Changing Tides (Kill Devil Hills Book 2)

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Changing Tides (Kill Devil Hills Book 2) Page 6

by Sarah Darlington

  Oh, hell. Now Noah’s eyes had filled with tears also. “You should have told me sooner,” he whispered.

  “I couldn’t.”

  “I get why you didn’t. But you still should have.”

  We reached the hotel. Finally. Nathanial found a parking spot by the main entrance and turned off the car. The three of us sat still and silent. Then Noah moved first. “I’ll give you two a moment alone. I’m going to wait inside in the lobby. Come find me when you’re done here.”

  I had no earthly clue why Noah would think I needed a moment alone with Nathanial. I almost jumped out of the car and ran after him to prove that I certainly didn’t need anymoment—but that would have been rude to my chauffeur.

  “You must think we’re all insane,” I said to Nathanial after Noah had safely disappeared. I rubbed at my eyes. I’d stopped crying and thankfully hadn’t worn makeup today, but it was still embarrassing knowing he’d seen me cry.

  “I don’t,” he quickly answered, turning to look over his shoulder. “I think you’re brave. I think you love your brother and your family. Even your oddball friend. I also think you’re beautiful. And one of the most interesting girls I’ve ever met. I’m intrigued.”

  His words surprised me. And, damn, no wonder he was an actor because he delivered them flawlessly. But I wasn’t so sure about all that. Hell, I’m pretty sure the last person to call me beautiful was my dad. So…he had to be smoking something. Or was trying to blow smoke up my ass. Or maybe he had unique taste. Wanting to trust him, I decided to go with number three. But then again, Noah always said I was too trusting.

  “I’m a mess,” he continued. “My life is a mess right now. I wanted to be with you on the plane as a way to distract myself from other things. And I’m sorry for that. That wasn’t fair to you. I’m sorry if I made your visit here more complicated than it already was.”

  I smiled. He was kind of adorable as he apologized. Apologizing was unnecessary, but still…admitting those things took some serious balls. I admired him for it. “Yeah, well, I went into the bathroom with you on my own free will. It’s not like someone was holding a gun to my head and if given the choice, I’d probably do it again. I needed to explore something. You were there and handsome as hell. So I took advantage of you just as much as you took advantage of me. No big deal.” I shrugged then pushed open the car door. Talking from the backseat wasn’t ideal, so I stepped outside.

  He followed.

  November weather in Los Angeles was nearly perfect. A tad chilly, but still sunny and clear outside. I kind of loved it here. Especially the tall, skinny palm trees—they were so quintessentially California and so drastically different when compared to the trees of North Carolina. Nathanial fit in like he was part of a postcard. He wore a plaid, red and black button-down shirt that fluttered in the wind. On anyone else it would have looked like 90’s grunge—but it suited him. The t-shirt he wore underneath clung to the muscles that defined his chest and abs, leaving little to the imagination. That same pang of disappointment I’d felt on the plane hit me again. The one where I knew goodbye was inevitable and only moments away.

  “So what happens next?” I breathed, nervousness washing over me.

  He leaned against the car, staring at me like he had ulterior motives cooking under his ruggedly handsome surface. “I’m stuck here without a ride until you decide to take me home. So…when you go inside, I’m going to follow. Sound okay?”

  I shrugged, but was secretly thrilled.

  “How long are you going to be in town, Ellie? Through the holiday?”

  “No. Until Wednesday. Why?”

  Smiling like he was up to no good, he glanced around the parking lot. Aside from a random couple pulling suitcases out of their trunk, we were virtually alone. Clearly satisfied with that, he inched into my space. His hand landed on my waist and he pulled me closer. I inhaled a sharp breath as my body made contact with his. The warmth radiating off him took the edge off the chilly air, turning it downright steamy outside.

  “What if,” he asked, licking his lips, “I continue to distract myself from all the things I need distracting from…and you…you continue to explore that thing you need to explore—i.e. me?”

  A tingly sensation spread over my skin, reaching across my chest and all the way up to the roots of my hair. He sure was a cocky motherfucker. “So you’re offering yourself up like a freaking Christmas Roast? Again.”

  He laughed. “I guess you could put it that way. Sure…why the hell not? What do you say?”

  I understood what I got out of this arrangement. Him. But couldn’t fathom how he was benefiting. Because I wasn’t the normal leggy Hollywood-type he had to be used to. I was just me.

  For a good sixty seconds, I stood there with my mouth hanging open, staring at him. Tempting…but really? He couldn’t be serious, could he? A moment on a plane was one thing—but what he was asking for were lots of moments. This was a bad idea. And other than this one exception, I didn’t even like men. Go figure. How come it took him, of all people, to make me want to push the boundaries of my sexuality?

  And then he kissed me. Damn him. Hard too. And my mouth must have been open because suddenly I felt the hot press of his tongue against my tongue. His kiss was a weapon. Something he used to get what he wanted. Just like his gravelly voice, sheer size, and brutal good looks—his kiss had a quality that demanded attention. I had no choice but to listen and to see where this moment took me.

  It didn’t take me far. About one step to my right to be exact. With his palms guiding my body, he moved me—almost as if to hide me from the world. He pressed my back against the hard metal of the rental car and used his body to conceal mine. Maybe he was trying to be dramatic or sexy, practically throwing me up against the car. Whatever. It worked. It was hella hot. I was hella turned on. He laced our fingers together as his mouth explored mine then positioned my hands above my head. He literally had me pinned in place. This was completely different compared to my normal style. When it came to girls, usually I took control. But there was no controlling Nate West and I completely let him push me where he wanted me.

  And that kiss of his…holy shit.

  The hard bite of his tongue and lips made me dizzy and desperate. I met his kiss equally, needing more, needing this reckless abandonment to never stop. If he wanted to fuck me next against this car then I probably was going to let him.

  Then Nate West turned into Nathanial. It was a subtle change, but I noticed it. He paused to breathe, getting his bearings, taking a moment to slow down and study me. My hands were released from their captivity and he moved slightly away, just enough to give me some wiggle room. Carefully his touch trailed from above my head to my neck. Everywhere his fingers brushed, it felt like fire. Under his gaze and gentleness—that was when my heart really started to thump against my ribs, that was when I grew scared of what this all might mean.

  He initiated another kiss. Soft and sweet this time. Such a contradiction to a moment ago. And the thing was—I was fairly certain I could handle Nate West. I could handle his alpha, over-bearing, arrogant, let-me-push-you-up-against-this-car-and-have-my-crazy-beautiful-way-with-you. I think I could screw that person and then carry on with my life. But when sweeter, gentler Nathanial came out…I no longer felt certain of anything.

  A shiver ran through my body. Needing to separate myself from him, I pulled away from his lips and nudged his body further from mine. “You can’t just kiss people into submission,” I informed him.

  “Is that what you’re doing then? Submitting to me?”

  He wasn’t cocky and annoying as he asked this. He genuinely wanted to know. His eyes were soft and curious, waiting on my answer.

  “Yeah,” I breathed out, fresh out of wise-ass remarks.

  He smiled. “Good girl. That’s what I needed to hear.”

  Good girl? I should have ripped him a new one for that comment, but my lips would not form the words. I simply stared up at him. Everything about his looks sugg
ested one thing…hard. Hard upbringing, hard life, hard heart. And yet, he lived in freaking Malibu, California. There was nothing hard about that. And there was nothing hard about the way he looked down at me. All I felt was softness. I placed my hand on his chest for a brief moment, right over his heart. I’m not sure what possessed me to do this—curiosity maybe.

  Under the press of my hand, I could feel the racing, wild beat of his heart. Acting or no acting, you couldn’t fake that. He wasn’t toying with me. He seemed to have genuine feelings for me. Of all people…me. Why? That was the mystery of the century. I didn’t need another complication screwing with my life at the moment, but I really wanted to explore whatever connection I felt with him. In a few days’ time I’d be on my way back to North Carolina and back to reality. Why not have a little fun while I was here? Wasn’t that what vacations were for?

  “C’mon, let’s go find my friends.” I started to walk away and much to my enjoyment, he followed without question. “And when you want to pull out all your hair because of the drama, or because Noah and Georgie are so sickeningly in love, or simply because my friend Rhett is the most annoying person on the planet—just remember you asked for all this,” I warned him.

  “Don’t worry,” he answered. “I can hold my own.”

  “Well then, wipe that dumbass smile off your lips,” I joked as we walked through a set of double doors that led into the hotel lobby, laughing because I kind of loved his dumbass smile. “You can’t meet all my friends looking like you just found your dick for the first time and got lucky in the parking lot.”

  Picking up speed, Nathanial caught my stride and slapped my ass. He literally slapped my ass and his face turned dead serious. “Honey,” he whispered, the warmth of his deep voice ticking my ear. “Your lips are red and swollen from where we just made out like horny teenagers. If anything, it looks more like you just blew me in the parking lot.”

  I sucked in a breath at his crude words. My fingers automatically moved to my lips. Jesus, they were a little tender. I was too embarrassed to be mad at him. “Oh shit, you’re right.” I stopped walking. Dammit too, I could see my whole group of friends waiting on us just across the lobby. “They’ll know.”

  “I’m just fucking with you, Ellie,” he said, his voice losing its cocky edge. “Nobody will know anything. This is our secret. So, come on, introduce me to your friends.”

  I stared into his eyes. Whether he was fucking with me or not, I knew one thing for certain. He wasn’t about to out me to my friends. For some random reason, whether I wanted it or not, this stranger totally had my back. He was oozing with loyalty and he was giving it to me.

  “Follow me,” I whispered, struck quiet for possibly the first time in my life.

  We approached the others.

  Everyone minus Georgina sat in a cluster of mahogany sofas. They were dressed in their Disneyland finest, looking excited and eager to get going. Noah stood next to the group with his hands shoved in his pockets. He still wore his pajamas. Our eyes locked on each other. He shifted back and forth on his feet like he was ready to bolt upstairs at any given second. I guess he hadn’t mentioned to everyone else that today’s plans were totally shot.

  Where’s Georgie? I mouthed to him.

  He never had the chance to answer my silent question. Because Rhett hopped to his feet, ripped off his dorky American flag aviators that screamedI’m a tourist, and barked, “Holy Mickey Mouse, it’s Nate West in the flesh. Again.”



  Introductions were made. Ellie was quick to tell me the names of her three waiting friends. And now—Luce, Sydney, and Rhett—were all staring at me like I was the first celebrity they’d ever come in contact with. And thanks to Rhett announcing my name to the whole fucking lobby, their eyes weren’t the only eyes eating me alive. About ten other random people were also staring in my direction. I could practically read their minds and feel them inching closer. It was like a scene straight out of an episode of the Walking Dead. In about three seconds, a half dozen of them were going to start surrounding me and eating my brain…I mean, demanding photos. It’s what everyone always wanted—a photo with a celebrity.

  “Nothing to see,” Ellie yelled to the lobby, somehow sensing how uncomfortable I’d become. “He’s not the real Nate West. Just his stunt double. We get this sort of confusion all the time. I can’t take him anywhere. Carry on. Sorry to disappoint.”

  It worked. Whether people believed Ellie or not, not a single person dared approach me after she made her announcement. I let out a breath of air I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding and sat down in one of the mahogany chairs. “Thanks,” I told her and genuinely meant it. It didn’t matter how many years ticked by, the fame and attention of being an actor was probably something I’d never fully get used to.

  She gave me a small smile and asked the others, “Where’s Georgie?”

  “Spending all morning doing her hair,” Rhett said, plopping back down on the loveseat he’d previously been occupying. “That girl is the most low-maintenance/high-maintenance girl I’ve ever met. It’s like she can’t decide which she is from day to day. And today she chose high-maintenance.”

  “I’m going upstairs,” Noah announced. “I think I might be high-maintenance today too.”

  Ellie’s face paled at his words. “What? Now? I’m coming with.” She started to move in his direction.

  “No,” Noah told her firmly. “You wanted me to know your secret. Now I know. And now I want to tell her myself. Sorry Ellie, but this is something I think I should do alone. If I need your help, in any way, I’ll call.” He sighed, running his hands through his hair. “I’m sorry about Disney, guys. I’m afraid we probably won’t be going today like planned.” And with those parting words he left the group.

  Ellie fell into an arm chair adjacent to the one I had already claimed. Her eyes met mine briefly and I could tell she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. Seeing her upset twisted at my insides and I had to wonder…why was everyone so insanely afraid to tell her sister that Ben was still alive? What was the worst that could happen?

  “So the cat’s out of the bag then?” Rhett asked Ellie.

  Ellie nodded.

  “By the way, I told Sydney like a month ago that Ben was alive. So yeah…” Rhett attempted an apologetic smile, but he didn’t seem all that apologetic. “She knows.”

  “I know,” Sydney confirmed, her voice barely above a whisper.

  Rhett kept talking, but I didn’t miss the sideways glance he shot Sydney.Were they a couple? “And then I told Luce everything this morning so she’d be ready for the bomb to drop. Sorry, I suck at keeping secrets. If you want to beat my ass, I’ll let you have few free shots.”

  “So everyone knows? Fantastic,” Ellie muttered sarcastically. “And I’ll take a rain check on beating your ass.”

  “Cool.” Rhett’s focus shifted. “What I want to know is why Nate West has suddenly joined the party. Because I have a hunch that this is typical ‘Ellie’ behavior. Less than twenty-four hours in LA and she’s already befriended a celebrity. This is crazier than the time she made friends with Homeless Man Todd. So how did she rope you in, man?”

  All eyes moved to me. “Homeless Man Todd?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” Rhett answered. “He’s this local that randomly sleeps out on the beach by the bar where I work. Has been doing this on occasion for years. Turns out he’s not homeless or a drunk like we all thought, just a man who likes to sleep in the sand sometimes. It’s the oddest thing. Anyway, Ellie made nice with him one night, stayed out there with him until the sun came up. Which meant Noah and I had to hang around too to make sure he wasn’t some serial killer about to chop her up. Turns out he’s just a man who misses his wife and the beach reminds him of her. So I gotta give Ellie her credit, when she wants she can make nice with just about anyone.”

  I smiled. Somehow that sounded exactly like the Ellie I knew.

  “Ellie a
nd I met on the plane yesterday,” I explained. “And then Ben…well, I suppose he’s my neighbor. He’s living with Carrie Stone—she’s the wife of the late Joey Stone, a director. She lives two houses down the beach from me in Malibu. Coincidently enough, Ellie and I met again this morning. Small world, I guess.”

  “So you know Ben?” Sydney asked, breathing deeply. “How is he? Is he good?”

  Sydney was a pretty girl. Long blonde hair. Big naive green eyes. A moment ago I’d thought she might be Rhett’s girl, but as she said Ben’s name her voice cracked and there was a desperation behind her questions. She had a history with Ellie’s brother. It was obvious to me. And, apparently, upsetting to Rhett. Because before I could even answer her questions, Rhett stood up and left the group. He disappeared in a second flat, stalking off, clearly annoyed.

  “I can’t even ask one fucking question about Ben without pissing him off,” Sydney snapped. Jeez, a second ago I’d thought she seemed like the sweet, innocent type. But as she said several choice curse words under her breath, I realized that I’d pegged her all wrong. She stood to her feet, huffed like a sassy woman double her size, and then stomped after Rhett.

  Luce stood up next. “It was nice meeting you, Nate,” she said to me, politely shaking my hand once more. Then she turned her attention to Ellie. “And I’m so happy your brother is alive. Really, I am. But I’m going to call my uncle. He lives close by. I think I’ll spend the day with him since we all won’t be going to Disney after all. That’ll be better for me today.”

  “I understand,” Ellie told her. “No big deal. Give me a call later.”

  Luce bent over and gave Ellie a quick hug. Then she too disappeared.

  Once we were alone, I couldn’t resist and joked, “I changed my mind. I decided your friends are all insane. Completely bat shit crazy.”


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