by Laura Ann
A Date for the
Goose Girl
A Middleton Prep Novella
This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.
First edition. August 2, 2018.
Copyright © 2018 Laura Ann.
Written by Laura Ann.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
By Laura Ann
Author’s Note
The Librarian and Her Beast
By Laura Ann
To the teenager who loves to make
People laugh. May you always light
Up our home.
A special thanks to the ladies at LDS Beta Readers
And Victorine at Victorine Originals.
Your efforts are what make projects
Like this doable. Thank you.
Valentine’s Day
Lucy Gosling sat still as stone while her finger hovered over the ‘submit’ button on her keyboard. Her heart raced, her breathing was shallow and she felt sweat forming at her temples.
Come on Luce, you can do this.
For the last several months, Lucy had watched her best friends slowly pair off, each finding their own happy ever after, leaving Lucy behind. Since Piper, Charlotte and Rory had all found their men at the school all of them taught at, it left Lucy feeling even more like a third wheel.
The breaking point had come when Piper, who was like a sister to Lucy, had been proposed to in the staff lunch room today. Although Lucy was happy for her friend, she was lonely.
Grading papers and managing school dances just doesn’t cut it anymore.
She wanted love. She wanted companionship. She wanted what everyone else seemed to be finding ... except her.
A fellow teacher, Ruby, had told Lucy about an internet dating site that she, herself, was using. No pictures or names were exchanged in order to help people find a deeper connection. Plus they matched you with people as close as possible to your local area, so no one had to work out a long distance relationship.
Am I really this desperate? Ugh! She banged her head on the desk she was sitting at. Yes, Lucy. Yes you are. Just do it! With a quick jab, she hit the key and sent off her dating resume.
It’s going to be okay Luce. It’s going to be okay. This could be the start of something really awesome! Her pep talk didn’t work and Lucy found tears filling her eyes. Why can’t I just meet someone kind and intelligent at work? I’m at a school for heaven’s sake! It seems like it shouldn’t be that hard! She wiped at the tears dribbling down her cheeks. Probably because all the good ones are taken. Lucy sighed and pushed back from the computer, refusing to dwell on the situation.
A WEEK LATER, LUCY scrolled through her emails, only to stop in shock. An email from lay in her inbox. ‘You’ve got a response!’, glowed at her from the subject line. Nerves and excitement fought for dominance in her system as she slowly moved the cursor to open the email.
I read your profile thing and thought we might fit good.
It’s a good thing you have a job, cause I
Prefer to stay home. To tell you—
“You’ve got to be kidding.” Lucy stopped reading and immediately pressed the delete button. “Nope, nope, nope aaaaannnd nope.” Shaking her head she went back to cleaning up her inbox.
Howdy! I know that’s not how all you city folk—
As far as I can tell, you and I are complete
Opposites, but you know what they say...
Opposites attract, right?
I hope you don’t like animals because I suffer from—
Delete. Delete. Delete.
“Are there no NORMAL men left in this world?” Lucy yelled at the computer screen. Over the last month she had deleted over two dozen men. Not a single one sounded like what she was looking for. “Why is this so hard? One. All I’m asking is ONE good man!”
Lucy thought of Ruby, who was also doing the internet thing. Just within the last week, Ruby had met someone she thought might work. They had an actual date scheduled soon and Lucy felt happy for her friend but jealous at the same time.
“Maybe it’s me. Maybe it’s not that I can’t find a good guy, it’s that something about me draws in the wrong guys?” Lucy felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. “Arrgh!” She growled. “This is so stupid.”
Just as she was ready to slam down the top of her laptop, another email notification sprang onto the screen. Lucy closed her eyes and her shoulders slumped. She moved the cursor to the delete button, too upset to even bother reading the note, but the eternal flicker of hope that beats in every woman’s breast won out.
With a sigh she opened the email and began to read.
Dear L.G.,
I realize these types of emails are extremely
Awkward and I wish I knew how to fix that. Alas,
Pretty words and eloquent phrases are not my
Specialty. In fact, internet dating in general
Is not my specialty. I’m new to this digital world,
And often feel like I’m fighting a losing battle.
Lucy paused. How does he know exactly how I’m feeling? Is this a trick? Does he start every email like this just to get the woman’s attention?
By now you’re probably wondering if what I’m
Saying is all to get your attention. But I hope
I can convince you that is not the case. I signed
Up on this website because I am new to the area
And have been struggling to meet anyone. And
In all truth, you’re the first woman I have
Contacted. You sounded nice, kind and above all,
Normal. I’m hoping you’re in a similar boat to me.
Just a normal person, looking for another normal
Person. If that is indeed you, I’d love to email
And get to know you. Let me know your thoughts.
Lucy sat back in her chair. She tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes at the screen. “Color me intrigued,” she whispered at the computer screen. She hesitated as she moved to put her fingers over the keyboard, still unsure if this guy was for real or not. Only one way to find out. With a deep breath, she pushed the reply button.
Dear M.K.,
Thank you for your email. I’ll admit your words
Intrigued me. I like to believe I’m just a
Normal girl looking for a normal guy,
But sometimes it feels harder than it should,
which is how I ended up on this site. A
Colleague friend suggested it and here I am.
I’m willing to email back and forth to get
To know each other. I’m not someone who
Wants to jump straight into meeting in person. If
You feel you can work with a slow pace,
Then let me know. Thanks again for emailing
Me. I hope to get to know you.
After pushing send, Lucy let out the breath she was holding. “There,” she murmured to herself. “Guess we’ll see what that brings.”
Dear L.G.,
Thank you for your candid comments. I agree
That taking this slow is the best way. On that
Thought ... a little about me. Let’s see, I’m a real estate
Agent, which means I spend a lot of time behind
A desk. I specialize in commercial real estate.
I don’t have a ton of down time, but I’ll
Admit to being a fan of the latest action movies.
(Superman wins hands down) :) And
Occasionally I’ll allow my geek side to show with
Little known trivia about Star Wars.
Have I scared you off yet?
Dear M.K.,
Although I’ll admit to being shocked at your
Choice of super hero (Captain America all the way!)
I can get behind the little known trivia thing. I’m
Actually a school teacher, so trivia and I get along
Like peanut butter and jelly. ;) I also have little
Down time, at least during the school year.
I’m actually debating teaching summer school
This year, which means I’ll have even less
Than usual ... but we’ll see how that goes.
When I’m not teaching or drooling over super heroes,
I find myself taking walks. I love bright, sunny days
And the greenery of the parks we have around
Have I scared you off yet?
Dear L.G.,
The only thing I have found scary so far,
Is your taste in super heroes. (we shall have to work
On that.) I also enjoy being outdoors, I jog and ride
My bike in the mornings. Exercise helps me
Focus better at work and helps me keep
The calories from my mother’s cooking
From staying with me too long. On that note,
I need to say that I do not live with my mother.
But we have a close family and she often
Has us come over for dinner. She lives over
One town and I go whenever I can.
Now that I have admitted to being a bit of
A mama’s boy, I will stop talking. Talk to you
soon. :)
Evidence #1: Superman is bullet proof.
Dear M.K.,
Thank you for clarifying about
Your mother. Living in your mother’s basement
Would have been a no-no for me. Along those lines,
Can I ask how old you are? I’ll start by saying
I’m twenty-five. I’ve been teaching for four years,
All of them at the location I am now. I love my
Students and my school. I hope to be here for
Many years to come.
Refute #1: Captain America is a gentleman.
Dear L.G.
I always thought it was bad manners to ask
Someone their age? But ... since you brought it
Up, I’m twenty eight. Long past time to have
Been out of my mother’s basement. What grade do
You teach? Did you always want to be a
Teacher? What led you to that profession?
Evidence #2: Superman can fly.
(and is also gentleman)
Dear M. K.
I believe it’s only bad manner to ask a woman
her age. But since a woman started the
Conversation ... it’s all good. :) And yes, I
Have always wanted to be a teacher. I teach
Fourth grade and I adore it. The kids are fairly
Well behaved by that point, but haven’t
Really started going crazy with the hormones
Yet ... so it’s a win, win! I had a high school
Math teacher who was the best woman
I have ever known. She taught with love and
Enthusiasm and everyone thrived in her class
I knew I wanted to make that same kind of
Difference. High school math wasn’t a good fit,
But little kids were. Thus, a profession was born.
What about you? What got you into real estate?
Refute #2: Captain America is human.
Dear L.G.
Real estate just kind of fell into my lap.
I went to college for business and when I was
Done, ended up getting my license with a buddy.
Selling houses paid the bills while I hunted for other
work, but I wanted to do more business transactions.
So I switched my focus and haven’t gone back since.
I told you about my family, can I ask about yours?
Evidence #3: Superman is better than human.
Dear M.K.
I’m afraid there isn’t much to tell with my family.
I have one older brother, he lives across the country
And I rarely see him. He works a corporate
Job that keeps him busy. My parents are retired and
Spend their time travelling the country in their
RV. I’ve always wondered what a big, close
Family was like. From your descriptions, it
Sounds fun. :) Do you look more like
Your mom or dad? People always tell me I look
Like my mom. We’re both blonde, slim and
Average in height. So I suppose what they
Say is true.
Refute #3: Captain America ages really well.
Dear L.G.
There are days where I would take a little more
Space from my family, but most of the time
I am grateful to have them around. I’m also told
I look like my mother. :) My mother is Latina and my
Father white. The dark genetics won out. Although I
Believe I got my height from my dad. Otherwise
I’m pretty much brown from head to toe. I tried
Breaking up the monotony by bleaching my
Hair while I was in high school. *shudder* It wasn’t
My proudest moment.
Evidence #4: Superman has a day job and still saves the world.
Lucy was woken up from her day dream when a pointy elbow jabbed her in the ribs.
“Ouch!” She scowled at the petite woman sitting next to her.
Piper, the school librarian and Lucy’s best friend, grinned, not the least bit repentant. “What’s got you so goo-goo eyed?” She cocked her head to the side and took a bite of her sandwich while she waited for Lucy to answer.
Lucy felt heat creep into her cheeks and was grateful for her olive skin tone that helped hide the blush. Despite being blonde, she had been blessed with skin that easily tanned. She was never more grateful for that fact than right now.
She cleared her throat. “I wasn’t goo-goo eyed.”
Piper’s eyebrows rose up toward her hairline. “Seriously? You’ve been daydreaming for the last ten minutes. Who is he?”
Lucy’s eyes widened and she looked around the staff lunch room to see if anyone else was listening to their conv
ersation. She groaned inwardly as she realized Charlotte, one of Middleton Prep’s Kindergarten teachers, and Rory, a high school science teacher, were sitting across from her and Piper, listening to every word. When Lucy locked eyes with them, Rory was sitting back with a smirk on her face and Charlotte was biting her lip, as if to keep from grinning.
“Do tell,” Rory said, waving a hand toward Lucy.
Lucy straightened in her chair and picked up her fork. “There’s nothing to tell.”
“Rory!” Charlotte gasped, covering Rory’s mouth with her hand, only to quickly pull it back with a scowl, wiping her hand on her leg. “Gross.”
“Did you really just lick her hand?” Piper made a face. “What are you, like six?”
“Only when I have to be.” Rory didn’t seem put out at all. “And I wasn’t going to cuss.” She shot a look at Charlotte. “But she’s lying through her teeth. Something, or someone, has put that look in her eye and it’s only fair she share.”
Lucy raised an eyebrow. “Why would it only be fair?”
“Because every one of us has been involved in everyone else’s love lives and you don’t get to keep yours a secret,” Rory huffed. “You have all taken great pains to stick your nose into mine during the last couple months.”
Charlotte giggled, then put one arm around Rory and squeezed. “Someone had to help you see past your stubbornness.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Rory responded. “But be that as it may, she doesn’t get to keep her man a secret.”
“True story,” Piper agreed, then raised a brow. “So ... what’s going on?”
Lucy poked at her lunch, her appetite gone. “There’s nothing going on. At least nothing worth talking about ... yet.”
“Have you gone on a date with him?” Charlotte asked, her blue eyes shimmering with excitement.
Lucy shook her head.
Rory looked around the room. “Which one is he? Or is he eating in his room?”
Lucy cleared her throat. “He, uh ... he doesn’t work here.”
Three sets of eyes stared at her, all wide with shock.