Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Fueled by Lust: Makar and Baruch (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 26

by Celeste Prater

  Memories of him hovering above her, the way the sinews in his muscular shoulders stood out as he braced himself on the bed, and the exquisite sensation of his thick, talented shaft sliding inside her, stole Keely’s breath. Heart thumping wildly in her chest, she jumped up from the mattress and tried to steady herself. She found it hard to keep eye contact.

  “Yeah, I’m not used to running around naked like you, and I couldn’t find mine. Sorry. I’ll give it back after I take my shower.” She started walking toward the bathroom and halted in her tracks when Baruch’s cock began growing long and thick along his thigh. Soon, it stood straight out from his body, pointing at her. Her eyes widened.

  “Geezus, Baruch. You’re kidding me.”

  Chuckling, he slowly draped his towel on top of the monster. He was so hard it kept the material lifted in the air as if there was a towel rack attached to his groin. He put his hands on his waist and waggled his brows. Thick muscles running just above his hips arrowed down to the virile demonstration, as if forcing her eyes directly to the target.

  “See what you do to me? You’re playing out my greatest fantasy. I’d imagined what you’d look like wearing my shirt. You’ve exceeded my expectations.” He cocked his head, shrugged, and raised his palms.

  “No worries. He’s just showing his appreciation.” Baruch looked downward to the impressive display, voice deepening to a chastising drawl. “Promise me that you’ll behave. You’ve frightened my sweetness.”

  Keely slammed her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing when the towel bobbed up and down, as if agreeing to his demand.

  He grinned and swept his arm toward the bathroom door. “See, you’re safe. You may bathe now.”

  Keely shoved him on the chest and quit fighting her grin as she walked into the bathroom.

  “You’re irredeemable. You know that, don’t you?” She frowned when he immediately followed her in, opened the shower door, and turned the water on. He had no problem flashing his scrumptious ass while he ensured the water temperature was perfect.

  Keely popped him on the arm. “What are you doing? You just had a shower.”

  Wrapping the towel around his waist, Baruch hopped up on the sink countertop. “I’m going to talk to you while you bathe.”

  Shaking her head, she grabbed his hand and started tugging. It was like trying to move a boulder. “Why?”

  “Because you’re very smart, and I love hearing your voice.”

  Keely’s shoulders dropped a few inches. She stared at his beautiful face and adorable grin. She had a sudden urge to launch herself forward and hug him tightly to her body. Instead, she reached up and ran her palm across the swath of soft ebony hair falling across his chest. She cleared her throat and turned away.

  “Fine. You’d think I’d be used to it by now.” Peeling the shirt off, she quickly entered the stall and moved under the water. His voice was so deep and booming, she could hear him above the rushing sound.

  “So, what fun things do you like to do, Keely?”

  “Fun things?”

  “Yes. I’m sure you do other stuff after you leave your workplace.”

  “Nope. Just head home, eat dinner, watch some TV, and then I go to bed.”

  “You have no activities that you wish to pursue?”

  “Not particularly. I spend a lot of time at work and the rest was catching up on sleep.”

  “That’s not a way to live. Ludo showed us how to do the game of bowling. It was very fun. Have you ever done that?”


  “Ah! Then Makar and I must take you one day.”

  Keely scrubbed her hair and frowned. What would it hurt? I’ve already agreed to go to the movies with them. Bowling couldn’t be that bad.

  “Uh, sure.” She couldn’t help but smile when excitement bled through his words.

  “Well, all right. I can’t wait to show you how to roll the ball. I’ll have to hold you from behind and guide your arm.”

  Keely snorted. “Did Ludo do that when you learned?” She grinned when he remained silent. She rinsed her hair and had half a leg shaved before he responded.

  “No. I would’ve punched him. But, I want to hold you when I show you how. Will you let me do that?”

  “We’ll see.” Keely turned off the water and watched his blurry form hop off the counter. When she opened the stall door, he snatched the towel from the rack and opened the material for her. She smiled and backed up into his arms. He hugged her tightly and then kissed the top of her head. Knowing it was useless for her to argue, she let him pat her dry. He was a perfect gentleman and secured the towel around her when he was done. With a satisfied smile, he settled on the cabinet again.

  After she’d dried her hair, he stood behind her with raised brows when she pulled a small bag from her purse.

  “What’s that?”

  “My makeup.” She laughed at his confused expression.

  “I put it on my face.”

  “That’s silly. You don’t need anything on your face.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Nope.” He reached around and put everything back in the case.

  “Well, Mr. Smarty Pants. Can I at least put some mascara on?”

  “What does that do?”

  “Makes my eyelashes stand out more.”

  “I can see them just fine. Everything about you is beautiful.”

  Keely looked up to the mirror and stared at him. “You actually believe that, don’t you?”

  Baruch frowned. “Yes. Because it’s true.”

  Snorting, she took out all of her makeup and laid it piece by piece on the counter. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret, Baruch.”

  He looked intrigued. “Yes, please. I would love to know your secret.”

  “Women put on makeup to make themselves feel better, not to impress a man. We feel washed out, or plain, when we go without it. Plus, the stuff enhances our best features.”

  He leaned in closer and whispered, “Your best feature is your eyes. They are such a pretty green.”

  “Did you like them when you saw me at the hospital?”

  “Oh, yes. It was the first thing I noticed about you.”

  “I was wearing makeup.”

  “No you weren’t.”

  “Oh, yes I was. Watch.”

  After ten minutes of explaining everything she was doing, Keely had to admit it was the most fun she’d ever had putting her makeup on. She could tell he was totally engrossed in every little movement. He had to touch and smell everything. She’d never imagined that such a virile, powerful man would ever bother with learning this much about her.

  Despite the small battle to get her foundation back, of which she lost, Baruch finally sat back and admired her handiwork. He let out a long sigh.

  “I have to admit, Keely, you are an artist. The coloring is very pleasing.”

  “See. Told you so.” She squealed when he grabbed her up and kissed the hell out her. When he set her down, she could only blink at him. He grinned, popped her on the ass, and unceremoniously lobbed his towel into the corner. She stared at his wide back and delicious butt as he sauntered out of the bathroom.

  “Come on, sweetness. Makar’s back and he brought us some food.”

  By the time she strolled into the bedroom, Baruch was pulling on a pair of jeans. She had to admit that he rocked commando like a pro. Makar stood in the doorway, tossed a T-shirt to Baruch, and smiled at her.

  “Hi. Sorry I took so long. I went by our house and picked up some clean clothes. Get dressed and come into the dining room. Breakfast’s ready.”

  Goodness!. How in the hell is it possible for him to look better than he did an hour ago? The dark green T-shirt he’d changed into had his golden irises shimmering like a tiger-eye stone catching the rays of the sun. She tried to steady her legs as she walked to the closet. When Baruch pulled on the charcoal gray shirt and flicked those silver pools of “I want to eat you up” at her, she had to look away before she tripped over
her own feet.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there in a second. Won’t take me long.” When she was finally alone, she took a minute to get her mind straight. Thumbing through the clothes Luna had given her, Keely found a beautiful, emerald-colored shirt she hadn’t noticed before. Turning it on the hanger, she frowned. The neckline was scooped. Nope, didn’t pick that one out and certainly not ready for that, yet. Shoving it aside, she selected a plum T-shirt and the black jeans.

  Drawn by the enticing aroma of food, Keely found Makar and Baruch standing by the dining table now loaded with different types of meat, fruits, what looked to be a bowl of eggs, and varying beverage carafes.

  Makar pulled a chair out for her. “Sit. I know you’re starving.”

  Baruch placed a loaded plate at her spot. “I put a sample of every meat style on here. That way you can decide which one you like.”

  They both smiled and refused to sit until she did. They explained the meat and the eggs, and she was pleasantly surprised at the wonderful taste. Obviously, they were importing Earth fruit, because she definitely recognized the pineapple and grapes. Keely couldn’t hold back her proud grin when Baruch said he would’ve preferred having another of her famous omelets. After a few minutes of companionable silence while she enjoyed her full belly, Makar reached over and gripped her hand.

  “We want to talk to you about something, Keely.”

  Setting her juice aside, Keely gave them her full attention. “Sure. What is it?”

  He leaned in closer. “We want you to be our mate, Keely. We’ve spent enough time with you to know that you feel something for us. We’d be honored if you accepted us as your own.”

  She knew her mouth had dropped open, but couldn’t seem to piece together any words. Baruch grasped her other hand. He chuckled and pried the napkin from her white-knuckled grip.

  “We know that things have been moving at a fast pace, but our energy doesn’t lie, sweetness. We’ve recognized you as perfectly suited for us. You’re so smart, and even if you don’t think so, very funny. You’re the missing piece from our lives. The way that you responded to us physically lets us know that you’re not averse to becoming our third.”

  “It was just sex.”

  Keely knew she’d regurgitated the first thing that fell out of her head. It wasn’t true, and she knew it. Despite the panic that was clawing at her gut, she immediately recognized the look both of them were giving her. They hadn’t believed the quick statement either. Each had a small smile on their face, as if they’d expected the stupid response.

  Makar’s sensuous voice slipped easily through the air and caressed every inch of her body. “Oh, my brilliant, precious female. Do not think for a second that we’ll let you view this as anything but the truth. There’s trust left to build, but in the end, our essence will become one with yours. We belong to you.”

  Even when a soft knock sounded on the door, their eyes never left hers. She couldn’t comprehend the overwhelming wash of emotion inundating her body. It felt as if a living entity had settled onto her skin and juiced her with so much love, that it would eventually steal every molecule of breath from her lungs. Pushing back from the table, she yanked her hands away and struggled to find words.

  “Uh…I need to answer that door.” Leaping from the chair, she swiveled around, and tried to stay steady as she made her way over to the sound of her respite. I need to answer that door? Why the hell did I say that? Stupid much, Keely? Crap!

  Straightening her back, Keely wasn’t surprised in the least when both of her adoring males jumped in front of her and blocked her from whatever lay on the other side of the gleaming panel. Baruch pulled her to the side and clamped his arm around her shoulders while Makar answered the door. Whether friend or foe, they were going to protect her until they sized up the situation. She felt like crying. Every touch, word, expression, and action from these two kept beating three words into her brain. They love me. The sound of the door lock disengaging wrenched her out of the psychotic mind-babbling.

  She recognized Lucien, but wasn’t sure who the other one was. As usual, another Insedi’s gorgeous features slapped her senses around a few seconds before she thought to return the smile plastered on his face. He was a big one and had gray eyes just slightly darker than Baruch had. It took her another few moments to realize there was an extremely attractive woman attached under his arm. Keely couldn’t stop admiring the bountiful mane of gorgeous, dark blond hair falling to her waist. Blue eyes the color of a robin’s egg immediately widened when they swung her way. She walked into the room, flashed a brilliant smile, and stuck out her hand.

  “Hi! I’m Skylar.” She glanced up to the behemoth standing next to her. “This is Maxim, my mate.”

  Keely’s eyes widened. “Ah. You’re the one that disappeared.”

  Chuckling, Maxim took her hand and placed a gentle kiss to her knuckles. “The one and only.” He released her and turned to Makar, an arched brow rising even higher.

  “So. I heard you busted my bird. I’ve come to kick your ass.”

  Chapter 29

  Keely’s gut rolled as she watched Makar’s eyes narrow at the bold statement. He moved forward the same time Maxim did, and they met nose to nose.

  “I wouldn’t have had to if you’d put some damn guns on the thing.”

  Keely’s muscles instantly relaxed upon Maxim’s snicker and the easy punch he gave to Makar’s shoulder.

  “I jest, amici. Kyros told me that you were run to the ground. I’m thankful you handled the attack as well as you did. You obviously paid attention to my training. We’ve sent out a squadron of warriors to protect the engineers so they can repair the damage and bring it back in.”

  Makar returned the punch and looked over to Lucien.

  “Keely interpreted the chatter from their crafts. Definitely out of Mexico, and they mentioned El Azul as their leader. We killed all but one. I’m sure he’s back home and squealing on us by now.”

  Nodding, Lucien moved farther into the room. “I’ll have Cato research him. I plan to put the idiots completely out of business as soon as possible. Maxim, you have my permission to install weapons. We’ll not chance another encounter like that without the ability to defend ourselves.” His emerald eyes turned her way, and he smiled.

  “I’m sorry to disturb your breakfast, but I’m curious to see what you found in the chamber. Skylar might be able to help us understand what it is.”

  “Aren’t you getting married today?”

  Chuckling, Lucien walked over to the new keypad lock and punched in a number. “I needed something to occupy myself. A groom is always left out of the prenuptial activities. Tana has everything under control. All I have to do is show up.” The door slid open, yet he knelt in front of the passageway and ran his fingers over the boot heel marking.

  “This is interesting. It’s hardened onto the marble. There’s no telling how long it’s been here.” He glanced over his shoulder. “I wonder if it belongs to my father.” Shrugging, he stood up and immediately descended the stairs. By the time everyone else had made it into the corridor, he was standing in the chamber doorway.

  “Well. This is definitely a noteworthy find.” He motioned for everyone to follow and stepped inside.

  Even though she’d already seen the impressive display, Keely ventured around with the others. She could tell by Skylar’s expression that this whole stash was beyond spectacular.

  “Wow! All of this is recognizable as being Etruscan. They were master bronzesmiths and had a great love for painted vases. Oh! Look there. The shiny, black artifacts were done using their Bucchero pottery style. Don’t think me an expert, Lucien. I only know this because we were hunting for items in that period. I practically memorized the HAB study catalog before I went over to Rome. I didn’t want to seem like too much of a newbie.”

  Lucien walked slowly through the room, running his fingers over the items, lifting objects to test their weight, and turning things to get a full view. He finally stopped at t
he golden lion statue and shook his head.

  “Well, I’m much closer to believing our time line has been skewed. We’ve obviously been around much longer than originally thought. If Lucius brought these over as gifts to the Insedi, then he would’ve done so in the Earth-documented time line for the Etruscan occupation of Rome. Look at the pieces. They’re too pristine. If they’d been brought over in 300 BC, then one could assume there would be obvious decay. The historians will lose their minds if I bring this up to them. It’s probably best if I just leave that alone.”

  Skylar snorted. “It doesn’t surprise me at all that time lines are screwed up. Dr. Martin told me that Roman historical writing didn’t even begin until around the third century. Before that, any attempt at written history was no more than brief snippets and family stories. The archeology community believes that the Rome historians did a lot of embellishing. Sometimes they exaggerated to cover up embarrassing things and even invented a few to make it more interesting.”

  Shrugging, Skylar carefully set down a small terracotta vase with a rounded handle and amazingly realistic depictions of sea birds on the side. “There’s even some disagreement on your ancestor’s reason for losing his rule. One theory says that he was expelled from Rome by an angry mob for being such an ogre to the populace. The other says that he wasn’t an asshole, or even Etruscan. They claim he was defeated in battle by Porsenna, the Etruscan king from Clusium and then expelled. For some unknown reason, Porsenna was forced to withdraw, which left Rome without a king. That’s when they decided to become a republic and put two consul members in charge.”

  Maxim grunted. “Well, we can safely say that there’s a mixture of both theories within the reality. Lucius wasn’t a dickhead and was definitely expelled by Rome just so they could become a republic. He was the first emperor as well. So, there you go. I don’t believe anything they’ve written down.”

  Keely pushed aside several of the tapestry rolls. As soon as they bounced on top of the others, all heads swiveled her way. She pointed to the table loaded with leather-bound books.


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