A Date for the Goose Girl_A Middleton Prep Novella

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A Date for the Goose Girl_A Middleton Prep Novella Page 7

by Laura Ann

  Both of the girls are lying, but why? What are they hiding and does it have to do with me? And how do they know each other? Is it just because Lillith works with Lucy’s friend? Did Lucy ever say where she worked?

  His mind was a chaotic mess as he searched the backyard, but Lillith’s blonde head wasn’t within sight. With a sigh, he headed towards the cooler to grab something to drink. Everyone had been very nice to him, but he felt a little awkward by himself, since he didn’t really know anyone.

  Popping the top of a soda, he took a long gulp.

  “And just who are you?” An alto voice asked.

  Mateo looked over and saw a tall, lean woman. Her black hair and bright blue eyes were a striking contrast, giving her an exotic air. She stood with her hands on her hips; eyeing him up and down, in a perfunctory manner.

  Amusement shot through him as he watched her size him up. Her manner wasn’t flirtatious, just curious.

  “My name is Mateo, I came with Lillith Gresham. And you are?”

  The woman raised an eyebrow. “You came with Lillith? Well that’s certainly a step up for her. I’m Ruby. I work with the bride and groom.” Ruby put out her hand to shake.

  Mateo smiled at her firm, business-like handshake. “Nice to meet you.” Mateo looked around. “So, I’m discovering a lot of you work together. Most everyone here?”

  Ruby followed his line of sight and eyed the crowd. “Yeah. Piper and Nash invited the whole school, I think pretty much anyone who was in town came, with just a few exceptions.” A smirk played on Ruby’s lips, making Mateo curious as to who had stayed away.

  “So what do you do at the school?” He asked.

  “I teach Middle School math.” She eyed him sideways. “Numbers fascinate me and tweeners make me laugh, so it’s a good fit.”

  “Sounds like.”

  “Have you met most of the people here? It appears your date left you high and dry.”

  “I’ve been fine. And I’ve met a few. I was just talking with Lucy—”

  “Yeah, she teaches fourth grade.” Ruby interrupted, then took a sip of her water.

  Mateo froze. Lucy is also a teacher? Why didn’t she say that? “Oh ... I’ve obviously also met Piper and Nash. Plus a few others.”

  “Piper is our librarian and Nash teaches high school math, plus coaches the football team. They had a great season last fall. But you came with Lillith, huh? I’m surprised that woman even showed up.” Ruby made a snorting noise.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, Lillith isn’t really a teacher at the school. She only subs once in awhile. Although she’s been trying to get a full time job for ages it seems. In fact, she’s after Lucy’s job. Not that Principal Grimm would ever swap them out. All the kids love Ms. Gozling, it would be ridiculous, even if Lillith did sub this summer when ...” Ruby looked over and trailed off, narrowing her eyes. “Hey, are you okay?”

  Mateo had felt all the blood drain from his face and he suddenly felt light headed. Giving it a shake, he quickly answered her. “Fine. Thanks. Um ... I’m afraid I have to run. Didn’t realize the time.” Nodding to Ruby, he walked as fast as he dared toward the side gate, heading towards the front yard and his parked car.

  By the time he got home, he felt exhausted. His emotions were in such turmoil that they were affecting his physical energy. Throwing himself down on the couch, he tried to reprocess the information.

  Lucy worked at the school

  Lillith worked at the school, but only as a sub.

  Lillith’s last name was Gresham. L.G.

  Lucy’s last name was Gozling. L.G.

  Both women were blonde, slim and average in height.

  The chemistry he felt in the emails wasn’t there with Lillith ... but it was with Lucy.

  What was the last thing Ruby said? Something about Lucy not being able to ... to what? Dang it! He hit his fist against the couch. I should have stayed and asked her some questions. He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, fighting a headache.

  Could it be that? No. That’s impossible, right? I mean ... the odds ... they would have to be astronomical. He ran his hands through his hair, gripping and pulling a little in his frustration. Jumping up from the couch he started to pace. “Why wouldn’t Lucy just say something? If she was the real L.G., why not just clear it up?” He thought back to the tension that was in the house when he followed Lillith inside. “What the heck is going on?” He threw up his hands.

  He thought back on his plans to break up with Lillith after the barbecue and sighed harshly. I should probably wait. At least until I figure everything out. He snorted. If I can actually get anybody to talk about it.

  “Oh shoot.” He grabbed his phone and sent a text to Lillith.

  Sorry, had to bail. I’ll talk to you later.

  She answered back almost immediately.

  I can’t believe you left. You can take me to dinner to make up for it.

  Mateo rolled his eyes. What if I don’t want to make up for it? He shook his head.

  Sounds fine. Let me look at my schedule.

  Lillith send back a heart emoji, making Mateo crinkle his nose. Stuffing his phone back in his pocket, he grabbed his briefcase from the corner of the room and sat down. Maybe some work will get my mind off everything and help me think straight.

  Dear M.K.

  I don’t think I could handle living

  In a cold area either. So I suppose I

  Shouldn’t complain of the heat. Did you

  Have a good fourth? Do you enjoy fireworks?

  I like them from a distance. Have never been

  A fan of the loud noises, but the colors

  Are always lovely.



  Refute #34: Captain America is handy with a shield.


  Lucy pulled her sunglasses over her eyes as she tossed bread crumbs to the geese at the lake’s edge. She glanced down at her watch, one-fifteen. Maybe he couldn’t get off. With a huff, she threw more crumbs into the water. It doesn’t really matter, he’s still with Lillith. I probably shouldn’t even have come.

  With that thought, she brushed off her hands, grabbed the smoothie sitting next to her and stood, preparing to go home.

  “Sorry I’m late.” Mateo’s smooth voice caught Lucy off guard.

  She spun around and her mouth went dry. He stood in black slacks and a button up blue shirt that was beautifully tailored. His hair was gelled and styled and his goatee looked freshly groomed. Holy ... Lucy had to clench her jaw to keep it from dropping open.

  “It’s okay,” Lucy heard herself saying.

  “I was worried you would be gone by the time I arrived, but it looks like I got here just in time.” He smiled and Lucy felt as if the sun’s rays had suddenly increased.

  Refraining from the desire to fan herself, she took a sip of her smoothie instead and swept her arm toward the bench. “Should we sit?”

  “Sounds good,” he said. Then proceeded to sit down a few inches from her side. In his hand was a brown paper bag, which he put in his lap. “I brought a couple of sandwiches. Would you like one?”

  Lucy eyed the bag from a close by cafe and felt her stomach rumble. “What kind ya got?”

  “Turkey, bacon, avocado and a club.” He smiled as he watched her purse her lips and tilt her head back and forth.

  “TBA please.”

  Mateo chuckled. “One TBA coming up. So ... whatcha got in your bag over there?” He tilted his head toward the bread bag at her side.

  “Crumbs for the geese. Thank you,” Sse said after taking the sandwich from him.

  “Ah. I suppose a goose gets hungry too.”

  “Mmmm ... ” Lucy chewed the bite she had in her mouth.

  An amused half smile played on Mateo’s lips. “That good, huh?”

  She nodded and continued eating. After swallowing she took a long pull of her smoothie.

  “What kind is that?” He asked.

  Lucy looked a
t him. “The smoothie?”

  Mateo nodded while taking a bite of his sandwich.

  “Strawberry, banana.”

  He reached out his hand and raised his eyebrows in question.

  Lucy hesitated. Sharing a straw with him just seemed so intimate. I barely know him. Well ... I mean. Sort of. I know him through emails and our kiss, but not in real life. He makes me feel things no one else ever has, but ...

  Sensing her hesitation, Mateo pulled back his hand.

  With a burst of courage, Lucy thrust out the drink.

  A slow, sly smile crossed his face and Lucy once again felt the heat rise. He took hold of the cup, but instead of pulling it from her hand, he held on over top of her fingers and pulled her with the cup when he brought it to his mouth. His eyes never left hers and Lucy found her breathing growing more shallow with each moment their eyes remained locked.

  She was practically panting by the time he let go of her, a smirk on his lips as if he knew exactly what he had just put her through. She didn’t even think before she shoulder bumped him and said, “Stinker.”

  Mateo threw back his head and laughed, bringing a smile to Lucy’s face as well.

  IT’S GOT BE HER. THERE’S no way Lillith is the one writing those emails. How did I not recognize this before? The draw to Lucy is a dead giveaway. But why? And how did everything get so mixed up?

  Mateo cleared his throat. It was time to ask the hard questions. “So ... how do you know Lillith?” He tried to hide his wince as he watched Lucy’s happy face disappear. Her features hardened and the light in her eyes died. Dang it. Now what? He found himself wanting to comfort her, to hold her, to say everything would be okay, but he held back. He wanted to dump Lillith and move on with Lucy, but he needed answers first.

  Lucy turned her face to look back at the geese waddling around. Reaching into the bag next to her, she grabbed a handful of crumbs and tossed them out, causing a riot of honking and wing flapping as they all dove for the treat.

  “I told you, she works with my best friend.”

  Mateo pursed his lips and nodded. “Yeah, you did say that. But I didn’t get the impression that Lillith was really close with anyone at the school. So that still begs the question of how you know her.”

  Lucy locked her jaw and didn’t say any more. Picking up her sandwich, she continued eating, keeping her eyes toward the lake.

  In for a penny, in for a pound. “It was obvious something was going on when I walked in on you yesterday. I’ve taken your advice to spend more time with Lillith. In fact, we’re going to dinner tonight, but I was hoping you could help me out. You know, give me some insider information about who she is?”

  Shame hit Mateo as he watched Lucy deflate.

  “I don’t think I can help you,” she said quietly, packing up her stuff.

  “Wait, wait, wait.” He reach out and put his hand on her arm, enjoying the zing that always occurred when their skin touched. “I’m not ready for you to go yet. Can’t you stay a bit longer?” Why won’t she just say something? Why is she protecting a woman she doesn’t seem to even like?

  Lucy looked at his hand and up at his face. Her bright blue eyes searched his, as if asking if he felt their connection too. He did. All the way down to his toes, but until he discovered what he’d inadvertently gotten stuck in the middle of, he wouldn’t act on it.

  He kept his face as neutral as possible. “Friends can sit and feed the geese together, right? We don’t have to talk about other stuff.”

  Lucy blinked, looking away and clearing her throat. “Friends. Right. Yeah ... ” She gave a small smile. “Friends can do that.” She picked up her sandwich and took another bite.

  When this is all over, we are going to be more than friends. With that swirling around his head, Mateo also picked up his sandwich and continued eating.

  LATER THAT NIGHT MATEO drove by Lillith’s place to pick her up for dinner. A feeling of dread sat heavy in his stomach. “It’s just dinner. Get a grip!” He chided himself as he drove. Every part of him wanted to run back to Lucy, to hold her in his arms and kiss her until she couldn’t think straight. Once she was sufficiently subdued, he would get answers out of her.

  He shook his head. Time to focus on the task at hand. Lucy wouldn’t give you answers, let’s see if Lillith will.

  Using the manners his mama taught him, Mateo walked up to the door and knocked; waiting patiently until Lillith answered. He had to hold his breath to keep from sneezing when she waltzed past him toward the car. That dang perfume is gonna kill me before this is all over.

  Holding her door, he helped her in, closed it and walked around to drive them to the restaurant. He had called ahead to get a table, but had specifically instructed that they not be given a booth. He didn’t want to sit any closer to this woman than he had to.

  Apparently Lillith noticed the lack of privacy, because she scowled as they were led to their table. Mateo, however, smiled. “This table is great. Thank you.” He held out the seat for his date and then settled himself.

  Lillith flipped her hair over her shoulder. “You should have told them we wanted a booth. Those are much better for a romantic date. Privacy ... sitting close ... ” She leaned onto the table and raised a seductive eyebrow at him.

  Mateo nearly jumped out of his seat when something ran up his leg. Shoot. I hadn’t thought of that. He cleared his throat, scooting his chair back just a touch and shifting his legs to the side as best he could without appearing too obvious.

  When Lillith pouted, he realized he wasn’t as subtle as he thought. “Never been a big fan of PDA,” he explained.

  Her eyebrows shot up and understanding lit her face. “We’ll just save it for later,” she said as she winked.

  Mateo focused on the menu and hoped she would do the same. You need answers. He reminded himself. Lucy won’t give them, so you have to get them from Lillith. A few minutes later, they both ordered and then were left to themselves.

  With no menu to hide behind, Mateo found himself fidgeting with his napkin and silverware. He placed it and replaced it around his plate until suddenly Lillith’s cold hands rested over his.

  “What’s got you in such a dither tonight, huh?” She grinned slyly at him.

  Mateo resisted the impulse to jerk his hands away, removing them from her grasp slowly instead. “I, uh, just was curious about a few things, I guess.” He cleared his throat.

  Lillith tilted her head to the side. “Really? About what?”

  “About you and Lucy.”

  Lillith stiffened for a moment, panic spread across her features, but she quickly erased it and sat back in her seat, crossing her arms. “What about Lucy?”

  “How do you know her?”

  “Why does it matter?” Lillith’s voice had hardened and Mateo knew he was treading on thin ice.

  “It doesn’t really,” he said soothingly. He leaned across the table and pulled her hand to him, patting it in a placating manner. “I’m just curious. It was obvious there were hard feelings between the two of you and I was wondering what the story was behind that.”

  Lillith flipped her hair again. “There’s not much to tell. Lucy is a teacher, same as me and has been after my job for years.” She shrugged one shoulder. “Principal Grimm is afraid to hire her because she tends to be flaky. He does allow her to sub once in awhile though.”

  Mateo felt his brows furrow. That’s the story Ruby gave, except swapped. So which one is true? His mind spun. Did Ruby have a reason to lie to him? No. Atleast I can’t imagine a reason she would. I don’t even know her. But Lillith has been hiding things from the beginning ...

  Lillith tugged on his hand. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Sorry. Just spaced it for a minute.” He let go of her hand and sat back in his chair.

  Silence reigned at their table for a moment before their waiter showed up with their food.

  Mateo sighed in relief, grateful for the interruption to their awkward pause. But I still
don’t know the truth. He reminded himself. He shifted in his chair, waiting for the waiter to leave them to their meals before trying again. “So ... uh ... tell me about your family.”

  Lillith eyed him cautiously over her plate. “What do you want to know?”

  Mateo shrugged, cutting into his meal. “Where are your parents? Are you close to them? Do you have any siblings?”

  Lillith pinched her lips and didn’t answer right away. “Didn’t we already discuss this with each other?”

  Mateo wiped his mouth and swallowed. “Yes. But you said you wanted to forget about the emails and get to know each other in person.”

  Lillith scrunched her lips to the side. “You’re right. I did say that. But I prefer not to talk about my family. We aren’t close. Let’s just leave it at that.” She picked up her fork and began eating again.

  “Okay ... what about movies? Have any favorites?”

  “I watch just about anything. A littlle of this, a little of that. You know ... whatever strikes my fancy at the time.”

  This is going nowhere fast. “Hobbies? Favorite holidays? Celebrity crushes?”

  Lillith frowned and set down her fork. “What’s with the twenty questions?”

  Mateo cleared his throat and stretched his neck to the side. “You know, just trying to get to know you. What makes Lillith Gresham tick?”

  “We can get to know each other all you want when you drive me home.” Lillith twisted the stem of her wine goblet between her fingers, looked up through her lashes and waited for his answer.

  “We’ll see.” Mateo said, refusing to commit to anything. Not happening. He thought.

  Lillith scowled, but went back to her meal without a word.

  Little was said the rest of their meal. Mateo was out of ideas on how to get answers out of her without flat out accusing her of lying to him. His concern for Lucy, kept him from doing just that. With plans A and B now a failure, he was going to have to go back to the drawing board.


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