Flash Series (Book 1): Infected

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Flash Series (Book 1): Infected Page 19

by Jessica Gomez

  Mason stopped laughing and looked at me right before he leaned in and kissed me without any warning. It was soft and hesitant. I remained motionless from shock, hoping he would think my hesitation was from the pain.

  “Sorry. I know I said I wouldn’t do that again, but seeing you like this, not knowing if you were going to be alright… I couldn’t help myself.” he smiled sweetly.

  “It’s okay.” I didn’t know what else to say.

  I stayed awake long enough to brush my teeth, use the restroom and eat some bread. Afterward, I headed back to bed, into a dreamless sleep, wishing I was well enough to see Azami. At least she had James to depend on. I knew he would take good care of her, but I couldn’t wait to have her snuggled in my arms again.

  The next two days went by slowly. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t use the restroom without Mason being my crutch because I refused to be carried unless absolutely necessary. Jen helped me with my pants. I felt weak, and I was so tired of being weak. I never needed anyone’s help before and here I am, again, in so much pain that I can barely move.

  As the days went on I began to get stronger. A week had gone by since the attack and I felt better. My ribs still hurt and all the bruises were starting to fade, which made them an ugly greenish yellow. The swelling in my face was almost gone, only present around my right eye. Michael said that I didn’t have any permanent damage, that my ribs were only bruised, but badly, and that I was damned lucky.

  The first thing I did when I could walk on my own, was go see Azami. God! I missed my little angel. She slammed into me when she saw me round the corner to her, almost crippling me with pain. Still I laughed and cried once I was finally holding her. Nothing could ever beat this feeling in life.

  Of course Dane wouldn’t let me do any work. I hated it. I felt useless. James came to spend more time with me. He slept in my room with us, saying he missed me. I knew it was because he felt like it was his responsibility to take care of me. It was sweet and I loved having him here. It was just like old times, just the three of us.

  Chapter 15

  Three weeks in and I was almost new. The bruising on my face was yellow and the swelling was nonexistent. Yellowish green marks still littered my side, but at least I could cover those up with a shirt. Michael said that everything was healing nicely and as expected.

  Azami and I walked to the gardening cavern and visited with everyone, getting water and doing anything else Dane would finally allow me to do. The day passed without incident. Azami had ran off with James to swim halfway through the day. As I finished watering the last of my area a few hours later, Azami came speeding back into the cavern giggling.

  “Mommy, Mommy! Tan I stay wiff Untle Dames tonight? Pweeeease!” She squeals.

  “Is it okay with Uncle James?”

  “Of course,” He said, smiling.

  “Then of course you can, baby.”

  “Tank you, Mommy!” She hugged me tight and then turned to James. “Come on, Dames. Let’s doe pway.” She grabbed his little finger and pulled him down toward his room. He laughed the entire way.

  I smiled at them as they ran off. They were both getting way too big, and the thought pulled at my heart strings.

  I walked down to the bathing area, catching the last bit of light outside as I squatted next to the stream. While I washed my arms and face, I didn’t notice Becky in the tub next to me. I really needed to work on my ninja abilities. She must not have noticed me either because I figured she would have some smart-ass remark for me, but she remained motionless, staring into nothingness. It was like she wasn’t there.

  “Becky?” I asked.

  When she remained quiet, still focused on nothing, I scooted closer to her. Even though there was bad blood between us, I found myself worried about her. Her behavior the last few weeks had become distant and distracted, uncaring about anything. The closer I came to her, the more I noticed the sickly, sweaty plastic appearance of her skin. Was she sick? There were red splotches around her temples and under her ear, almost hidden in her hair that resembled blisters. Some of which were broken, leaking clear liquid. Gross, and OH SHIT!

  Her attention suddenly snapped to me, causing me to fall on my ass. “What the hell do you want? Why don’t you just leave me the hell alone? You’ve gotten what you wanted and now you’ve chased Jeff off too. I bet you couldn’t be happier.” She growled, baring her teeth at me like a wild animal.

  She was Infected, but not really, if that made sense? She still had control over herself, but she was losing the battle with whatever was taking up residence inside of her. I questioned the possibility of people who survived all these years, somehow becoming Infected, and here it was.

  I scrambled up off the ground, running to tell Dane about what we could be dealing with.

  After reporting to Dane, he advised me not to say anything and go to my room. He would check it out and figure out what to do from there, including keeping eyes on her. I trusted him so I did as he asked. He would know who to involve and what to do.

  Since Azami was staying with James tonight, I decided to go to bed a little earlier than normal. Today’s chores had wiped me out and I was worried about what was happening with Becky. Once my head hit the pillow, sleep claimed me, dragging me back into another dream. I hadn’t had any since the incident with Jeff and they never predicted anything good. SHIT.

  This one was different. I could actually see. There was no dark shroud blocking out the light, which made it much, much worse because I could see their faces. Everything inside me seized up in absolute terror. Jeff, with a menacing look, he was walking away from us through the forest outside of our cave system, holding Azami’s hand.

  I pulled myself out of the dream by some miracle and bolted straight up in bed, pulling on the still sore spots on my side and screamed louder than I ever thought possible. I flung off my covers and ripped down the curtain-door to run down the hall to James’s room. What would I find? If Jeff took Azami, what happened to James? There is no way he would just let him take her. Tears were streaming down my face, the cool night air brushing against my bare legs as I ran to their room, an afterthought that I’d only worn underwear and a thin tank top to bed. I didn’t care what I looked like, I had to get to them.

  “Lil!” Mason yelled behind me, trying to catch up. When he finally raced by my side he asked, “What happened? Where are you going in your underwear?”

  “The kids…” I breathed “Jeff…” I was so out of breath that speaking anymore would cause me to pass out.

  I’m not sure if Mason understood anything that I said, but he picked up speed and reached James’s room before me, ripping the curtain aside. The loud breath he sucked in was enough of an indicator for me. Something was terribly wrong.

  Mason turned around and screamed for Michael right before we ran in and found my James.

  The scene slapped me in the face with so many things at once. The blood. There was blood all over. I could hear Mason still yelling for Michael to get is ass in here, but I couldn’t focus on anything other than James.

  He laid motionless on the mattress, blood pooled around his head and he wasn’t moving. I couldn’t see if his chest was rising or falling. Oh dear lord, please. I begged silently, You cannot have him.

  I dropped down next to him, my hands fluttering over his motionless body. “James.” My whisper was harsh coming out of my throat. “James, can you hear me?” I reached over when there was no answer and placed my fingers on his neck to look for a pulse and my heart sagged in relief. He had a pulse and he was breathing, but it was shallow.

  “He’s alive!” I announced as Michael pushed his way into the room to take over.

  “Jesus.” He muttered under his breath. “Let me get in here. Go and find Azami, and make sure she doesn’t come in here.”

  His words rocked me to my core, “Azami!” I screeched, “He took her.” I panicked, turning in every direction with nowhere to go. “Jeff did this and then he took her. She was staying over
with James tonight.”

  “That motherfucker!” Mason roared.

  “How do you know it was him?” Michael looked at me confused.

  “I saw him in my dreams. He took her!” I started to sprint to the door. “I have to find her. After what he did to me, I can’t even imagine what he’ll do to her He took her for revenge.” I sagged against Mason. “Oh God. What am I going to do? He has my Angel. He has her, Mason.” Completely going limp in his arms, I broke down.

  “Shh…We’ll find her. Everything will be all right.” But he didn’t know. We all saw what he was capable of, so we all knew what he could possibly do to her. “Let’s get some clothes on you first, and then we’ll figure out a plan. Luke can track anything, anywhere. We will find them, Lil. I promise.” He held my face between his hands and stared into my eyes, determination shining brightly. I believed him. We had to find her.

  After getting dressed, everyone met in the main cavern to come up with a plan. James was doing as well as expected. He was still unconscious with a lot of bruising and a gash to the head. Michael said that his head was hit against the wall, possibly when he tried to protect Azami. The blood made it look worse than it was since head wounds bled more than most.

  Deep in our conversation, Luke startled us by yelling and running toward us from the outside tunnel. “There’s someone out there.”

  “Who? Do you think Jeff would be stupid enough to come back?” Dane asked to nobody in particular.

  “No, I don’t think so.” Mason said, casting me a sidelong look.

  “What about an Infected?” Dane suggested.

  “I don’t know. It’s still really dark out, but whoever it is they’re heading straight for us.” Luke said nervously.

  Dane nodded. “Get Michael. Us three will go out and see who it is. Don’t tell anyone else yet.” He ended the discussion with his tone, gearing up to go outside.

  “Lil, maybe you should go sit down somewhere or go back to the room until I come and get you.” Mason suggested softly.

  “Fuck that! I’m leaving now, with or without you.” I began heading for the exit.

  Before I made it outside, Mason was snaking an arm around my waist, keeping me from my goal. Nothing was more important to me than finding my child. I flailed around, throwing a punch, trying to get him to let me go. Time was running out. Every second we wasted here planning, was another moment he could be hurting her.

  “Jesus, Lil. Calm down. We need to do this right. We can’t go out there right now, not until we figure out who that is coming toward us. After that, you can damn well bet I’ll be right next to you and out that door to search for her. But until then, we need to play this smart.” My panic was mirrored in his eyes. He wanted her back just as badly as I did.

  I sagged against him, knowing he was right. I couldn’t leave just yet. I would need help and I didn’t want to be ambushed two steps out the door by whoever was out there.

  “I need to find her, Mason.”

  “I know. We will.” He pulled me into a fierce hug. Dane’s excited voice broke us apart. Did they find her? I looked to Mason with hope in my eyes.

  We hurried to the corner of the tunnel where we’d heard Dane’s animated voice moments ago. Mason’s arm still lingering around me, reassuring me that everything would be fine.

  Once we came around the bend, Michael, Luke, and Dane stood with another figure, blocking him from view. Somehow, I already knew. I could feel him because I knew him.

  He must have sensed me too because he stopped in the middle of his sentence and turned, looking directly into my eyes.

  “Ian.” I whispered.

  I ripped myself out of Mason’s arms and bolted down the hall, meeting Ian halfway. We slammed together and he picked me up, swinging me around. I ignored the pain it caused because it meant that he was really here. I kissed him, harder than I’ve ever kissed him before, sending everything I’ve felt for him through our lips.

  “Lillie, I’ve missed you so much. I’m so sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I love you so much.”

  “Ian. Is it really you? I can’t believe this. Are you really here, or am I dreaming?” The pain in my ribs told me I was wide awake. “I missed you so much. Don’t ever leave me again.”

  “I won’t, I promise.” He said, kissing me again.

  That was when reality struck, flooding all the recent events back into my mind. "We have to go. He took her! He took our baby! He attacked James and hurt him really bad.” I cried into his chest, burying my face into his shirt.

  Ian’s arms constricted, not fully understanding what I was trying to tell him so Dane continued, shortening the story. By the time he finished, Ian’s arms were so tight I couldn’t fight the whimper that escaped my lips, then he began cussing up a storm.

  “When did this happen?” He demanded, looking at me.

  “Now. Right before you arrived.” I cried. “We have to go find her now, before we’re too late!”

  He began stroking my back. “Don’t worry, baby. We’ll find her if it’s the last thing I do. I’m gonna find her and then I’m gonna kill that piece of shit for laying a hand on my family.”

  “We were just getting ready to go out and hunt them down.” Luke said.

  “Let’s get what we need. Give me just a minute and we’re out of here. Oh, and that motherfucker is mine.” He growled and turned back around, heading to James’s room. “We’ll find her, baby. I swear it.” His voice fierce and confident.

  I nodded, the only motion I could make without losing it completely.

  We stopped in front of James’s door and I took a step back. I couldn’t go in there again.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I… I can’t go back in there.” I spoke quietly.

  “I’ll stay with her. Go and check him out.” Mason palmed my elbow, looking at Ian.

  Ian looked back and forth between us with a question in his eyes, but he let it go and leaned in to peck me on the lips before going inside.

  I was practically bouncing in place, ready to go. I wasn’t coming back without her. Once we had her safe, I could concentrate on nursing James back to health. I couldn’t believe that something like this could happen in a place that seems so perfect.

  “This probably isn’t the best time to bring this up, but I don’t know when I’ll get another chance to say this.” Mason said in a strained voice, bringing me out of my thoughts. “I know now that Ian’s back that we’ll never... I just want you to know I’ll always be here for you and the Azami.”

  With everything else going on, my emotions were everywhere, so when Mason stared at me with sincerity pouring out of each word he spoke, tears started pooling in my eyes. “I know, Mason. I know.” I took a deep breath and straightened, shoving everything back down. I could break down later, but right now I needed to get my shit together and save my baby.

  Ian returned a moment later, his face ashen and troubled. He met my eyes, “Jesus.” He whispered. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. I… I don’t even know what to say.” His voice cracked. “I should have been here.”

  “It’s okay. You’re here now.” I stroked his cheek. “Let’s go get her back.”

  Mason cleared his throat, “Like I told Lil, I’m coming with you.”

  “Good.” Ian said. “Jen and Michael are almost done cleaning James up. I told them to take him to our room when their done if he’s ok to be moved.”

  “Good. Let’s go.” I said walking toward the exit, beyond ready to leave.

  “Lil, you’re staying here.” Ian said.

  His words halted me. I turned toward them with an expression that was murderous on my face, “I’m her mother, and I’m going. She is going to need me. End of conversation.” I turned and walked out the door.

  Chapter 16

  Jeff had a head start on us and in the middle of the night, no less. Luke had a hard time keeping to the tracks. Jeff covered his trail, knowing we would follow him. Luke said it looked as if he was ca
rrying Azami that thought had me gagging. I covered the reaction as much as I could by turning, or covering my mouth with my hand, but every time I thought of him touching my baby I wanted to break down and go ape shit at the same time. Ian rubbed my back periodically, trying to soothe me. His eyes had also hardened, as if he were running every scenario imaginable through his head.

  Finally, Luke turned to us with a defeated look on his face. “We have to stop until morning.” His eyes pleaded with me, already knowing I would argue.

  “No. We have to keep going.” I trudged forward. I wasn’t stopping until I had her back.

  Ian tried to keep pace but it was Mason who stepped in front of me, blocking my path. He put his hands on my shoulders and squatted a little to meet my gaze. “Lil, I know you don’t want to stop, but Luke can’t make out their footsteps anymore. It’s too dark out so we have no choice but to wait until morning. We can leave at first light, I swear.” He added knowing I would still protest.

  Ian stepped next to us, drawing my attention back to him. “He’s right. It won’t do us any good if we go in the wrong direction tonight.”

  I bowed my head in defeat. I knew they were right, I just didn’t want to admit it. “Okay.” I whispered.

  Ian took me in his arms, but not before he shot Mason a glare.

  Ian moved me off to the side to pull out our sleeping gear. I sat impatiently, waiting for him to finish. I didn’t want to rest. What I really wanted was for us to keep moving. Realistically, I knew we couldn’t find her in this dark. We had flashlights, but the night in the mountains was extremely dark and hard to maneuver. I asked if he needed help a couple of times to help settle some of my restlessness but he declined. He seemed to be using the mundane task to settle his own nerves. He had so much to take in all at once when he came home. Trying to absorb that his daughter had been kidnapped, his brother was almost beaten to death, and his… well, I didn’t know what I was to him, a girlfriend maybe, was almost raped and beaten too. He had more than his fair share to deal with.


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