by Reina Torres
Train glared at him. “I think I’m going to hate you for a while.”
Baron shrugged and pointed forward. “Keep your eyes up ahead.”
As they made their way down the hallway, a rather frazzled looking production assistant waved them forward. “Come on through.”
The four of them stepped through the doorway and took a deep breath of fresh air. Train stretched his arms out wide. “How many people are out there?”
The production assistant, not realizing it was a rhetorical question piped up and gave them a dazzling grin. “At last count at the gate there are more than nine thousand people in the building.”
At least Baron was back to his usual jolly self.
Jackson walked Hi`ilani over to Mr. Hutchins. He greeted her with a big hug and shook Jackson’s hand.
With a curious look at the solider, Mr. Hutchins watched Jackson’s eyes carefully as he gave him a hesitant poke in his chest. Then all five fingers, nodding to himself when he confirmed that there was a bullet proof vest under his shirt. “Interesting.”
Cort sidled up to the side and leaned in, intending to press a kiss on Hi`ilani’s cheek.
She stepped aside and smiled at him. “Hey, Cort.”
The actor shrugged. “Can’t blame a guy for trying, right?”
Jim put a hand on Cort’s shoulder. “Cort, a word of advice.”
Cort shrugged. “Okay?”
Jim gestured at Hi`ilani first. “When a woman side-steps a kiss, that’s a pretty good indicator that she’s not comfortable with what you’re doing.”
“Well, you said we’re probably going to be involved on the show.”
From his place a few steps over, Train folded his arms over his chest. “That’s in front of the camera,” he explained in a tone that said he didn’t think he had to, “off-camera you pay attention before someone makes you pay attention.”
Jim gave Train a nodding smile. “Couldn’t have said it better myself, son.” He gestured to Jackson and the other two men. “You know Jackson’s her boyfriend, but go ahead and test the limits of his patience and the least of your worries is going to be the black eye he gives you.”
Cort leaned back. “You’d let him punch me?”
Jim leaned closer, lowering his voice. “And then there’s going to be the harassment suit. The network won’t stand for it and I won’t stand for it. So, get your act together, Cort.”
As Jim walked away, shaking his head, he called out to no one in particular, “Can someone get Cort some coffee?”
The production assistant scooted around Cort, her eyes watchful, but she walked up to Hi`ilani and the guys. “Our Public Relations manager wanted me to let you know that the house is open so if you guys want to go and find seats out in the hall, now is the time.”
Hi`ilani reached her arms around Jackson’s neck and gave him a quick kiss to his lips. “After this is over I can’t wait to get you alone and-”
They turned and saw Train and Baron pointing at their ears. Train gave them both a wry smile. “Ajax has his earpiece on.”
She stepped away from Jackson and he pulled her back for another quick peck on her lips.
“We’ll finish this later.”
Baron groaned. “Will you just go before I die of sugar shock?”
Train jogged up and brushed a kiss on her cheek before he moved up to Jackson’s side.
“All right,” she looked at Baron, “you’re stuck with me.”
Baron slung an arm around her shoulders and gave her an awkward hug. “I think you know by now you’re the one that’s stuck with me. Now,” he let out a sigh as Cort grabbed a bunch of donuts and headed for a chair, “let’s keep you away from ‘grab-ass’ over there and we’ll review the plans we worked out earlier.”
“You’ve got to be more careful, Baron.”
His eyes narrowed at her. “Why?”
She looked up at him with a sly smile. “You keep acting like this and people are going to think you’re actually nice.”
Shaking his head, he growled at her. “Let’s just keep that between us, okay?”
Shrugging, she moved toward the stage with Baron at her side.
Even with their earpieces turned up on full. Jackson was having a hard time hearing anything more than the excited conversations around him. The press event was set just after the lunch hour and people were packed in shoulder to shoulder in the room and a quick look at the two doors at the back of the room it looked like they were still letting people in.
*Train* Here I thought I’d enjoy coming to this Con.
*Baron* Does that mean we don’t have to hear you going on and on about movies and TV?
*Train* Kiss my-
*Ajax* Focus, you two.
*Train* All right, Mr. Miyaji.
*Baron* I can see through the curtain. There’s a gap here. Does the Fire Marshal know how many people they are squeezing in here?
*Train* Oh good. They just closed the doors.
Hi`ilani waited in order behind the curtain. Baron was standing just off to the side. Once everyone was announced and seated, he’d remain behind the curtain, but he’d be right behind her just in case.
In case.
Living with these worries was starting to wear on her.
Then again, Jackson lived like this all the time. She’d only had a taste of the kind of preparation that the men went through. Sitting around their dining room table, the surface had been covered in schematics and information sheets. They’d planned and planned again. They’d come up with several solid plans to use in case something happened at the con.
She turned to see Baron turn off his earpiece for a moment. “Yeah?”
“You okay? Ready for this?”
Hi`ilani shook her head. “Not in the least.” She saw him open his mouth to speak but she rushed right over him, trying to awkwardly reassure him. “I’m totally confident in the three of you. I’m just worried I’m going to freeze up and put someone in danger if something happens.”
A flash of an image in her head, a memory of Mackie, brought tears to her eyes.
“You don’t worry at all.” Baron set his hand on her shoulder and gave her a squeeze so gentle she was shocked. “If something happens, know that I will take care of you. Do you trust us to keep you safe?”
She dropped her chin in a nod. “Absolutely.”
Cort heard his name and stepped through the opening in the curtain and was greeted by a huge round of applause.
The production assistant that they’d met earlier didn’t seem phased in the least by her tears and handed Hi`ilani a tissue, giving her a big smile. “Head up, you’ll be just fine.”
Hi`ilani heard Jim announcing her, but honestly the words weren’t more than just a jumble of sounds. In the back of her head she knew what was being said, CeeCee had read it to her a few times over the phone. Honestly it didn’t matter what they said, she was afraid that the audience would know she was a nobody and there would be crickets after her introduction.
But she was wrong.
Stepping out into the brightly lit stage she was stunned to see the crowd on its feet cheering for her.
To say she was stunned was an understatement and it took her a moment to feel the world under her feet again. Lifting a hand she waved at the crowd and the applause rose into a crescendo again.
Hi`ilani wiped at the tears on her cheeks and found her seat at the table.
While Jim was adding a few more comments, she couldn’t help but reach out and pick up the tent card that had her name on it and turned it around to look at it.
Hi`ilani Ahfong
Realizing that Jim was calling her name she dropped the tent card back into the table and looked over at him. “Sorry. I’m still trying to believe all of this…”
Jackson watched her from the audience when he could. Most of the time he was scann
ing the audience. They didn’t know what the other gunman looked like. And they didn’t know if the boss was there. It wasn’t likely, but men who do what they did, didn’t make too much sense to begin with.
Evil tended to make people feel invincible.
It was the innocents that suffered and Hi`ilani was as innocent as they come. She lived with her heart on her sleeve and her spirit was full of love. Aloha.
The word did indeed mean a whole host of things, but Hi`ilani embodied so many of them.
Someone shifted in the crowd and his head turned in their direction, finding a thin man, tall enough to see him over the crowd. He was reaching into a messenger bag slung over his shoulder.
*Ajax* Hold, possible target.
When he pulled out an old SLR camera, Jackson relax, stretching his neck to ease some of the tension.
*Ajax* Negative.
*Train* Okay, nothing here so far.
*Baron* She’s holding up well.
Jackson felt a well of pride in his heart.
*Ajax* Of course she is. Pay attention.
He knew that he’d failed at putting an edge in his tone. He couldn’t feel the way he felt and not smile.
A young woman stepped up to the microphone set up for audience questions. Leaning closer until there was about an inch between her mouth and the surface. “I have a question for Hi`ilani?”
Jim nodded. “Go ahead.”
She lifted a hand and waved, the headband she wore had two Daleks from Doctor Who attached by little springs. “Aloha, Hi`ilani! My name is Kimi.” She giggled. “I’ve been a fan of your music since I heard you at the House Without a Key restaurant.”
Hi`ilani leaned forward. “Mahalo, Kimi! Thanks for being a fan.”
“My heart is pounding!” Kimi flattened her hand over her heart. “I wanted to ask if we’re going to get to hear you sing and see you dance on the show.”
Hi`ilani looked at Jim and he gestured for her to answer.
“Well, we just did the first read through of the Pilot script and I do have a scene in it where you’ll see a little bit of both.”
Kimi clapped her hands and did a little dance in place.
“So awesome! Can’t wait!”
The next question was for Cort and he made a big show of leaning on the table and smiling at the beaming woman behind the microphone.
“Hey there, I’m Denise and I’m a huge fan of yours, Cort.”
He winked at her. “Good to know, Denise. I love meeting fans.”
“And I would love to meet you later.” She fanned herself and more than a few people in the audience made little appreciative noises and whistles. At a polite gesture from one of the staff members she jumped into asking her question. “Do you have a love interest that we’ll see develop over a number of episodes or will you have a long line of one night stands on the show?” She paused for a second and then burst out again. “And if it’s the second, where do I volunteer?”
Laughter filtered through the audience and someone grumbled through the communications link. Jackson wasn’t at all sure that it hadn’t been him.
Cort, shifted on stage and got up from his chair. “Well, I probably shouldn’t say this much-”
“Then please, don’t.” Jim’s tone was pretty pointed when he spoke into the microphone.
“But I think it’s safe to say that I know I would love to see something develop between my character and,” he extended a hand toward Hi`ilani, “this beautiful woman right here.”
*Baron* Jerk.
*Train* If you want, Ajax. I can break a few of his fingers for you.
Jackson laughed quietly.
*Ajax* I’m not worried. If he tries something, then you can help me break his kneecaps.
*Baron* I’d aim a little higher, but that’s just me.
*Ajax* I love you, man.
*Baron* Kisses.
Hi`ilani smiled even though she wanted to stomp on Cort’s foot. The man wasn’t going to let it go.
Sliding a quick look down the table she saw more than a few of the cast members trying to hide their own reactions to Cort’s behavior.
Jim, at his end of the table looked like he was one comment away from smoke pouring out of his ears.
“What about you, Hi`ilani?”
She shook herself and realized that it was Cort asking the question.
“Don’t you want to see how hot our chemistry can burn?”
It took everything she had not to roll her eyes.
Reaching forward, she pulled her microphone closer and tried to find the right words.
“Well, this is Hawaii. Just because things get hot, it doesn’t mean it’ll be good. Just look at the people who sun bathe in Waikiki without sunscreen. That’s a painful burn.”
More than a few people laughed in the audience. She turned to look at the crowd and had to blink a few times when she saw what looked like dozens of flashes from cameras.
The light had an odd effect on her eyes, making spots of her vision lighter but others darker. At first it was just disconcerting and then it threw her back in time.
To a night in a darkened park.
And there, in the midst of the all of the happy, smiling faces in the audience, there was one that made her blood run cold.
Tall, blond, his eyes as cold as his jaw was square.
Her breathing sped up as her heart squeezed tight.
She couldn’t hear anything or see anything else but his face.
And the blood rushing through her ears.
She should call out.
She should point at him.
Do something!
The only thing that seemed to work besides her eyes were her legs.
Standing, she pushed the chair back from the table and she took a step back, her knees buckling when the backs of her legs came in contact with the chair.
Jackson saw the change in Hi`ilani. Felt a tremor of fear roll through his body when he saw her stand up and back away from the table.
His first instinct was to wade through the crowd and put himself between her and danger, but his job was to find the danger and leave her safety to Baron.
*Ajax* Train?
*Train* Moving toward the middle.
He felt the movement before he saw it. He had to watch the crowd, look for cues. There. The gunman acted like a rock dropped into a pond. He straightened up, lifting his arms and the people around him leaned away, looking for a way out.
*Ajax* I see him. Polo shirt black. Tan pants.
*Train* Got him. Closing in.
Jackson was the man, Ajax was the soldier and it was Ajax that waded through the crowd, moving people out of the way as he kept his focus on the man who’d helped to kill Mackie.
The man who intended to kill Hi`ilani.
And the only thing Ajax knew was that the man would fail.
He’d do whatever it took to stop him.
When he was a couple of feet away he saw Train approaching from the other side and knew before Train even moved what his friend was going to do.
The gunman spared him a glance but turned back to the stage, determined to finish the job.
Jackson’s hip bumped into a chair and he used it to his advantage. Putting a boot on the seat, he used the upholstered chair to launch himself into the air.
He drove the man to the ground a split second after the gun went off.
Train was beside him a moment later, stomping his boot on the man’s hand and prying the gun from his finger. “Got him, Ajax?”
“Yes,” he growled the word through his clenched teeth. “I’ve got him.”
Beneath him, the man struggled, trying to buck him off. His size would have given him an advantage if there hadn’t been the red hot rage surging through his blood.
*Ajax* Baron, sit rep
*Baron* Safe
*Ajax* Thank you
*Baron* Whatever
Someone put a hand on Jackson’s shoulder. “Back up.”
Jackson tensed and kept his grip on the man’s wrist that he’d twisted behind his back.
*Train* HPD
Pressing his knee into the back of the shooter’s thigh, Jackson held out his hand, palm up. “Cuffs.”
“We’ll do that. Move.”
Jackson saw the glint in the shooter’s eye as he glared up at him. He was just waiting for a chance.
When Jackson shook his head he didn’t allow for an argument. “He’s waiting for an opening. Give me the cuffs and then you guys can have him.”
He waited for an argument from the officer. So did Train. His teammate’s eyes spoke volumes.
“Here, take mine.”
Jackson looked up over Train’s shoulders and saw Kyle Ballard in his HPD uniform. He was working the event. The look in his eyes said he wouldn’t have been too disappointed if Jackson had been the one on his stomach under a couple of well-placed knees and restraining hands, but still he was offering his cuffs.
That was probably the most that he could ever hope for.
He gave the officer a nod and took the cuffs from him. “Thanks.”
Kyle stepped back as Jackson snapped the cuffs around the man’s wrist, and then together, he and Train managed to pull his other arm behind his back.
An officer took possession of the sidearm and once the two Deltas had him up on his feet they surrendered him to the officers.
Before anyone could stop them, they rushed through the crowd toward the backstage area. The last thing they heard as they pushed through the heavy metal door at the back of the room was applause.
Hi`ilani waited, watching the door to the room as if it was the only thing keeping her sane.
And maybe it was.
And maybe it was Baron’s hold on her arm.
“He’s fine,” Baron’s tone wasn’t his usual growl but it wasn’t soft either. If he’d been sweet, she would have dissolved into tears.
“I know,” her voice was barely a whisper. She knew he was okay. She just had to see it for herself.
The door swung open and her knees went weak, but that didn’t stop her from running into his arms.