Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 13

by Celeste Prater

  “What is that stuff?”

  Makar shrugged, laid the smaller tube next to her right arm, and unraveled the dirty bandage. “No clue. All I know is that when we began trading with Messor, we started getting all sorts of new technology. The Messorians have been healing with this equipment for centuries. Stay still, baby. Just rest back on the couch. We can eat while you’re getting patched up.”

  Glancing to the kitchen, Keely was surprised to see Baruch hovering over the stove. She hadn’t realized he’d left. Minutes later, he brought in a tray loaded down with three bowls. A tantalizing aroma of cooked meat drifted to her nose and promptly caused her stomach to grumble. Baruch grinned, set the food on the coffee table, and dragged a dining room chair next to the couch. She was surprised when he placed a napkin on her chest, lifted one of the bowls, and scooped out a spoonful of food. Her eyes widened when he brought it close to her mouth. He shrugged.

  “I found some cans of stew. That’s about the extent of my cooking skills. Here, blow on it first. I don’t want you to burn your tongue.”

  “You’re going to feed me?”

  An arched brow rose. “Are you left handed?”


  “Well, there you go. Eat.”

  Cooling the portion as he suggested, Keely took a tentative bite. Pleased with the taste, she began accepting his offerings. Makar placed an open water bottle in her left hand. For over five minutes, she sat in stunned silence as the two fussed over her. Neither would eat their food until she finally waved them away.

  “I’m good. Thank you.” Silently, she watched them wolf down two bowls of the stew, wash the dishes, and start prowling around the lodge checking doors and windows. Keely felt like a rock star with a duo of lethal bodyguards. Glancing down to her arm, she gasped and caught their attention.

  “Oh, my God. The wound’s gone. How in the…look at my ankle. It’s not swollen, and the bruise is a light green. This is unbelievable.”

  Baruch smiled and patted her on the leg before turning and making his way down the long hallway. Makar sat next to her and removed the healing device from her arm. His fingers traced across her unbroken skin, leaving a trail of chills along the way.

  “Told you so.”

  She gave him a quick nod and smiled. “Yes, you did. I stand corrected. What else can this thing do? Will it cure the common cold?”

  Makar shrugged. “Sorry, it’s just for traumatic injury. Besides, the Insedi don’t carry human disease, so it’s really not an issue.”

  “How’d you get away with that?”

  “Kallon said our Nubis side is like a souped-up version of the human immune system. Earth viruses or bacteria are killed before they can even attempt to enter our bodies.”

  Keely snorted. “Lucky, you.”

  “Yes, in that regard. However, this stuff doesn’t work on catastrophic damage. We still require a surgeon to fix things, but the healing is much faster. We have far more advanced technology on Insedivertus. We can even grow organs.”


  “Yes. One of the warrior’s mates was injured on Earth, and the Earth doctors removed her spleen. Cato brought her home, and Kallon grew a new one for her.”

  Keely stared open mouthed at Makar as he disengaged the healing device from her legs. Her ankle was back to the healthy pink she was used to seeing. He stood to help her up from the couch.

  “Come on, let’s test you out.”

  The second her foot touched the floor, she knew everything was back to normal.

  “This is absolutely amazing, Makar. It’s as if it never happened. I’d try to convince you to share this with the medical community, but I know what your answer will be.”

  Makar shrugged. “Yeah, we have to remain selfish. We’ve studied your history and found that there’s not much tolerance for something out of the norm. The people of Earth barely handle those of different skin color or gender, much less a completely new species. Had they a better mindset, I’m sure that many benefits could be found.”

  Keely shrugged. “You did your homework. I can’t argue there.”

  Smiling, he reached out and clasped her hand. “As happy as I am about you not hurting any longer, I’m going to miss carrying you around. Come on.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Down the hallway and the second door on the left. It’s time for your bath. Baruch said the water’s almost ready.”

  Chapter 14

  Keely stood in the middle of the surprisingly large bathroom and tried to keep from laughing. The guys each held a small box in their hand and continued to argue over the benefits of which one should be poured into her steaming bath. Baruch practically shoved his in Makar’s face.

  “She needs this one. It’ll make bubbles and keep her skin soft. See, it says so right on the side.”

  Makar casually pushed the box aside and shook his head. “No, our choice should be these mineral salts. This claims to sooth the mind, body, and soul. She’s been on a hard journey, and it’ll relax her.”

  Grabbing the two towels Makar had placed on the sink, Keely moved over to the tub. “Uh, guys?”

  They both looked up, brows raised.

  “Pour them both in. It’s not like you’ll blow me up if you combine them.” She thought it was beyond cute when they gave each other a sheepish look and did as she suggested. As soon as Baruch announced the bubbles were perfect, they stepped away from the tub and stared at their masterpiece. It was an inviting sight in the candlelit room.

  Shoving on their chests, she inched them toward the door. “Get lost. I think I can handle this on my own now. You’ve been very kind. Bye, now.”

  Chuckling, they filed through the doorway and closed it gently behind them. Stripped of her tattered clothing, Keely settled into the tub. Within minutes, her hair was clean, skin pristine, and muscles finally relaxing from the silky, hot water. However, her mind wouldn’t give her any peace. Makar’s box had lied.

  Keely fought to keep all of the harrowing events from intruding. She felt like it had been months since the guys had scared the hell out of her in the car. Learning that aliens did exist, being shot at, a helicopter ride and near crash, pursued by drug runners, breaking her damn ankle, and watching a man get his neck sliced was more than a little tough to digest. Keely found she was glad to hear Makar and Baruch banging around in the other rooms. The sound kept her focused on the present. She frowned when she heard something heavy being dragged down the hallway. What the hell are they doing in there? She squealed and sunk down in the bubbles as soon as the door swung open.

  “Hey! I’m still bathing. Get out!” She finally realized they were carrying wide smiles and an armload of clothes. They both plopped down on the floor by the tub and held up shirts for her inspection. Baruch shrugged.

  “Sorry, sweetness. We wanted to make sure you didn’t fall asleep and drown yourself. Plus, we found a stash of clothes in the last bedroom. Looks like a woman runs this place. Which shirt do you like? We haven’t looked at all of them, but I’m partial to this black one, and the red one Makar has is really nice.”

  “Do you have any concept of privacy? Hell, obviously not. Why am I wasting my breath?” She gave them a long glare, which didn’t seem to squash their excitement at trying to clothe her. Rolling her eyes, she focused on the shirts.

  “Neither one.”

  Makar’s brows rose. “Why not? They’re very pretty.”

  “Come on. You actually think I’d want to hike out of here wearing a low-cut T-shirt. Besides, I might need to take off running. My… uh…well, parts of me would be trying to flop out everywhere. Not going to happen.”

  Both shirts got tossed aside, and they held up two more. Keely shook her head.

  “Tell you what. Just leave everything right there, and I’ll make a selection when I get out. You find any pants?”

  Nodding enthusiastically, Baruch held up a stack of jeans, and Makar grinned when he revealed a pair of black tennis shoes. They shoved all of
the items next to the sink and stood up. Makar tapped Baruch on the chest.

  “Come on. Let’s see if we can get the fire going.” They grinned and threw her a little wave as they left the room.

  Huffing out her held breath, Keely quickly shaved her legs and jumped out of the bath. Safely wrapped in a towel in case they decided to make another visit, Keely rummaged through their offerings. To her delight, she found two large T-shirts with modest necklines and a pair of black jogging shorts. Setting them aside, she tried on the jeans. They fit snugly, yet were too long. She’d have to roll them up or face another broken ankle. Satisfied that two pair of socks would help her feet fit into the shoes, she set her choices aside and focused on her hair.

  Several minutes later, she gave up. She’d scrubbed long enough to get the water out, but needed to let it air dry before attempting to clip it back up. Despite her thorough search, she failed to find a hair dryer. Bra and panties in place, she slipped on the shorts and a faded green T-shirt.

  Snorting at the silly display in the mirror, Keely had a flash to her late teens where no amount of convincing by her aunt would get her out of the grunge phase. It wasn’t until college that she’d conceded that dressing professional was going to be mandatory for entering the workforce. Keely smirked and had to admit she missed her comfortable days.

  Tub cleaned of bubble residue, teeth scrubbed, and her clothing choices stacked neatly on the sink, Keely made her way to the decorative oblong window. The bottom half was made of frosted glass to save the occupants from outside scrutiny, but the top portion was clear enough for her to see that the sky was still gray and gloomy. Standing on the toilet, she peered through the wet glass, instantly happy to see a paved road running alongside the property. It stretched like a dark ribbon far into the distance, reminding her there was still a long journey ahead of her.

  Pressing her forehead against the pane, Keely wondered if this was the moment. The exact point where she should start acting as any other sane person snatched up by strangers, forced into a deadly situation, and presented with an out. Glancing down to the floor rug, she knew she could fold it up, place it on the windowpane, and with one punch could find freedom. She’d be long gone before either of them realized she was missing.

  Plopping down on the seat, Keely realized that the knot forming in her belly wasn’t from the fear of them chasing after her, the daunting task of finding her own way to civilization, or weathering the unfriendly elements. It was from knowing the disappointment that would be etched on their faces. They’d shown time and time again that they weren’t the bad guys. They were trying to survive, just like her.

  The second their beautiful, smiling faces flashed inside her skull, Keely knew that she wasn’t going to run. She acknowledged that she needed to hear them out and see the world they wanted so badly to show her. Deep inside, she also found the strength to admit that she had feelings for them. As insane as that felt, this realization also came with comforting warmth that she was loath to analyze. Leave it alone, Keely. That won’t lead to anything pleasant. Just leave it alone.

  Making her way to the living room, she was surprised to find them putting sheets on a huge mattress placed close to the fireplace. She swallowed hard and cleared her throat.

  “Good idea. It’s warmer in here. I’ll look for some clean sheets to put on the couch.”

  They both looked up, yet neither said a word. Their eyes were wide and lips parted.


  Baruch slowly rose from the floor. “Your hair is beautiful. I knew it would be. I’m glad you left it down.”

  Disconcerted at their intense scrutiny, Keely reached up and started fussing with the damp strands. Realizing she was resorting to her usual tick, she dropped her arms and shrugged.

  “I couldn’t find a dryer so…whatever.”

  Huge grins emerged on their faces, and Makar stood up. He pointed toward her.

  “Good shirt choice. We must have missed that one.”

  Keely looked down to the writing on the front, pulled at the material, and couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips.

  “‘Temporarily out of my mind. Please leave a message’ seemed all too appropriate.” She looked up and tapped the pile of clothes stuffed under her left arm.

  “I’m saving ‘Conserve water. Drink Beer.’ in case this one gets dirty.” She stayed rooted to the floor as she watched them nod and start making up the couch for her. Relieved that they didn’t expect her to crawl onto the mattress with them, she set the clothes on the coffee table and plopped down on the soft cushion when they’d finished. She raised a brow when they both sat on the coffee table.

  Baruch narrowed his eyes. “I have a question, sweetness. Why do you wear your hair in such a severe manner, anyway? It’s very pretty like this.”

  Keely snorted and pulled a blanket across her legs. “I’m a professional. People won’t take me serious if I leave it down.”

  Makar shook his head. “No, you use the style as a way of downplaying your beauty. You don’t want people to get close. It’s a barrier, like your smart comebacks and your prim shirts.”

  She cocked her head. “You trying to psychoanalyze me, Makar? Good luck with that.”

  “No. Just telling the truth as I see it. You’re a very stunning and intelligent woman, Keely. You can’t hide these traits no matter how you adjust your exterior. The more we’re around you, the more gorgeous you become. What I find fascinating is that you’re truly not aware of how attractive you are.”

  At a loss on how to respond, Keely stretched her arms, yawned, flopped sideways onto the cushions, and pulled the cover up to her chin. Punching her pillow into shape, she looked up and waggled her fingers.

  “Okay, I’m going to pass out for a few days. See you later.” Closing her eyes, she stayed perfectly still, measured her breath, and pretended to be asleep. She tried to keep from reacting to the soft touches they made to her hair before Makar headed down the hallway, and Baruch ran another security check on the windows and doors.

  Minutes later, Keely tried not to gasp when Makar returned to the living room with nothing but a towel wrapped around his lean hips and carrying one in his hand. He bumped knuckles with Baruch as he strode by and headed for the bathroom. Mesmerized, she watched as Makar stood in front of the fire, patted the moisture from his golden skin, and scrubbed his hair dry. Her eyes pinged all over his body, unable to fathom how perfectly built he was. It was like staring at a living work of art. The moment Baruch returned to the room, she knew she was in trouble.

  The towel was draped just as deliciously around his waist, and every muscle in his body did the same jaw-dropping dance and flex as he fought to dry his gorgeous, long hair. When he tossed the towel aside and ran his fingers through the tresses falling to the middle of his wide back, she had to close her eyes. The sight of his ridged abdominal muscles contracting with each breath was a little too much to handle. The two of them in one room, half-naked, and stunningly beautiful was a lethal dose leading straight to an erotic overload. She felt like whimpering and begging them for mercy. Instead, she squeezed her eyes shut.

  Unable to stop herself, she cracked open a lid and watched in helpless wonder when she found them both sitting on the mattress. Makar was braiding Baruch’s hair as they spoke softly about scouring the property tomorrow for anything that might help them. When Makar finished tying the leather bind, he slapped Baruch on the shoulder and flopped backward, splayed out like a damn cover model on a romance novel. Baruch rounded the mattress and ended up in the same position. The glow from the fire cast every muscle in stark relief against their flawless skin. Each had their own distinct build, but neither was more beautiful than the other was. Together, they were mindboggling.

  Keely found no surprise when her clit throbbed, and a blanket of heat settled within her groin. She found it eerie when both of their chins lifted and they appeared to smell the air. Their breathing increased. Simultaneously, their dark heads rolled on their pillow
s, faces moving right into her voyeuristic path. She slammed her lids shut, only to have them betray her for another peek through the veil of her lashes.

  Ah, shit. The front of their towels revealed the prominent bulges growing by the second. As the material lifted under the strain of their large cocks, she couldn’t suppress her soft moan of appreciation.

  * * * *

  Baruch rolled his head forward and stared at the ceiling. He smiled when Makar’s voice slid through his mind.

  Keely’s pretending to sleep. She’d be horrified to know that we’re aware of her desire.

  So, let’s pretend that we think she still slumbers. We’ll see how she reacts to our show of ignorance at her deception. You ready?

  Oh, yes. I’m just hoping that I don’t lose my seed knowing that her beautiful green eyes are watching.

  Releasing their towels, they let them fall to their sides. As if choreographed, they both captured their own cock and began a slow stroke from base to head. Neither could suppress the soft moan of pleasure escaping their throats. Within seconds, Baruch believed the flesh trapped within his fist was as hard as the wood beams above his head. Makar’s words slid sensually through his thoughts.

  Ah, can you feel it? Her desire increases. The air is heavy with the energy. She’s enjoying what she sees.

  It’s like home, amici. I want to drown in her essence. Hold on, I’m going to call out to her.

  “We feel your beautiful eyes traveling our bodies, my lovely foemina. Would you care to join us?” He squashed his laugh at her small gasp and the snort that followed, as if she couldn’t believe he’d asked such a thing. Makar’s delight mixed with his when she didn’t turn away. Their hands stilled on their throbbing cocks as soon as she spoke. Her words were low, almost a whisper.

  “So, are you about to jump each other’s bones? I can leave the room and give you some privacy.”

  Makar chuckled. “Not tonight, but we have enjoyed some mutual play in the past. After our mate’s death, we went four years handling our own needs, Keely. One day we realized it was ridiculous that we’d suppressed our sexuality for so long. We prefer a female, but the situation left us with no other alternative.”


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