Unbroken -Part Two - A Second Chance at Love Romance: The Collective - Season 1, Episode 6

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Unbroken -Part Two - A Second Chance at Love Romance: The Collective - Season 1, Episode 6 Page 4

by Riley Edwards

  Reid looked like he was transported back to another time and place. I didn’t want to bring up bad memories but, if he was being forthcoming, I was going to take advantage of it.

  “Why did he tell you to go?” I asked.

  “Damion was already running with a club. By that time, he was the one supporting us. My dad was long gone, and Mom had become useless. Damion refused to allow me to work when I was in high school. He wanted me to play sports and keep up with my grades. It all fell on him. More days than not, Mom didn’t get out of bed. There was always some man slithering out of our trailer in the morning. Damion shielded me from that too. Making sure her dealers were out of the house by the time I got up. He thought I didn’t know, but I did.”

  “I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine what that was like for you… and Damion.”

  “It was fucked. Damion’s only a few years older than me, but he was always more of a dad than a brother. He dropped me off, told the recruiter to make something of me, and he never wanted to see me again.”

  “He never wanted to see you again?” I whispered.

  Holy crap! That had to have hurt Reid badly. I was an only child I didn’t understand a sibling bond, but I did know what it felt like to have someone so close leave you.

  The pain of loss. Poor Reid. That actually explained a lot about him, and why Reid was always protecting those around him.

  “At the time, I was pissed. I thought I was gonna join his MC and stay with him. The moment I mentioned prospecting for the club he ran me out of town. He said he wanted a better life for me. I joined the Army, a pissed off resentful kid, with a huge chip on my shoulder.” Reid was still staring at the wall unblinking.

  “I think I love Damion,” I blurted out. “He protected you, saved you. He taught you to protect those you love, even when it is painful. He made you into the man you are today. You live by that same strict moral code he showed you. He is a good man, I’m glad you have him.”

  Reid’s laughter boomed through the tiny room. “Don’t ever tell Damion you think he is a good man. He has a reputation to uphold. And he would likely disagree with you.”

  “Please, don’t you know me at all? I can be very persuasive. Besides, you’ll be taking me to his clubhouse in a few days. I owe him and Blaze a plate of cupcakes.”

  Reid continued to laugh, the hilarity of my statement getting the better of him. He wiped his eyes before he asked, “Cupcakes?”

  “Yes. Dark chocolate with raspberry frosting. Maybe I’ll put JJ’s favorite sprinkles on the top too.” I thought for a minute, trying to calculate how many cupcakes I would have to make.

  “You’re gonna make cupcakes for a bunch of bikers?” he asked still smiling.

  “Yes, of course. He helped you save me.”

  I didn’t see what was so funny. Everyone liked cupcakes, especially my dark chocolate with raspberry frosting. Surely bikers liked sweets.

  “You’re a nut. Let’s get you cleaned up so we can go get JJ,” Reid suggested, patting my thigh signaling for me to get up.

  “Yes, please. I want to see my son. Is there a place I can clean up here? I want to try and cover this bruise, so JJ doesn’t see it.”

  I was anxious to get to JJ. What I was not looking forward to was facing Mac. Our friendship was strained at best, these days. It was all one sided, I was the one that was mad at him. He just continued to take my ire and never said a word. Some days I thought it would be easier if he would just call me on my shit, and tell me he was done with me. Easier for me, harder for JJ.

  “Come on, I’ll take you to the bathroom. Austin should have some clothes for you by now.”

  Reid gently took my hand and lead me out of the room and down the hall. Austin was sitting in the waiting area deep in thought with a bag on his lap. When we approached, he looked up, and the pity and grief that crossed his face made my belly hurt. He looked so lost. When his face softened, he didn’t look as big and tough like he normally did.

  I don’t know why I did it. Maybe it was the mother in me, the nurturer, the need to comfort those around me. I let go of Reid’s hand and ran to Austin. He stood just in time to wrap his arms around me as we collided.

  “Thank you. Thank you for coming to find me,” I said into his chest.

  I didn’t like seeing this big strong man downcast and distraught.

  “No worries, Ava. Just doing my job,” Austin said into my hair.

  “Don’t do that. You were right there with Reid and Damion saving me. You didn’t have to. And no matter if it is your job or not, I appreciate it just the same.”

  Austin cleared his throat. “You’re welcome. You’re Reid’s that means you are always protected. I’m sorry it happened in the first place.”

  “Nothing to be sorry for. It’s not your fault Carl is crazy,” I explained. “I’m grateful he only wanted me, and left JJ alone.”

  I wondered if Reid felt the same way? Like it was his fault that Carl had fallen off the coo-coo truck and came after me.

  “I should’ve known. Researched more. It is my job to know. I failed, and you were hurt because of it.” Austin tried to push me away from him.

  “No. You had no way of knowing about Carl. You all thought that the danger was Jimmy. And you took care of that. The doctor said the only thing wrong with me is I may have a concussion. Nothing serious. Nothing that all of you guys haven’t had in the past. I’ll be fine in a few days.”

  Austin’s body stiffened, and the air around us changed. He maneuvered me in front of him careful not to move the blanket still covering my naked body.

  “Ava, you have to find a way to deal with this. I know it is hard. I know because it happened to my sister. She couldn’t deal. JJ needs you, we will all help you figure this out.”

  I cocked my head to the side not understanding what he was talking about. Weirdly I was alright. Maybe, once the relief of being rescued wore off, it would hit me I was kidnapped by a deranged lunatic, but for now, I was okay.

  When I didn’t respond, he continued. “Sexual assault is…”

  “I wasn’t raped,” I blurted out.

  “But I thought… you said in the parking lot…” Austin stumbled.

  “I felt dirty, and used up. Carl saw me naked. He put his mouth on mine. He tried to touch me. No man has seen me with no clothes on since Jacob died.” I closed my eyes feeling even sillier now for my display in the parking lot. “Until yesterday, the last man I kissed was my husband. For years, I hadn’t thought of another man. Never dreamed I’d touch another man. Then, I share this one incredible kiss with Reid. It wasn’t just any kiss. It was life changing, excruciating, unbelievable. I was afraid Carl ruined that, that he took that away from me and Reid. That is why I said that. You guys saved me in time. He never touched me like that. I promise.”

  I don’t know what compelled me to admit that to Austin. Maybe I was stronger than I thought. Maybe with Reid by my side, I was ready to start living again. What I did know was, it felt good to find a little piece of the old me. The person I was before… Jacob was taken.

  Chapter Six



  I watched Ava and Austin from across the room. I was so fucking proud of my woman. There she was being strong for Austin, sensing he needed comfort. She pushed past her insecurities and reservations, and shocked the hell out of me when she opened up to him. In all the years I had known Ava, I had never seen her be so vulnerable.

  So Goddamn strong.

  The same relief I felt washed over Austin’s face. He pulled her into another tight hug and laughed.

  He whispered something into her hair that I couldn’t hear; she nodded and looked up at him.

  “Go. Your man is waiting for you,” he said.

  She didn’t respond, just took the bag Austin held out and walked back to me. Her face open, beautiful whiskey colored eyes shining brightly. Yeah, my woman was strong, and if she had a moment of weakness, I would be there.

  It was definitely
time. The cinderblock wall she had built was about to crumble. Not only was it going to crumble but it was going to happen fast. Now that I had a taste of all the sweetness that was her, there was no taking it slow.

  I took her hand again and led her to the bathroom. “I’ll wait right outside the door. Get dressed, and we’ll leave. I know you said you wanted a shower but that’s gonna have to wait.”

  “Okay, Reid.” Without any argument, she closed the bathroom door.

  I caught Austin’s stare from across the room, he still had something on his mind. I gave him a chin lift and motioned for him to come down the hall. I needed to talk to him, but there was no way I was leaving my post. If Ava opened the door, I wanted her to know I had not moved.

  “What’s going on?” I asked Austin when he stopped in front of me.

  “Talked to Dustin and asked him to pull the CCV feed from Lake Street and 5th. He only had access to the last month. But Carl has been down your street at least once a day. Sometimes more. He had to have parked down the block, because when Dustin pulled your outside cameras he’s nowhere on them. Another thing, Dustin looked at the footage again from the night Ava’s house was vandalized. He had to of hacked your system and deleted that day’s recordings.”

  “Motherfucker! How the hell did a fruit loop like Carl Allen hack my system? That is impossible.” There was not a snow ball’s chance in hell Carl hacked it without help. I designed that system myself, and had asked several hackers I knew to try and break through. Only one could and with a great amount of time and difficulty.

  “Don’t know man. But your hard drive was wiped clean. I had Dustin double check. We’re still looking into Eva Martin. So far…”

  I cut Austin off before he could finish. “I guarantee she’s dead. Ava said that Carl was talking to Eva when he had her. Only Ava never saw anyone else in the house. She certainly wasn’t there when we went in. The question is, where’d he stash her?”

  “Sick fuck. Dustin and I will hit his house after I get you to the beach house. Mac said that JJ is itchin’ to see you and Ava.” Austin paused and gathered himself. “When you gonna talk to April? I’d like to go with you.”

  Guilt hit my gut. I told Ava the truth, I would forever be grateful for Rick’s sacrifice. He died protecting my woman. It was only right I did the same in return. April was now my responsibility. A responsibility I would gladly take care of.

  “Damn, Austin, I don’t know what the fuck I’m supposed to do. I have to get home to JJ. He wants his mom. I am so damn torn. My family needs me, but shit man, I have to talk to April.”

  As luck, would have it, Ava opened the door just in time to hear the last of my statement. Dammit. Her face paled and sucked in a breath. “You need to go to April, Reid. She needs you. Believe me, I know how much.”

  “Sweetheart, look at me.” I waited for her to meet my eyes before I continued. “I will handle April. I’m gonna be honest with you. It is killing me that I haven’t already been to see her. But, you and JJ? You are my priority. That might make me a dick, but I have to know my family is okay.” I hoped she understood.

  I glanced at Austin wishing he had the answer. Before we could continue Doc Chesterfield walked into the hallway.

  “Here is the information on concussions, Ava. I know that Logan is basically an expert on head trauma, but I want you to read through this information yourself. Please call me if you get a headache, you feel nauseous, or you get dizzy.” The doctor handed Ava a stack of papers. “And, nothing stronger than extra strength Tylenol.” When he was done talking to Ava, he handed me a single dose packet of Tylenol, a bottle of water, and an ice pack.

  “Thank you, doctor,” Ava said when she took the paperwork from his hand. “Will you bill me for the visit? I don’t have my purse.”

  “Silly woman. Logan has me on retainer. There is no payment,” Dr. Chesterfield responded with a broad smile.

  “Thank you.” Ava reached her hand out. When Doc Chesterfield took it, he pulled her in close.

  “You take care of yourself. Please let me know if you need anything,” Doc Chesterfield said to Ava. He released her hand and faced me. “Logan, Austin nice to see you both. While I appreciate a beautiful woman in my office instead of one of your grumpy men I hope next time I see Ava it’s at dinner.” He winked at Ava and continued, “I’ll expect an invite, and soon. Don’t waste time Logan.”

  Without waiting for my response, Doc walked down the hall disappearing into his office. Crazy old man.


  I welcomed the silence as we drove to the beach house. I needed a few minutes to gather my thoughts and form a plan. I was undecided on what needed to happen next. I was running out of time. April needed to be told.

  Ava was snuggled into my arms in the back seat. I looked up and caught Austin’s eye in the rearview mirror, he was watching us. Tonight had to have taken a toll on my friend. I’m sure all the fucked-up memories from his sister’s kidnapping and rape flooded his head. How could it not? Another thing I needed to do, was get Austin alone so he could unload.

  “I’ll go.” Austin broke the silence. Ava lifted her head off my chest and looked towards Austin. “I’ll drop you and Ava off at the beach house and go talk to April. Carl’s house can wait,” Austin said.

  At that, Ava pushed herself up further, a scowl marring her beautiful face. “What’s at Carl’s house?” Damn that woman never missed a thing. Not that Austin was real smooth in his declaration.

  “Nothing for you to worry about,” I answered, trying to brush any further explanation aside.

  “He had keys to my house,” Ava announced.

  “He what? How do you know he had keys?” Austin inquired, taking his eyes off the road and looking at us in the rearview mirror again.

  “I didn’t have my keys with me. I left them and my cell phone on the counter when we left for breakfast Friday morning. I wasn’t really thinking straight, and I wasn’t driving. Carl let himself into my house,” Ava explained. “He said we were home.”

  Austin looked at me, damn, he was right. Carl was playing house with Ava.

  “What else did he say about Eva?” I questioned Ava. Something was nagging me. Why now? If Carl had been stalking Ava for years why make his move now, instead of say, two years ago? What changed?

  “He called her a jealous bitch…” Ava trailed off. “Nothing else really. He called out to her a few times telling her to bring me water and clean clothes. Told her to hurry up. That was it. I spent most of my time in the trunk, thankfully. Is Eva real? That’s weird right, him having an imaginary friend named Eva. So close to my name.”

  “Eva is real. She was his girlfriend until a month ago. Her parents are worried they haven’t heard from her since her break up with Carl,” I explained. I didn’t want to give Ava any more detail than that, or tell her Austin’s theories.

  “So, what? She left him, and he snapped and came after me to replace her?” Ava questioned.

  “We don’t know yet, that’s why Austin and Dustin are gonna look around his house. Try and find some answers.”

  The beach house came into sight, and I had to make my decision. “You sure you’re good going to April’s by yourself?” I asked Austin.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. I don’t want to overstep, but man you cannot leave your family. Let me help.” Austin pulled in front of the house and turned his body completely around in the seat. “I owe this to Rick. Without getting into detail, he helped me a fuck-ton. When my head was screwed up, he pulled it outta my ass for me. I promise I’ll handle April with care.”

  “Man, this is not about whether or not I think you’ll handle this. It’s fucking with my head because I feel like I am fucking off my responsibility,” I admitted.

  “You know Rick would want you to take care of your family,” Austin continued.

  “I know you’re right. Ava and I will be around April’s tomorrow. I’m taking her to see Suzie in the hospital then we’ll be over. You’re staying there, right?
She cannot be left alone.”

  “Of Course. I’ll check in with you in a few. Ava, I am happy you are home safe and sound. We’ll see you tomorrow. This goes without saying, you need anything you call me. I know your man will take good care of you, but the offer is always on the table. We take care of family.”

  “Thank you, Austin,” Ava whispered.

  I don’t know what the two of them talked about when they were in the waiting room. I really didn’t need to know, I trusted Austin, he was a good friend. I was thrilled as fuck my woman’s circle just grew one more person. He was a good person to have on your side. He needed an Ava, and I hoped like hell when that woman came along, he opened himself up to all the goodness she had to offer. He had deep scars that only the love of a good woman could heal.

  “Thanks, man. Later.” I climbed out of the car with Ava in my arms, using my hip to check the door closed.

  “Sweetheart, I am gonna let you walk. As much as I want you in my arms, I think it is important that JJ sees you walkin’ on your own,” I told Ava as I set her on her feet.

  “Thank you, Reid. You’re right.” She stopped and turned towards me. “I can never repay you for all you have done for me.” When I started to protest, she reached her hand up to quiet me. “I know you don’t want payment, I know you don’t even want a ‘thank you,’ but I need you to know something.” Ava came in close, so close I could feel her breath fanning across my neck. “Life is short. It can be taken from you in seconds. I am done living in fear. I am done being a bystander in my own life. I am just plain old done. I am telling you that to tell you this… I am ready for you, Logan Reid. I cannot promise I won’t screw up. I cannot promise I won’t try and run. But, I am counting on you not to let me go. I will hold on as tight as I can if you promise when my grip slips you’ll be strong enough to hold on for both of us.”

  Those whiskey colored eyes I loved so much were clear and bright, glassy with moisture. She stared up at me with so much love and trust it scared the hell out of me. I prayed to God I wouldn’t let her down. Now that I had her I was scared to death I was gonna lose her.


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