Pyre (Phoenix in Flames Book 4)

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Pyre (Phoenix in Flames Book 4) Page 5

by Catty Diva

  Her alarm, an annoying screeching sound, went off and it seemed she’d just laid down. The clock disagreed. She was up, showered, and dressed in minutes. Whoever was on duty in the kitchen better have coffee made for her,

  She opened her door and the scent of that coffee hit her hard. God was she hungry and in need of her coffee. Only a few people were milling around in the dining room and some were strangers to her.

  “Miss Ladonna. We aren’t sure what to charge for the food.”

  She quickly set the prices. “If they’ve had to wait long, just give them what they want.” She hated waiting and knew others did too.

  They were eating breakfast when Pyre walked in and she knew immediately. Her eyes moved to his and they caught and held a second before he marched to her table. The man sitting next to her moved leaving the spot to Pyre who didn’t have a plate yet. No problem, one of his team brought him one piled high with food.

  “Thank you for feeding my guys.” He said.

  “My pleasure.” She responded. It was a small price to pay for getting possession of her station. Well the one she and Patty owned.

  Everyone turned their eyes and attention back to their food when they saw there would be no big scene. “It’s hard to believe how much work your crew has gotten done.” Pyre admitted.

  “I’ve got good people.” She admitted. The way they’d worked and all they’d accomplished had pleased her. She’d even decided on a manager even though she’d originally intended to hire someone with a business degree.

  Hattie was educated in the school of hard knocks and incredibly good at everything involved in running a station. Always an assistant manager, she did all the hard work while others took the credit. That wouldn’t happen anymore.

  “I want to make a quick announcement before you are done with breakfast. Hattie is the new stations manager and Earl is her assistant manager. Hattie will decide any other promotions. Congratulations to both of you.”

  She never expected Hattie to cry. Now that she did, she seemed to have a hard time stopping. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to lose control. When do I start?” Hattie asked.

  “Today. I’ll send you the file that explains everything. I’ll send Earl one too. You both read it, sign, and send it to the email in the folder. You’ll both do great.”

  “Why?” Hattie asked.

  “You’re capable. You’ve probably been doing the work for a while. Now you’ll get the benefits.” She explained.

  Once everyone was done eating and back to work, Pyre wanted to go somewhere private. She wasn’t sure what he wanted, but she didn’t mind being alone with him neither. There was nothing that could happen that would be bad. She was sure of that.

  “I have the manager’s quarters for now, but I’ll have to give them up.”

  “Hattie seems a good choice.”

  “I believe she will adjust to the position and be an amazing manager. Earl will give her support.”

  “Are they?”

  “I believe so.”

  “That will save you an apartment.”

  “They’ll be paid extra if they don’t use both quarters.”

  “You are a fair boss.”

  “I try to be. Here’s the manager’s apartment.” They entered and she looked around wondering what he thought. It had two bedroom, two baths, and an open space that functioned as kitchen, dining room, and living room.

  It was small for a family, but laid out well so it worked. “It’s not bad.”

  “The last manager was well thought of and the original one may have also been the owner at that time.” Pyre stepped up to her pulling her into his arms and kissing her, hot and heavy. She was completely caught off guard.

  “I need you to get this project of yours done so we can have our first date. I find myself pining for you.”

  “You do?” She asked breathlessly.

  “I do. I have to go back to the ship now and finish interviewing the prisoners, but when you’re ready to leave here, just call.” He dropped a light kiss on her lips and she found herself wanting more.

  Maybe now that she had managers in place and all needed supplies and more employees on their way, she could leave. The disabled ship had been repaired and was just now leaving happily on its way. She had skilled mechanics that could fix nearly anything and she stocked a warehouse of parts. Apparently the last manager had stocked those too.

  It would be a month or more before the restaurants or stores were fully stocked and open. There was nothing more she could do here that others couldn’t do. Maybe it was time for the ship to be on its way. They could get on with their relationship and see where it went.

  “Come on? We can leave now and have a space date.” Pyre smiled trying to convince her.

  “Okay. But we have to keep in touch with the station just in case.” She insisted.

  “What good would that do?”

  “There are ships on the way that could get here sooner if trouble arises.” One ship was only a few days out full of food and other supplies. Another was two weeks out full of supplies for the gift shop. Once everything was staffed and supplied, a ship would bring something every week to keep it fully supplied at all times.

  “Okay. I’m sure you know what’s best.”

  “Let me talk to my manager first then we can go.” Such a simple thing but she felt the need to hurry so she could spend time alone with Pyre.

  Hattie was easy to track down and excited to be let loose to manager the station on her own. Once they went over everything, it was time for her to go but she felt nervous and reluctant. Maybe she was nervous about what was about to happen between her and Pyre. She’d never been on a date or any kind of activity of a romantic kind with a male before.

  Pyre led her way to the shuttle and they headed back to the ship. A handful of others were on board as they headed back to the ship and prepared to start back to their home. Once they docked, Pyre helped her undo her belt and step out of the shuttle. He held her hand as he pulled her along to his room.

  When they entered his room, she could smell the meal he had waiting. “I had this prepared for you. I hope you enjoy it.”

  “It looks lovely.” She said as she viewed what looked like a traditional Italian meal from Earth.

  They sat and ate the meal with a glass of wine. “Is it good?” Pyre asked.

  “It is marvelous.” She responded as she continued to eat.

  Once they were done, Pyre stood and held out his hand. She enjoyed the way he looked, His hair was like sunshine and his eyes blue like the sky. His muscles made him seem strong, as if he could protect her from anything. He led her out of the room to the elevator where they rode to the very top. Instead of going to the bridge, they went the other way.

  Leading her through a door into another room, they went up some steps. There was a large glass ceiling where the whole space above the ship and beyond was visible. There was a half-circle of chairs and they sat in two of them. Pyre showed her how to lean back and the sky above was gorgeous filled with stars, part of a moon, and the edge of an asteroid belt.

  Something flashed by that looked like a shooting star. She made a wish, but it was something she could never share with anyone else or it wouldn’t come true. “Do you like this?” Pyre asked.

  “It is an amazing view.”

  “You’ll like it even more once we begin our way back. It’s like a parade of stars.”

  “It seems like it would move by too fast to enjoy.”

  “Your eyes will adjust in a few moments.” Pyre said and right then she felt the ship pickup speed.

  It made her dizzy for just a moment as her eyes and her brain adjusted to the movement. Now she could see individual stars as they winked by. The view was beautiful.

  “See?” Pyre asked.

  “Yes, you are right. Tell me about your home and your people.”

  “There is so much to tell. Our kind went into hiding because they were hunted. They spread far and wide and we still can’t find m
ost of our kind.”

  “Why were they hunted?” It occurred to her she had their DNA in her as well.

  “Many races hate what they don’t understand, they fear and try to destroy it.”

  He was right and she knew that from the history she had studied. Humans especially had the best and the worst behavior among them. Their DNA was in her as well. She was a mix of many kinds, some that she didn’t know about.

  “What will happen now that other kinds are now aware of you?” She asked.

  “I don’t know. The Mazlans are a dangerous kind and we have an alliance with them.”

  “Do you trust them?”

  “I do. Razar and his brothers rule their kind and they are honest and trustworthy,”

  That was high praise. She’d met them briefly but she got a good vibe from them as well. She had much to learn of the different kinds that existed in her world. They stayed there viewing space for a while before Pyre stood holding out his hand.

  “Let’s go now.”

  She put her hand in his as he helped her up and led her down the stairs. “My room or yours?” He looked at her with his brow raised.

  “Mine. We can watch a movie.” She suggested but she wondered if Pyre had other ideas. Her room wasn’t far once they got off the elevator. Nervous, her heart beat fast and her mouth was dry. The little experience she had came from books and what Patty had shared with her recently.

  If Pyre wanted to make love to her, would he be disappointed by her lack of experience? Looking at the sexy Phoenix she was sure he had plenty of knowledge about females and what to do. Would he be disappointed that she had none?

  They entered her suite and she shivered. “Are you cold?” She just shook her head. While she anticipated what would eventually happen between them, she was also nervous as hell.

  “Come to me.” He demanded and she did. The kiss, was soft and sweet as his hands moved over her body heating up her blood.

  Her shirt was off before she realized it leaving her in her bra. Her pants went next and slid to her ankles caught on her shoes. He was like an octopus moving much too fast. “Slow down.” She insisted. He was still fully clothed. Somehow she ended up on her couch with Pyre next to her.

  “Let me remove your shoes.” He said and he did so quickly pulling her pants off too. His expert moves just reinforced how experienced he was and how lacking she was. Now she was dressed only in her underwear.

  It was time to remove some of his clothing. She started with his shirt. Once it was slid over his head, his chest was bare. Her hands moved over him feeling his silky skin over his hard muscles. He moaned and it made her channel clench. Pyre was so damn sexy.

  Kicking off his boots, he worked his pants down taking his socks off too. Now he was naked as the day he was born while she had on underwear. Standing, he picked her up carrying her to the bed in the other room. Laying her down gently, he unsnapped her bra then peeled it off. Her panties went next. Now he stood above her looking at her naked body as she stared at him return.

  The male was a sex god. He was looking at her with heat in his eyes. A rumble came from him and she wasn’t sure what that meant. Pyre lowered himself to the bed on top of her. His body felt so smooth and warm against her.

  “I’m going to make love to you, Ladonna. If you don’t want me, tell me now.”

  Chapter 5

  Love Me

  She found her voice frozen and she’s unable to speak. Not that she doesn’t want him, God knows she does. Nothing has ever felt as good as when he touched her with his hands or his mouth. It’s like she’s on fire and she needs him to put it out before she burns to a crisp.

  With her voice quiet, she leans into him and kisses his mouth. She sucks his lower lip between hers nibbling on it gently. Pyre moans and that makes moisture flood her channel. He sniffs, oh God, he can smell her. Her face turns red and she can feel the heat.

  “Goddess, my sweet one. You smell fabulous. Never be embarrassed for wanting me.”

  It made her feel better that he enjoyed her reaction. Now he rolled them over and he was on top of her. She could feel his strong body straining against her and his cock was so big. That made her nervous. Could she take all of that?

  One hand held him up as he stroked her breast. His mouth lowered to it before he sucked in her nipple. It got hard and sensitive immediately and she moaned. “Yesss.” It felt marvelous.

  “You are so beautiful.” He whispered against her skin.

  “You’re pretty hot yourself.” She teased.

  His hand moved down and cupped her pussy causing more moisture to enter her channel. It felt warm and his skin was soft. He moved his finger to slide into her channel and she rose up as he slid it in. “Yes! That feels so good.”

  “I want to fuck you so bad.” Pyre whispered in her ear as he positioned himself to join with her.

  Her legs opened further to ease his way and her channel was soaking wet from being close to him. Slowly, he pushed the head of his cock in as he gave her time to prepare for him.

  Pyre was so big, he stretched her and she felt a pinch of discomfort. He stopped once he was halfway in and she clenched around him then she relaxed just enough that he could continue. Balls deep, he paused and she took a deep breath and relaxed as well as she could. It ached a little, but it also felt amazing.

  Once he began to move, she wrapped her legs around his waist holding on for the ride. Speeding up, he thrust harder and deeper inside her. His big cock was hitting spots that had never been touched before and he was driving her crazy

  “You’re so damn tight, Baby.” He praised.

  “That feels amazing.” She said as she began to feel frenzied wanting more and faster.

  Pyre gave her what she asked for as he slammed in and almost completely out before driving in again. She felt something building, pleasure so wonderful she just wanted to reach for it. Knowing she wouldn’t last much longer even though she never wanted it to stop, she thought she was prepared for the climax that was on its way.

  When it hit her, she couldn’t breathe for a second. She was overwhelmed by it and that felt so damn good it was almost painful. This guy had ruined her for any other man. It was just as well since she wanted to keep him.

  She struggled to hold on to consciousness as her body convulsed in pleasure and he groaned as he joined her in sweet release pumping hot seed into her. Pyre rolled off her collapsing beside her. His breathing came fast, just like hers. Now she understood what the big thing about sex was. Her first experience had been incredible.

  Pyre managed to get his breath under control quickly and she realized she had too. “Ready to do that again?” He asked as he got up and held out his hand.

  She nodded. “Hell yeah!” She took his hand as he led her to the bedroom and they stood next to the bed.

  “Let’s try something different. Get up on your hands and knees, Baby.” She did as he suggested getting in that position on the bed. He got up and moved into position behind her at the edge of the bed.

  She figured he could do as he wanted with her like this since her back was to him. Petting her ass with both hands, he moved one hand down to slide a finger into her wet channel. “You’re hot and still tight.” He whispered. “Ready for me to give you my cock, Baby?”

  “Yes, now.”

  “I like how ready you are.” His finger slid out as she felt the head of his cock press her entrance. He pushed in slowly until he was fully seated and she felt completely full. His cock was so deep, she could feel it hit her womb.

  He moved, slowly at first, but he didn’t keep it that way. In no time he was pounding into her and she was slamming back against him. One arm was wrapped under her belly holding her into place.

  His other hand made it in front to her clit, sliding it between his thumb and forefinger. She’d once heard the expression that a man who was good at doggy style knew how to use his fingers. She knew exactly what they meant by that now and she agreed.

  His cock was h
itting her sweet spots and her clit being played in the sweetest way possible, she knew she would explode soon and it would be amazing. Friction made the tension rise higher and higher. She was wild with need and her body was burning. Maybe that was because he was a Phoenix? His body seemed pretty hot temperature wise.

  When her climax hit hard that wasn’t a surprise, she expected to pass out from the sheer enjoyment it gave her. He was trying to stifle his scream as he climaxed right along with her. Just letting her scream ring out, seemed to increase her pleasure.

  Pyre moved his arm so she could lay down and roll over on her side. The orgasm had taken everything out of her and her throat was raw from screaming. Her lover moved so he was facing her as he wore a sexy and satisfied smile.

  “That was unbelievable. Suddenly, I’m starved. Why don’t we order some food?” Pyre asked. Her stomach growled. He laughed. “See what I mean?”

  She did see what he meant so she got up and went to her computer to order food. “We have just enough time to take a shower and get dressed before the food arrives.” She said then she took off at a run for the shower.

  She made it first, setting the water before she got in. By then he was there too. Her eyes made their way down his body. Her guy looked like a Greek god in the history books she read. “Want me to wash you?” He asked with a grin.

  Pyre lathered up his hands before running them over her body. It made her want to have sex with him again. The shame was they didn’t have time before the food came. He did a thorough and efficient job. Next she lathered her hands up and moved them all over his sexy body. She saved his massive cock for last. It was amazing that could fit inside her.

  They rinsed off one at a time before shutting the water off and stepping out. They dried off and she tossed him a robe before putting on hers. “Why do you have an extra robe?” He asked.

  “It’s a habit from living with Patty and the kids. Were you jealous?”

  “Of course not.” He replied, but she didn’t believe him.

  There was a knock at the door so she went to open it. Food had come. “Just pull the cart in here. Thank you.” The waiter leaves the cart and hustles away.


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