Master of Her Heart (Sons of Amber Book 2)

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Master of Her Heart (Sons of Amber Book 2) Page 11

by Bianca D'Arc

  A chorus of answering wishes rose from the assembly as they raised their glasses over and over. Michael rose, taking the occasion to put into words the feelings he’d never been good at discussing. Now was the time to let the women in his life know what he felt. Plus, the alcohol he’d already consumed helped loosen his tongue.

  “I’d like to thank Dr. Amber Waithe.” Michael spoke into the silence, raising his glass toward the scientist who’d designed him. “We call ourselves her Sons, but in every way that really matters, she truly is our mother. Thank you for being here to witness my marriage. Your presence means more than you can know.” The woman teared up, smiling lovingly at Michael as he paused to recognize her.

  “Thanks also to Leader Gray and those members of the Governing Council and the chain of command who came all this way to join our celebration. Leah and I have lived much of our lives in the service. The military is our family as well, and we’re proud to have you here and have your blessing as we join our lives together.” Murmurs of agreement sounded as the many uniformed officers and politicians in stylish suits bowed their heads or nodded and smiled in approval of his heartfelt words. But Michael wasn’t finished.

  “And thanks to my new wife, my heart, Leah.” He turned to her, seated beside him, looking up with love in her eyes. She’d declared her love for him, but he hadn’t reciprocated. Not in so many words. “I didn’t know love until I met you, Leah. You’ve taught me so much I never imagined about being human. I value you as my best friend, the other half of my soul and the best damn Executive Officer I’ve ever had. I fully expect you to run the rest of my life as efficiently as you’ve run my command these past years.” The crowd chuckled as he’d intended. He reached down and raised Leah by one hand until she stood at his side, gazing up at him. “I love you, Leah, with all my heart and forevermore.”

  He tugged on her hand until she was in his arms, his lips on hers as the crowd sighed. He kissed her with all the love in his heart, glad to finally be able to articulate at least some of the amazing feelings coursing through him. He tasted the salt of Leah’s tears and broke off, folding one of her hands against his heart as he gazed into her weepy eyes.

  “I’m glad you said that, Michael, because I love you, too.” She breathed deep to try to control her tears, but the smile on her face was full of joy. “And I have something to tell everyone, too.” A little devil of mischief entered her twinkling eyes. She squeezed his hand, holding his gaze as she spoke outward in a strong voice, to the assembly. “I’m pregnant.”

  Cheers erupted along with a flurry of congratulations. Everyone drank to the toast, but Leah’s crystal flute of champagne was quickly replaced with a glass of water as she laughed at the fuss everyone made. Michael couldn’t let go of her hand. He’d made many women pregnant, but never his chosen lifemate, the miraculous woman who’d brought him into her family, her tribe, her life. He’d never belonged before—not the way he belonged now.

  Michael felt as if he’d finally found his place in the human race. He’d found a family to belong to, and suddenly the future generations seemed much closer than they had before. Michael looked forward to raising this child, and any others they might have together.

  The soldier Son of Amber had finally found a home.


  Thanks for reading Master of Her Heart (Jit’Suku Chronicles ~ Sons of Amber #2). If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review.

  The Jit’Suku Chronicles are a generational saga set over the course of a few centuries, millennia from now. It is made up of two distinct series set in two different time periods—the Arcana series and the Sons of Amber series. Arcana takes place a century or two before Sons of Amber during a time before the bioweapon plague has wiped out half of humanity. That series contains:

  King of Swords,

  King of Cups,

  King of Clubs,

  King of Stars,

  the short story, End of the Line, and


  Scroll down for a sneak peek…

  A complete list of all of Bianca’s books, separated by series, follows the excerpt. You can also check out Bianca’s website at WWW.BIANCADARC.COM. Or you can sign up for Bianca’s Newsletter to be alerted when new books are released.



  John went home on leave after the mission to save the jumpsite and Last Spiral Station. He’d been right about the commendation they awarded for his daring action to secure the outpost and thereby save not only his unit but the three hundred thousand troopers stationed there. John was well and truly a hero, though he would never admit to it. Humble and a fighter to his core, John was a strong, silent warrior, blessed with superior genetics and highly trained skill.

  He had one vice. John loved music. He played a penny whistle—the one instrument small enough to keep on his person, even in combat. But he had every disc ever made by Diva, and his men liked to kid him about it. At night he would connect his earjacks and zone out to her melodious voice, the sound of it transporting him to a beautiful, peaceful place. She literally sang him to sleep each night.

  So when the famous entertainer made a visit to the troops, John jumped at the chance to meet her. General Sokow had asked him what he wanted in the way of a reward when he’d pinned that medal to his chest and John had his answer ready. He wanted to meet Diva and he knew for a fact, she’d be on Sol Station that very week.

  The General had been only too happy to arrange a little meeting. Not only that, General Sokow had arranged for John to head up Diva’s military escort for her upcoming base tour. She was scheduled to do a few weeks of shows for the troops rotating out of the danger zone, and John would hitch aboard her private shuttle as both escort and liaison officer on his way back to the rim.

  It was perfect.

  More than he could ever have hoped for. John only prayed the actual woman could match to the image in his mind every night when she sung him to sleep. A great deal was written about Diva in the news, some of it salacious and uncomplimentary, though the majority of the reporting about her was favorable. She was rumored to be an exacting performer, unwilling to tolerate sub-par performance from her equipment or personnel. She ran a tight ship, demanding exactness and receiving accolades for her astute hands-on approach to creating and performing.

  John had never seen her perform live, but that would soon be remedied. As part of her escort, he would be attending each and every show she did for the troops. He could hardly wait.

  The woman was lovely. Even prettier than the publicity holos on her vids and discs. John was momentarily struck speechless when General Sokow led him into the reception. The General was clearly enjoying his role in rewarding the latest hero of the rim. John had no objection. Not when it gained him an introduction to the lovely creature with the magic voice.

  Seeing her in person, even from across the room, was impressive. She had a fresh smile and a vivacious energy about her that translated to whomever she spoke with. John noted as Diva gave every person she came into contact with her full attention. Not what one would expect of a galactic superstar.

  John had composed himself by the time it was his turn to meet her. The reception was a formality. Diva was being wined and dined by the defense forces’ top brass, all of whom wanted to meet her and apparently, thank her for doing this round of free shows for the troops.

  General Sokow lingered over the introductions as John stared at the petite beauty before him. Diva.

  If the guys in his unit could just see him now.

  “Captain John Starbridge will be acting as leader of your escort on this trip out,” the general was saying. Diva nodded but her eyes were on John. He felt the impact of her olivine gaze like a blow to the chest.

  “I’m very pleased to meet you, Captain.”

  Her speaking voice was just as lovely as her singing voice.

  “Likewise, ma’am.”

  She laughed and it was like the tinkling of tiny silver be

  “Oh, please don’t call me ma’am. That makes me feel ancient! Just Diva will do, Captain Starbridge.”

  She said his name as if she was familiar with it. Perhaps she was. What he’d just done at Last Spiral Station was no big secret and a few of the newscasts had mentioned his name. Perhaps one of the brass had told her about him, he mused.

  “I’d be honored if you’d call me John.”

  The general wisely excused himself with a small, knowing smile.

  “John.” She tasted the name and he liked the sound of it on her sensuous lips. “I understand you just received the Medal of Valor. Congratulations.”

  So she had been forewarned about him.

  “Thank you, ma’am. Diva.” He corrected himself with a small smile.

  Diva chuckled and a teasing smile lit her eyes.

  “Is it going to be hard to break you of that military formality, John?”

  He had to chuckle too. “Probably. The military is all I’ve ever known.”

  She nodded. “Most people don’t know this, but my father was a military officer, like you. Spec Ops.”

  “How’d you know I was SO?” Most civilians in John’s experience couldn’t tell one branch of service form another, much less what the various insignia meant.

  “Aside from the fact that it’s written all over you—the eyes, the stance, the demeanor, the insignia,” she tapped a finger to the trident on his chest, “there’s the fact that only a Spec Ops warrior could pull off the kind of maneuver you are rumored to have orchestrated out on the Last Spiral.”

  “So you pay attention to the news then? Playing for the troops isn’t just some publicity thing for you.”

  Someone behind him gasped and John realized he’d asked a very impertinent question in a very public place, but Diva just smiled, taking him by the arm and leading him toward the buffet tables.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been so rude, ma’am.”

  She stopped to face him. “No, John. You can ask me anything you like. I’d rather have a real conversation any day over being pandered to by sycophants. And to answer your question, yes, I do pay attention to the reports from the rim. My dad was lost in the Rim Wars. What you men do out there means a great deal to me and to a lot of others. Doing a few shows for returning troops once in a while is very little in comparison.”

  John liked her forthrightness, her passion. Even as they resumed their walk toward the buffet tables and a three star general came over to take her away, she held to his arm as if she didn’t want to let go. But duty called. He thought he read regret in her eyes as she turned to him and said farewell. She promised they’d resume their conversation sometime soon, but John didn’t hold out much hope of that. Nor did he begrudge it. She was very much in demand, with people much more important than he vying for her attention.

  John faded into the background, well pleased with his brush with fame. Diva hadn’t disappointed him. She was every bit the beauty she appeared on her vids and every inch the class act he had always assumed she’d be. Diva had also made him feel welcome and important, though by comparison to the top brass gathered all around fawning over her, he was nobody. Still, she’d taken the time to tell him about her father and demonstrated that the keen intelligence in her songs had foundation in the woman herself. She was the real deal.

  To read more, get your copy of Diva by Bianca D’Arc.


  Bianca D’Arc has run a laboratory, climbed the corporate ladder in the shark-infested streets of lower Manhattan, studied and taught martial arts, and earned the right to put a whole bunch of letters after her name, but she’s always enjoyed writing more than any of her other pursuits. She grew up and still lives on Long Island, where she keeps busy with an extensive garden, several aquariums full of very demanding fish, and writing her favorite genres of paranormal, fantasy and sci-fi romance.

  Bianca loves to hear from readers and can be reached through Twitter (@BiancaDArc), Facebook (BiancaDArcAuthor) or through the various links on her website.

  Welcome to The D’Arc Side…



  Paranormal Romance

  Brotherhood of Blood

  One & Only

  Rare Vintage

  Phantom Desires

  Sweeter Than Wine

  Forever Valentine

  Wolf Hills*

  Wolf Quest

  Tales of the Were

  Lords of the Were


  Tales of the Were ~ The Others



  Tales of the Were ~ Redstone Clan

  The Purrfect Stranger






  Tales of the Were ~ String of Fate

  Cat’s Cradle

  King’s Throne

  Jacob’s Ladder

  Her Warriors

  Tales of the Were ~ Grizzly Cove

  All About the Bear

  Mating Dance

  Night Shift

  Alpha Bear

  Saving Grace

  Bearliest Catch

  Guardians of the Dark

  Half Past Dead

  Once Bitten, Twice Dead

  A Darker Shade of Dead

  The Beast Within

  Dead Alert

  Gifts of the Ancients: Warrior’s Heart

  Epic Fantasy Erotic Romance

  Dragon Knights

  Maiden Flight*

  The Dragon Healer

  Border Lair

  Master at Arms

  The Ice Dragon**

  Prince of Spies***

  Wings of Change


  Dragon Storm

  Keeper of the Flame

  Hidden Dragons

  The Sea Captain’s Daughter Trilogy

  Book 1: Sea Dragon

  Book 2: Dragon Fire

  Book 3: Dragon Mates

  Science Fiction Romance


  Hidden Talent

  Talent For Trouble

  Shy Talent

  Jit’Suku Chronicles ~ Arcana

  End of the Line

  King of Swords

  King of Cups

  King of Clubs

  King of Stars


  Jit’Suku Chronicles ~ Sons of Amber

  Angel in the Badlands

  Master of Her Heart

  Futuristic Erotic Romance

  Resonance Mates

  Hara’s Legacy**

  Davin’s Quest

  Jaci’s Experiment

  Grady’s Awakening

  Harry’s Sacrifice

  * RT Book Reviews Awards Nominee

  ** EPPIE Award Winner

  *** CAPA Award Winner




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