WED TO THE BIKER: Skeleton Kings MC

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WED TO THE BIKER: Skeleton Kings MC Page 15

by Parker, Zoey

  “Hey, come on now,” he urged gently, stroking her bare upper arm. “Your brother is being protective, nothing more. Besides, if he did try and come between us, he never could. I love you, Brittany. Nothing can come between us.”

  Brittany tried to take solace in Max’s words. He was saying exactly what she needed to hear yet she still couldn’t shake the feeling that their love might not be enough, that Zack might be willing to sink to depths she couldn’t even comprehend to part them.

  “Sometimes I feel like my brother is keeping secrets from me,” she admitted sadly. Max tensed beside her.

  “I think everyone has a few secrets,” he replied darkly.

  “I don’t,” Brittany instantly responded. “I don’t keep secrets from anyone. Secrets are dangerous.”

  “Let’s just try and get some sleep,” Max led her back towards the pillows on the other end of the bed. He quickly fell back to sleep as soon as they laid down. Brittany lay awake listening to his steady breathing and wondering what secrets not just her brother, but also her boyfriend, were possibly hiding from her?

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  Zack parked his bike directly outside the tattoo parlor. The street was dark and deserted around him. Slicking his hair back with the palms of his hand, he sauntered toward the door beneath which light was escaping out into the night. He was impressed that Nancy had been decent enough to meet with him.

  He knocked briskly against the distorted glass that boasted Nancy’s name. He saw her mottled appearance materialize in the reception area. Seconds later, she was opening the door and bathing him in golden light. He squinted against the sudden brightness.

  “Come in,” she ordered briskly. Zack obeyed, eager to get off the street where despite the late hour, he still risked being seen.

  “This had better be good,” Nancy crossed her arms over her chest, concealing her bosom and narrowed her eyes at him.

  Zack licked his lips. He knew that he needed to choose his words carefully. He needed to keep Nancy as an ally, especially if he wanted her help in safely delivering Brittany out of Colridge, which was what he reckoned it was going to come to.

  “Like I said, Brittany is in danger.”

  “From you,” Nancy seethed. He could see the hurt and betrayal flare in her eyes as she spoke. He should never have snuck out on her like he did. Women were always so sensitive about that kind of behavior.

  “No, not from me.”

  “I know who you ride with,” Nancy declared icily. “I recognized your tattoo.”

  Zack could feel his cheeks starting to burn. Being with the Red Riders was such a big part of his identity, but one he never spoke about to non-members.

  “If you’ve told anyone then - ”

  “I’ve not said anything.”

  “Good.” Zack exhaled sharply. “Well then, if you know I ride with the Red Riders then you should have picked up that Brittany’s new boyfriend rides with the Skeleton Kings.”

  Nancy paled.

  “So do those guys who were in here,” Zack continued. “And let me tell you, Nancy, the Kings aren’t to be messed with. I should know.”

  “Are they…are they here to start trouble?”

  Zack still didn’t know why there were so many Skeleton Kings members in Colridge, but he wasn’t about to admit that to Nancy.

  “They’re here for Brittany,” he replied quickly, with confidence. “They think that getting to her is a way of getting to me. They mean her harm.”

  “Oh God,” one of Nancy’s hands nervously fluttered up to her throat. “Poor Brittany.”

  “And she’s completely oblivious to all of this,” Zack stated.

  “I see,” Nancy’s hand had now settled on her chest. Zack couldn’t help but notice the swell of her breasts in the low-cut top she was wearing.

  “I need to get her out of town, at least until things have blown over.”

  “Out of town?” Nancy repeated in disbelief. “But Zack, she works here. Colridge is her home.”

  “No!” Zack raged, clenching his hands in to fists. “She belongs back home with me, not here!”

  “Are you truly worried about Brittany’s boyfriend, or are you just concerned that you don’t have any control over her anymore?” the fear was gone from Nancy’s face, replaced by contempt.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Zack pointed an angry finger at her.

  “I think you want to get the hell out of my store,” Nancy stormed over to the front door and flung it open, letting in the cool evening air.

  “You’re making a mistake,” Zack glared at her. “I need to help my sister. If anything happens to her, you’ll have blood on your hands.”

  “Yeah, well so will you,” Nancy jerked her head in the direction of the darkened street outside. “Not that you’d notice since I’m sure your hands are already covered in blood.”

  “I’m not the monster you think I am.” Zack stepped towards the door.

  “No?” challenge burned in Nancy’s eyes. She was goading him, seeking to punish him for having hurt her. Zack wished that women could be more resilient with their emotions. He knew he should just walk out to his bike and ride out of town and forget about Nancy. She was never going to be an ally. But as she stood beside her in the doorway, his gaze lowered to her chest and there it lingered.

  “Oh, you’re not getting anywhere near this again,” Nancy scoffed though she didn’t do anything to conceal her bosom. Zack got the impression that she wanted him to keep looking, to keep undressing her with his eyes.

  “Is that so?” he made his voice as husky as possible as he asked the question.

  “You think you can run out on me before dawn,” Nancy cried haughtily. “Well, I don’t think so. I’m not just some - ”

  Her words were silenced as Zack’s mouth pressed against hers. She uttered a brief cry of disdain before hungrily kissing him back. Zack scooped her into his arms and hungrily pressed his tongue against hers as he kicked the door to the shop closed. His hands were now roving over her breasts, eager to unleash them from their cotton cage.

  “Oh, Zack,” Nancy gasped as they broke their kiss so that he could hastily unbutton his jeans and hoist up her skirt. He gave a groan of appreciation when he noticed that she wasn’t wearing any panties. So, this had been her plan all along, to seduce him.

  Zack pressed her against the reception counter and eased himself inside her. Nancy gasped with desire and dug her nails into his shoulders, gripping him tightly against her.

  “Fuck me,” she pleaded breathlessly. So he did.

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  When Brittany was quite certain that Max was fast asleep, she crept away from the bed. She grabbed a spare blanket and cloaked herself in it as she wandered in to the main living area of her apartment. Her head felt heavy and her body ached. Max had all but admitted to having dark secrets of his own. Why were the men in her life so intent on keeping secrets from her?

  Brittany went and stood by the large window which overlooked Colridge. The few lights that were on at night sparkled among the darkened streets like precious stars. Brittany loved the vista her apartment afforded her. She imagined what a bigger place would look like at night, somewhere like New York City where there would be a thousand more lights on at night, sparkling like unnatural stars. For so long Brittany had only known the streets of her small home town, but since moving to Colridge she’d awoken a desire within herself to travel. She wanted to see all of America. Her parents used to talk about how they used to travel together before having children. They had such great adventures.

  There was a faded photograph of the pair of them at the Grand Canyon, arms looped around one another and wide smiles on their tanned faces. They looked so happy, so carefree. So alive. Brittany traced a finger down the pane of glass in front of her. She wished she’d bought some pictures of her parents with her to Colridge. She needed to somehow feel their soothing presence now more than ever. What would they make of her life no
w? Of Zack and his penchant for keeping secrets?

  “I miss you,” Brittany sighed tearfully, her breath misting against the glass. She drew a heart in the fog and then cut through it with an arrow. If Max truly loved her, then why would he keep secrets? But Brittany knew she could ask the same thing of Zack. There was too much she didn’t know about both men. Too much that was being kept in the shadows, hidden from sight. But no more. Brittany stepped back from the window, her body tense with purpose. Whatever secrets Max and Zack were keeping she was going to find out. And if they didn’t tell her the truth she’d remove them from her life. She didn’t need relationships built on a foundation of lies.

  She wanted what her parents had – someone to love and trust and go on epic adventures with. Someone she could smile with above the Grand Canyon. Someone she could, one day, start a family of her own with. As Brittany slowly headed back to bed she realized that she was crying. Max was still fast asleep as she joined him beneath the sheets. She envied his ability to silence all his thoughts and sleep. It would be another hour before the questions in her mind quieted enough to enable her to fade to black.

  Chapter Sixty

  “Where the hell have you been?” Henry unleashed the words sharply from his tongue like a whip. Max stared at him in surprise. He’d thought he was back at the motel early enough so that both guys would still be resting, sleeping off their latest hangover. But he was wrong. Aaron and Henry were stood waiting for him, their bodies tense and their eyes alert.

  “I’ve been out,” Max growled dismissively, moving deeper in to their motel room.

  “Yeah, well we got a call from your Uncle.” Henry explained tersely. Max froze. He could feel the blood in his veins turning to ice. His Uncle had called. That meant that they had new orders.

  When Max was with Brittany it was easy to forget the real reason for his visit to Colridge. With her in his arms, he could forget all about the monster he sometimes had to be. Staring at Henry and Aaron his skin started to itch and feel hot, as though it now longer fit him right.

  “We’ve got orders,” Will added, cracking his knuckles. When Max had left his two companions had seemed like lovable drunks. Now they appeared more like seasoned killers. Their hardened expressions spoke of all the punches they had thrown, and they were eager to do more.

  “What are the orders?” Max lowered himself onto the bed, doing his best to remain calm. He feared that the orders would be to turn over the tattoo parlor, to rough Brittany and her friends up. Max had been so careful to keep his relationship a secret, but what if he hadn’t been careful enough? What if he’d somehow made Brittany a target?

  “That quaint little bar we went to the other night,” Henry raked his hands through his golden mane and smiled maliciously. “We’re to go and turn the place over.”

  Max swallowed uneasily. It was a small bar off a side street in town. He doubted it was even Red Riders territory. But he knew his Uncle’s style. Whether it was Red Riders territory or not, turning it over would still send a message.

  “We were thinking we’d head there around eight, wait until it picks up a bit and then start some trouble,” Aaron explained, his eyes bright with excitement.

  Members of the Skeleton Kings were always excited by the prospect of violence. It was what drew them to the club in the first place. They were violent men who’d led difficult, violent lives. But among the other pack members they found kindred spirits. They found a family.

  Max squeezed his eyes shut in frustration. He’d promised to see Brittany later. They were going to go the movies together. He didn’t want to start letting her down, especially when he knew he wouldn’t be able to tell her the true reason for his cancellation.

  “Does it have to be tonight?” he ventured.

  “Yes,” Henry nodded briskly. “Your Uncle was very specific about that.”

  Max shot a dubious glance at the telephone on the table in the motel room. He’d wager that there was a possibility that his Uncle hadn’t called at all and that his roommates were just getting itchy feet. He could imagine them sitting together plotting in his absence. It would make sense for them to agree on the bar as a target, since it was small enough to not make too big a stir.

  “He was?” Max narrowed his eyes at Henry.

  “Yes, he was,” Henry repeated slowly. “He said it’s high time we start some shit in the Red Riders territory. And I, for one, am not going to let him down, are you?”

  Max wished he’d been present when his Uncle had supposedly called. He’d perhaps have been able to make the old man see sense. The small bar was a poor target. All they’d do is cause hassle for the owners, the Red Riders probably wouldn’t even notice if it got trashed, it wasn’t like their members frequented it.

  “Don’t you think it’s a strange target?” he asked his companions. Henry gave Aaron a sideways glance and shrugged.

  “I suppose,” Aaron agreed, “since no Red Riders members even go there.”

  “What were my Uncle’s exact words?” Max pressed.

  “He said it’s time to start shit,” Henry swiftly recalled. “And he suggested we start small, go with a ripple rather than a wave.”

  “Hmm,” Max thoughtfully massaged his neck. It wasn’t like his Uncle to show caution. If he really wanted to anger the Red Riders, he’d surely go all in.

  “I think we should hit something bigger,” Henry declared with a grin. “Like the biker bar outside of town on the highway. If we hit that, we really send a message.”

  Max tensed. If they did that they’d be sending one hell of a message, they’d be making a declaration of war.

  “If my Uncle wanted us to start small then we hit the bar,” Max decided. He hated himself for agreeing to the plan, but it was better to turn over the bar then to start something they possibly couldn’t finish out at the biker bar.

  “Good, I’m itching for a fight,” Henry cracked his knuckles dramatically.

  “Let’s try and keep things as clean as possible,” Max pleaded, glancing between the two men.

  “We don’t do clean,” Henry laughed, his mouth twitching up in to a grin.

  “Your uncle will want this done right,” Aaron agreed darkly. “We crack a few skulls, break a few noses, that should get our point across.”

  Max pitied the poor saps who’d be in the bar later that day. They’d have no idea what was coming, they were just going to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Guilt pressed heavily against his shoulders, causing him to slump down. The worst part of it all was that he was going to have to cancel on Brittany. And in the morning sunlight, she’d smiled so sweetly at him when he’d said he wanted to take her to the movies. She always looked so beautiful first thing, with her skin effervescent in the early morning light. He didn’t want to be the reason her sweet expression turned sour with disappointment.

  “Tonight at eight it is then,” Henry grinned manically. “I can’t wait.”

  Chapter Sixty-One

  Brittany was just finishing up a tattoo of a Celtic cross. It ran down the back of the petite woman she’d been working on and had a vine of roses growing around it. It was a beautiful, ornate design, one Brittany had designed herself especially for her client.

  “Urgh, my back kills,” the woman exhaled tensely.

  “It will all be over soon,” Brittany confirmed softly. “I’m nearly done.”

  “How does it look?”

  Brittany leaned back to take in the full image. It looked beautiful and gothic. “It looks amazing.”

  “Awesome,” the woman titled her head to smile up at Brittany. “I can’t wait to show it off tonight at the bar.”

  “You won’t be able to show it off tonight,” Brittany warned. “It needs to be kept under wraps for a while to let the skin heal. But you’ll be good to show it off this weekend.”

  “Urgh, that’s like, ages away,” the woman protested though she still smiled.

  “So, is the bar where you work?” Brittany asked, finding it best
to engage clients in small talk to distract them from the pain of their tattoo. Towards the end of a design, once all the more intricate work had been done Brittany found that she was able to chat more easily.

  “Sure is,” the woman confirmed. “I’m busting my ass there to save up enough money to put me through college.”

  “Where’s the bar?” Brittany asked. The woman was now face down on the table again, her short dark blonde hair fanning out over her shoulders.

  “In town, down the street by the laundromat. It’s called O’Hannigans.”

  “Oh yeah, I’ve been there, it’s a nice little bar.” She’d taken Zack there and watched him spend all night talking to Nancy, instead of paying attention to her. Brittany frowned to herself, considering how strangely Nancy had acted that morning. She’d barely said a word to Brittany and hummed to herself as she puttered around the shop.


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