Journey Of Faith_A Contemporary Christian Romance

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Journey Of Faith_A Contemporary Christian Romance Page 1

by T. K. Chapin

  Journey Of Faith

  Journey Of Love: Book Three


  T.K. Chapin

  Copyright © 2018 T.K. Chapin All rights reserved.

  Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.

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  Version: 05.08.2018


  Available Books

  By T.K. Chapin

  (Inspirational Christian Fiction & Romance)

  Protected By Love Series

  Love’s Return (Book 1)

  Love’s Promise (Book 2)

  Love’s Protection (Book 3)

  Diamond Lake Series

  One Thursday Morning (Book 1)

  One Friday Afternoon (Book 2)

  One Saturday Evening (Book 3)

  One Sunday Drive (Book 4)

  One Monday Prayer (Book 5)

  One Tuesday Lunch (Book 6)

  One Wednesday Dinner (Book 7)

  Embers & Ashes Series

  Amongst the Flames (Book 1)

  Out of the Ashes (Book 2)

  Up in Smoke (Book 3)

  After the Fire (Book 4)

  Love’s Enduring Promise Series

  The Perfect Cast (Book 1)

  Finding Love (Book 2)

  Claire’s Hope (Book 3)

  Dylan’s Faith (Book 4)

  Stand Alones

  Love Interrupted

  Love Again

  A Chance at Love

  The Broken Road

  If Only

  Because Of You

  The Lies We Believe

  In His Love

  When It Rains

  Please join T.K. Chapin’s Mailing List to be notified

  of upcoming releases and promotions.

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  Dedicated to my loving wife.

  For all the years she has put up with me

  And many more to come.

  Table of Contents

  Note from the Author

  Chapter 1 - James

  Chapter 2 - Faith

  Chapter 3 - James

  Chapter 4 - James

  Chapter 5 - James

  Chapter 6 - James

  Chapter 7 - Faith

  Chapter 8 - James

  Chapter 9 - Faith

  Chapter 10 - James

  Chapter 11 - Faith

  Chapter 12 - James

  Chapter 13 - Faith

  Chapter 14 - James

  Chapter 15 - Faith

  Chapter 16 - James

  Chapter 17 - Faith

  Chapter 18 - James

  Chapter 19 - Faith

  Chapter 20 - James

  Chapter 21 - Faith

  Chapter 22 - James

  Chapter 23 - Faith

  Chapter 24 - James

  Chapter 25 - James

  Chapter 26 - Faith

  Chapter 27 - James

  Chapter 28 - James

  Chapter 29 - Faith

  Chapter 30 - James

  Chapter 31 - Faith

  Chapter 32 - James

  Chapter 33 - Faith

  Chapter 34 - Faith

  Chapter 35 - James

  Chapter 36 - Faith

  Chapter 37 - James

  Chapter 38 - Faith

  Chapter 39 - James

  Chapter 40 - Faith

  Chapter 41 - James

  Book Previews

  Other Books



  About the Author

  Note from the Author

  Through the Bible we see God’s love play out time and time again. His love is immeasurable and took His only Son to the cross to die for our sins. It’s through the power of Jesus Christ and His resurrection that we have Salvation. The love of God motivated me to write this Christian romance series for you and I hope you enjoy it.

  In the third book of the Journey Of Love series, entitled Journey of Faith, we follow the story of James and Faith. James is trying to live his Christian faith out in his daily life but struggles when he’s faced with his past. Each one of us has a past. Some of us have a cleaner one than others, but we all have a past. Our past mistakes should not define us; our Savior should and that’s why I wrote this book. I was moved with a deep desire to show on the pages a person who was in a tough spot through the rest of the series. I hope you enjoy it.

  Each book in this series is woven together tightly and requires them to be read in order. I believe this enriches the reading experience and helps you grow to love these characters more deeply.

  I pray this inspirational Christian romance inspires your faith, warms your soul, and fills you with the hope that is only found in the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. May this story bless you in reading it as much as it has done me in writing it.



  My battle isn’t seen by the people who know my name.

  It’s a battle from within.

  Only God can save us from ourselves.

  Chapter 1 - James

  THE RETURN TO GOD, AND to my faith, came later in life than I had hoped. I always knew I’d come back to the faith, but I always believed my father would still be alive to see it. He wasn’t though. He was six feet under, and he went to the grave when we weren’t even on speaking terms. There wasn’t a day that went by since his passing in which I didn’t think about the man. Though it had been one year, six months, and fourteen days since he’d passed on to eternity, he was still fresh on my mind as if it had just happened. I’ve learned that time doesn’t heal wounds, but it does somewhat dull the pain. It doesn’t fill the hole left in one’s heart, but time does teach a person how to use what’s left.

  “James.” Pastor Charlie’s voice interrupted my thoughts and beckoned for me. I was seated in the foyer of the Church on the Lake. It was the church my father had been working at as an associate pastor at the time of his passing. He loved this church dearly and spoke of the pastor and all the congregation with great fondness. He had begged and pleaded for me to come to a service, a prayer meeting, or anything back when he was still alive. I never did.

  Collecting my thoughts and my belongings—a notebook, a pen, and a fresh copy of my resume—I went with the pastor down the hallway toward his office. My reason for being at the church that chilly spring morning was to be interviewed for the open position at the church. They needed to fill the long-overdue void of not having an associate pastor since my father, Ed, had passed. Pastor Charlie had attempted to run things at the church for over a year without an associate pastor, just having Kirk, the youth pastor, fill in where needed, but with the growth of the church in the prior months, it was becoming too much to handle. The church needed an associate pastor.

  Getting comfortable in our seats inside his office, I chose to break the silence straightaway. “I know my past is sketchy, but I did go to seminary, Pastor.”

  “I know your past, James. I know your
schooling. But what I don’t know is your heart.”

  “My heart?”

  “Yeah. Where’s your heart at? Are you doing this to fulfill some sort of deep-seated obligation you feel for your dad? To honor him in some way? Or is Jesus Christ your passion, your life, your everything?”

  “You know as much as I do that I cannot say this isn’t in some way related to my dad’s death. Losing him was hard, but I’m not simply here to fulfill an obligation to him. You see, I had a calling on my life when I was twelve. I’ve been running from it for over twenty years. I’m tired, Pastor. I’m tired of being something I’m not. Sure, I had fun in my sin, but you know what? It was empty, and I knew it then and I know it now.”

  “How do I know you won’t be tempted to fall back into old habits?” Pastor Charlie’s words weren’t condemning in nature but serious and full of genuine concern. I respected his question.

  “Honestly? I will be tempted. Temptation has the same expiration date as we do, the day we die. It’s a battle we all face each and every day we wake up. Sure, people could see my past sins through the drug use, but temptation itself is a stranger to no one. Even our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was tempted.”

  “Wow. Impressive answer.” He paused as he appeared to ponder for a second, hesitation lingering behind his eyes. “I’ll be honest and forthright with you, James. I’m sorry, but I just can’t give you the associate pastor position at this time. What I can do, though, is get you plugged in somewhere at the church with a job.”

  Though I had feared this very moment, the rejection, it didn’t feel as bad as I had anticipated it would be. I had a peaceful and calm feeling over the matter. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he seemed so real with me about how he was feeling about the matter. Or maybe it had to do with my more recent decision in life to rely on God’s timing instead of my own. Regardless of why, I was pleased to hear I’d at least be plugged in somewhere.

  “Okay. Plugged in where? What are you thinking?”

  “I know it’s not much, but it is something. We have a need for a janitor right now. There’s a lot of various community activities going on every day, and there’s a strong need to have someone in here cleaning afterward. It is full-time.”

  “That’s great! I’ll do anything to spend more time within these walls, to earn the congregation’s and your trust. Thank you so much!”

  A look of surprise crossed Charlie’s face as we stood up, shaking hands. “You took it better than I thought you would. Well, James, I’m glad to have you on board. You’re still living over at your parents’ place, right?”

  “Yep. My sisters agreed to let me have the house. I guess it’s my house now. Strange feeling.”

  “I bet. Your sisters are sweet gals, those two. Listen, let me grab you the paperwork you need to fill out. Then whenever you can start, let me know.”

  “Great, and I will talk to my boss at the furniture store. Probably in two weeks, I’m guessing. Maybe sooner.”

  “Fantastic. I’ll be right back.”

  He left the office for a moment. Catching sight of a picture on the desk of my father and Charlie in it, my heart felt a slight ache tremble through it. I picked up the frame and smoothed my thumb over my dad’s face as I longed to see him again. If only he could see who I had become, who I was becoming now, he could be proud of me. Charlie soon came back into the office with the documents, and I returned the picture to his desk.

  Charlie sat down behind the desk and started to push them over to me, but then he stopped short.

  He peered up into my eyes. “You still with that girl?”


  “I know this is weird to ask, but it’s serious. Are you two having . . . relations?”

  My eyes widened. “No. I stopped that when the drugs stopped and I started getting right with God. I know what the Bible says, and I refuse to willfully engage in sin.”

  “Good.” He slid the papers over and I used my pen to fill out the application.

  A few minutes later, Charlie asked, “You in the Word daily and praying too?”

  “Yes. It’s the only way I can make it through the days.”

  His eyes gravitated to the picture of him and my father. “He’d be so proud of you, James.”


  After I finished the paperwork, I got up to leave. Walking out of the pastor’s office, I felt good. Sure, I didn’t get the pastor gig I was hoping for, but I did get a job in which I would be spending more time around God’s people and in His house. The furniture store job was fine and all, but there were no conversations really pertaining to God unless I initiated and forced one in.

  Pausing outside in the parking lot, I lifted my hands to the sky and prayed. “Thank you, God. You are so good.” Continuing out to the car, I continued my prayer as I anticipated and dreaded the conversation ahead that evening. “Help me, God, in speaking to Heather about all of this over dinner tonight.” She and I had been struggling in our relationship ever since I started going to church again, and I had a feeling this news wouldn’t bode well with her either.

  Chapter 2 - Faith

  “THIS IS WHERE WE ARE going to get married!” My words were sure, absolute in nature as we walked into the grand ballroom at the Davenport in Spokane, Washington. After looking at over a dozen venues with Victor, I knew this would be the place we would exchange our vows and start our life together.

  “You like it?” He sounded relieved as we strolled the large open space with the lady who was showing us the facility. He was growing as weary as I was with looking at so many different places to get married between Colville and Spokane.

  Rushing over to him, I grabbed hold of his jacket and hugged him. Leaning up, I kissed him on the lips. “It’s perfect!”

  “Great.” He turned to Miss Hammer, the woman showing us the venue. “This is it. How much is the deposit?”

  As they discussed prices, I pulled out my cell phone and texted my best friend, Molly, who happened to live in Spokane.

  Me: We found it! Finally!

  Molly: Yay!

  Returning to the conversation with Victor and Miss Hammer, I listened in.

  “I’ll get you a check on Monday. Thanks again for showing it to us on short notice.”

  Victor put his arm around me and led me to the exit. “You really like it, huh?”

  “Are you kidding? I love it!” My mouth tipped a smile at him as I placed my arm around his waist.

  Walking outside to the sidewalk, I glanced down both directions and pictured for a moment all the guests arriving on the scene of my big wedding day. My mother and sisters in their ballroom gowns. It was going to be the wedding I had been dreaming of since I was a little girl. Peering over at Victor as he paused on the driver side of the car, I beamed with a smile. I’d soon be marrying the man of my dreams.

  Raising an eyebrow, he set his hand on the top of the car, pausing before getting inside.

  “Hey. I can’t make it on Sunday to church.”

  “Oh. Why?”

  “There’s a big football game at Wyatt’s house.”

  “Okay. That’s fine.”

  We got into the car and he turned the key over, seeming relieved about telling me about the game. Confused, I pressed him. “Why are you acting so relieved?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I just worried about missing church. I know how important it is to you.”

  “Church doesn’t make you a Christian, babe. Following Jesus does, and I know you enough to know you follow Him.”

  “You’re right. I don’t know why I was worried about it.” He smiled and pulled away from the curb. Victor and I understood each other, and we both had poured a lot into our relationship and each other over the last two years. While he did work a lot, he always made sure to find time for me. He was the sweetest man alive, and I knew spending the rest of my life with him was a good decision.

  “I have finals next week, remember, so I won’t be available much.” I w
as on the last home stretch of college. I was majoring in Music Theory and loving every moment of it. I didn’t know what the future held for me, but I knew it had to do with music to some degree.

  “Oh, yeah, right. So you won’t make Cale’s party?”

  “No, but you can still go.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know if I’ll go without you. I don’t feel comfortable with all those people drinking around me without you by my side.”

  Touching his shoulder, I said, “That’s sweet, but he’s your friend and he’s celebrating a job promotion. You should go.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  As we drove back to Colville, we listened to the Christian music station on the radio, singing along with each song that came on. Victor had an amazing voice but was a lot like myself in the fact that we didn’t like to sing in front of others, with the exception of each other.

  Chapter 3 - James

  HEATHER WAS SILENT AS SHE pushed her green beans away from the mashed potatoes on her plate that evening over dinner. Then, having enough, she set her fork down and it clanked against her plate. She peered up at me from across the table. Her beautiful green eyes I once fell in love with only reflected the hollowness of a person I used to know.

  “You’re going to clean toilets instead?” Her disdain dripped with each word off her lips. I could hear the disappointment laced in her tone as she continued. “I’m confused. I thought you wanted that associate pastor job.”

  “I did want it, but it’s not happening. At least not right now. I’m fine with doing janitorial duties. It’s all in God’s timing, not mine, Heather. I want to do anything I can to work there and be around like-minded people who believe as I do.”


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