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Killmore Page 4

by Martha Sweeney

  “Who else are you sleeping with?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” I tease.

  “You slut,” she presses back playfully.

  “Yep, that’s me. The town slut and lesbian,” I joke lightheartedly.

  “Is it any good?” Trudy pries. “It’s got to be good if you’ve been with him for two years.”

  “I told you. You can fuck him too for all I care, so why not find out for yourself,” I remind.

  “Seriously? If I was with that man, no woman would be allowed to touch him, not even his mother. He’s hot,” she says, fanning herself.

  Trudy’s been a single mom since her husband died. A few years ago, a drunk driver hit him. It was a hard time for her and her kids, Marcus and Jacob. Mike, Trudy’s husband, was a good man. He loved Trudy and his kids and took good care of them.

  “Like I said, I don’t mind sharing,” I comment. “I’m just using him for his body.”

  “You’re going to break that poor man’s heart,” she charges.

  “I’m breaking him in for you,” I reply with a grin. “He should be needing a mend and some good home cooking soon. It’s about time I find a new lay. I don’t want him thinking that this could turn into anything serious…remember last time?”

  “I don’t want that damaged of a man,” Trudy challenges. “I can’t be fixing him and myself at the same time.”

  “If anyone could do it, you could,” I praise. “You’d fuck him into mending.”

  “I would,” she boasts with a laugh. “It would take at least a week or two…but, I could do it and I’d be willing.”

  “I bet he’d enjoy it too,” I remark. “Lots of time for you two to snuggle and talk in between.”

  “Stop being so mean and heartless," she says.

  “Don’t you have some work to do,” I joke.

  “Ouch,” Trudy answers. “Maybe you should go see him today. Maybe he’ll fuck that stick out of your ass. You’re never this grumpy when you come in.”

  “Sorry,” I say. “I didn’t mean it.”

  “Yeah, you did,” she returns.

  I grimace.

  “I still thank the Great Mother for you coming into my life seven years ago tomorrow, even when you’re a grumpy ass,” she rips.

  “Thanks for the reminder,” I scoff.

  “Love you too,” Trudy replies. “I’ll handle the fort. You just do your thing and I’ll make sure no one bothers you.”

  “Thanks, babe,” I answer.

  “You’re welcome,” she says, disappearing around the corner.

  An hour later, I leave the cafe and head to Mulford Hardware for some supplies.

  “Hey, Laurie,” a voice calls from behind me.

  I wince, knowing who it is.

  “Hey,” I greet with a fake smile.

  “Hey,” Dr. Codie Johnsen returns, offering an awkward public hug. “Hunter and I missed you guys this morning.” He bends down and pets Cain and Mable.

  “Yeah,” I sigh. “I had a late start.”

  The only challenge with being in a small town is that pretty much everyone knows everyone, and can easily learn everyone else’s behaviors and routines. I purposefully change mine up, not wanting to be as predictable.

  “I was wondering if you wanted to come over later tonight,” Codie states more than asks.

  “I’ll have to see how things go,” I deflect.

  “Hunter is missing his friends,” Codie reminds, glancing down at my dogs and back up to me.

  “I can’t promise anything,” I return. “If I show up, I show up.”

  “Looking forward to it,” Codie answers, as if I’ve already agreed. He kisses me on the cheek when I deflect his attempt for my lips. “Have a good one.”

  “Thanks,” I reply, walking away. “You too.”

  Why do men have to make it weird? I mean, I know women can too, but men are just as bad if not worse. He’s a good guy with a great body, but I just won’t let anyone. I won’t let men in, not after Antonio, and especially not after Jack. Most men would be happy to be used for their body. If Codie was cooler about the whole situation, he’d get laid more often, but I have to keep my distance because he starts to get a little clingy.

  After running a few more errands, the dogs and I head back to the cafe to finish up the office work and have lunch. Trudy spoils the dogs and me with her fabulous cooking.

  “Hey, you busy tonight with that hot doctor of yours?” Trudy checks.

  “Nope. He’s busy,” I lie.

  “Can you come over and watch the boys for me?”

  “Do you have a hot date?” I tease.

  “Maybe,” she returns.

  “So, did you ask out Dr. Derek this time?” I explore.

  Trudy huffs. “No. Besides, he’s got a girlfriend. I figured I could take care of a few things for Marcus’ birthday before next week.”

  “Sure thing,” I answer graciously. “A great excuse for me to avoid the doctor.”

  “Are you kidding me? You just said that he’s busy.”

  “Yep,” I return with a grin.

  “Yep, as in you’re kidding me or yep, as in he’s busy?” Trudy pries.

  “Yep,” I repeat, not wanting to reveal anything.

  “I’ll make sure to tell him to stop by on my way out after you come over,” she muses.

  “Yeah, right,” I laugh. “You really want a horny man in your house when you’re not there and I’m watching your kids.”

  Trudy pauses to think for a moment. “Good point.”

  “What time do you need me?”

  “Why don’t you join us for dinner and then I’ll leave once we’ve eaten?” she suggests.

  “Two meals from you in one day? Man, I’m lucky,” I boast.

  “Please, I was expecting you to cook while I get ready,” she goads. “Besides, the food I cook is only good because you order the best ingredients.”

  “Fine, I’ll cook,” I answer playfully.

  “Thanks,” she replies. “I get the boys from school at two-thirty as usual, so any time after that will be fine.”

  “Once I finish up here, I’ve got to stop by and visit Mrs. Lenard and drop some stuff at home,” I inform. “We’ll be over after that.”

  “Sounds good,” she says, making her way back into the kitchen.

  Thirty minutes later, Cain, Mable, and I are on our way to see Mrs. Lenard. She perks up instantly when she greets me at the door and welcomes us inside immediately. I take over making tea and put away the goodies I brought from our bakery department and the veggie lasagna Trudy made. Our conversations are light and friendly even as we sit on the patio to relax. The dogs join Esther on the cushioned rocking bench as I sit next to her in the single rocker.

  “If the doctor stops by to check on you, make sure he doesn’t throw out the treats I brought,” I remind.

  “I will, sweetie,” she confirms. “Besides, I always hide the good ones from him and Gerald.”

  “Good,” I reply with a laugh.

  “The doctor knows you make stuff that I can eat with my blood pressure the way it is, so he doesn’t bother asking as much anymore,” she states.

  “Good. He better not,” I tease. “I sent him an email with a whole list of all of the ingredients we use, minus the proportion sizes for each recipe.”

  “He means well,” Mrs. Lenard encourages.

  “I know,” I say with a smile.

  “How’s his brother?” Mrs. Lenard pries.

  “Codie?” I check.

  “Yes, sweetie,” she confirms with a widening smile.

  “Good,” I answer. “Still wants a relationship.”

  “Can you blame the man?” she teases.

  “Don’t get me started, Esther,” I retort.

  She laughs at me, knowing that I only call her by her first name when I want to avoid a topic of discussion. “Not all men are bad,” Esther claims.

  “Remember, I’m a lesbian,” I say with a laugh.

esbian my ass,” she presses back. “I might be old, but I know more than most give me credit.”

  “That you do,” I agree with a giggle.

  “Gerald and I may have been married for forty-nine years, but that doesn’t mean I’m out of touch with reality,” she presents.

  “Not at all,” I agree.

  “Don’t tease an old woman like me, sweetie. It’s not good for my heart,” she goads.

  “You’re full of shit and you know it,” I return with a snicker.

  “Am not,” she chuckles and then sticks her tongue out at me.

  An hour later, the dogs and I stop home for a few minutes before heading to Trudy’s for the night. I take the back road instead of going straight through town, hoping to avoid Codie as much as possible.

  “Hey, Laurie,” Jacob greets as I let myself in through the back door.

  The boys are at the table doing their homework.

  “Hey, kid,” I reply, giving him a hug. “How’s it going?”

  I’m amazed how teenage boys don’t mind a hug, even from one of their mother’s friends. What’s even more amazing is that Trudy still asks me to keep an eye on them. Marcus and Jacob are good kids. They've never gotten in trouble in school except the first two months after their father died. I don’t mind and they’re fun to hang out with. I’ve always helped with their homework if they ever have any whenever I’m over, and then we watch movies or play video games the rest of the time. They open up every once in a while, but I know they crave a man to talk to.

  “Good,” Jacob answers, returning to his seat. “Mom’s in the shower.”

  “Cool. Thanks,” I reply.

  “Hi, Marcus,” I greet, bumping my hip into his shoulder. He's so focused on his book that he didn't notice me.

  “Huh? Oh, hi, Laurie. Sorry,” he replies.

  “What’s got your attention?” I ask while searching for food between the fridge and pantry.

  “This book I have to read for class,”he answers. “I want to get it done so I can have the book report finished before the break.”

  “Which book?” I inspect.

  “The Great Gatsby,” Marcus replies.

  “Seriously?” I say. “Schools are still making kids read the Classics?”

  “Yep,” he sighs.

  “Don’t worry,” I return. “I’ll help. Plus, they’ve made a few movies, so that should help with the general overview. We can watch one tonight if you want?”

  “Really?” Marcus searches.

  “Yeah,” I confirm. “Just don’t tell your mom.” I smile and wink at him.

  “Don’t tell me what?” Trudy asks, coming from the living room area wearing a robe and drying her hair with a towel.

  “Nothing,” Marcus answers.

  “That I was planning to feed them nothing but sugar while you’re gone,” I tease, deflecting her attention.

  “Yeah, right,” she laughs. “How’s your homework coming, boys?”

  “Good, mama,” they return.

  “Make whatever you want, Laurie,” Trudy suggests. “I know it’ll be good.”

  “Will do,” I confirm.

  Seven - Laurie

  The next day, I wake at my usual time of five and change for my morning run. Cain and Mable eagerly wait by the door as I finish getting ready. They’ve already been fed and out once. As the morning sun continues to rise above the mountains, the three of us head out for one of our five regular running routes that range from two to five miles in distance by the time we return home. I have a second small snack just before stretching and then make my way into my workout area where I proceed to practice my self defense techniques. Each morning after our cardio, I either use a punching bag, lift weights, practice martial arts, meditate or go to the gun range.

  Ever since Leia Badeau died in that hospital, giving birth to Laurie Breitsprecher when they released me into protective custody exactly seven years ago today, I’ve been on a mission to always be ready for the day the devil comes calling for his debts to be repaid. Despite the fact that Antonio told me he loved me and would never hurt me, I can never be too cautious. The Miami papers said I died that night, along with my ex-husband who they claimed was the model cop, trying to do the right thing. To me, the rest of my family, and everyone who knew me, the old me, Leia is dead.

  My body has changed in more ways than one. I got an ugly scar on my left shoulder from the gunshot wound when Jack shot me just before I pumped two bullets into his chest. To cover the marks and prevent questions, I used well placed tattoos to disguise the scar. An intricate, black design of Lord Ganesha, the Hindu God of new beginnings and overseer of obstacles, spans from my shoulder down just past my elbow and wraps a little over onto my back. The other biggest change of appearance for me is that my long, dark brown hair that used to reach the middle of my back is now short, as in pixie-style short with long bangs that reach my chin — oh, and it’s blonde. The only other difference with my body is my physique. I’m still curvy, but I’ve got a lot more strength and power.

  Most days, I don’t bother going into town. It's better that way for keeping a low profile. Besides, I have employees who practically run my business that the Feds set up for me. I knew I’d go stir crazy if I didn’t have something to do, and with them covering all of the initial capital and everything, I get to run my own little cafe and restaurant in this tiny, lake town called Willow Rock: tax free too, of course. The store is active regularly, especially when the spring and summer arrive from all the tourists who come to vacation. There are several other restaurants, but mine is one of two food-conscious businesses for our town and the surrounding area for up to a hundred mile radius. I only use local, organically grown ingredients that either I grow or buy directly from the local Native American tribe. The other restaurant is much more expensive and tailored specially for the country club members who’s pockets are deep.

  Tourists will be flocking into our area in the next two weeks, as they do every year. Our town is not your typical vacation destination for the average Joe. It is for those within the higher income brackets and the wealthy who want a place to get away while keeping a low profile. Once the vacationers arrive, everyone’s profits will increase nicely and make me more of a recluse. I’m not a fan of crowds — too much distraction and too much to have to monitor.

  Once I’m showered, the dogs and I venture into our greenhouse garden where I grow most of my own food. The greenhouse stretches the length of the left side of my house with solid, bulletproof windows for added security along with trip-wires for large intruders at night. The alarms have gone off a few times due to deer or other large and small animals, but it’s rare. The cameras that are scattered around my property make it easy to monitor when I’m inside the house or away. The rest of the house is designed to be a safe haven. It’s completely bulletproof and pretty much impenetrable all while looking like a modern, chic style home inside and out. There are guns all over the interior, along with other resources and weapons for my protection should anyone unwanted come knocking.

  After lunch, I collect all of the guns I have hidden in my home and start cleaning them. It’s my monthly ritual to make sure they’re fully functional. Cain, Mable, and I go outside every so often as a break, and I let them run around, tossing a ball or a stick when they request it. With the warmer weather already here, the dogs venture more into the lake that is fifty yards from the back of the house and sprawling trees that hide my home from view. Before dinner, I’m inside and on the couch with the dogs, reading and resume the cleaning when done eating.

  Each day is different, but there are a set of certain activities I always partake in each week. For the cafe, I’ll look up new recipes, trying them at home before talking to Trudy. Most days I’ll check some basic news and highlights on the internet including social media to see if there are any noticeable trends to be aware of. You’d be amazed at how much intel you can collect from social media and other outlets pretty easily. Antonio has yet to be found by the F
eds. He was never caught the last night I saw him. Most evenings I’m reading stuff online or watching a movie. Some nights, when pleasuring myself isn’t doing the job, I’ll make my way over to Dr. Codie’s for a little action. I know I said I’d never let another man in, and I haven’t, treating Codie and any other man more like a living toy than I ever did with Antonio. I know that Codie deserves more, but I can’t give it to him. I won’t.

  Tonight, my physical needs argue enough with my mind to get me off the couch and driving over to the doc’s house. Cain and Mable go with me. They go everywhere I go since they’re the only ones I can trust to guard and protect me.

  “Hey, cutie,” Codie greets a few seconds after I ring his door bell.

  “Hey,” I return.

  “I’m glad you came over. I missed you yesterday,” he says, letting me in and petting the dogs after they greet Hunter, his golden retriever. Codie greets me with the usual weird hug and kiss. It's the same embrace that men use with their girlfriends. I find myself accepting it, needing the contact since self satisfaction hasn’t being doing the job. His lips warm my cheek and my body ignites, knowing that release is coming.

  “I had to watch the boys for Trudy,” I explain.

  “How’re they doing?” Codie asks, ever the gentleman.

  “Good,” I answer.

  Wanting to minimize awkwardness like always, I step into him, announcing my intention.

  “You hungry?” he checks as I press his body backward toward his bedroom.

  “No,” I reply, kissing him more.

  “Did you want to relax a little on the….”

  “No,” I interrupt, removing his shirt.

  He pulls away, avoiding my lips.

  “What?” I ask, slightly annoyed.

  “Why don’t you ever want to just hang out or talk?” he asks.

  “We’ve been through this, Codie,” I retaliate. “I don’t do the whole girlfriend thing…or, the talking…or anything else that most women do other than just sex.”

  “Why not?” he presses.

  This isn’t the first time he’s tried to get me to talk.

  I stare at him blankly. “Either you want to have sex or you don’t. You’re a man, so I know you want to. If you don’t, fine, just let me know and I’ll be on my way.”


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