distracted me. I’m sorry. I’ll leave now,” I say embarrassed.

  “No, don’t go, Skylar. I…” he stammers as he runs his hands through his thi
ck dark hair. “I have something for you too.”

  He opens his jacket and pulls a long red box from his inner pocket.

  “Merry Christmas, Skylar,” he whispers, and then hands me the box.

  “No, Sebastian. I can’t accept that. You have already done so much for me as it is.”

  “Skylar, I did this because I wanted to. Please, take it and open it.”

  Hesitantly, I take the gift from him and remove the beautiful silver bow. When I open the red velvet box, I find a stunning turquoise diamond necklace. As I stare down at the incredible piece of jewelry in my hand, I am completely speechless.

  Slowly, he walks up to me, and carefully removes the necklace from the box. He moves around to my back, and I can feel the warmth of his body as he moves closer. He reaches around me, lays the jewel upon my chest, and then brings the chain around to clasp. His touch is driving me wild with desire. I become electrified when I feel his fingers slowly slide down the back of my neck.

  Can he hear my heart racing? Will I ever be able to get him out of my heart? Oh, Sebastian… why do you do this to me?

  “So. Incredibly. Beautiful. You’re absolute perfection, Skylar,” he whispers. I feel the warmth of his breath against my neck. He gently kisses where the clasp is on the necklace, and I feel my knees begin to tremble. I fall back into him, and he places his hand around me on my stomach. I put my hand on his and he threads his fingers through mine. I don’t want to turn around… I don’t want to let go… I just want him… I want us.

  He gently turns me to face him, and I grasp the gorgeous jewel on my neck. Tears fill my eyes, but I don’t try to hide them.

  ”Thank you so much,” I whisper. He lovingly kisses my cheeks one at a time before he cups my face in his hands. I am so lost in his amber eyes that I feel like I am drowning. He pulls me in and I inhale his intoxicating scent. Desire fills the room and our lips crash into one another. My arms slowly reach up and wrap around his neck, and he pulls me in tighter to deepen our kiss.

  “God, how I have missed this… you have no idea, Skylar,” he says as he breathlessly breaks our kiss.

  “Me too, I’ve missed this more than you will ever know,” I admit and lean in to place my forehead against his. “Why does it have to be so hard?” I ask sadly.

  “Why does what have to be so hard, baby?” He whispers.

  “Why does loving you have to be so hard?” I accidentally let the words slip out of my mouth.

  “What? Skylar, NO! That’s not possible! You can’t love–”

  I interrupt him. “Well, I do… I love you Sebastian… and although you may not love me… I can’t believe you don’t feel something between us. Why do you have to fight it? I just don’t understand this at all anymore. It’s like you are two totally different people,” I say sadly, as I look back in his direction.

  “Skylar... please... I do care about you, but… I don’t love you. I’m sorry,” he says and I feel completely mortified.

  I nod my head and stumble for the door… I have to get out here… I can’t breathe. Right now, I am angry, confused, and beyond hurt. I tug on the chain and the necklace falls to the floor. I make my way quickly to the elevator and hear him yelling for me as it closes. I don’t know whether I am happy or sad that he doesn’t try to come after me.

  Fuck you Sebastian Thorne! Fuck ALL men for that matter!


  I don’t think I will make it back in time for Christmas, but somehow I have managed to be able to sneak away for a few days. I haven’t seen her in over a month, and I can’t wait to hold my girl in my arms again.

  My girl?

  I know she isn’t exactly my girl yet, but I hope that she feels something happening between the two of us, as much as I do. I know she is hesitant to give into me completely, and I wonder if someone has hurt her in her past. All I know is that we were finally getting closer when I received the summons to Paris.

  I feel terrible that it has been two weeks since I’ve last spoken with her, but I want to surprise her. I have worked night and day in order to be able to spend Christmas in Austin, and now, knowing that I’m about to see my beautiful angel makes it all worth it.

  I know tonight is Thorne Enterprises Annual Christmas party because I got an invitation as I do every year. I decide that I will surprise her there tonight and give her my gift early. Skylar always loves silly cheap gifts and has always talked about how she and her sister would try to seek out the tackiest gift every year for Christmas. I smile to myself as I look at the wrapped package beside me. In a souvenir shop in Paris, I had found a horrendous bobble head of a pink poodle wearing a beret. When you tap its bobble head, it plays ‘That’s Amore’. I know she will love it, but the present that is making my heart beat fast is the large box underneath the bobble head. This present holds an envelope with a first class ticket to Paris. I will only be here in Texas until a couple days after Christmas, and then I have to fly back. There is no way I want to ring in the New Year without her. When the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Day, I want my lips on hers.

  The party is in full effect when I arrive, and I make my way through the crowd of people. Sara, Sebastian’s assistant, waves at me from the far end of the room. She has always been such a kind woman and I have enjoyed working with her over the years.

  “So good to see you, Lucas! I am glad you made it back before Christmas,” Sara says as she pulls me in for a hug.

  “It is good to see you again too, Sara. I didn’t think I that I would make it back in time, but I flew in to surprise Skylar. Is she still here by the way?” I ask as I continue scanning the room.

  Sara slowly smiles and nods her head as if she is in deep thought.

  “Yes, Skylar just went up to our office upstairs for something. She will be back down soon,” she says. Another couple comes to greet her, and I quickly give her a wave and head toward the elevator.

  I think I will just surprise her.

  When I arrive on the top level, I see the lights of the office dimly light, and I make my way to the glass doors that open up to her office. Just as I turn the corner, I see my beautiful girl… but she is in the arms of another… Sebastian.


  My chest tightens and I feel like I am going to be sick. I stagger back to the elevator and make my way downstairs. Before I exit the building, I toss her gifts into the garbage, and walk back out to my car. Part of me wants to go back upstairs and beat the living shit out of Sebastian, and the other part of me just wants her to be happy. I pull out my phone and message my parents that I won’t be there for Christmas after all, and then call to have my plane ready immediately. Within the hour, I am in the air flying back to Paris, but my heart is still in Texas. Although she was never truly mine… my heart isn’t exactly convinced of that.


  “Skylar, wait!” I yell as I pick up the necklace off the floor, but she is gone. I had thrown her confession of love back in her face and had lied to her.

  I am a fucking asshole! I have ruined everything!


  Looking down at the necklace in my hand, I am beyond saddened. When it was on her neck, it looked as if it were made for her, which in truth it was. I had designed it myself and had imported the diamonds to my specifications. Clenching the necklace in my hand, I feel defeated and begin walking back to my office.

  The last words I would ever think I would hear out of her mouth are that she loves me. I mean… of course, I lied. I more than love this woman, but she can never know that. I have already taken too much from her. I don’t deserve to love or be loved… especially by her.

  Holding her in my arms had been Heaven and I can still taste her raspberry flavored gloss on my lips.

  Why did I do this to her again?

  Yes, I know just how much of a fucking asshole I am. I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do now. She’s right. I feel like I am two different people when I am around her, and let me tell you, it’s absolutely exhaustin
g. What she doesn’t know is that I want so desperately to be the Sebastian she wants me to be, but I give her the darker side because I can’t allow myself to have her.

  Christmas blends into New Year’s and before I know it, everyone is returning to work. I never left the office. I threw myself into it so hard that I never noticed what day it was or if it was still the holidays or not. All my hard work over the holidays paid off and I have secured a final meeting with Mr. Chiro Yung, the Japanese billionaire who is looking to design a multi-million dollar Japanese resort just outside of LA. I will be talking to my design teams about this today, in fact.

  I have been going out of my mind worrying about her since the moment she walked out at the Christmas party. So many times, I had to stop myself as I replayed the scene over and over in my mind. If we succeed in landing this account, Thorne Enterprises will reach its billion-dollar mark. Yes, this is a deal of a lifetime, so my team better bring their A-GAME.

  Sara interrupts my thoughts when she pages me to tell me everyone is gathered into the large conference room. Now, as I am about to face her, I have to put my game face on when all I really want to do was pull her into my arms.


  I have dreaded this day more than I can ever express. Today is the first day back after the holidays and I don’t know what I am going to do when I see him. Spending time with my sister and Kylie has been fun and they’ve tried their best to keep my mind off him, but as much as I try to fake my smile… they can see right through me.

  I take a deep breath as I walk in to Thorne Enterprises. Sara greets me with a huge hug and asks me about the holiday break. I smile as I listen to her tell about her grandchildren and how well her husband has recovered from his heart attack. There is a memo on my desk alerting everyone of an important meeting this morning


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