The Lady with the Borzoi

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The Lady with the Borzoi Page 41

by Laura Claridge

  Little, Brown

  Liveright, Horace

  London; Blanche’s trip to, via military transport; bombing of; Knopf office in; rationing in; Ritz in

  Long Goodbye, The (Chandler)

  Loos, Anita

  Loveman, Amy

  Lowe-Porter, Helen T.

  Loy, Mina

  Loy, Myrna

  Lucy Gayheart (Cather)

  Luhan, Mabel Dodge

  Luhan, Tony

  Lusty, Robert

  MacArthur, Douglas

  MacCarthy, Desmond

  Macdonald, Ross (Kenneth Millar)


  Madame Bovary (Flaubert)

  Mademoiselle de Maupin (Gautier)

  Madison, Charles A.

  Magic Mountain, The (Mann)

  Mailer, Norman; The Deer Park; The Naked and the Dead


  Main Street (Lewis)

  Making of a Lady, The (Haardt)

  Making of the President, 1960, The (White)

  Making of the President, 1964, The (White)

  Malcolm X

  Malraux, André

  Maltese Falcon, The (Hammett)

  Mandelbaum Gate, The (Spark)

  Mann, Herbie

  Mann, Katia

  Mann, Monika

  Mann, Thomas; The Black Swan; Buddenbrooks; communism and; Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man; death of; Joseph and His Brothers; The Magic Mountain

  Manon Lescaut (Prévost)

  Mansfield, Katherine

  Mansions and the Shanties, The (Freyre)

  March, Frederic

  Marchand, Leslie

  Marinoff, Fania

  Markings (Hammarskjöld)

  Marquand, John

  Marshall Field’s

  Marshall Plan

  Marx, Groucho

  Mastering the Art of French Cooking (Child)

  Masters and the Slaves, The (Freyre)

  Maugham, W. Somerset

  Maupassant, Guy de

  Maxwell, Emily

  Maxwell, William

  Mayer, Mrs. Louis B.

  Mayne, E. H.

  McBride, Robert

  McCarthy, Joseph

  McCormick, Anne O’Hare

  McCullers, Carson


  McKuen, Rod

  Mead, Margaret

  Meeker, Arthur

  Meet Me at the Morgue (Macdonald)

  Mencken, August

  Mencken, Henry Louis “H. L.”; The American Language; borzoi lamp and; Clendening and; death of; funeral for; Happy Days; marriage of; Newspaper Days; on Prohibition; “Puritanism as a Literary Force”; Sara Haardt Mencken’s death and; Scopes “Monkey Trial” and; stroke suffered by; surgery of

  Mencken, Sara Haardt, see Haardt, Sara

  Menninger, Karl



  Mildred Pierce (Cain)

  Milgrim, Sally

  Mill, John Stuart

  Millar, Kenneth, see Macdonald, Ross

  Millay, Edna St. Vincent

  Miller, Henry

  Miłosz, Czesław; The Captive Mind

  Mind of the South, The (Cash)

  Mitchum, Robert

  Mitgang, Herbert

  Modern Library

  Moiseiwitsch, Benno

  Monsarrat, Nicholas

  Montagu, Ashley

  Monterey, Carlotta

  Montessori school program

  Monument Valley

  Moon-Calf (Dell)

  Moore, George

  Morand, Paul

  Mornings in Mexico (Lawrence)

  Mortensen, A. M.

  Morton, Frederic

  Moses and Monotheism (Freud)

  Moving Target, The (Macdonald)

  Muir, Edwin


  Murder, My Sweet

  Murrow, Edward R.

  Murrow, Janet

  music: classical; jazz

  Music and Bad Manners (Van Vechten)

  My Ántonia (Cather)

  My Friend from Kentucky

  Myth of Sisyphus, The (Camus)

  Nabuco, Mauricio

  Naked and the Dead, The (Mailer)

  Nana (Zola)

  Nasoff, Ruth Levine

  Nast, Condé

  Nathan, George Jean

  Nathan, Robert

  Nation, The

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  National Book Awards

  National Order of the Southern Cross

  National Park Service

  Navigator, The (Roy)

  Nazi Germany; Austria annexed by; Kristallnacht in; Nuremberg Rally and; Nuremberg trials and; Shirer’s Berlin Diary on; South America and

  Nazis, North American

  Nelson, Clark “Lyonel”

  Never Love a Stranger (Robbins)

  New Republic, The

  New Song, A (Hughes)

  Newspaper Days (Mencken)

  New Statesman


  New York Amsterdam News

  New York Call, The

  New York City; Algonquin Hotel in; blizzard in; Greenwich Village; Harlem; Harlem Renaissance in; Prohibition in

  New Yorker, The; series on the Knopfs in

  New York Herald Tribune

  New York Press

  New York Public Library

  New York Society for the Suppression of Vice

  New York Times, The

  New York Times Book Review, The

  New York Women’s Trade Union League

  New York World, The

  Nigger Heaven (Van Vechten)

  Nobel Prize; Camus’s winning of; Lewis’s winning of

  No Exit (Sartre)

  No Food with My Meals (Hurst)

  Nolan, William

  Notebooks of Major Thompson, The (Daninos)

  Nude Descending a Staircase (No. 2) (Duchamp)

  Nuremberg Rally

  Nuremberg trials

  Nursery Rhymes (Sackville-West)


  Ocampo, Victoria

  O. Henry Award

  O’Neill, Eugene

  One of Ours (Cather)

  On Writing (King)

  O Pioneers! (Cather)

  Oppenheimer, George


  Order and Progress (Freyre)

  Orlando (Woolf)

  Orphan Angel, The (Wylie)

  Osborn, Paul

  Panama-Pacific International Exposition

  Pantheon Books

  Paramount Pictures

  Parker, Dorothy

  Parker House

  Parshley, Howard M.

  Partisan Review

  Pasquale, Angeles “Toni”

  Past All Dishonor (Cain)

  Patton, George S.

  Pawling, Sydney

  Peabody, Elizabeth

  Pearl Harbor

  PEN (Poets, Essayists, and Novelists)

  Perfect Hostess Cook Book, The (Knopf)

  Peterson, Virgilia

  Peter Whiffle: His Life and Works (Van Vechten)

  Pforzheimer, Carl

  Pforzheimer, Carol

  Phillips, William

  Phillips Exeter Academy

  Pigeon Feathers (Updike)

  Pilgrimage (Richardson)

  Piney Woods School for Negro Children

  Pittsburgh Courier

  Plague, The (Camus)

  Plimpton Press

  Plumed Serpent, The (Lawrence)



  Popular Science

  Porgy and Bess (Gershwin)

  “Portrait of Mabel Dodge at the Villa Curonia” (Stein)

  Portrait of Jennie (Nathan)

  Postman Always Rings Twice, The (Cain)

  Pound, Ezra

  Powell, Dick

  Powell, William

  Prelude to Victory (Reston)

  Prensa, La

/>   Prescott, Orville

  Prescott, Peter

  Prévost, Antoine François

  Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The (Spark)

  Pringle, Aileen

  Pritchett, V. S.

  Professor’s House, The (Cather)


  Prophet, The (Gibran)

  Provincetown Playhouse

  Przbyszewski, Stanislaw

  Publishers’ Lunch Club

  Publishers Weekly; features on Blanche in

  publishing industry; camaraderie in; Cheney report on; Jews and; mergers and acquisitions in; Statler Hilton conference for; women in

  Puerto Rico

  Pulitzer Prize

  “Puritanism as a Literary Force” (Mencken)


  Queed (Harrison)

  Rabbit, Run (Updike)

  Rachmaninoff, Sergei

  Rainbow, The (Lawrence)

  Rampersad, Arnold

  Random House; Knopf acquired by; RCA’s acquisition of

  Ransom, Harry Huntt

  Ransom, John Crowe

  Rascoe, Burton

  Rauschenberg, Robert

  Ravel, Maurice


  Reader’s Digest

  Red Harvest (Hammett)

  Reed, John

  Reston, James B. “Scotty”; Prelude to Victory

  Reston, Sally

  Return from the U.S.S.R. (Gide)

  “Reuben and Rachel”

  Reviewer, The

  Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin)

  Rich, Adrienne

  Rich, Arnold

  Richardson, Dorothy

  Rich’s department store

  Richter, Conrad

  Rinehart & Company


  Robbins, Harold

  Robertson, Ben

  Robeson, Essie

  Robeson, Paul

  Robinson, Phyllis

  Rockwell, Norman

  Room of One’s Own, A (Woolf)

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Rosenberg, Jim

  Ross, Harold

  Roth, William M.

  Rothschilds, The: A Family Portrait (Morton)

  Row, Peterson & Company

  Roy, Jules

  Rubinstein, Arthur

  Rubinstein, Nela

  Russian books

  Ryan, Cornelius

  Rytand, D. A.

  Sacre du Printemps, Le (Stravinsky)

  Sackville-West, Vita

  Salon des Indépendants

  Samuel Knopf & Co.

  Samuels, Lehman

  Samuels Brothers

  Sanctuary (Faulkner)

  San Francisco Chronicle

  Sanger, Margaret

  Sans Souci (Westchester home)

  Sapphira and the Slave Girl (Cather)

  Sartre, Jean-Paul; No Exit

  Saturday Review of Literature


  Schepps, Seaman

  Schiaparelli, Elsa

  Schiff, Stacy

  Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.

  Schur, Max

  Schwarz-Bart, André

  Schwarzkopf, Elisabeth

  Scopes “Monkey Trial”

  Scottsboro Boys

  Scribner’s, see Charles Scribner’s Sons

  Seabrook, Marjory Worthington

  Seabrook, William

  Search for a Method (Sartre)

  Second Sex, The (de Beauvoir)

  Sedgwick, Ellery

  Selected Poems (Hughes)

  Selected Poems (Jarrell)

  Seltzer, Thomas

  Selznick, David O.

  Serenade (Cain)

  Sevareid, Eric

  sexuality; homosexuality; Kinsey Report and; see also obscenity

  Shadows on the Rock (Cather)

  Shakespeare, William

  SHAPE International Library

  Sheehan, Susan

  Shelley, Mary

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe

  Shirer, William; Berlin Diary

  Shuffle Along

  Silverman, Al

  Simon & Schuster

  Sinclair, Upton

  Sitwell, Edith

  Smart Set, The

  Smith, Clara

  Smith, T. R.

  Snow Goose, The: A Story of Dunkirk (Gallico)

  Sobrados e Mucambos (The Mansions and the Shanties: The Making of Modern Brazil) (Freyre)

  Song of the Lark, The (Cather)

  Sonn and Wolf

  Sons and Lovers (Lawrence)

  Sorrell and Son (Deeping)

  South America: Blanche and Alfred’s trips to; Blanche’s trip to

  Southern Album (Haardt)

  Soviet Union; in Cuban Missile Crisis

  Spark, Muriel; The Girls of Slender Means; The Mandelbaum Gate; The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

  Spender, Stephen

  Spingarn, Amy

  Spingarn, Joel

  Spirit of St. Louis

  Stacks, John


  Stanford University School of Medicine

  Stefansson, Vilhjalmur

  Stegner, Wallace

  Stein, Gertrude

  Stevens, Wallace

  Stevenson, Adlai

  St. Mawr (Lawrence)

  stock market crash

  Stokowski, Leopold; Ninth Symphony of

  Stone, Lucy

  Stranger, The (Camus)

  Stettheimer, Ettie

  Straus, Roger

  Strauss, Harold

  Strauss, Richard

  Stravinsky, Igor; Le Sacre du Printemps

  Studs Lonigan (Farrell)

  Sullivan, Louis

  Sumner, John

  Sydney, Basil

  Syracuse Herald-Journal

  Taft, Horace

  Taft, Robert

  Taft, William

  Tainter, M. L.

  Talese, Nan

  Tanglewood Music Festival

  Taras Bulba: A Tale of the Cossacks (Gogol)

  Tarkington, Booth

  Tarnower, Herman “Hy”

  Tate, Allen

  Tattooed Countess, The (Van Vechten)

  Taylor, Elizabeth (novelist)

  Tebbel, John

  Tell Me a Story (Canfield)

  Thin Man, The (Hammett)

  This Is My Beloved (Benton)

  This Side of Paradise (Fitzgerald)

  Thomas Seltzer, Inc.

  Thompson, Dorothy

  Thompson, Lewis

  Thoreau, Henry David

  Three Black Pennys, The (Hergesheimer)

  Thurman, Wallace

  Tierney, Gene


  Time for Decision, The (Welles)

  Times Literary Supplement, The

  Tipografia Giuntina

  Tito, Josip Broz

  Toklas, Alice B.

  Toscani, Frank E.

  Totten, John

  Town & Country

  Training Your Own Dog (Samstag)


  Trial, The (Kafka)

  Trifles (Glaspell)

  Trilling, Diana

  Trivial Breath (Wylie)

  Truman, Harry

  Tunner, William

  Tutors’ Lane (Lewis)

  Twain, Mark

  Tyler, Anne

  Ulysses (Joyce)

  Undset, Sigrid

  Union College

  University of Texas

  Untermeyer, Louis

  Updike, John

  Vail-Ballou Press

  Vanderbilt, Gloria

  Vanderbilt, Mrs. Cornelius

  Van Doren, Carl

  Vanity Fair

  Van Vechten, Carl; birthday parties for; The Blind Bow-Boy; decline and death of; Hughes and; Nigger Heaven; Peter Whiffle; The Tattooed Countess

  Van Vechten, Emma

  Van Vechten, Fania, see Marinoff, Fania

  Van Vechten, Ralph

  Vaudrin, Philip

Vidor, King


  Village Voice, The

  Vintage Books

  Vogue; British

  Volstead, Andrew

  Volstead Act; see also Prohibition

  V.V.’s Eyes (Harrison)

  Wagner, Richard

  Walker, A’Lelia

  Walker, C. J.

  Wall, The (Hersey)

  Wall Street Journal, The

  Walpole, Horace

  Walpole, Hugh


  Warburg, Felix

  Warner Bros.

  Warren, Robert Penn

  Washington, Booker T.

  Wasserman, Eddie

  Waste Land, The (Eliot)

  Waters, Ethel

  Wayne, John

  Ways of White Folks, The (Hughes)

  Weary Blues, The (Hughes)

  Webster’s New International Dictionary

  Wedding Night, The

  Weinstock, Herbert

  Welles, Mathilde

  Welles, Sumner

  Well of Loneliness, The (Hall)

  Wells, H. G.

  West, Rebecca

  W. F. Etherington and Co.

  Wheeler, Wayne

  White, George

  White, Newman Ivey

  White, Theodore H.

  White, Walter

  Whiteman, Paul

  Whitman, Walt

  Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Albee)

  Wilde, Oscar

  Williams, Bert

  Wilson, Edmund

  Winesburg, Ohio (Anderson)

  Winston, Harry

  Wolf, Bertha Samuels (Blanche’s mother); illness and death of

  Wolf, Irma (Blanche’s sister-in-law)

  Wolf, Irving (Blanche’s brother)

  Wolf, Julius (Blanche’s father); death of; move to New York City

  Wolfe, Thomas

  Wolfe, Tom

  Wolff, Helen

  Wolff, Kurt

  Woman of Thirty, A (Balzac)

  Women in Love (Lawrence)

  Woolf, Leonard

  Woolf, Virginia; A Room of One’s Own

  Woollcott, Alexander

  Woolsey, John M.

  Words Are Stones (Levi)

  World, The

  World of Love, A (Bowen)

  World War I

  World War II; end of; Knopf books about; London bombings in; Pat Knopf’s service in; Pearl Harbor; South America and; see also Nazi Germany

  Wylie, Elinor; death of; The Orphan Angel

  Wylie, Philip

  Yale University

  Yankee Clipper

  Yellowstone National Park

  Youth and the Bright Medusa (Cather)

  Yvette, a Novelette, and Ten Other Stories (Maupassant)

  Zola, Émile

  Zweig, Stefan

  All images are courtesy of the Photography Collection, Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin, unless otherwise noted.

  Blanche and her borzoi, the breed that inspired the Knopf colophon, 1917

  Portrait of Blanche by G. Maillard Kesslere, circa 1920s

  Bertha Samuels Wolf and Julius Wolf, circa 1910

  An unclothed Alfred, in a rare photo taken by Blanche, 1921

  Blanche and Alfred with their bloodhound in Mount Kisco, N.Y., 1924. It was the only English bloodhound to exhibit that year and won a ribbon by default.


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