Wittine attack, 78
Dowdle, James “Jimmy,” 4–5
perjury, possibility, 25–26
Dowdle, John, 84
Dream Team (criminal trial lawyers), 216–217
disbanding, 218–219
Dressler, Al, 245
Drucker, Bonnie, 69
Dumas, Timothy, 55, 68, 120, 128
Greentown, 19, 242
Dunne, Alice, 139, 143, 189, 198, 200
Dunne, Dominick, 224–225, 272
alcoholism/drug addiction, 156–157
Bryan files, release, 150
campaign, impact, 96
Dominick Dunne’s Power, Privilege and Justice, 175
falsehoods, 17–18, 33, 57–58, 86
Levitt story, 161–162
Moxley interaction, 160–161
objective, 175
Other Mrs. Kennedy, The, 179
Season in Purgatory, A (Dunne), 18, 161, 164, 179
Smith rumor, 115, 159–160
Edwards, Lisa Rader, 251, 269
Élan School
abuse, exposure, 47, 140–141
behavior-modification program, controversy/discredit, 138
Michael Skakel attendance/abduction, 46, 48, 50, 77, 100, 136–138
psychological domination, 141–142
punishments, 139–140
Evidence, disappearance/misuse, 60–61
Exculpatory DNA tests, usage, 20
Exculpatory evidence
disclosure, legal requirement, 25, 121
new trial impact, 276
prosecution team illegal concealment, 21, 274
False confessions, expert examination (Sherman production failure), 231–232
False memory, 206
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 93
Fay, Red, 43
Fifth Amendment, usage, 262
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 37–38
FitzPatrick, Dan, 61
FitzPatrick, Michael, 232–233
Fleischli, Edward, 8, 59
Fleuryn, Daryl, 258–259
Fordice, Rushton, 37
Foster, Vince, 165
Freedom from Chemical Dependency (FCD), 47
Freedom of Information Act, 96, 145
Freehill, Kim, 138, 140–142
Fuchs, Barrington, 75
Fuhrman, Mark, 11, 13, 17
blame, 167–168
Carroll, interaction, 87
felony perjury, 163
Morano/Galluzzo meeting, 170–171
Murder Business, The, 175
Murder in Brentwood, 164
Murder in Greenwich, 19, 28, 50, 156, 164, 170, 225
Garr dismissal, 169
racism, 163–164
Benedict advancement, 22, 172–173
problems, 172
Galesi, Francesco, 44
Galluzzo, Dominick, 170
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 75
Garr, Frank, 5, 15, 17, 242
case, relaunch, 174–175
chumming, 180
disgrace, 278
Hale disagreement, 94–95
hatred, 16
impact, problems, 20
interviews, 69–71
hagiography, 21–22
interaction/friendship, 114–115
life, background, 113–114
Margie Walker visit/story, 243
media strategy, 188
police report concealment, 275
political pressure, 171
Sheridan meeting, 147
subpoena, possession (falsehood), 181
threats/intimidation/bribery, 274–275
Georgetown University Homecoming, Revcon bus (usage), 12, 26
Gerbino, Mark, 197
Colucci discovery, 227
Gillman, Anne, 95
Gill, Susan, 23, 209, 278
Goldberg, Lucianne, 158, 165
Golden Touch Salon, 203
Goldman, Ron, 175
Golf club(s)
murder weapon, 89
stress testing, 216–217
usage, 11–12
Goodman, Annie, 223
Gorman, Mr./Mrs. Charles, 9
Grace, Nancy, 11, 235
Graham, Walter “Wally,” 37
Great Lakes Coal and Coke Company (Great Lakes Carbon) (GLC), 37–38, 42–45, 82–83
attorney, Skakel estate arrival, 88–89
control, 169
management, change, 44–45
Green, Howard, 135
Greentown (Dumas), 19, 242
Greenwich Police (Greenwich PD)
cover-up, Fuhrman perpetuation, 166
crime scene management/evidence collection problems, 60
curiosity/confidence, problems, 59–60, 64, 67
Dunne chastisement, 57–58
Fuhrman attack, 165–166
institutionalized racism, lawsuit, 242
investigation problems, 7, 9, 12, 55–59
Moxley murder, time determination, 7
comprehensiveness, absence, 269–270
warrant, absence, 86–87
Gross, Elliot, 7, 28, 60, 216
autopsy, 28
Grubin, Cliff, 199–200
Grudberg, David, 216
Guandique, Ingmar, 158
Guilford pub bombing, 271
Gumbel, Bryant, 243
Habeas corpus petition
Connecticut appeal, 278
filing, 276
Hale, Gerald
Garr disagreement, 94–95
Moxley recruitment, 94–95
Hammond, W. Edward, 55, 87, 231
police questioning, 62–63
polygraph, 57, 59–60
room, search, 55–56, 59
Harkness, Catherine, 262–263
Hartig, Steven, 250
Harvey, John, 63–64, 66–67, 70
brush pile search, confirmation, 67–68
Hasbrouck, Adolph, 240–243, 246
Benedict/Garr interview refusal, 267
Bryant description, 247
control, loss, 252–253, 257
Fifth Amendment, 262
golf clubs, selection/usage, 250–251
infatuation (Moxley), 247–248
Kennedy conversation, 259
life, background, 259
Mischief Night, 248–249
polygraph, denial, 260
statements, damage, 254–255
story, changes, 259–260
swagger, 254–255
vulgarity, increase, 248
Hennessy, Roland, 64
Hickman, Daniel, 11–12, 60, 269
Higgins, John, 189
arrest, 190
confession claims, 192–194, 201
credibility, absence, 204
Garr interview, 190–192
Night Owl, 192–193
sadism, 139–140
Hill, Paul, 272
Hoffman, Richard, 4, 10, 170, 180
Dead Man Talking, 15, 33
interviews, 15, 32
photos, seizure, 217
prosecution witness, 17
Holifield, Larry, 59, 67
interviews, 70–71
“Horse Whisperer, The,” 157–158
Howard, Ken, 107
How Can You Defend Those People? (Sherman), 220
Howe, William, 37
Hozman, Diane, 189
Innocence Project, The, 20
Interlocutory appeal, Sherman failure, 226–227
International Institute for Alcoholism, 50
In the Name of the Father, 271
Ix, Cissie, 22–23, 78–79, 84
Bryant observation, 251
police statement, 107
Rucky friendship, 81–82
Rucky story, 152
Ix, Helen, 3, 22, 61, 80
testimony, 8, 13, 31r />
Jachimczyk, Joseph, 7, 27–28
Jones, Edwin, 202
Jones, Ethel, 11, 268
Jones, Larry, 268
Jones, Millard, 11–12, 60
Jones, William, 268
Karazin, John, 275
Kaseman, Paul, 197
Colucci discovery, 227
Kavanah, Donna, 200
Kavanewsky, John, 71, 121, 171, 186, 199, 228, 232, 234
Crawford letter, 244
Skakel sentencing, 273–274
Keegan, Tom, 63–64, 109, 166
Kennedy, David, 15
Kennedy, Edward, 49, 125
Kennedy, Ethel, 168
Kennedy family
operation, description, 14–15
Skakel family, gulf, 35–36
Kennedy, Jack, 43, 270
Kennedy, Jean, 40
Kennedy, Joe, 49–50, 55–56
Kennedy, Joseph, 41, 271
Kennedy, Max, 46
Kennedy, Michael, 15, 46
Kennedy, Robert, 44
Kennedy, Rose, 41
Kennedy scandals, 186
Kennedy, Ted, 168, 169
Kerick, Bernard, 175
King, Larry (Larry King Live), 17, 157, 159, 175, 225, 234
Knight, Tara, 216, 223
Knopp, Mark, 71
Koch, Bill, 45
Kovacs, Tom, 126
Kranick, Harry, 190, 191, 194
Krebs, Willis “Billy,” 98–99
Skakel innocence, belief, 148–149
Krizack, Rocky, 110, 120
Lacrosse, Duke, 25
Lang, Joel, 86
Lauper, Cyndi, 220
Lawford, Peter, 158
Lawrence, Phil, 188–189
Lee, Henry, 12, 57–58, 98, 128
testimony, 31, 60
Leonetti, Philip, 216
Lesse, Stanley, 24, 94, 152, 172
Letterman, David, 227
Levinson, Barry, 220
Levitt, Leonard, 7–8, 18, 58, 275
Conviction, 21, 100, 147
FOIA, usage, 96
Garr, interaction/friendship, 114–115
Levy, Chandra, 157
Lewinsky, Monica, 165
Lewis, Sean (letter), 51
Liddell, Virginia, 70
Ligon, Roger, 221, 222
Little Martha (Crawford), 241–242, 264
Littleton, Ann, 110
Littleton, Kenneth “Kenny,” 3–4, 17, 68–69
alcohol rehabilitation, attempt, 111–112
Dunne solicitude, 228
Garr conversation, 118
immunity, 21
life background, 104–105
Lunney/Brosko interview, 105–106
Morall interviews, Garr/Benedict withholding, 121–122
murderer, Solomon belief, 18–19
Murphy perspective, 106
perjury, possibility, 25–26
police arrests, 108, 110–111
polygraph exams, 109, 118–119
failure, 110
sexual abuse, 119
sodium amytal interview, refusal, 110
sodium pentothal test, offer, 111
Solomon suspect, 115
statement, 87–88
testimony, 9, 13
Littleton, Wayne, 110
Lock, John (David Moxley recruitment), 94–95
Loftus, Elizabeth, 208, 210, 233
Lowell Whiteman School, 135
Lungren, Dan, 163–164
Lunney, James, 7, 12, 59, 69, 166
Byrne interview, 266
Lunney, James, (continued)
questions, 75
searches, 87
Wittine statement, 79
Maher, Ted, 157
Manchester, James, 107
Mangelsdorf, Mark, 210
Margolis, Manny, 93, 97, 142, 216
judgment, alteration, 149
Markham, Dean, 44
Marr, James “Bunny,” 85
Max (Belgian shepherd), location, 80
McCarthy, Dick, 96, 99, 143–144
McCormack, William, 24, 152, 172
McFillan, Angela, 200
McGlynn, Joe, 55–56, 67
McGuire, Sheila
body discovery, 12, 13, 30, 56–57, 62–63
murder-night drama, report, 59
McKenzie, Jim, 87
Mead, The, 12, 249–251
kids, congregation, 252–255
Meerbergen, John, 108–109
Meese, Ed, 111
false memory, 206
manipulation, expert examination (Sherman failure), 231–232
weakness, contamination capability, 210–211
Merton, Thomas, 40, 42
Metropolitan Blind Brook Club, 41
Mills, Crawford, “Tres,” 239
Bryant secret, revelation, 240–241
hero, 270
information, Sherman noninterest, 241–242
Kavanewsky letter, 244
Little Martha, 241–232, 264
New York Times contact, 244
death, 270
Mischief Night (Hell Night), 3, 7, 56, 63, 67, 239
activities, police dragnet (ineffectiveness), 270
Hasbrouck/Tinsley, arrival, 248–249
mission, 268–269
Wittine questioning, 79–80
Ziliuca absence, 75–76
Misinformation effect, 208
Morall, Kathy, 118, 121–122
Morano, Chris, 170, 199
Morganti, Charles, 106–107, 121
sketch copy, obtaining (Sherman failure), 227
Moukad house, 4, 270
Moxley, David, 3, 17, 87
Moxley, Dorthy, 3, 63, 218
Dunne, interaction, 160–161
polygraph test, 71–72
public plea, 16–17
sympathy, 271
testimony, 7–8, 11, 66
Moxley, J. David, 64
Moxley, John, 3, 104, 231
evening (October 30), description, 66–67
Littleton meeting, 120
polygraph test, 68
testimony, 9
Worst Case Scenario, 62
Moxley, John (Skakel pre-dawn meeting), 63–66
Moxley, Martha, 3, 73
Adolph infatuation, 247–248
bludgeoning/ambush, 4, 6, 67
crime scene management/evidence collection problems, 60
discovery, 3, 7–8, 12
dragging, Benedict supposition, 30–31
community search, 11–12
death, estimation, 7
diary, 126–128
Benedict/Garr tampering, 80
golf club, usage, 11–12
Gross autopsy, 28
Sacred Heart diary entry, 247–248
Skakel children shock, 90
Mudroom, activity, 10
Murder Business, The (Fuhrman), 175
Murder in Brentwood (Fuhrman), 164
fiction, work, 169
Murder in Greenwich (Fuhrman), 19, 28, 50, 156, 164, 170, 225
Murdoch, Rupert, 125
Murphy, Jim, 25, 58, 64, 66, 99
Rucky meeting, 96–97
Skakel innocence, belief, 148–149
Nifong, Mike, 25
Nixon, Richard M. (Skakel support), 43
Ofshe, Richard, 231–233
Olsen, Theodore “Ted,” 227
Oppenheimer, Jerry, 179
Ornato, Mike, 68
Ossorio, Dennis, 23, 230–231
testimony, 13
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 270
Other Mrs. Kennedy, The (Dunne), 179
Palmer, Richard, 264, 275
Paradise v. Connecticut, 226–227
Pederson, Norman, 109
Pennington, Lou, 68
Petersen, Sarah, 200
Pickerstein, Harold, 95
Police reports
Benedict concealment, 25
Garr concealment, 275
Proctor, James, 57
Prosecutorial Discretion, 19–20
Prosecutors, job/role, 20
Ramsey, John/Patsy, 157
Rancheros Visitadores, 44
Reagan, Ronald, 44, 161
Regan, Jr., John, 196, 199
Renna, Rick, 207
Representative democracy, Skakel perspective, 42
Revcon motor home, 84
socialization, 11
usage, 26
Reynolds, Ann, 45
Reynolds, Mary Ellen, 146, 172
Ricci, Joe (Élan School founder), 138–143, 188, 198
Richichi, Joe, 220
Ridge, Geranne, 181, 201
Attanian conversation, 183–184
credibility, absence, 204
Garr questioning, 182–183
Sherman cross-examination, problems, 185–186
story, fabrication, 185
Roberts, Monty, 158
Rogers, Dorothy, 200
Roosevelt, Christopher, 92–93
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 42, 92
Rosen, Alvin, 152–153
Rottman, Alvin, 220
Ruby, Jack, 270
Sacred Heart, Moxley diary entry, 247–248
Saemann, Frieda, 69–70
Safra, Edmond, 157
Salerno, John, 69–70
Garr/Holifield interviews, 70–71
Salerno, Marie (Garr interview), 70
Santos, Hubie, 25, 102, 223, 245
appeal, filing, 273–274
habeas corpus petition, filing, 276
Scheck, Barry, 20
Schlesinger, Arthur, 40
Season in Purgatory, A (Dunne), 18, 161, 164, 179
fiction, work, 169
Seeger, Stephan, 21, 23, 216, 218
Seeley, Hope, 199–200, 226, 245
appeal, filing, 273–274
habeas corpus petition, filing, 276
Serenity Project, The, 47
Shakespeare, Andrea (Renna), 4, 6, 24, 161, 174
dropoff, 253–254
false memory, 206
Garr/Solomon interview, 207
Gill questioning, 209
memory, murkiness, 207
misinformation effect, 208
Sherman cross-examination, 209–210
statement, 87–88
testimony, jury review, 205
Sheridan, Margot, 49–51
Sheridan, Tom, 82–83, 93–94
allegations, fabrication, 146–147
confidentiality, breach, 151
Garr meeting, 147
manipulation, 141–146, 151
treachery, impact, 96, 98, 135–136
vandalism, 154
Sherman, Mark, 174, 216
reasonable doubt, explanation, 232
Sherman, Mickey, 5, 13, 17
Baden recommendations, 226–233
blunder, 230–231
bluster, 219
client consultations, scheduling, 223
Sherman, Mickey, (continued)
Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Conference, 223–224
criminal trial lawyers (Dream Team), 216–217
disbanding, 218–219
expenses, excess, 235–236
false confessions, expert examination (usage failure), 231–232
Framed: Why Michael Skakel Spent Over a Decade in Prison For a Murder He Didn't Commit Page 42