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Relinquish Page 14

by Sapphire Knight

  2 Piece

  About eight hours later…

  I’m exhausted and ready to get back to the clubhouse but we haven’t even gotten started yet. We unloaded all the nasty Twisted Snakes and have them tied up securely in the barn. It’s taken hours for the gas to wear off for some of them. Twist and I recounted to the brothers everything that happened with Capone and Joker. Ares said it was best to not discuss it here. He said we need to wait until we get in Church and to talk to Prez. We’ve basically been sittin’ here with our thumbs up our asses all night. The brothers seem at a loss, fighting with their thoughts and feelings about Capone. We were all completely blindsided and it made everyone feel like a giant fool. The brothers seem more agitated and ready to take some anger out on the Snakes. Nobody likes a traitor, but when you form a bond with that particular person, you’re bound to feel a sense of betrayal. At least the bullshit between Twist and I seems to be resolved. I hate fighting with my brothers. It’s been on replay in my mind all night; I still can’t get over that whole shit with Capone. The fact I never saw that shit comin’ makes me wonder what else I’ve been blind to.

  “You comin’, bro?” Cain stands in front of me with a guy thrown over his shoulder.

  “Yeah, what are you gonna do with that one?”

  “This one’s for you,” he says jovially. I shake my head.

  “I want to deal with Joker. I have a bone to pick with him,” I grit out.

  “Alright, cool, man. I’ll toss this one to Spin. I think he’s the one that tatted up Brently anyhow. See if Spin can get creative with a fellow inker.”

  I nod and stand. Guess it’s time to show these assholes what happens when you fuck with other people’s lives. I watch as Ares grips the President’s wrist then slams his boot down to snap the man’s bone. The President screams desperately and it reverberates throughout the barn.

  “You hurt my prez’s kid. It’s my job to see you get the correct punishment. Life is full of choices and balance. You made the decision to allow your peons to brutalize another human being. Welcome to hell, motherfucker,” Ares snarls and snaps another bone.

  I don’t know how he can handle feeling another’s bones break as he holds them. It gives me chills all over. I hold my breath; just the noise and frantic screams coming from the man shriveled at Ares’ feet is making me want to gag.

  “You comin’?” Cain whistles and waves his hand in front of my face. I blink. I attempt to shake off the image fresh in my head of that last snap, and the composed features of Ares as he performed his task. I take a deep breath and look at Cain.

  “Yeah, man, let’s do this.” I follow him as he throws the man off his shoulder in front of Spin. Spin rolls his eyes and the piece of shit on the floor begins his first round of pleading. I make my way behind Cain to where Joker’s tied up in the center of the barn. He glares spitefully as I get closer.

  “You angry cause Twist killed brother dearest?” He stays silent so I shrug. No skin off my back if he decides to stay quiet. “You know I think those hogs out back could motivate you to talk.” I chortle and Cain chuckles beside me. I chin lift toward Joker’s legs. Cain grabs the right leg while I grab the left. We start walking toward the hogs, dragging Joker behind us. He’s a stubborn fuck not making even a little peep. I’d think he would at least squirm and try to make it hard for me. It’s almost like he’s having a sulk and attempting to ignore us. Stupid fucker.

  We approach the hogs and a few squeal in excitement when they see us. They’ve gotten used to the brothers dropping off ‘food’. Who knew hogs were carnivores. I always thought they ate slop and veggies. “Yeah, yeah, fuckers, we got ya a snack!” I call out. Cain grins evilly and it makes me sick to my stomach, imagining what’s about to happen to this lowlife piece of shit. I know he deserves his fate, but I’m not into torturing fools either. We toss his legs down next to the wooden pig pen. “Anything you wanna say? Like maybe apologize for fucking with my girl and my club.” I scowl down at him lying in the dirt. He snarls and spits toward me. “Well, you done fucked up with that one.” I shake my head, chastising him. I look over at Cain’s amused expression and sigh loudly. “Alright, brother, let’s see if the hogs will get him talkin’ and confessin’ his screw ups.”

  “Sounds good, man.” Cain nods his approval and grabs both of Joker’s legs. I wrap my arm around his neck in a choke hold and we lift him over the fence into the hogs’ chow trough. The hogs move as quickly as they can, to be the first for dinner. I grab the bucket next to the gate that’s filled with leftover slop and pour it all over Joker’s body as evenly as I can. The pigs swarm him and start to feast on their treat. Joker’s body jerks violently as he attempts to turn away from the hungry, plump beasts. They grunt and squeak as they start to rip his clothes to shreds and get their first taste of flesh. Joker’s pupils widen immensely as he opens his mouth to let loose a horrific spine-tingling yell. I would normally turn away for something gruesome like this, but not today. I’m going to watch the entire thing, because Avery deserves that revenge, and Brently deserves his vengeance. Like Ares said, life is full of choices. This fucker just made the wrong choice, with the wrong person.

  Avery might not realize it yet, but when it comes to her safety I would kill for her, any day. However, after this horrendous act I have just committed, I no longer believe I can look her in the eyes and feel adequate for her. I’m tainted, stained and sullied; I know it, and she will soon if I’m around her enough. I’ve always been fucked up, but this takes it to a new level. I feel no remorse toward the individual I just heaved to his death. Surely I should feel something if I’m a decent person. Clearly I’m not and Avery deserves someone who can give her everything she deserves in life. She doesn’t deserve a killer. She doesn’t deserve me.

  I hear the shriek of the mitre saw fire up inside the barn and turn to Cain. He just shrugs and walks toward the barn. I glance back to see the pigs working diligently on the mutilated pieces of leftover body in their feeding trough. Their faces are covered in blood and gore; it’s sickening but gives me a sense of closure. Well, he’s obviously dead.

  I follow Cain inside and wish with every fiber of my being that I hadn’t. Inside, Ares stands behind a screeching miter saw. He has a black rubber apron on over his clothes and looks the part of a psychopath, chopping up various body parts of the Snakes. Twist diligently assists and it takes my full concentration not to puke everywhere. I was not cut out for this. I have felt sick with each turn of events today.

  Nightmare and Exterminator stand with the Twisted Snakes’ president. His body is beaten and his limbs are at odd angles. Ares handiwork no doubt. It’s amazing he can calm himself now and not freak out when he sets out to destroy his prey. The prez is still alive, covered in piss, bruises and blood. Any man would have pissed himself with Ares in charge of torture. Well, maybe not Nightmare, that dude’s pretty fucking intimidating. I cannot fathom the thoughts that would run rampant through Avery and London’s heads were they to find us in this situation.

  “Bring him here,” Ares calls loudly to Ex and Night. They snatch up the prez and carry him toward the old wooden bench, where the miter saw is bolted down. Now, instead of it being caked with aged wood dust, it is thoroughly coated in dark syrupy blood. The prez grunts and his eyes enlarge as they close in on the table. I can’t see this shit. I turn and leave the barn quickly. I don’t know how he does it. Fuck that shit. I’m a little fucking wild, but that’s pure fucked up shit back there. Feeding the hogs was bad enough, but holding someone and cutting them in pieces while they are still alive takes the cake for me.

  I make it to the side of the barn before the sandwich I had for dinner last night makes a reappearance. I jump back so it doesn’t get on my boots and wipe the tears that run down the side of my face as I puke. I don’t know why, but ever since I was a kid, my eyes leak if I get sick. When I was little, Mom used to tell me it was my tummy weeping because it hurt. Stupid bitch had to go and turn to shit. I’ll never feel whole
inside ‘cause of all that bullshit growin’ up.

  “All done, brother. We can head back to the club. The rest are gonna handle the mess inside and feed the porkers their dinner,” Cain says and claps me on the back. I swear if we ever have a hog roast, I’m won’t be eating those fucking pigs.

  2 Piece

  Chapter 12

  Cain and I jump in Loretta and drive back to the club. I scan the room for Avery even though I know I need to talk to Prez first. I can’t believe everything that went down, my mind is still reeling.

  Smiles is chillin’ at the bar drinking a cold beer. It makes my mouth salivate as I take in the condensation on the side of the bottle. He’s been pretty quiet lately. I wonder what that’s about. Fuck, I really don’t want to be the one to fill Prez in about Capone. Smiles chin lifts toward me and I return the gesture. The benefit of being a biker, we don’t need many words to convey our messages. Cain’s ass is a talker but most of us like to keep more of our shit inside. Brently’s posted up on the coach, same place we left him.

  “‘Sup, kid, where’s your pops?” I glance over his stomach as I ask. Poor kid, he got fucked up. I’d be pissed if that shit happened to me.

  “Dad’s in his office.” He gestures toward the hall.

  “Thanks.” I head to the office and rap a few times on the half-open door. Prez glances up from his paper on his desk. He looks me over and adopts a calculating expression.

  “2? Brother, you straight?” he asks quietly. He relaxes back in his beat-up office chair and steeples his fingers in front of his chest.

  “Yeah, Prez. Mind if I take a seat?” I ask and gesture to the couch resting against the wall. Might as well be at a fuckin’ shrink’s office. I know that’s ‘bout how this will play out. Me confessin’ everything to him and not feeling any better when I leave.

  He nods and I sit on the edge of a cushion. I prop my elbows on my knees and lean forward. Best to get this out quickly then I can go hunt down Avery. I proceed to tell him everything that occurred, all the way from when we first arrived at the Twisted Snakes’ compound. I get to the altercation with Capone and his mouth visibly tightens yet he remains silent until I complete my recount of events. Once I finish I sit back into the couch and lean my head back. I’m fucking exhausted and stressed out. I hate being stressed out; it makes me get the itch to leave on a run.

  “Fuck! I knew he was jealous of you, but even I had no idea he had that up his sleeve! Fuckin’ traitor, I hate fuckin’ rats! If that’s the case, then y’all did the right thing,” he says reassuringly.

  “Ugh, I’m just sick of all this bullshit.” I rub my hands over my eyes and the scruff on my face.

  “Stop stressin’, 2. It’s all figured out now, the Snakes are gone and you can chill with your girl for a while.”

  “Ha! My girl?! She ain’t my fuckin’ girl. She’s nothin’ to me. She can’t and shouldn’t handle this shit,” I scowl and bark. I hear a hiccup and I quickly turn toward the door; Avery’s standing there with tears trailing down her cheeks. Fuck, that came out wrong and she heard it. Prez glares at me and shakes his head. Avery shoots me a heartbroken expression and takes off quickly from the doorway. Fuck, she must have been watching for me to come back.

  “Go fix that shit, son, that’s a good one and you ‘bout fucked it all up.” He points angrily at me and I stand. Fuck, how am I going to fix this? Maybe I should let her go. I look at Prez and shake my head.

  “Nah, man, she deserves better than me. I’m too fucked up for her. I want her to have a good life, not be worried ‘bout gettin’ shot or ‘bout me goin’ to jail an’ shit.” I shrug and glance toward the door again as if she’d still be there, only she’s gone.

  “Listen to me, and you listen good. I know what you’re doin’ right now. I know, because I did that same shit to my wife and kids. Worst fuckin’ mistake of my entire life. You though, you have a chance to fix it before it’s too late.”

  “I can’t fix that shit, besides, what’s she gonna do with someone like me? Someone who’s broken.”

  “You fuckin idiot, you’re just lazy and scared. Everyone’s broken in some way; you just have to see if your broken pieces fit together. Now get the fuck out of my office.” I throw up the deuces and walk to my room. He doesn’t have to tell me twice, shit, he’d probably end up shooting me to get his point across.

  I open my room door and I’m met with the heartbreaking sounds of sobs coming from the woman I’ve come to adore. When did I fall for her? It’s like it just happened when I wasn’t paying attention, and now I’ve gone and screwed it up. I know I’m rotten for her anyhow. I have to keep chanting that to myself, as I make my way inside. I look over her puffy pink face, swollen from all her tears. I’ve never been one to deal with chicks, so I have no idea what to do or say here. Thankfully, my sister turned out to be quite the ball-buster so I didn’t have to experience any emotional breakdowns. If she did have them, then she hid them extremely well.

  Avery’s honey irises scan me from head to toe as she stuffs her clothes into her bag. Her tear-kissed eyelashes make me want to pull her to me and hold her until they disappear. I clear my throat and slowly make my way into the center of the room. She sniffles and stares at me as if she’s waiting for me to speak. I don’t know what the fuck to say to her though. After a few beats I notice the disappointment cloud her eyes and she throws her belongings into her bag quicker. She bustles into the bathroom and the little clinks of her swiping her make-up off the counter into her bag echoes throughout the room. This feels so final, like this is it. This makes me feel even worse inside than I did back at the barn.

  How can losing her feel even worse than torturing and killing people? She comes storming out of the room and I sidestep in front of her. I don’t know what to say, but I have to say something. I’m afraid if I don’t this feeling in my gut won’t disappear.

  “It came out wrong,” I whisper and watch for her reaction. She tilts her head and looks thoughtful for a second.

  “Which part?” She hiccups and looks at the ground. Fuck, I’m such a bastard.

  “All of it. I meant it as if, you deserve better, not someone like me.” I tilt her chin up gently with my pointer and middle fingers. She finally meets my eyes and it breaks something inside me to see her so distraught. I just killed someone for upsetting her, yet here I am making her cry for me.

  “I don’t want someone else, I want you.” Her lips quiver and I take in her puffy mouth. It’s swollen from her crying, when it should only be engorged from my kisses.

  I lean in a little closer so I can breathe her in. My nose is inches from hers and I stare longingly at her mouth. I could have it, that mouth, those lips; she could be all mine if I choose. I breathe out deeply and her lashes flutter closed.

  I nudge her nose with mine and she bites down roughly on her bottom lip. I grasp her hip and pull her body to mine, watching as she waits patiently for me to make my move. She is giving herself to me right now, mine for the taking. I never thought the notion of a woman completely submitting herself to me would be such a fucking turn on. I grasp her cheek with my other hand and tilt her face where I want it.

  “Look at me, Avery,” I command and she opens her eyes lazily, taking in my expression. She wants me to dominate her, needs me to dominate her. I use my thumb to release her lip and take it with my own mouth. I draw it into my mouth and she releases a small moan, I pull back and look at her seriously.

  “Undress yourself for me. I want to see all of you.” She takes off her shirt to reveal a plain black lacy bra. It doesn’t faze me however. I’m an ass man, and Avery’s all ass. “Take off your pants.” She unbuttons them and pushes them off, kicking them to the side. “Turn around and bend over. Hold onto your ankles,” I command and she does as she’s told, keeping silent, following my directions precisely.

  Her ass is fully on display in front of me, only covered by a miniscule thong. I use my index finger to push the fabric out of the way so I can see her gliste
ning sex. It saturates the meager fabric with her cream. I clench my other hand tightly, struggling not to lose control and just take her like a wild animal, rutting for my satisfaction only.

  “Very good, stand up and take your panties off before I break them.” She does as she’s told, still facing away so her ass is in front of me. “Next time I will call for Ares, but right now, you are only mine. Understand?” She nods her head and I smack her ass sharply. She hisses out between her teeth, “Yesss” and I grin to myself.

  “Get on your hands and knees, on the bed.”

  I can’t believe how incredibly beautiful she looks. She wants to be mine, then I’m gonna fuck her as if she is mine. I stand behind her and push my fingers deeply into her soft, wet center. She coats my fingers quickly. I know she’s just as turned on as I am, if not more. I unbutton my pants and quickly shove them down. I pull her hips to me and slam inside her, savagely. Reaching for my hem I shuck my shirt and toss it on the floor.

  “Arrrghhhh!” she calls out and I pump into her roughly again.

  She utters a little grunt with each thrust. I softly skim my fingers over her tummy until I reach her clit. I clasp her little clit between my two fingers and softly pinch them closed over and over.

  “Oh! 2, oh!” she calls loudly and her hips start to move with my fingers, grinding her ass into me and my balls tighten up at the sensation. I quit rubbing her clit, running my hand up over her small tits, tweaking a nipple as I go, until I have my large hand firmly wrapped around her throat. I pull her back into my chest until she has to hold onto the footboard with one hand and reach behind her to grasp my hip. I flex my fingers tightly around her throat as I pump deep inside her. She attempts to moan, but it gets choked back with my hand putting pressure each time.

  “You shut that tempting, little fuckin’ mouth, Avery. If I want you to speak, I will tell you to fuckin’ talk. I’m taking you right now.” She nods her head shortly and I grip her hip roughly as I thrust inside her wetness. God, she feels so good, she pleases me to no end with each plunge I take.


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