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Relinquish Page 8

by Sapphire Knight

  “He’s still behind us,” Avery yells out and buries her head into my back again.

  “Babe, stop looking back there. I have fuckin’ mirrors that can see him!” I holler back and concentrate on the road in front of us.

  I wonder what his plan is, following me around. I start to give the throttle a harder push and pick up speed. The wind chops through my hair and I feel Avery’s fingers flex on my stomach. The bike vibrates through my body as I grip the handles tightly. The rumble of the engine grows with the extra shot of fuel sent to it. I glance to the mirror. That fucker is getting closer, I knew this wasn’t some friendly visit. A high pitched scream rings out from Avery and I almost swerve.

  “Aaaagh! He has a gun, 2 Piece! Go, go, go!”

  As soon as her words register, I give it more gas and roar down the busy street. My gut compresses in anticipation of what’s to come. I get a spike of adrenaline and start to weave in and out of traffic, trying to calm my shaking and not throw Avery off the back.

  Beep, beep, beeeeeep… Screeches of horns go off, the drivers probably thinking I’m some thug biker trying to drive like an irresponsible fuckwit. If these people only knew it was to get away from a gun, they’d shit themselves.

  I would throw my finger to the idiot honking at us. You don’t honk at people in Texas, especially a biker. Your ass could end up shot or in a fist fight. I’m too busy trying to dodge this Snake behind me to pay attention to some nerd getting brave inside a car. Bet the little douche wouldn’t be doing shit if we were face to face somewhere. I hear a loud ‘pop’ and floor it. The fuck’s shooting at us, I know it. I hope Avery puts that Glock to use and rings his ass back. Maybe he’ll wreck or something and I can lose him enough to get to the club.

  “It was a car tire, on a car back there. It went out!” Avery screams loudly so I can hear her over the roar of my engine and the wind. Looking in the side mirror I see a car pulled to the side, so she’s gotta be right. The best fucking thing actually. It screwed up traffic so bad the Snake’s trying to get through the cluster. This area is horrible for accidents, especially with all the road construction always going on. There seems to be someone in a wreck or getting a flat every time I ride on it. Granted, that’s not much, but still. I’m going to take every advantage of this right now.

  I hit the next exit and take the back farm road to the road that leads to the club. It’s dusty and bumpy. We only ride on this for a really secret run or we all know to use it for an emergency. In this situation, I have to get to the club, so I have to use it. Avery squeaks occasionally when we hit a bump. I know I’m gonna have to check my girl out tomorrow, poor bike. She ain’t good for this kinda shit. Avery’s probably gonna be sore as fuck from holding on and all the bumps. I’ve gotten used to it and adapted over the years.

  Fuck, Prez is gonna flip the fuck out when he hears ‘bout this shit. Cain will go ballistic if he thinks London and Jamison will be in any danger. That guy’s like a fucking bear when it comes to his family.. Fuck, I can feel Avery shaking like crazy behind me. I bet she’s scared out of her mind.

  “It’s okay, Shorty, we will be there in a few minutes and you can lie down and relax.” I reach back and rest my hand on her thigh. “You good?”

  “Umm,” she groans and I feel her shake even more.

  “Avery? What’s goin’ on, talk to me.” I squeeze her leg a few times and she stays quiet. “Yo, babe? The fuck?” She starts to sob into the back of my cut and buries her head into the leather. I keep quiet, concentrating on the ride and getting to the club as soon as possible. I can’t believe this shit happened while she was with me. It angers me that the asshole was shooting at me, but to do it and threaten Avery? Makes me fucking boil inside.

  We arrive at the club about five minutes later. I know she’s shook up and probably won’t walk well after that. “Hey, Shorty, let me get off first, you’ll probably be a little wobbly.” She stays quiet and I scrunch my forehead. I know it was scary for her, but if she can’t handle that little bit, she definitely won’t be able to handle this life.

  I get off the bike, taking in the full parking lot. Looks like everyone made it home and we have a full house. Cain’s Challenger is here so that means even London and the baby are here too. I turn to help Avery. She’s ghostly pale and her lip is trembling. “Free bird. It’s not so bad, come ‘ere.”

  “I’ve-I-I’ve been sh-shot,” she says as tears trail down her face. I desperately scan over her body. She looks down to her leg and I see blood oozing out of the side of her thigh. Fuck! I look at my hand that was just holding her leg and see it’s covered in blood. How the fuck did I not notice this? It had to be the adrenaline, to make me so oblivious to the feeling. I clutch her into my arms hastily and start to carry her toward the club house.

  “It’s okay, Avery, everything will be fine, I’ll look you over as soon as we get inside and I will fix it. I will fix this. I promise I can make it better. I promise, okay?” I ramble, scatter-brained. The club door slams open and Niko comes out onto the platform around the door. His eyes grow wide and he scurries down the four stairs with his hands out to grab Avery.

  “Give me her,” he says impatiently.

  “No fuckin’ way, Niko, get outta my way,” I bark and try to make my way around him.

  “You fuck! Give her to me now,” he says with a heavy Russian accent, panicky.

  “Back the fuck up, Niko, I ain’t mutha’ fuckin playin’, get outta my way.” I shove into his shoulder as I attempt to walk toward the door again.

  “No, you give her, I transport upstairs and you retrieve supplies.” Well, now that actually makes sense to me. I nod begrudgingly and tenderly place her into his arms. She wraps her arms around his neck and gives him a small smile.

  It pulls at my heart strings to see her so welcoming and comfortable with him. I know he’s good to her and they have fun, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it. I can’t believe this just happened to her. I knew that pop didn’t sound like no car tire, blowing. I should have just pulled over and checked on her when we got on the old farm road. She was shaking so terribly, I should have realized it was more than her being scared. She looks so weak and disheveled. I can’t stand that look on my fierce woman; she’s normally stubborn and full of life.

  I jog in front of Niko and up the stairs. I yank open the club door and hold it wide, so they can get through the door easily. As soon as the door opens, music pours out.

  “Hurry up, fucker, so I can get her cleaned up.” I gesture dramatically toward the open doorway.

  “Don’t you hurry me, you imbecile. This is your fault. She with me, she does not return shot and wounded,” he says heatedly and I glower at him as he walks into the club.

  “Set her on the couch and yell for Prez. I’m going to get the stuff to check her leg out.” I briskly run to the bathroom to get the medical bag. I don’t want her to be uncomfortable. Christ, all a sudden I’ve turned into the fucking club doctor or something. I guess it’s just in my nature to want to take care of people, after taking care of Sadie for so long.

  “Brother.” Ares nods and grumbles while he takes a piss. I glance up at him, unaware he was even in here with me. I’m focused strictly on Avery and no one else. I nod back and rush to the closet, ripping all of the supplies I may need off the shelf. Towels, I need towels. Toilet paper rolls and paper towels go flying everywhere onto the floor as I shove stuff out of my way. Ares watches me as if I’ve gone mad. I have gone mad though. Once I get my girl cleaned up and taken care of, that ghostly looking motherfucker is mine. Make my girl bleed—it’s fucking on. I’ll ride out with Nightmare and Exterminator if I have to. I know Nikoli will take care of Avery while I handle business. This is two hits against the club. Brothers won’t stand for it. Avery and Brently may not be members, but Brently is family and Avery is with me now. She may not know it yet, but it will happen, and I need to let Prez know I’m laying claim. If anything so I get retribution for this shit today. She never deserved this
shit happening to her. Ares watches my frantic pace and finally sees the blood on my shirt when I turn toward him.

  “Shit, man, who’s hurt? What happened?” He watches me, full of surprise and concern.

  “I was followed at the store by a Snake and Avery was shot on the way home. I’ll explain it all to you guys later. I need to get to her.” He nods quickly and I turn toward the bathroom counter, laying the supplies on the large surface.

  “Yeah, brother, of course, go to her.” I wash my hands really well in the bathroom sink then snatch up my supplies and make my way back to Avery. It’s not sterile, but it’s better than nothing. I know that nasty fucking couch will be the most unsanitary out of everything. There’s no tellin’ who’s fucked and what not on it. Ares follows and when I see her, she’s lying pale and unmoving. She looks ghastly and weak. Nikoli, Prez, Cain, Twist and Nightmare all surround the couch watching her, waiting for me. I’m sure they are wondering what the fuck a chick is doing on our couch, bleeding, with a pissed off Russian standing guard next to her. I kneel down and place all of my items on the table and turn to Avery to cut a hole in her pants and get to her wound.

  “2? Explain, brother,” Prez booms. He’s standing, gazing at me sternly, waiting for me to say the word. Fuck, he’s pissed, I’m sure he has a good idea of what went down and just wants confirmation so he can handle it like he’s been wanting to.

  “I will, Prez. Let me cut this first.” I keep all of my focus on the shredded material from the bullet. I pull out my large, red handled knife and slice a hole in her pants. I rip the rest of the material from under her leg and push the bottom portion of her pants leg down. I start dumping rubbing alcohol on her leg and patting it lightly, so I can see what’s going on and just how serious this is. If it’s bad I’ll call the real doctor myself, straight away. I’m done fucking around and I will make sure this time she’s properly taken care of.

  “They were followed, Prez. Fuckin’ Snake. Guess he shot Avery,” Ares grumbles next to me to the guys. Prez turns bright red and looks like his head may pop off.

  “Whaaaat!” he yells loudly, pissed off. “You fuckin’ kiddin’ me right now with this?” he says and looks at me. I shake my head, shooting him a somber look.

  “Naw, Prez. I’m not fuckin’ ‘round,” I say and recant the events from the store up until we pulled into the parking lot and I discovered Avery was shot.

  “She need the doc?” he asks and gestures toward Avery.

  “No, it’s actually not bad. It hit toward the outside of her leg, straight through. I’m gonna clean it real good then sew it up.” I glance back at Avery and see her watching me silently. She’s not even crying anymore, she just looks exhausted. “I’m so sorry, Shorty.”

  “I know.” She turns her face toward the back leather cushion and closes her eyes. I fucked up bad this time. I never should have had her in that situation in the first place.

  “Will someone get her some Jack?,” I look around at the brothers. Ares straightens up.

  “Yeah, brother, no problem.” He walks behind the bar and grabs her a fresh bottle of Jack Daniels. Good. After she takes a sip, I need to drink about half of that shit. He hands me the bottle and I nod in appreciation.

  “This fuckin’ shit has to stop. I want each one of those fuckin’ Snakes. I want them to fuckin’ hurt. They come rollin’ up, fuckin’ with people in my club? Not fuckin’ happinin’. I want this handled ASAP, no more pussy-footin’ around, Ares,” Prez orders and cracks his knuckles. Twist looks crazed and his skin radiates anger. He nods profusely at Prez.

  “I wanna go, Prez,” he snickers. “I have something good for ‘em.” He smiles wolfishly. Prez affirms, nodding at him.

  “Yes, I will send a few of our roughest to clean house. Fuckin’ chop the heads off all those fuckin’ slimy bastards. Enough with this topic! This gets discussed in Church.” I turn back to Avery. She pours the shot into her mouth and swallows a big gulp. Normally I’d give her major props for that shit, but right now is not the time to tease her and give her grief. I pat her wound again and glance up at her.

  “You ready, free bird? I stalled to give you a little time for that Jack to play its part. I know it’s gonna hurt, but it’ll be over swiftly.”

  “Yes, just get it over with please. I can’t stand to see my own blood, that’s why I almost passed out earlier. It freaks me out. Other people’s blood I’m okay with, but not mine.” Yeah, the Jack has definitely kicked in, because my girl is talking a little more normal now.

  “Come on, biker, either fix it or I take her to doctor.” Niko glowers at me and I curl my lip.

  “I’m fixing it, RUSSIAN, just trying to make sure it doesn’t hurt her as much. Let the alcohol work it’s magic,” I reply snarkily and turn back to her leg.

  “Yeah, man, back the fuck off my brother. He was just shot at too and doesn’t need your fuckin’ bullshit,” Twist gripes to Niko.

  “Hey, easy now. Twist, back the fuck up yourself and go tell the brothers Church is in an hour,” Prez cuts in, before it can turn really ugly and we end up with a dead Niko. Nightmare just stands solemnly the entire time, watching and waiting before he ever speaks or makes a move. Twist turns, looking peeved and heads for the other brothers. I wonder where London is. I can’t believe she hasn’t come in here to chew my head off already for getting Avery hurt.

  “Hey, man, saw Loretta parked out front, where’s your Ol’ Lady and kid?” I look to Cain briefly then back at my work. He chuckles.

  “Why, you scared she’s gonna scalp your ass for Avery getting injured?”

  “She should, or I could, I have knife,” Niko says and smiles at Cain.

  “Naw, man, don’t fuck wit’ 2, he’d never do anything to get Avery hurt purposefully.” Niko rolls his eyes and huffs off to the bar, probably for his beloved vodka.

  “London and my boy are at home. Ares needed my trunk, so I brought Loretta along,” he says jovially. He and Ares must have had fun with some poor idiot. He’s going to make a good Enforcer with Ares someday. Brother keeps it up like he is and he’ll be voted Enforcer before he knows it. I know Ares would be happy to have permanent help. I nod at him and Nightmare just stands next to Prez watching me. It’s kind of creepy, but he does have a pretty fucked up name. Avery has her eyes closed tightly. Poor Shorty, I’m such a failure at keeping her from getting hurt one way or another.

  “Alright, baby, all done. I’mma carry you to the bed, so you can rest and relax. It’s all covered up with gauze now so you can look, it shouldn’t make you sick.” I stand up and stretch my muscles. “Prez, Nightmare, I’m gonna go get her settled, I’ll be back in a while to discuss this with y’all.” Nightmare stares at me and doesn’t say anything, but Prez nods and glances sympathetically at Avery.

  “Church in an hour,” he grunts.

  “I’ll be there,” I confirm and scoop Avery into my arms carefully.

  “Ouch!” she squeaks into my neck.

  “Sorry, Shorty, just gotta get a good grip on ya. I gottcha now, okay?” She nods against my throat and grips me tighter. Ares follows me and opens my room door for me.

  “Thanks, brother.”

  “No problem. Avery, if you need anything, just holler, baby,” he tells her gruffly. He’s a broody bastard.

  “Okay, thank you, Ares.” She gives him a small smile and he shuts my door. I lay her down gradually, attempting to make the transition somewhat gentle from my arms to the bed. I take her socks and shoes off, rubbing her ankles and arches as I go. Anything I can do for her, I will.

  “Are you comfy, free bird? You need me to move the pillows or get you something else to drink?” I ask and slowly lie beside her on the bed, trying not to shake her or cause any unwanted movements that will bring her discomfort.

  “No, thanks, I’m not an invalid you know. Blood just makes me squeamish. I’m not nauseous anymore, though. However, the bullet did hurt really badly when it hit. I actually thought something had burned me, until I realize
d what really happened. When I looked at it and saw all the blood, I had to stay quiet or I would have either puked or conked out. I figured silence was better than hitting the dirt,” she tells me and rubs her soft hand over my scruffy cheek. I relish the feeling, it’s comforting and makes me sleepy. I lean in to her touch and squeeze my eyes closed tightly for a few beats.

  “God, I’m so, so sorry. This never should have happened. You shouldn’t be mixed up with me and this club shit. I don’t want you to get hurt or worse, dead.”

  “Look, 2, I’m a big girl, okay. I can handle when shit isn’t always pretty. It was the blood, otherwise I’m perfectly fine.”

  He looks at me incredulously, “You mean to tell me, you’re not flippin’ out in that head of yours? Not even a smidge ‘bout getting shot, someone chasing us on my bike, and then me sewin’ you up?”

  “No, I’m not. It was crazy and I got one hell of an adrenaline rush, but I’m okay now. I panicked at first but then I got over it. I was honestly so busy worrying that something would happen and you would be hurt, I stopped having time to panic with all of the stuff going on.”

  “I’m findin’ that a little hard to believe. I’ve been at this shit a whole minute. Stuff just happened, and you’re already cool. Naw, Shorty, that shit still gets my heart pumpin’.” I shake my head in disbelief. No way she can be so calm about it. I wonder how she’d react seeing me take my Glocks out and shooting some fucker dead right in front of her. Would she still blame it on the blood, or give in and admit that club life can be fucked up. I know it inside, hell, we all know our way of life is fucked up in some ways. There’s many of us who are screwed up inside though, that this life calls to us. We have that innate need for freedom, that wildness that runs rampant in our veins.


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