Team Lucas (The Saints Team #1)

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Team Lucas (The Saints Team #1) Page 19

by Ally Adams

  Behind me, Jane squeezed my shoulder and leaned forward.

  “I miss new love.” She sighed. Laura leaned forward and agreed.

  “I remember when Buzz used to insist I come every game,” she said.

  “Oh we’re not together,” I assured them both and they exchanged looks.

  “Trust me, Mia,” Jane said, “if you are not, he’s working on it.”

  Laura nodded. “He didn’t take his eyes off you at his party a few weeks back. We were all watching him. Kind of cute really.”

  “No.” I smiled at them, secretly delighted but knowing they had it all wrong. “He was watching me to make sure I wasn’t watching him. He told me to stay out of his face!” I told them.

  “I’ll buy you and Laura lunch at Misty’s if you aren’t officially his girlfriend by the mid-season bye,” Jane said and issued her hand for a shake.

  “Done,” I agreed readily. “And I’ll reciprocate if I’m not.” I could afford to be generous on the salary Lucas was paying me. Besides, this one was in the bag already. I shook hands with Jane and Laura, sealing the agreement.

  “Good,” I teased them. “I’ve always wanted to go to Misty’s—don’t forget to bring your credit card!”

  Jane laughed. “We’ll see.”

  The siren sounded and I turned back to watch the game. The Lucas effect was amazing. The crowds cheered him when he approached the ball, chanted his name when he did something worthy, cheered when he didn’t, cheered when he had a drink of water... the man could do no wrong. Pez was getting a sizeable following too as the Latin lover, but nothing compared to Lucas’s. You could count Alice on team Pez.

  My eyes followed Lucas’s every movement. I had to remember to tear myself away to follow the play so I didn’t look like too big a groupie. He was on fire with a high-class strike and another shot that soared 60-yards to sail over the goalkeeper and score—okay that’s what Frank said. I have no idea, he just looked so hot and so in control and he won player-of-the-match. Thank you to the patron saint of WAGS, I’m his lucky charm and I’d be asked back next home game for sure!

  Chapter 35

  I didn’t help in the rooms post-match, because there was enough going on with the pep talks, coach’s talk, captain’s talk, media interviews, ice baths and so on. The Saints’ players eventually wandered out and picked up those of us remaining WAGS who waited around—fortunately we had found a bar to wait around in. The men walked towards their partners and received hugs and congratulatory kisses. Lucas thanked the gals and accepted some kisses on the cheek as he walked towards me. He had his bag slung over his shoulder and looked so divine—relaxed, handsome, a winner. He walked stiffly like a man who had just given close to two hours of his all on the sports field.

  He stopped and signed half a dozen autographs and joined in as many selfies with fans that had waited for him. I kept trying to suppress the anxiety rising in me; how was my life ever going to be normal again? When and if, and it was definitely more when than if, I had to go back to my unit and my studies and just read about him in the media, how was I going to deal with that? I thought of all the people dropped by famous singers, sporting stars and actors and wondered how they picked themselves up, tried not to measure other people against them and moved on.

  “Let’s go,” he said, putting his hand on my shoulder in a sort of big-brother way when he finally got to me. I gave him the car keys and he unlocked the car, threw his bag in the back and came around to close my door as I got in. Be still my beating heart. I could see people watching us... probably thinking, “how did she get him?” Yeah, I’m a bit hung up on that still …it stings.

  “Great game, congrats,” I said to him.


  That was that. No point me gushing, even though inside I was majorly turned on and in awe. I figured there was nothing he needed to hear from me that would make him feel a bigger high than he was on.

  “I’m starving,” he said.

  “Guess it is a bit odd to drive a Lamborghini through the McDonald’s drive-thru,” I teased him.

  He smiled. “We’re all meeting at The Oaks in an hour,” he said referring to the Saints’ usual bar hang out. “Coming?”

  “Am I invited or do you want me to come but not be in your face or not be seen once I’m there?” I asked.

  Lucas glanced my way and at least had the grace to look a little sheepish.

  “Come and hang out,” he said.



  We went home and changed, Lucas raided the fridge and we headed out an hour later. The bar was full of players and the usual array of female hangers-on keen to become WAGs. Lucas promised the parking lot attendant a spin in the Lamborghini if he looked after it. You’d think all his Christmases had come at once. I knew the feeling.

  We walked in together. Lucas let me enter before him but we were not showing any signs of being a couple and there was no touching whatsoever. Damn it. I felt as if Lucas was taking his own personal physio with him everywhere, just in case he needed a rub down. Even though I knew a few of the girls now, I was stoked to see some friends from college at the bar. I was still way more comfortable in that scene.

  “What do you want to drink?” Lucas yelled above the noise.

  “It’s cool. I can get something, you go celebrate,” I said, not wanting to hold him up.

  “Where are you going?” He grabbed my arm as I began to head off.

  “I’ve just seen a few friends from college. I’m going to say hi,” I said, looking in their direction.

  He looked over at them and his eyes narrowed. He was getting very territorial. Surely he didn’t need me near him for post-game luck... I wish.

  “I’ve got this,” he said. “I’ll leave my card with the barman. Just order what you and your friends want, okay?”

  Three sexy words on so many levels—I’ve got this—Lucas has it under control, he’s the man.

  “Thanks,” I said, regarding him with a mixture of affection and suspicion. Hot and cold Lucas was so difficult to read, anyway, on my hard-earned salary I could afford a few wines and maybe a cocktail chaser! I took off to join my friends.

  I decided that later, after I had a drink or two and felt more relaxed and confident, I’d rejoin the WAGs but I felt a bit like a ring-in—is that a WRAG—wives, ring-ins and girlfriends?

  I joined the three from my class—Cassie, Melissa and Caleb—who swallowed me into their group.

  “Where’s Alice?” Cassie asked above the noise.

  “Family birthday. She’d love to be here,” I said.

  “Did you just come in with Lucas Ainswright?” Caleb asked.

  I looked around and saw Lucas at the bar ordering a round of drinks. He pointed to me and my group and the barman nodded.

  “Yeah, I’m doing some part-time work with him, well for his manager.” I wasn’t doing much of anything for Lucas but ogling him and living the life. Best job I’ve ever had, I’d be ruined for life.

  “Half your fucking luck,” Caleb said. “Pay well?”

  “Too well. I feel guilty taking so much for doing so little,” I said.

  “I’ll do it if you are really suffering with guilt,” Melissa teased. “What do you do?”

  “Just some physio work.” I expanded the truth. The minder part was supposed to be confidential even though everyone in the club and the WAGs knew.

  “Lucky bitch.” Cassie hit my arm. “I saw the stuff about you two online.”

  “It’s all crap,” I told her. “Wish it wasn’t.”

  Cassie smiled and looked over at him. “I get that.”

  A waiter came over and interrupted us.

  “Ah, Lucas said you’d want some drinks?” he asked.

  “I’m thinking cocktails all round?” I asked and the girls whooped.

  “I love your new job,” Caleb said to me and then turned to the waiter. “Thanks pal, I’ll have a rum
and coke.”

  I glanced towards Lucas and he was being Mr.-Charming-and-Benevolent. He could turn it on when he wanted to. And the women around him were lapping it up. There were easily three or four women for every player and I could see why the WAGs made sure they came along. Lucas looked my way and I locked eyes with him. I smiled and turned away. I couldn’t watch him flirting and being flirted with—it was too heart and soul destroying. The highs and lows were killing me; I’m sure that kind of treatment on your heart would lead to an early death.

  My cocktail arrived and I raised my glass for a toast.

  “To our last semester,” Cassie said, “may we all pass with honors and get a job like Mia’s and be surrounded by gorgeous men.”

  “Or women,” Caleb responded, and raised his glass.

  We clinked and I sipped my first delicious mouthful of a creamy cocktail. I saw Caleb’s eyes widen and I looked behind me to see Lucas making his way towards us. Don’t know when he started coming over but he had to stop every few moments to chat or shake someone’s hand. Ah the perils of being so gorgeous and successful.

  “Going to introduce me to your friends?” he asked, arriving at last.

  “Sure.” I licked the cocktail cream from my lips. “Lucas meet Caleb, Cassie and Melissa.”

  He shook their hands. “Come and join us over here,” he said to them.

  “Sure, thanks,” Cassie said super-enthusiastically.

  “I wish I’d worn my black dress,” I heard Melissa mutter.

  “The cheer squad just arrived,” Lucas told Caleb.

  “You had me at hello,” Caleb said, following him as we slowly made our way back through the wall-to-wall people to the other side of the bar.

  “What’s that?” Lucas asked, pointing to my cocktail.

  “Orgasm. Want one?” I asked.

  “Are you asking me do I want an orgasm?” Lucas said loudly and leaned away from me.

  I’m sure I went three shades of red. “No, the drink is an orgasm. Do you want... never mind,” I said.

  He smiled at me and I punched his arm.

  “Anyone else would have taken up the offer. You disappoint me, Mia.” He feigned hurt.

  “Yet again,” I sighed. “Luckily, you won’t have to go home alone.” I indicated the women around the room.

  “Mm,” he said in a low growl which I couldn’t read.

  We arrived in the thick of the team and Lucas introduced my friends to some of the nearby group. I was impressed he remembered their names—I had trouble remembering the team’s names but I recognized their muscles as any good physio would, okay as any red-blooded female would.

  After a few more drinks, the music got louder, the girls got clingier, the players celebrated louder and the party heated up. I missed Alice but headed to the dance floor or the area that was dancing—the floor had long been swallowed up—with Cassie. We had a run of great songs and Pez and Harry joined us followed by some of the cheer squad who followed them. Yep, such was the cycle. You had to be prepared to share if you were a WAG or a WRAG even if you didn’t want to.

  Chapter 36

  It was close to nine p.m. and I was feeling sapped. I know that’s normally the time we’d be heading out, but Lucas and I had been up since dawn and probably all the players had too, and I had been at the club since ten a.m. With the highs of the day as well, I was wiped. I was thinking about sneaking out and heading home—Lucas looked like he was still in the party way—when there was an almighty crash at the entrance.

  I looked around at just how packed the bar was and felt a bit anxious; getting to the door if anything went wrong was not going to be easy and I noticed players and fans from the other side had crowded in as well. I don’t know who started what, but two guys were at it while security was trying to break it up. Our Saints’ team manager and staff on hand were trying to herd our lot out—they wouldn’t want the bad press of having the Saints in a bar brawl. I couldn’t see Lucas and then I saw him looking around, maybe looking for me.

  It was so loud—the music was blaring, security was calling orders out, people were yelling and screaming and I heard more glass break. A round bar table was picked up and thrown and one of the mirrors behind the bar was smashed. Cassie grabbed my arm and as I turned to her she ducked just in time as something flew over her head—a beer bottle crashed to the ground behind her.

  Neither of us saw the glass that followed but Caleb reached up and tried to deflect it. Things were being hurtled everywhere and then I felt something hit me in the temple. Melissa, who was standing in front of me, screamed and I saw blood on her face. She began to fall and Caleb reached to pull us all down to the ground under the table.

  I heard myself gasp and I pulled my hand from the side of my head and saw the blood. I thought it was Melissa’s blood. Hands grabbed me and, terrified, I struggled to get free.

  “It’s me, Mia, it’s me,” Lucas said. I could feel myself falling and then he pulled me against him so hard that it hurt as I hit his chest. I lost my breath. My face was pressed against his shirt and he lifted me off the floor and pushed his way to the door. A rush of cold air hit us and I saw other players and partners standing around and being issued to the cars by management keen to get them away from the scene.

  I heard sirens and saw a police car and an ambulance come into view. I felt as though I was walking through water—everything was thick and hazy.

  “My friends…” I heard my own slurred words as I tried to see over Lucas’s shoulder back at the club.

  “They’re okay,” he promised me. “They’re right behind us.”

  We got clear and he carried me to his car and sat me on the bonnet. Lucas took my face in both hands and studied me. I felt a bit dizzy and I saw the blood I’d left on his shirt. I felt it running down my face and I realized it wasn’t Melissa’s blood, it was mine.

  “Lucas,” I slurred his name as my eyes hazed over.

  “Shh, you’re okay.” He was calling a number.

  “Cam, Mia’s hurt, she’s bleeding, hit by a glass... the temple... I can’t tell. Thanks, thanks.”

  I heard the car beep as he unlocked the doors. I tried to stand but I was in his arms again, with Lucas pulling the door open and placing me in the front seat. He slid it back, grabbed his player’s jacket from the back seat and wrapped it around me. Lucas closed the door, ran to the driver’s seat and took off.

  “You’re okay,” he assured me. “Cam’s coming over. He’ll meet us at home.”

  At home, I thought. Our home. I would have been happier hearing those words if I wasn’t groggy from the hit.

  Lucas tore home, and it was all a blur. As we pulled in, Cam’s 4WD pulled up beside us. He took the house keys as Lucas followed, carrying me. I was so tired, I just wanted to sleep against Lucas’s chest, in his arms. Lucas told Cam the security number, and he entered it and turned off the alarm. Lucas ran up the stairs with me in his arms as if I was weightless. He laid me on the kitchen table at eye level for Cam.

  “Get a wet and dry towel and a pillow,” Cam ordered Lucas.

  He returned moments later with a wet facecloth, dry towel and a pillow that he slipped under my head.

  “A blanket too, Luke,” Cam said.

  Moments later I felt Lucas tucking a blanket around me. I was fine, just fine, a bit whacked but that’s all.

  “What happened?” Cam asked, dabbing my forehead. He was studying me and I could just see him. Cam was wearing his glasses and looking very serious.

  Lucas told him the story.

  “She’s shaking,” Lucas said.

  “It’s just a bit of shock, she’s all right, calm down,” he told Lucas.

  “I’m fine,” I added in a slurred voice. “I had an orgasm.”

  “The drink,” I heard Lucas explain.

  “It was good,” I mumbled, “the best orgasm.”

  “You need to get out more,” Cam said, with a smile.

ucas was a star today.” I kept raving on as though I had no control over my tongue.

  I saw Lucas look at me and shake his head.

  “It’s okay, she’s a bit whacked. She’s had a hit to the head,” Cam said.

  “I should have been looking out for her better.” Lucas paced beside the table. “The place was so packed. I want to fucking kick someone’s ass. If I get my hands on...”

  “Luke! The last thing we need is you kicking anyone’s ass. Calm down,” Cam ordered.

  “I can look after myself,” I added. My head was clearing a bit.

  I saw Cam smile and look up at Lucas. “Yeah, I’ve got one of these at home too.”

  I saw Lucas pick up a soccer ball from the couch and he started bouncing it as he paced.

  “I should have got her out of there when it got crowded,” he said.

  “Luke, put the ball down and get some ice in a towel for me,” Cam growled.

  I heard Lucas rattle some ice out of the freezer and then he was back leaning over me with it in a tea towel.

  Cam continued, “Just put that on the injury for the swelling.”

  Lucas pulled out a chair, sat beside the table at my eye level and applied the ice pack to my forehead. I winced at the cold and the sting. He frowned, and looked at me with eyes full of worry.

  “Does it need stitches?” Lucas asked.

  “No,” Cam assured him. “It’s just a cut. There’s a large blood supply to the scalp so that’s why it bleeds a hell of a lot but there’s no cause for panic, okay?”

  “Right.” Lucas exhaled.

  “I’ll clean it and put a bandage on. Mia has a mild concussion from whatever hit her or from hitting something in her fall. Did you hit something, Mia, that you remember?” he asked me.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “What did you hit?” Cam pushed me.

  I was a bit spaced out.

  “Lucas’s chest,” I said.

  Cam grinned. “Yeah that will do it every time.”

  Lucas’s lips twitched in a smile. “I was trying to get her out of there.”


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