Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by Celeste Prater

  Baruch chuckled. “Did I tell you how smart I think you are?” He leaned forward and tapped the GPS. “Makar, she’s right. It shows we have fifteen minutes before we cross that line. I should’ve paid better attention in class. I thought the word Chihuahua was showing a county line, not a town in another freaking country.”

  Makar glanced back and gave her a reassuring smile. “Thanks for giving us permission to get stupid. I hope it doesn’t come to that, though. Baruch, try the radio again. Maybe we can pick up on something.”

  Baruch flipped through the channels and received no chatter back that might indicate it belonged to their escorts. Grunting, he snatched up the laminated card listing the available channels. “Hell, I don’t know which ones service this area.” He was halfway down the list and then started laughing.


  “I don’t care how many times that Maxim’s given me shit. He’s completely forgiven now. He had the communication tweaked. We can deep scan for activity within a mile radius.”

  “Can you narrow the search grid to within meters?”

  During the tense moments waiting for Baruch to read the instructions, Makar glanced back to Keely. He felt a strange sense of pride that she hadn’t melted into a hysterical female. He could tell she was nervous, but she remained stalwart as she strained to watch Baruch. Finally, his mate reached forward, adjusted the com, and clicked slowly through the channels until Keely yelled for him to go back to the previous selection.

  “That’s Spanish. Hold up. Let me listen.”

  Surprised to realize that Keely could understand the unrecognizable language, he returned Baruch’s proud smile.

  “This is it, guys. One pilot is bragging that he should get the reward for spotting us. The other one is arguing that it’s not the same helicopter, and they’ll have the US on their ass. They’re discussing now on whether we’re a Sikorsky or not. Are we?”


  “He wants to break off, but the other guy says it’s too late. The bragging one says that El Azul said he’d pay double if they bring the Americans in so they can be questioned. Oh, this isn’t good. He said that no matter what happens the gringos are going to die.” Keely’s eyes widened. “Shit! We’re in deep trouble. You’ve pissed off a cartel.”

  Baruch glanced over his shoulder and frowned. “What’s a cartel?”

  “More disturbing than a bunch of idiots with a meth lab on your property. They produce and distribute drugs across the United States. Their organization is huge. You never want to be noticed by them. If they get us over the river, we’re toast.”

  Makar hauled in a deep breath. “Get ready, sweetness. It’s directly ahead. We’re going to have to get stupid now.” He looked to Baruch. “Ready?”


  “Hang on, sweetie.” Making a rapid descent, just as Baruch shut all onboard lights, Makar swung the craft under the helicopter riding close on their left side. He heard Keely gasp, but didn’t have time to explain as he called out to Baruch.

  “Did the other drop down far enough?”

  “Yes. They only have about ten meters leeway.”

  “Good. Here we go. We’ve got eight seconds before the reserves kick on.”

  Slipping out from under the craft, Makar swung high, executed a wide arc, and angled toward the second Eurocopter. “Now.”

  Baruch reengaged the lights and blinded the approaching craft. Makar’s shout of victory joined with Baruch’s as they watched the idiots do exactly as they’d hoped. The helicopter banked sharply to the right and plowed into the tree line. Baruch immediately shut the lights again, but it was too late. The distinctive sound of bullets ripping into metal brought instant curses ringing through the air.

  “Keely? Are you hit?”

  “No. I’m good.”

  Makar could sense Baruch’s relief washing through him before their eyes locked.

  “How bad?”

  “Tail rotor’s sluggish. We’ll spin as soon as it craps out. I need to shut the bird down. Gods damn it! If I can’t find a clearing big enough for an autorotation landing, we’re fucked.”

  * * * *

  Lucien’s heart warmed upon seeing the reception that Maxim received upon entering his office. His safe return from the seven-hour disappearance had them all loose with relief. Caelius moved forward and wrapped Maxim in a tight embrace.

  “As soon as I heard you’d been found, I rushed right over. You scared me, amici.”

  Heads together, they spoke in low tones before they released each other. Lucien could tell the two warriors were close friends. No sooner had Drusus and Severus stepped back from a session of shoulder bumps and taunts, Cato grabbed him up and soundly clapped him on the back. Playfully, they shoved each other as Cato stepped back and studied Maxim’s face. The Seeker’s emotions were thinly veiled with humor.

  “I’ve threatened to kill you many times, cuz. I think the others may join me in actually doing the deed if you don’t explain yourself quickly.”

  Maxim grunted. “You’re not going to believe me after all the stunts I’ve pulled. I can’t really blame you, so I’m glad I have someone here to back me up.” Turning, he motioned for a wide-eyed Skylar standing next to a grinning Kallon and Ulixes.

  “Come here, baby.”

  One big arm wrapped her shoulders, and he pulled her close. “Everyone, this is Skylar, my mate.” Pride and love was evident on the warrior’s face.

  Lucien reached out and clasped her hand, placing a gentle kiss to her knuckles.

  “I’m extremely pleased to meet you, Skylar. I’m Lucien Tarquinius.” He introduced the others she’d yet to meet. After her warm welcome, he returned to his seat.

  “Kallon and Ulixes told us of your harrowing journey to bring the artifact back to us. I’m also aware that you destroyed the painting that revealed our genesis. You have the empire’s eternal gratitude for what you’ve done. If you both feel up to it, then I’d love to hear what happened after the incident at the entry site. If you prefer to rest, then we’ll leave you at peace until you’re ready.”

  Maxim chuckled, sat down, and pulled Skylar onto his lap. “Nah, I think we’ve plenty of energy. Insedivertus gifted us with a superjuice after we arrived at the waterfall. Isn’t that right, sweetness?”

  Lucien suppressed a chuckle upon seeing Skylar’s cheeks flame to a bright pink.

  “Uh, yeah. That was something else. So, Maxim, why don’t you tell them what happened. Um…I mean what happened when we got here.”

  Maxim kissed her cheek, snuggled her closer, and looked around at the expectant group.

  “We got sucked deep into the Talesius Mines. We were kind of stumped on what the hell to do once we found ourselves in a long corridor with no exit doorways. Skylar finally figured out that the artifact was some type of key to allow us into another area. This is where it gets trippy. What I’d perceived as being one of our ancestors leading Skylar back here, turned out to be two of the Dii of Consentes. Jupiter and Juno to be exact. They brought us to the site of the fera mark.”

  Lucien leaned forward. “You conversed with the gods?”

  “Oh, yeah. It was amazing.”

  “Fascinating. Go on.”

  “Jupiter told us that the artifact was really the Heart of Dii, a way for the gods to connect to our world and monitor its needs. The Empress Consort, Tullia, stole it and refused to bring it back. It was eventually recovered by one of her relatives. He was psychic like Skylar, and at Dii’s behest, attempted to return it. Unfortunately, the vortex was already blocked. Emperor Lucius had the relative hide the jewel and the painting at the temple in hopes that the pathway would reopen one day. Dii also told us that when Foemina Mortem occurred, Insedivertus used the power within the conprobatus beds to recover from the loss of the female’s energy. Without the jewel, there wasn’t a better solution.”

  Caelius’s head began bobbing up and down. “Ah, that makes so much more sense. At least we now know that it wasn’t isolated to
just the two. The warriors requiring replacements will need to be extremely careful in finding their new ones.”

  Maxim chuckled. “I think we’re covered on that one. Kallon told me you all experienced the ground rumbling. Well, that was from the damaged ones being pushed from the walls and new shells being embedded. Once Skylar put the jewel back in place, Insedivertus healed itself.”

  Drusus’s chuckle drew their attention. “That could also explain the yushta trees acting as if they were losing their minds. Once the rumbles began, they stilled for the first time that I’ve ever witnessed. Shortly after the shaking ceased, they whipped into a frenzy. Perhaps more than just the beds were adjusted.”

  Lucien nodded. “Could be. This is amazing.” He focused back on Maxim. “Kallon said you had a message to deliver. Let’s hear it.”

  Maxim patted Skylar on the knee. “Go ahead, baby.”

  “Okay, but don’t ask me to interpret. I haven’t a clue on what it means. Juno said, ‘Heed to Sybil whose eye will see the shadowed flight. Four and ten will mark the page to move you past the dreaded step. Look to the horizon to know your future and your feet to answer the past.’ They didn’t offer any other explanation, and we ended up at the waterfall shortly afterward. Does anyone know a Sybil? Maybe she can explain it.”

  Shaking his head, Lucien leaned back in his chair. “As you stated, the name is feminine. All of our females perished. If there’s a new mate bearing the name, I’m not aware.”

  Skylar frowned and shrugged. “Then why give you a warning and not have someone to heed?”

  “You have a point there. The message mentioned a page. I’ll need a search conducted for any females that carried the name. Perhaps they left journals or musings that may shed light on this.” He looked over when Kallon stepped forward.

  “I’ll run a list from our DNA database. I can have that for you tomorrow.”

  “Good. Be mindful for spelling variations.”

  Severus moved closer to the desk, his brows furrowed. “Perhaps it’s a reference to someone we’ve yet to meet? Maybe Juno referred to a mate that hasn’t been discovered.”

  Sighing, Drusus leaned forward. “You could be right. Well, we can start with the DNA lists, and if that doesn’t pan out, then we have no choice but to wait until she’s revealed.”

  Lucien rapped lightly on the desk. “Okay, until then, let’s focus on what we can control. Now that we know the conprobatus beds are reliable, I’ll need to inform the populace that received necklaces after Foemina Mortem to return to the mines. Since all of them are on planet, this is a good time to visit the jeweler. Any suggestions on a feasible approach?”

  Everyone looked around, unsure of how to handle something of that magnitude. After a few moments of quiet contemplation, Ulixes stepped forward, expression serious.

  “You keep records of every Insedi’s DNA. Do you do this with those that receive their necklaces?”

  Lucien nodded and smiled. “Indeed we do, my brilliant friend. They carry the date as well.”

  Ulixes smiled. “Very well, then. Your best option is to have the list available at the vortex exit. This will keep any earthbound Insedi from having to learn of it later and make the arduous trip back in. They will be leaving en masse on the last day of the festival, so order needs to be planned. Any on the list should be transported directly to the mines. You can place an explanation document inside the transport telling them of the issue, and ask that they have patience. Any without necklace problems should be available at the mines to maintain order. For those that still reside here, you can send out notification after the festival and ask them to arrive on particular days and times. This seems the only way to inform without causing chaos, panic, or overly long wait times.”

  Laughing heartily, Lucien leaned back in his chair. “Bellator was justified in lamenting your departure, Ulixes. I hope his new second in command will be as astute. This is a brilliant plan and will be followed.”

  Ulixes smiled. “I appreciate the kind words, Lucien.”

  Warmth passed through Lucien’s chest at the decisive change to his friend’s demeanor. Ulixes no longer had the haunted, sad appearance of the past. He was now a male that knew he was truly loved and surrounded by friends. He could see the obvious pride shining in Kallon’s eyes for his intelligent mate. Turning to Skylar, he gave her a wide grin and slid her phone across the desk.

  “And for you, my lovely new Insedi. Let’s discuss your remarkable find of our genesis.”

  Chapter 9

  Lucien gestured across the room. With a quick swipe against the edge of his desk console, the full painting and each separate panel displayed vividly on the wall.

  “I had them retrieved from your phone. They’re now a part of our historical records, thanks to you. You’ve also helped solve a long-standing debate as to whether I should be sitting in this office. Severus kindly pointed out the frame that clearly shows the Etruscan symbol on the emperor’s tunic. There’s no way a Corvus would’ve worn our lineage on his chest.”

  Maxim rose from the chair and pulled Skylar over to the wall display. “Well, look at that. I didn’t even notice. I guess I was too freaked about realizing how close we came to being discovered.”

  Skylar’s brows rose. “You’re right. That is the appropriate emblem. I guess I’ll need to eat some crow on thinking you were off on the timeline, baby. Damn, it makes you wonder what other history was rewritten just because a group of people didn’t like the truth. It’s scary to think about that.”

  Nodding, Lucien joined the others moving closer to the wall to study the fantastic images. “Yes, it’s rather disturbing. Even though this painting could’ve brought us some additional trouble, I’m still glad that I’ve had the opportunity to see what occurred. The artist had great talent. Do you have any idea who created it?” Maxim’s soft, reverent words drew his attention.

  “It was Emperor Lucius. We learned that he was extremely sad that he couldn’t visit us any longer once the vortex became blocked. Shortly before he passed, he painted it as a way of telling us that he loved us.”

  The room fell silent for several moments as they mourned the loss of their creator and rejoiced that his thoughts had been with them to the very end. Skylar’s sweet voice drew them back to the present.

  “I wish I could’ve saved it, but it would’ve been impossible to get out of the country. I was lucky just getting the jewel past security. I guess that’s why Dii determined it needed to be destroyed.” She moved closer to the wall, brushing her fingers lightly across the tenth panel. “I wonder what the three books are. That’s been bugging me since I first laid eyes on it at the dig site.”

  Lucien nudged Maxim on the arm. “You should take Skylar to the lineage viewing room. I think she’d be appreciative of the many artifacts that Lucius brought to us. Perhaps you’ll find them among his gifts.”

  Skylar’s eyes widened. “Oh, I’d love to see that. Babe, first chance you get, I’m in.”

  “You got it. We’ll spend a day in there right after the festival.”

  All heads swiveled to the door upon a resounding knock. Eryx pulled the door open and gestured for Petrus to enter. His serious expression morphed to delight when he spotted Maxim. Lucien acknowledged his bow.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you, my emperor. I need to tell you what’s occurred with Makar and Baruch.”

  Lucien rested against the wall. “Lay it on me. This day’s been full of surprises, so what’s one more.”

  “First of all, they’re okay. They’ve found their potential, but a whole lot of trouble came packaged up with her. She’s a psychologist for the criminal system in Austin and learned of Caelius, Severus, and Cato disappearing.” Three loud groans coming from the corner drew his attention, and he chuckled.

  “Don’t worry. The authorities didn’t believe them. They thought the prisoners to be nuts, and that’s how Keely became privy to their claims. However, she continued to investigate on her own and found the Seekers agenc
ies to be the crux of everything. Makar and Baruch snatched her outside the club with a journal documenting her suspicions of aliens on Earth. She was going to meet with a police officer later, so the guys felt they had no choice. They were bringing her here so you could determine the next step, yet when we were halted outside the vortex, she revealed there was additional written proof at her office. They’ve taken her back to destroy the evidence and then will return with her.

  Lucien drummed his fingers against his thigh, not particularly astonished by the announcement. “It’s amazing that this hasn’t happened sooner. The longer we reside on Earth, the more opportunity for others to discover our uniqueness. They did the right thing. I don’t want females plucked from their lives as proposed by the senate, but when it comes to our safety, I’ll not hesitate to introduce them to their new home on Insedivertus. So, can I assume that Sotarios is with them as well? This lessens our chance to release the Nawiens of their self-imposed obligation in a timely manner.”

  “No, he’s exhausted from the multiple trips to bring the warriors home. The last I saw of him, he was splayed out on the ground by the tent with a big grin on his face. Makar took the helicopter. They’re hoping to be back by tonight.”

  Lucien wasn’t surprised when Maxim stiffened and drew to his full height.

  “They better not put a scratch on my Sikorsky. I trained them both, but they don’t have the amount of hours that Sotarios has.”

  Clapping Maxim soundly on the shoulder, Lucien couldn’t help his laughter. “They’re our top pilots, Maxim. I think you can trust that they can handle a simple helicopter.”

  * * * *

  Baruch’s shout and pointing finger drew Makar’s full attention.


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